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《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第四册,Translation and Writing)Lecture 02 英语长句的翻译(2)原序和换序译法2/2


Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return Knowing About Translation 英泽议的长句渊律(2)一一原序和换序律法 本书第一单元,已讨论了长句翻译中的原序 和换序译法,本单元将就该译法做进一步的说明。 1.原序译法 当英语的句子在时间、逻辑关系的排列上与 汉语一致时,翻译时可采用原序译法。下面就是 出现在课文中的两个例子

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 英译汉的长句翻译(2) ——原序和换序译法 本书第一单元,已讨论了长句翻译中的原序 和换序译法,本单元将就该译法做进一步的说明。 1.原序译法 当英语的句子在时间、逻辑关系的排列上与 汉语一致时,翻译时可采用原序译法。下面就是 出现在课文中的两个例子。 Knowing About Translation

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 1)When Grandma left her chair,Blitzen would quickly jump into the chair,flashing her Lab smile from sparkling brown eyes which clearly said,“Aha,I fooled you again.” 外祖母从凳子上一起身,布利茨恩就迅速跳 上那凳子,从它那闪亮的棕色眼睛里掠过一丝拉 布拉多式的微笑,无疑是在说:“啊哈,你又上 了我的当

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1) When Grandma left her chair, Blitzen would quickly jump into the chair, flashing her Lab smile from sparkling brown eyes which clearly said , “Aha, I fooled you again.” 外祖母从凳子上一起身,布利茨恩就迅速跳 上那凳子,从它那闪亮的棕色眼睛里掠过一丝拉 布拉多式的微笑,无疑是在说:“啊哈,你又上 了我的当。

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2)And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech,using the kind of English I have never used with her-a speech filled with carefully constructed grammatical phrases,burdened,it suddenly seemed to me, with nominalized forms,past perfect tenses,conditional phrases,all the forms of standard English that I had learned in school and through books,the forms of English I did not use at home with my mother. 这也许是她第一次听我长篇大论,用的是我从未在她面前 用过的那种英语一一演讲中满是精心构造的、合乎语法的词组, 大量名词化结构,过去完成时,条件短语(这些我似乎是突然 发现的)。所有这些我在学校和书本中学到的标准语言结构, 都不是我在家里和母亲交谈时使用的英语形式

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her-a speech filled with carefully constructed grammatical phrases, burdened, it suddenly seemed to me, with nominalized forms, past perfect tenses, conditional phrases, all the forms of standard English that I had learned in school and through books, the forms of English I did not use at home with my mother. 这也许是她第一次听我长篇大论,用的是我从未在她面前 用过的那种英语——演讲中满是精心构造的、合乎语法的词组, 大量名词化结构,过去完成时,条件短语(这些我似乎是突然 发现的)。所有这些我在学校和书本中学到的标准语言结构, 都不是我在家里和母亲交谈时使用的英语形式

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2.换序译法 但是很多英语长句的翻译无法按照原顺序翻译,而 需要对原句顺序进行调整,在不改变原意的条件下, 用汉语重新组合,以时间、因果、假设与结果等逻辑 关系译成意思连贯、内容完整的汉语句子。以下为换 序译法中的几种不同情况

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 但是很多英语长句的翻译无法按照原顺序翻译,而 需要对原句顺序进行调整,在不改变原意的条件下, 用汉语重新组合,以时间、因果、假设与结果等逻辑 关系译成意思连贯、内容完整的汉语句子。以下为换 序译法中的几种不同情况。 2.换序译法

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2.1总、分关系调整 1)Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. 本句的基本句型是“such..that”,翻译时对语序作 调整,先说具体信息,再作总结,可以译为: 许多人常常宁愿栖牲比较高的工资来换取白领工 人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1) Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. 2.1 总、分关系调整 本句的基本句型是“such… that” ,翻译时对语序作 调整,先说具体信息,再作总结,可以译为: 许多人常常宁愿栖牲比较高的工资来换取白领工 人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2)It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked but is often the focus of attention in any gathering. 本句的基本句型是“it is reasonable to say that”, 翻译时把宾语从句提前,故译为: 一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任 何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点,这么说有一 定的道理

