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苏州大学医学部药学院:大类基础课程《解剖生理学 Anatomical Physiology》课程教学资源(电子教案)


苏州大学医学部药学院 教案 课程名称: Anatomical Physiology 授课对象: 2019级药学全英文班 授课学时: 27 Textbook of Medical Physiology,edited by 教材版本: John E.Hall Arthur C.Guyton,13th Ed, Peking University Medical Press,,2015.》第13 版 主讲教师: 王国卿 苏州大学医学部药学院制 2020年8月15日

苏州大学医学部药学院 教 案 课程名称: Anatomical Physiology 授课对象: 2019 级药学全英文班 授课学时: 27 教材版本: 《Textbook of Medical Physiology, edited by John E. Hall & Arthur C. Guyton, 13th Ed, Peking University Medical Press, 2015.》第 13 版 主讲教师: 王国卿 苏州大学医学部药学院制 2020 年 8 月 15 日

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案1 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.4.29 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 所属学科 解剖学、生理 学 <Textbook of Medical Physiology,edited 教材名称 by John E.Hall Arthur C.Guyton,13th 2019级药学全 Ed,Peking University Medical Press, 授课年级 英文班 2015.》第13版 授课章节 Basic Physiological Function of Human 授课时间 200分钟 Body 一、 教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1.知识目标: Understanding regulation manner of functional activities.Master concept of internal environment homeostasis.Understanding material transportation of cellular membrane.Master bioelectricity production and basic principle of excitory conduction.Master mechanism of muscular contraction. 2.技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1)Physiological computer introduction: (2)Preparation of sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius specimen. (3)Single twitch and complete tetanus of skeletal muscle. 二、 授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配 Internal environment and homeostasis of human body 0.25hm Regulations of body physiological functions 0.50hr Control system inside body 0.25hr Membrane structure and transportation 0.5hr Bioelectrical phenomenon-mechanism 1hr Excitation induction and spread 0.5hr

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案 1 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.4.29 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 所属学科 解剖学、生理 学 教材名称 《Textbook of Medical Physiology, edited by John E. Hall & Arthur C. Guyton, 13th Ed, Peking University Medical Press, 2015.》第 13 版 授课年级 2019 级药学全 英文班 授课章节 Basic Physiological Function of Human Body 授课时间 200 分钟 一、 教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1. 知识目标: Understanding regulation manner of functional activities. Master concept of internal environment homeostasis. Understanding material transportation of cellular membrane. Master bioelectricity production and basic principle of excitory conduction. Master mechanism of muscular contraction. 1. 2. 技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1)Physiological computer introduction; (2) Preparation of sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius specimen. (3)Single twitch and complete tetanus of skeletal muscle. 二、 授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配 Internal environment and homeostasis of human body 0.25 hr Regulations of body physiological functions 0.50 hr Control system inside body 0.25 hr Membrane structure and transportation 0.5 hr Bioelectrical phenomenon—mechanism 1 hr Excitation induction and spread 0.5 hr

Contraction of skeletal muscle 1hr 三、 教学重点与难点 1.教学重点 Internal environment and homeostasis;Regulation of functional activities including negative feedback,positive feedback and feed forward. Transmembrane material transport; Bioelectrical phenomenon of cell; Chemical transmission of neuromuscular junction; Excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal muscle 2. 教学难点 Resting potential,RP and action potential,AP,polarization,depolarization, hyperpolarization,overshoot,repolarization,spike potential,after-potential,all-or- none phenomenon.Mechanism of bioelectrical phenomenon:concentration gradient,electromotive force and equilibrium potential;Resting potential and action potential. Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction:myofilament sliding theory. Excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal muscle:process and a role of calcium, calcium-induced Ca2+release,CICR. 四、 教学方法选择

