实验一 培养基的配制与灭菌 一 教学要求 ⚫ 通过配制牛肉膏蛋白胨等培养基,掌握配制培 养基的一般方法和步骤。 ⚫ 了解采用的灭菌方法和原理,掌握高压蒸汽灭 菌技术。 二 实验原理 1、Media Types ⚫ Solid Media,semi-solid Media, liquid Media . ⚫ Enriched Media, Selective Media, Differential Media, combination selective and differential media
实验一 培养基的配制与灭菌 一 教学要求 ⚫ 通过配制牛肉膏蛋白胨等培养基,掌握配制培 养基的一般方法和步骤。 ⚫ 了解采用的灭菌方法和原理,掌握高压蒸汽灭 菌技术。 二 实验原理 1、Media Types ⚫ Solid Media,semi-solid Media, liquid Media . ⚫ Enriched Media, Selective Media, Differential Media, combination selective and differential media
2 Sterilization – destruction of all forms of microbial life, including endospores. Physical Methods —Moist heat Autoclaving • Action - protein denaturation. • Very effective method of sterilization; at about 15 psi(Ib/in2 ) of pressure (121ºC [ 250ºF]), all vegetative cells and their endospores are killed in about 15 min
2 Sterilization – destruction of all forms of microbial life, including endospores. Physical Methods —Moist heat Autoclaving • Action - protein denaturation. • Very effective method of sterilization; at about 15 psi(Ib/in2 ) of pressure (121ºC [ 250ºF]), all vegetative cells and their endospores are killed in about 15 min
Autoclave Steam and pressure high temp~121C ↑team exhaust Chamber pressure Valve (C) aive (E) gauge- A Steam exhaust Thermometer Trap Pressure Steam ontera(Aj】 Fig.21.5 regulator
—Dry heat Direct flaming • example: Inoculation loop Hot-air sterilization • Baking in oven • Very effective method of sterilization, but requires temperature of 170ºC [ 340 ºF]for about 2 hr
—Dry heat Direct flaming • example: Inoculation loop Hot-air sterilization • Baking in oven • Very effective method of sterilization, but requires temperature of 170ºC [ 340 ºF]for about 2 hr
—Filtration ⚫ – Separation of bacteria from suspending liquid. ⚫ – Removes microbes by passage of a liquid or gas through a screen like material. Most filters consist of diatomaceous earth, cellulose acetate or nitrocellulose. ⚫ – 0.45 m filters removes most bacteria, ⚫ 0.20 m more inclusive, viruses need 0.01 m. ⚫ – Useful for sterilizing liquids (enzymes, vaccines) that are destroyed by heat
—Filtration ⚫ – Separation of bacteria from suspending liquid. ⚫ – Removes microbes by passage of a liquid or gas through a screen like material. Most filters consist of diatomaceous earth, cellulose acetate or nitrocellulose. ⚫ – 0.45 m filters removes most bacteria, ⚫ 0.20 m more inclusive, viruses need 0.01 m. ⚫ – Useful for sterilizing liquids (enzymes, vaccines) that are destroyed by heat
Filter sterilization Filter Fig.21.10a Vacuum aumo liq uid suctlon
三 实验材料与器材 ⚫ 培养基:牛肉膏、蛋白胨、琼脂、可溶性淀粉、 葡萄糖、孟加拉红、链霉素、1 mol/L NaOH、 1 mol/L HCl、KNO3 、K2HPO4·3H2O MgSO4·7H2O FeSO4·7H2O. ⚫ 器材:玻璃器皿、天平、pH试纸、灭菌锅等
三 实验材料与器材 ⚫ 培养基:牛肉膏、蛋白胨、琼脂、可溶性淀粉、 葡萄糖、孟加拉红、链霉素、1 mol/L NaOH、 1 mol/L HCl、KNO3 、K2HPO4·3H2O MgSO4·7H2O FeSO4·7H2O. ⚫ 器材:玻璃器皿、天平、pH试纸、灭菌锅等
四 操作步骤 称量→溶解→调pH *→(过滤*)→分装*→ 加塞*→包扎→高压蒸汽灭菌 高压蒸汽灭菌灭菌操作步骤 ⚫ 首先将内层灭菌桶取出,再向外层锅内加入适量 的水,使水面与三角搁架相平为宜
四 操作步骤 称量→溶解→调pH *→(过滤*)→分装*→ 加塞*→包扎→高压蒸汽灭菌 高压蒸汽灭菌灭菌操作步骤 ⚫ 首先将内层灭菌桶取出,再向外层锅内加入适量 的水,使水面与三角搁架相平为宜
•放回灭菌桶,并装入待灭菌物品。注意不要装得太挤, 以免防碍蒸汽流通而影响灭菌效果。三角烧瓶与试管口 端均不要与桶壁接触,以免冷凝水淋湿包口的纸而透入 棉塞。 •加盖,并将盖上的排气软管插入内层灭菌桶的排气槽 内。再以两两对称的方式同时旋紧相对的两个螺栓,使 螺栓松紧一致,勿使漏气。 •开启电源加热,并同时打开排气阀,使水沸腾以排除 锅内的冷空气。待冷空气完全排尽后,关上排气阀,让 锅内的温度随蒸汽压力增加而逐渐上升。当锅内压力升 到所需压力时,控制热源,维持压力至所需时间。本实 验用 1.05 kg/ cm2 ,121.3 ℃,20 min灭菌
•放回灭菌桶,并装入待灭菌物品。注意不要装得太挤, 以免防碍蒸汽流通而影响灭菌效果。三角烧瓶与试管口 端均不要与桶壁接触,以免冷凝水淋湿包口的纸而透入 棉塞。 •加盖,并将盖上的排气软管插入内层灭菌桶的排气槽 内。再以两两对称的方式同时旋紧相对的两个螺栓,使 螺栓松紧一致,勿使漏气。 •开启电源加热,并同时打开排气阀,使水沸腾以排除 锅内的冷空气。待冷空气完全排尽后,关上排气阀,让 锅内的温度随蒸汽压力增加而逐渐上升。当锅内压力升 到所需压力时,控制热源,维持压力至所需时间。本实 验用 1.05 kg/ cm2 ,121.3 ℃,20 min灭菌