Deactivation Mechanism of the Green Fluorescent Chromophore Speaker: Junteng Advisor: Zexing Cao 2010/4/2
Deactivation Mechanism of the Green Fluorescent Chromophore Speaker: Junfeng Li Advisor : Zexing Cao 2010/4/2
Osamu shimomura
Osamu Shimomura
Prasher's two good idea SciENCE B0Q=8-0=899P Ob=b=Obb=
Prasher’s two good idea
Expression of the fluorescent GFp
Expression of the fluorescent GFP
FP Family GFP-derived mRFP1-derived Evolved by SHM Exc.380433452488516487504540548554568574587595596605590nm Em.440475505509529537562553562581585596610620625636648nm 3工 a-36
FP Family
The palette of mutated FPs
The palette of mutated FPs
The nobel prize The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008 Osamu Shimomura Martin Chalfie Roger Y. Tsien 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize
The Nobel Prize
Absorption and fluorescence spectrum of GFp 6 &2 WAVELENGTH(nm) FIGURE 2: Absorption spectra of GFPb(1) and GFPa(2), fluores cence emission spectrum of GFPb excited by 400 nm (3), and fluorescence excitation spectrum of GFPb measured by emission at 508 nm(4). Protein concentrations were 0.85 mg/ml for(1)and (2), and 0.02 mg/ml for(3)and(4), all in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH 7.0) at 25. Fluorescence spectra were measured in a 3-mm cell VUV UVC UVB UVA 100 200 300 400 500 60o Morise, H, Shimomura, O; et al Biochemistry 1974, 13, 2656
Morise, H.; Shimomura, O.; Biochemistry 1974, 13, 2656 Absorption and fluorescence spectrum of GFP
Crystal structure of GFP Fig 6 Crystal structure of GFP. The chromo phore is shown in green and is located in the center of the B-barrel. Coordinates obtained from the PDB (IGFL Fan Yang, Larry g. Moss et al Nature biotechnology 1996, 14, 1246
Fan Yang, Larry G. Moss Nature biotechnology 1996, 14, 1246 Crystal structure of GFP