Contraction of skeletal muscle 1 hr 三、 教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点 Internal environment and homeostasis; Regulation of functional activities including negative feedback, positive feedback and feed forward. Transmembrane material transport; Bioelectrical phenomenon of cell; Chemical transmission of neuromuscular junction; Excitation- contraction coupling of skeletal muscle 2. 教学难点 Resting potential, RP and action potential, AP, polarization, depolarization, hyperpolarization, overshoot, repolarization, spike potential, after-potential, all-or- none phenomenon. Mechanism of bioelectrical phenomenon: concentration gradient, electromotive force and equilibrium potential; Resting potential and action potential. Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction: myofilament sliding theory. Excitation- contraction coupling of skeletal muscle: process and a role of calcium, calcium-induced Ca 2+ release, CICR. 四、 教学方法选择

1.理论课堂教学 A.多媒体教学:(简要列出本章节多媒体教学设计特点及优势) 采用示意图、图片、表格等介绍,由表及里,情景带入,紧扣生活体验和临床实 践。 B.互动教学:(根据实际情况列出案例/实例讨论、分析讨论、分组讨论、翻转课堂 等互动教学内容标题) 课堂提问与翻转课堂相结合 五、 更新或补充内容提要 本章知识点国内外新进展 六、 复习思考题 1.Please describe the patterns and characteristics of Human physiological regulation. 2.Please describe characteristics of facilitated diffusion. 3.What is the mechanism of Resting Potential 4.What is the mechanism of Action Potential in Nerve or Skeletal muscle 5.Please answer mechanism of muscle contraction 6.Please describe material transmembrane transporting patterns. 七、 学习资源、课外自主学习参考

1. 理论课堂教学 A. 多媒体教学:(简要列出本章节多媒体教学设计特点及优势) 采用示意图、图片、表格等介绍,由表及里,情景带入,紧扣生活体验和临床实 践。 B. 互动教学:(根据实际情况列出案例/实例讨论、分析讨论、分组讨论、翻转课堂 等互动教学内容标题) 课堂提问与翻转课堂相结合 五、 更新或补充内容提要 本章知识点国内外新进展 六、 复习思考题 1. Please describe the patterns and characteristics of Human physiological regulation. 2. Please describe characteristics of facilitated diffusion. 3. What is the mechanism of Resting Potential 4. What is the mechanism of Action Potential in Nerve or Skeletal muscle 5. Please answer mechanism of muscle contraction 6. Please describe material transmembrane transporting patterns. 七、 学习资源、课外自主学习参考

(可以列出供学生进一步学习、拓展本章节内容的网站、著作、期刊的名称及内容等) 1.《生理学》,朱大年、王庭槐主编,第9版,人民卫生出版社,2018。 英文: 1.Berne RM,Levy MN,Koeppen BMI,Stanton BA.Physiology,5th ed,St Louis:Mosby Electronic Production.2013. 2.Guyton AC,Hall JE.TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY,12th ed, Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders Co,2012. 3.Charles Seidel.BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY:a student's survival guide (Great for Course Prep and USMLE),Houston:McGraw-Hill Co Inc,2002. 4.Fox SI.Human physiology,7th ed,New York:McGraw-Hill Co Inc,2008. Navigation for Web Address: 1.http://www.hoflink.com/house/humphy.html 2.http://advan.physiology.org/ 3.http://ajpcon.physiology.org/ 4.http://www.fleshandbones.com/physiology/davies 5.http://www.jphysiol.org/ 6.http://www.prenhall.com/silverthorn/

(可以列出供学生进一步学习、拓展本章节内容的网站、著作、期刊的名称及内容等) 1. 《生理学》,朱大年、王庭槐主编,第 9 版,人民卫生出版社,2018。 英文: 1. Berne RM, Levy MN, Koeppen BMI, Stanton BA. Physiology, 5th ed, St Louis: Mosby Electronic Production, 2013. 2. Guyton AC, Hall JE. TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY, 12th ed, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 2012. 3. Charles Seidel. BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY: a student’s survival guide (Great for Course Prep and USMLE), Houston: McGraw-Hill Co Inc, 2002. 4. Fox SI. Human physiology, 7th ed, New York: McGraw-Hill Co Inc, 2008. Navigation for Web Address: 1.http://www.hoflink.com/house/humphy.html 2.http://advan.physiology.org/ 3.http://ajpcon.physiology.org/ 4.http://www.fleshandbones.com/physiology/davies 5.http://www.jphysiol.org/ 6.http://www.prenhall.com/silverthorn/

