Tapping the Potentials of Mature Oilfields Practices in China's Eastern Oilfields Xu Wenrong Assistant President, CNPC CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION February 13, 2007
World mature oilfields are still playing an important role 0000 7-72% World Production 60 4000 Brownfields Deepwater fields Greenfields Schlumberger Brownfields( 30 years old generally account for 67-72%of world production 2021/7/5 2
2021/7/5 2 ØBrownfields (> 30 years old ) generally account for 67-72% of world production World Mature Oilfields are still playing an important role 67-72% 8% 20-25%
Discovery of China's major onshore oilfields Idon Sichuan Tarim, Changqing Qinghai, Xinjiang 25 Changqing Rengiu a20 Zhongyuan Liaohe Mountain seismic 15 Dagan Reservoir predicting 3-D seismic Shengli Digital record es99sE 10 Multifold Daqing 5 pot record Yumen, Karamay 0 LLLLLLLL 19501955196019651970197519801985199019952000 2021/7/5 3
2021/7/5 3 Discovery of China’s major onshore oilfields R e m ainin g r e c o v e r a ble r e s e r v e s,( 1 0 0 millio n t o n s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Spot record Daqing Shengli Renqiu, Zhongyuan Sichuan Digital record Multifold 3-D seismic Mountain seismic Reservoir predicting Tarim, Changqing, Qinghai, Xinjiang Analog record Yumen, Karamay Dagang Liaohe Jidong Changqing
Distribution of china's onshore oilfields 一油 大庆区 症油 哈尔滨 吐哈油区 古林)区长客 里木迪区 二连油区 1→玉门区 和法特 青海油区 京江河)区 校读图北F3 油区 中原油区 By the end of 2005 气区 安徐油区江苏区 河南油区 CNPC discovered 330 买一雨京上涛 oilfields 江汉油区 长“南自 由石 Proven recoverable oil 民”黔桂谁区 reserves: 4.8 billion tons (35 bbls) 口 2021/7/5 4
2021/7/5 4 Distribution of China’s onshore oilfields By the end of 2005, CNPC discovered 330 oilfields; Proven recoverable oil reserves: 4.8 billion tons (35 bbls)
Mature oilfields a main contributors to CNPC oil production The production of mature oilfields in the east, represented by Daqing and Liaohe, account for 70% of CNPC's total production Brownfields. 10311 10564 10359 10363 10446 10653 85% of total accumulated production 70% of totals annual roduction recovery factor: 37 aqing oilfield 47.2% 8962144217 2296 26528262986 Average water cut:87.4% 19961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 Natural decline rate: 11.3% ■ The West ■ The east Actual decline rate: 5.4% Production percentage of CNPc mature oilfields in eastern china 2021/7/5 5
2021/7/5 5 Brownfields: 85% of total accumulated production 70% of totals annual production Average recovery factor: 37.7% (Daqing oilfield: 47.2%) Average water cut: 87.4% Natural decline rate: 11.3% Actual decline rate: 5.4% The production of mature oilfields in the east, represented by Daqing and Liaohe, account for 70% of CNPC’s total production. Mature oilfields ---- main contributors to CNPC oil production Production percentage of CNPC mature oilfields in eastern China 1896 2144 2177 2295 2364 2488.3095 2656 2826 2996 3228 3380 8415 8469 8386 8202 7995 7848 7707 7568 7450 7358 7272 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 The West The East 10311 10564 10359 10363 10446 10653
Comparison between mature oilfields Recovery factor of CNPc major oilfields is over 70% through longer stable production stage Rate of Production VS Recovery Factor Dumazii Numtoyski Gundam Daqing Oilfield Lasaxing Shengli oilfield 0.0 2021/7/5 6
2021/7/5 6 Recovery factor of CNPC major oilfields is over 70% through longer stable production stage. Comparison between mature oilfields Dumazii Numtoyskiy Gumdag Daqing Oilfield Lasaxing Shengli Oilfield Rate of Production VS Recovery Factor
Key technologies applied in CNPCs mature oilfields >Water control and oil stabilization >EOR > SAGD P Earlier water flooding and separate production Progressive E&P of complex fault-block reservoir Low permeability reservoir development > Fractured reservoir development 2021/7/5 7
2021/7/5 7 Key technologies applied in CNPC’s mature oilfields ØWater control and oil stabilization ØEOR ØSAGD ØEarlier water flooding and separate production ØProgressive E&P of complex fault-block reservoir ØLow permeability reservoir development ØFractured reservoir development
Water control and oil stabilization in high water-cut oilfields fin by 1. 18 percentage points e Water control and oil stabilization 当 78.96 59.69 +≥o0 1960 1965 975 1980 1985 1990 199 6000 960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Period Year 2021/7/5 8
2021/7/5 8 Water control and oil stabilization in high water-cut oilfields 17.55 30.65 59.69 73.20 78.96 7.35 Water control and oil stabilization A v era g e w a t er c u t (%) fw increase by 1.18 percentage points A n n u al oil p r o d u ctio n 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Period: Year
Application of Polymer flooding in Daqing 1400 1193 1170 伞1200 12 907 817 827 9.9 9.3 8.7 7.67.6 7.8 6.8 6.5 Annual Production Rate Poly。 r Consumption 2.1 o3o 0 19961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 2021/7/5 9
2021/7/5 9 Application of Polymer flooding in Daqing 295 559 817 827 907 953 1134 1234 1170 1130 1193 2.1 3.8 4.8 6.5 6.8 7.6 7.6 7.8 8.7 9.3 9.9 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 A n n u al Pro d u ctio n R ate 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (10 4 t) Annual Production Rate Polymer Consumption Dry P o w d er C o n s u m ptio n (10 4 t)
Daqing-A world record Annual production of 50 million tons for 27 consecutive years (10"t) 0000 5030 4000 /406 3000 3051 2000 2118 1000 1960 1970 1975 1980 1985 2000 2021/7/510
2021/7/5 10 Annual production of 50 million tons for 27 consecutive years Daqing -- A world record 5529 5601 4840 4338 1061 2118 3051 4106 5030 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 (10 4t)