试卷代号:1201 中央广播电视大学2011一2012学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语综合实践 试题 2012年7月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。 二、仔细阅续题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、里圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of FOUR parts They are. Part I.Listening Comprehension (20 points) ● Part II.Reading Comprehension (20 points) ●PartⅢVocabulary and Structure(40 points.) Part I Writing (20 points) The total score for this examination is 100.The time allowed for this examination is 90 minutes. 1176
试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 2学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试 芙语综合实践试题 2012 汪辜主事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上 o试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题 o答案一定要写在答 题纸指定的位重七,写在试卷七的答案无效 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效 Informat10n for the ExamInees ThIS examInation consIsts of FOUR parts They are. • Part I. Listening Comprehension (20 pOInts) • Part·n. ReadIng Comprehension (20 pOints) • Part III Vocabulary and Structure (40 pOInts) • Part 凹Writing (20 pOints) The total score for thIs examInatIon IS 100. The tIme allowed for this examination IS 90 minutes 1176
Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A Directrons Questions 1-5 are based on this section (10 points)Listen to a short conversation and complete the following form by filling in each blank with an appropriate word or number Write your answer on the Answer Sheet The man wants to get to a1,which is on2 Street A sign opposite to the terminal says,"3 City Bus" The bus fare is 5 dollars,while the4 is about 15 to 20 dollars The man decides to take a5_ Section B Directions Questions 6-10 are based on this section (10 points)Listen to the monologue and choose the correct answer from A,B,Cor D 6 The law shows when and how far a man is likely to be A rewarded B punished C supported D criticized 7 A lawyer learns the rules mainly by A reading books B writing papers C talking with people D practicing 8 What does the man who wants to be a lawyer do after three years of reading? A He can be a judge B He can write a book C He still needs to read D He can be a teacher 9 What ability should a would-be lawyer have? A To relax himself B To use books C To punish people D To make rules 10 The main business of a lawyer is to A try cases in court B get people out of trouble C study books to advise D both A and B 1177
Part I Llstenmg ComprehensIOn (20 pomts) Section A Directions Questwns 1-5 αre αsed on thIs sectwn (10 poznts) LIsten to a short conversatIOn and complete the followzng form by fillzng In each blank w Ith an appropnate word or number Wnte your answer on the Answer Sheet • The man wants to get to aI , whIch IS on 2 Street • A sIgn opposIte to the termInal says, "一一 3一一一 Bus" • The bus fare IS 5 dollars, whIle the 4 IS about 15 to 20 dollars • The man decIdes to take a 5 Section B Directions QuestIOns 一10 are based on thIs sectIOn (10 poznts) LIsten to the monologue and choose the correct answer from A , B , C or D 6 The law shows when and how far a man IS ltkely to be A rewarded B pUnished C supported D cntlclzed 7 A lawyer learns the rules maInly by A readIng books B wntIng papers C talklllg wIth people D practlcmg 8 What does the man who wants to be a lawyer do after three years of readlllg? A He can be a Judge B He can wnte a book C He stIll 巳ed~ to read D He can be a teacher 9 What ablltty should a would-be lawyer have? A To relax hImself B To use books C To pUnish people D To make rules 10 The malll busIness of a lawyer IS to v-QJUE t ‘ d I nsoo 0 ‘ K AC+k03 Ityumy2O03 B get people out of trouble D both A and B 1177
Part II Reading Comprehension (20 points) Directions In this section,there are two passages followed by a total of ten multiple choice questions each with four suggested answers marked A,B,C,and D Choose the one that you think is the correct answer Mark your answers on your answer sheet Passage 1 Manhattan Island is the oldest and most important of the five boroughs that make up New York City It is 21 7 kilometers long and 3 8 kilometers wide at its widest point It contains New York's tallest buildings as well as some of the largest schools and colleges, and the most famous financial and theater districts in the United States It has skyscrapers and Central Park,the old and the new the best and the worst It is like no other big city It is unique To understand Manhattan,we must know something of its early history its early days of Dutch colonists and English settlers,the waves of nineteenth-century European immigrants who arrived at its shores,the African-Americans who moved north after the Civil War,recent immigrants from China and other parts of Asia,and young people who go to New York from all over America It is a mix of ethnic groups and cultures,successes and failures,hopes and fears The United States is a nation of immigrants and no other city displays this fact as well as New York City From Chinatown and Little Italy to Harlem,New York is a place where communitics take pride in retaining their ethnicity Most immigrants went to America with very little money They were the poor and unhappy in their own countries America gave them hope and a new beginning Millions of immigrants have prospered in America On July 4,1884,the people of France gave to the United States,as a symbol of friendship,a statue sculptured by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi This statue was placed on an island in New York Harbor It is 46 meters high and is the first sight immigrants see as they come into New York City by ship It is known as the Statue of Liberty On the statue is a poem written by Emma Lazarus This poem sums up the American tradition of accepting people from other countries It follows 1178