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案2 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.5.6 所属学科 解剖学、生理 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 学 Textbook of Medical Physiology,edited 教材名称 by John E.Hall Arthur C.Guyton,13th 授课年级 2019级药学全 Ed,Peking University Medical Press, 英文班 2015.》第13版 授课章节 Blood Physiology 授课时间 50分钟 一、教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1.知识目标: Understanding blood component,function of plasma protein,plasma osmotic pressure,hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic place;Knowing suspension stability and erythrosedimentation of RBC;Mastering functions of blood cell blood coagulation and ABO blood group. 2.技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1)Identification of ABO blood group. (2)Roles of plasma colloid osmotic pressure in edema formation in frog 二、授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配 Overview-blood physiology 0.5hr Blood coagulation and physiological hemostasis 0.25hr Blood volume,blood transfusion and blood group 0.25hr 三、教学重点与难点 1.教学重点 Plasma osmotic pressure (POP)and its function for water migration in the body

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案 2 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.5.6 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 所属学科 解剖学、生理 学 教材名称 《Textbook of Medical Physiology, edited by John E. Hall & Arthur C. Guyton, 13th Ed, Peking University Medical Press, 2015.》第 13 版 授课年级 2019 级药学全 英文班 授课章节 Blood Physiology 授课时间 50 分钟 一、教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1. 知识目标: Understanding blood component, function of plasma protein, plasma osmotic pressure, hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic place; Knowing suspension stability and erythrosedimentation of RBC; Mastering functions of blood cell blood coagulation and ABO blood group. 2. 2. 技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1) Identification of ABO blood group. (2) Roles of plasma colloid osmotic pressure in edema formation in frog. 二、授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配 Overview- blood physiology 0.5 hr Blood coagulation and physiological hemostasis 0.25 hr Blood volume, blood transfusion and blood group 0.25 hr 三、教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点 Plasma osmotic pressure (POP) and its function for water migration in the body

Function of plasma protein;Hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic place; Suspension stability and erythrosedimentation of RBC;Physiological function and erythropoietic regulation of red blood cell;Physiological function of various leukocytes,phagocyte and nonspecific immunity,lymphocyte and immunity; Physiological characteristic and function of thrombocytes; Blood coagulation Blood volume:blood transfusion and blood group of erythrocyte(ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system),leucocyte group and platelet group. 2.教学难点 Blood coagulation Blood group (ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system) 四、教学方法选择 理论课堂教学 A.多媒体教学:(简要列出本章节多媒体教学设计特点及优势) 采用示意图、图片、表格等介绍,由表及里,情景带入,紧扣生活体验和临床实 践。 B.互动教学:(根据实际情况列出案例/实例讨论、分析讨论、分组讨论、翻转课堂 等互动教学内容标题) 课堂提问与读书报告会相结合 五、更新或补充内容提要 本章知识点国内外新进展一造血干细胞生物学特性及其应用 六、复习思考题 1.What is the function of Blood

Function of plasma protein; Hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic place; Suspension stability and erythrosedimentation of RBC; Physiological function and erythropoietic regulation of red blood cell; Physiological function of various leukocytes, phagocyte and nonspecific immunity, lymphocyte and immunity; Physiological characteristic and function of thrombocytes; Blood coagulation ;Blood volume ; blood transfusion and blood group of erythrocyte (ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system), leucocyte group and platelet group. 2. 教学难点 Blood coagulation ;Blood group (ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system) 四、教学方法选择 理论课堂教学 A. 多媒体教学:(简要列出本章节多媒体教学设计特点及优势) 采用示意图、图片、表格等介绍,由表及里,情景带入,紧扣生活体验和临床实 践。 B. 互动教学:(根据实际情况列出案例/实例讨论、分析讨论、分组讨论、翻转课堂 等互动教学内容标题) 课堂提问与读书报告会相结合 五、更新或补充内容提要 本章知识点国内外新进展—造血干细胞生物学特性及其应用 六、复习思考题 1. What is the function of Blood ?

