自)视人 Fudan University http://www.premed.fudan.edu.cn 国家精品课程 探索 创新 Preventive Me e C Hospital safety Management 倾听 Li, Jiang Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Fudan University
Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Fudan University http://www.premed.fudan.edu.cn 国 家 精 品 课 程 探索 倾听 思考 创新 Hospital safety Management Li, Jiang
Instruction of the esson o What is hospital safety( Hs)? Why is the Hs important? o What is the contents of hospital safety management(HSM)? o What is the target population in HSM? o How can we prevent adverse events in hospital?
Instruction of the lesson What is hospital safety (HS)? Why is the HS important? What is the contents of hospital safety management (HSM)? What is the target population in HSM? How can we prevent adverse events in hospital?
f Safety management-the definition The deve lopment of systems to prevent accidents injuries, and other adverse occur rences an institut ional setting (MeSH 2009) MeSH: The Medical Sub ject Head ing SAFETY FIRST
Safety management – the definition The development of systems to prevent accidents, injuries, and other adverse occurrences in an institutional setting. (MeSH 2009) MeSH: The Medical Subject Heading
3 Risk management-the definition The process of minimizing risk to an organ i zat ion by deve loping systems to identify and analyze potent i al hazards to prevent acci dents, in jur ies, and other adverse occurrences, and by attempting to handle events and inc i dents which do occur in such a manner that their effect and cost are minimized (minimize loss (MeSH 2009)
Risk management – the definition The process of minimizing risk to an organization by developing systems to identify and analyze potential hazards to prevent accidents, injuries, and other adverse occurrences, and by attempting to handle events and incidents which do occur in such a manner that their effect and cost are minimized(minimize loss). (MeSH 2009)
E Safety and risk management 32 the definition Hospital safety management Activities or measures taken by an individual or a health care organization to prevent, remedy or mitigate the occurrence or reoccurrence of a real or potent ia safety event R S K WH02009)
Safety and risk management (SRM) – the definition Hospital safety management: Activities or measures taken by an individual or a health care organization to prevent, remedy or mitigate the occurrence or reoccurrence of a real or potential safety event. (WHO 2009)
f Why is HS a/ways important? Every events could lead to Death Permanent disability Physical injury Mental impairment Pro longed hospital ization (length of stay, LOS Economic osses Negative social consequences (legal proceeding, loss of reputat ion)
Why is HS always important? Every events could lead to: –Death –Permanent disability –Physical injury –Mental impairment –Prolonged hospitalization (length of stay, LOS) –Economic losses –Negative social consequences (legal proceeding, loss of reputation)
Data about HS(death) eIn 1999 the Institute of medicine (IOM) est imated that between 44 000 and 98 000 people die each year from medical errors in hospitals alone thus making medica errors the ei ghth leading cause of death in the USA
Data about HS (death) In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimated that between 44 000 and 98 000 people die each year from medical errors in hospitals alone, thus making medical errors the eighth leading cause of death in the USA
Data about HS(costs) e The Nationa health service in the UK pays around 400 million ponds every year to settle cl inical negI i gence claims every year. +1999, the United States Agency for Hea l th care Research and Quality (AHRQ) reported that preventing medical errors has the potential to save about US$ 8.8 billion per year
Data about HS (costs) The National Health Service in the UK pays around 400 million ponds every year to settle clinical negligence claims every year. 1999, the United States Agency for Health care Research and Quality (AHRQ) reported that preventing medical errors has the potential to save about US$ 8.8 billion per year