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked , but is often the focus of attention in any gathering. 本句的基本句型是“it is reasonable to say that” , 翻译时把宾语从句提前,故译为: 一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任 何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点,这么说有一 定的道理

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2.2插入语换序 1)However,it must be remembered that,although the identical twins who were studied lived in different families far removed from each other,the environments in those families were not,on the whole,substantially different. 句中“on the whole”为插入语,翻译时提前。 全句译为: 然而,必须记住的是,尽管被研究的同卵双胞胎生活 在相距甚远的不同家庭里,但总体而言,那些家庭的 环境基本上没有什么差异

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 1) However, it must be remembered that, although the identical twins who were studied lived in different families far removed from each other, the environments in those families were not, on the whole, substantially different. 2.2 插入语换序 然而,必须记住的是,尽管被研究的同卵双胞胎生活 在相距甚远的不同家庭里,但总体而言,那些家庭的 环境基本上没有什么差异。 句中“on the whole”为插入语,翻译时提前。 全句译为:

Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return 2)Even the enormous amount of money and energy devoted to the space race is,he says,to be welcomed. 他认为,甚至那些大量的用于太空竞赛的财力和精 力也是值得欢迎的。 3)If the caged lion,for example,were free to wander on the grassy plains of Africa,it would be continually active,ranging over long distances,hunting in family groups. 比如说,笼子里的狮子一旦能自由自在地徜徉在非 洲大草原上,那么它会活力充沛,能与家族同类一 起长途追捕猎物

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) Even the enormous amount of money and energy devoted to the space race is, he says, to be welcomed. 他认为,甚至那些大量的用于太空竞赛的财力和精 力也是值得欢迎的。 3) If the caged lion, for example, were free to wander on the grassy plains of Africa, it would be continually active, ranging over long distances, hunting in family groups. 比如说,笼子里的狮子一旦能自由自在地徜徉在非 洲大草原上,那么它会活力充沛,能与家族同类一 起长途追捕猎物

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2.3从句换序 2.3.1定语从句提前 1)A small firm that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods is likely to be absorbed into a vast organization where their work is mechanical and there is no possibility for personal expression. 句中定语从句“that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods”修饰“a small firm”, 翻译时提前。全句译为: 一家曾经精诚合作生产出高质量产品的小公司现在 可能被并入了一家大机构,员工的工作很机械,没 有机会表现自我了

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 句中定语从句“that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods”修饰“a small firm” , 翻译时提前。全句译为: 2.3 从句换序 2.3.1 定语从句提前 1) A small firm that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods is likely to be absorbed into a vast organization where their work is mechanical and there is no possibility for personal expression. 一家曾经精诚合作生产出高质量产品的小公司现在 可能被并入了一家大机构,员工的工作很机械,没 有机会表现自我了

Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2)The twins who were the subjects of these studies lived in America,were raised in much the same physical environments,and experienced much the same nutritional histories. 被研究的这些双胞胎都生活在美国,成长的自然环境 几乎相同,并且具有几乎相同的营养史。 3)Murder is still considered to be environments,and the television schedules are full of detective dramas which end with a murderer safely under arrest. 谋杀故事仍被看作是一种消遣娱乐,而电视的节目表 里也排满了那些以杀人犯笃定被捕而告终的侦探剧

Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 被研究的这些双胞胎都生活在美国,成长的自然环境 几乎相同,并且具有几乎相同的营养史。 2) The twins who were the subjects of these studies lived in America, were raised in much the same physical environments, and experienced much the same nutritional histories. 3) Murder is still considered to be environments, and the television schedules are full of detective dramas which end with a murderer safely under arrest. 谋杀故事仍被看作是一种消遣娱乐,而电视的节目表 里也排满了那些以杀人犯笃定被捕而告终的侦探剧



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