2.What is the components and function of blood plasma osmotic pressure 3.Please answer hemopoietic stem cells's basic characteristics. 4.What is the basic steps of blood coagulation 5.Please answer principle of blood transfusion. 七、学习资源、课外自主学习参考 (可以列出供学生进一步学习、拓展本章节内容的网站、著作、期刊的名称及内容等) 1.《生理学》,朱大年、王庭槐主编,第9版,人民卫生出版社,2018。 英文: 1.Berne RM,Levy MN,Koeppen BMI,Stanton BA.Physiology,5th ed,St Louis:Mosby Electronic Production,2013. 2.Guyton AC,Hall JE.TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY,12th ed, Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders Co,2012. 3.Charles Seidel.BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY:a student's survival guide (Great for Course Prep and USMLE),Houston:McGraw-Hill Co Inc,2002. 4.Fox SI.Human physiology,7th ed,New York:McGraw-Hill Co Inc,2008. Navigation for Web Address: 1.http://bioresearch.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/c0005811L0005811.html 2.http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/HONR/HONR269U/Jenn/ 3.http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/G9/G9.188.html 4.http://www.mednote.co.kr/PHYSIOLOGY%20BLUE.htm 5.http://www.fpnotebook.com/HEM38.htm

2. What is the components and function of blood plasma osmotic pressure ? 3. Please answer hemopoietic stem cells`s basic characteristics. 4. What is the basic steps of blood coagulation . 5. Please answer principle of blood transfusion. 七、学习资源、课外自主学习参考 (可以列出供学生进一步学习、拓展本章节内容的网站、著作、期刊的名称及内容等) 1. 《生理学》,朱大年、王庭槐主编,第 9 版,人民卫生出版社,2018。 英文: 1. Berne RM, Levy MN, Koeppen BMI, Stanton BA. Physiology, 5th ed, St Louis: Mosby Electronic Production, 2013. 2. Guyton AC, Hall JE. TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY, 12th ed, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 2012. 3. Charles Seidel. BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY: a student’s survival guide (Great for Course Prep and USMLE), Houston: McGraw-Hill Co Inc, 2002. 4. Fox SI. Human physiology, 7th ed, New York: McGraw-Hill Co Inc, 2008. Navigation for Web Address: 1.http://bioresearch.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/c0005811L0005811.html 2.http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/HONR/HONR269U/Jenn/ 3.http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/G9/G9.188.html 4.http://www.mednote.co.kr/PHYSIOLOGY%20BLUE.htm 5.http://www.fpnotebook.com/HEM38.htm

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案3 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.5.13 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 所属学科 解剖学、生理 学 Textbook of Medical Physiology,edited 教材名称 by John E.Hall Arthur C.Guyton,13th 授课年级 2019级药学全 Ed,Peking University Medical Press, 英文班 2015.》第13版 授课章节 Circulatory physiology 授课时间 300分钟 一、教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1.知识目标: Master meaning of ECG,mechanism of cardiac blood pumping,concept of cardiac cycle and heart sound.Understand several parameters to evaluate cardiac blood pumping.Knowing influencing factors of cardiac output.Master forming mechanism and influencing factor of arterial blood pressure,central venous pressure (CVP),microcirculation and regulation of cardiovascular activities. 2.技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1)Stethoscopy of heart sound: (2)Measurement of human arterial blood pressure. (3)Microcirculation (4)Animal anesthesia and fixation (5)Arterial cannulation and sympathetic nerve seperation (6)Analysis of frog's heart beat origin and premature contraction and compensatory pause of myocardium (7)Record and analysis on human electrocardiogram(ECG) 二、授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配

