Sing a song -Good Morning
Sing a song -----Good Morning
x favourite特别喜爱的 song歌曲 A: What's your favourite song? B: It's the ABC song
A: What's your favourite song? favourite特别喜爱的 song 歌曲 B: It‘s the ABC song
Lets listen and sing ABC song Aa bb cc dd ee ef go Hhli Jj Kk L Mm Nhce Oo Pp Qq rr ss tell Uu vv Ww Xx yy zz Xx Yy Zz, now you see, can say my ABC
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg HhIi Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Xx Yy Zz,now you see, I can say my ABC. Let‵s listen and sing ABC song
你能找出哪 What letters 些字母? can you find?
Now, Lets write these letters, Aaib blc c d die e
Now, Let‵s write these letters
I t mn m