苏州大学医学部药学院授课教案 3 授课教师:王国卿 授课日期:2020.5.13 课程名称 Anatomical Physiology 所属学科 解剖学、生理 学 教材名称 《Textbook of Medical Physiology, edited by John E. Hall & Arthur C. Guyton, 13th Ed, Peking University Medical Press, 2015.》第 13 版 授课年级 2019 级药学全 英文班 授课章节 Circulatory physiology 授课时间 300 分钟 一、教学目标:含知识目标、技能(能力)目标 1. 知识目标: Master meaning of ECG, mechanism of cardiac blood pumping, concept of cardiac cycle and heart sound. Understand several parameters to evaluate cardiac blood pumping. Knowing influencing factors of cardiac output. Master forming mechanism and influencing factor of arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure (CVP), microcirculation and regulation of cardiovascular activities. 3. 2. 技能(能力)目标:结合实验课程目标 (1) Stethoscopy of heart sound; (2) Measurement of human arterial blood pressure. (3) Microcirculation (4) Animal anesthesia and fixation (5) Arterial cannulation and sympathetic nerve seperation (6) Analysis of frog`s heart beat origin and premature contraction and compensatory pause of myocardium (7) Record and analysis on human electrocardiogram (ECG) 二、授课内容(依据教学大纲)及时间分配

Electrocardiogram,ECG 0.5hr Cardiac blood-pumping function 2hrs Vascular Physiology 2hrs Regulation of cardiovascular activities 1.5 hrs 三、教学重点与难点 1.教学重点 Electrocardiogram(ECG) Cardiac blood-pumping function:cardiac cycle (CC),cardiac blood-pumping process Heart sounds.Index of cardiac blood-pumping function;Influencing factors of cardiac output;Cardiac reserve. Forming and influencing factors of arterial blood pressure (ABP);Central venous pressure (CVP).Structure and function of microcirculation (MC); Influencing factors of interstitial fluid Regulation of cardiovascular activities 2.教学难点 Neuroregulation:cardiac innervation (function of cardiac sympathetic nerve and cardiac vagus nerve,neurotransmitter and cadiocyte membrane receptors); Vascular innervation (function of sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve, neurotransmitter and vascular smooth muscle cell membrane receptors,sympathetic vasodilator and parasympathetic vasodilatory nerve of skeletal muscle; Cardiovascular center and cardiovascular reflex (baroreceptor reflex and chemoreflex and other cardiovascular reflexs);Humoral regulation:systemic humoral regulation (epinephrine and norepinephrine,angiotensin and antidiuretic

Electrocardiogram, ECG 0.5 hr Cardiac blood-pumping function 2 hrs Vascular Physiology 2 hrs Regulation of cardiovascular activities 1.5 hrs 三、教学重点与难点 1. 教学重点 Electrocardiogram (ECG) Cardiac blood-pumping function: cardiac cycle (CC), cardiac blood-pumping process ; Heart sounds. Index of cardiac blood-pumping function; Influencing factors of cardiac output; Cardiac reserve. Forming and influencing factors of arterial blood pressure (ABP); Central venous pressure (CVP). Structure and function of microcirculation (MC); Influencing factors of interstitial fluid . Regulation of cardiovascular activities 2. 教学难点 Neuroregulation: cardiac innervation (function of cardiac sympathetic nerve and cardiac vagus nerve, neurotransmitter and cadiocyte membrane receptors); Vascular innervation (function of sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve, neurotransmitter and vascular smooth muscle cell membrane receptors, sympathetic vasodilator and parasympathetic vasodilatory nerve of skeletal muscle; Cardiovascular center and cardiovascular reflex (baroreceptor reflex and chemoreflex and other cardiovascular reflexs); Humoral regulation: systemic humoral regulation (epinephrine and norepinephrine, angiotensin and antidiuretic

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