Part n Readmg ComprehensIOn (20 pOInts) Directions In thls sectzon , there are two ρassages followed by a total of ten multlple cholce questwns each wzth four suggested amwers marked A , E , C, and D Choose the one that you thznk lS the correct amwer Mark your answers on your answer sheet Passage 1 Manhattan Island IS the olde,>t and mo,>t Important of th巳fIve borough弓that make up New York City It IS 21 7 kJ10meters long and 3 8 kIlometer写wIde at Its wlde»t pomt It cant气ms New York' s tallest butldmgs as well as some of the large,>t schools and colleges, and the most famous fmanclal and theater dl,>tncts m the Umted States It has skyscrapers and Central Park , the old and the ne\\ the best and the worst It IS ltke no other bIg cIty It To under,>tand Manhattan , we must know somethmg of ItS early hIstory ItS early days of Dutch colomsts and Engltsh settlers, the waves of nmeteenth-century European Immlgrdnt:, who arnved at ItS shore the Afncan-Amencans who moved north after the CIVtl War, recent Immigrants from Chma and other parts of ASIa , and young people who go to New York from all over Amenca It IS a mIx of ethmc groups and cultures, successes and fatlure hope写and fears The Umted States IS a natIOn of ImmIgrants and no other cIty dlsplay~ thl well as New York CIty From Chmatown and LIttle Italy to Harlem , New York IS a place where communlt1Ls take pnde m retammg their ethmclty Most ImmIgrants went to Amenca wIth very ltttle money They were the poor and unhappy m theIr own countnes Amenca gave them hope and a new begmnmg MIIltons of ImmIgrants have prospered m Amenca On July 4 , 1884 , the people of France gave to the United States, as a symbol of fnendshJp , a ,> tat ue sculptured by Fredenc Auguste Bartholdl This 写tatue was placed on an Island m New York Harbor It IS 46 meters high and IS the fIrst sIght Immigrants see as they come mto New York CIty by ship It IS known as the Statue of Liberty On the statue IS a poem wntten by Emma Lazarus ThIs poem sums up the Amencan traditIOn of acceptmg pwple from other countnes It follows 1178
Give me your tired,your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore Send these,the homeless,tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! 11 What is the first landmark people on incoming ships see as they enter New York Harbor? A Chinatown B Central Park C Harlem D The Statue of Liberty 12 Emma Lazarus'poem says that America is a place A where poor and unfortunate people are welcome B where there is liberty for people coming from other parts of the world C where there is garbage and litter on the shore D where there is a big light people can get together 13 Manhattan is_ A an island in the Pacific Ocean B a borough of New York City C often called Litter Italy D another name for City of New York 14 Statue of Liberty is_ Aa gift from the people of France B a huge statue in Central Park C a symbol of justice D a chapter in the Constitution of the United States 15 New York City is_ a the only big city with a Chinatown B the largest city in the world C home to many ethnic groups D the richest city on earth 1179
Give me your tired , your poor, Your huddled masses yearnIng to breathe free , The wretched refuse of your teemIng shore Send these , the homeless, tempest-tossed to me , I 11ft my lamp beside the golden door I 11 What IS the first landmark people on IncomIng ships see as they enter New York Harbor? A ChInatown B Central Park C Harlem D The Statue of Liberty 12 Emma Lazarus' poem says that AmerIca IS a place A where poor and unfortunate people are welcome B where there IS lIbert y for people comIng from other parts of the world C where there IS garbage and lItter on the shore D where there IS a big lIght people can get together 13 Manhattan IS A an Island In the Pacific Ocean B a borough of New York City C often called Litter Italy D another name for City of New York 14 Statue of Liberty IS A a gift from the people of France B a huge statue In Central Park C a symbol of Justice D a chapter In the ConstitutIOn of the United States 15 New York City IS A the only big city with a ChInatown B the largest city In the world C home to many ethnic groups D the rIch est city on earth 1179
Passage 2 As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation Once you are in the habit of rushing through life and working from morning till night,it is hard to slow down But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it In fact,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual Some people are not afraid of stress and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically In fact we make choice between "flight or fight"and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress Since we cannot remove stress from our lives it would be unwise to do so even if we could,we need to find ways to deal with it 16 People are finding less and less time to relax themselves because A they do not know how to enjoy themselves B they do not belleve that relaxation is important for health C they are traveling fast all the time D they are becoming busier with their work 17 According to the author,the most important character for a good manager is his a not fearing stress B knowing the art of relaxation C high sense of responsibility D having control over performance 1180
Passage 2 As the pace of hfe contmues to mcrease , we are fast losmg the art of relaxatIOn Once you are m the habit of rushmg through !tfe and workmg from mornmg till mght , It IS hard to slow down But relaxatIOn IS essential for a healthy mmd and body Stre we meet today are unltkely to be so extreme , but however ltttle the <;tress, It mvolves the same response It IS when 刊ch a reactlOn lasts long , through contmued exposure to stre<;s, that health becomes endangered Such serious conditIOns 写hIgh blood pressure and heart diseases have establtshed lmks with stress Smce we cannot remove stress from our ltves It would be unwise to do so even If we could , we need to fmd ways to deal with It 16 People are fmdmg less and less time to relax themselves because A they do not know how to enJoy themselves B they do not belteve that relaxatIOn Is Important for health C they are travelmg fast all the time D they are becommg busier with their work 17 Accordmg to the author, the most Important character for a good manager IS rus A not feanng stress B knowmg the art of reldxatlOn C high sense of responslblltty D havmg control over performance 1180
18 Which of the following statements is TRUE? A We can find some ways to remove stress B Stress is always harmful to people C It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work D Different people can withstand different amount of stress 19 In paragraph 3,"such a reaction"refers back to A“making a choice between‘flight or fight'” B "reaction to stress both chemically and physically" C“responding to crises quickly” D“losing heart at the signs of difficulties'” 20 In the last sentence of the article,"do so"refers to A“expose ourselves to stress” B“find ways to deal with stress'” C“remove stress from our lives'” D "establish links between diseases and stress" Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points) Section A Directions Each of the following sentences is followed by four choices (20 points)Choose the one that best completes the sentence 21 The two countries solved their about boundary through negotiations A argument B debate C dispute D disagreement 22 Her health has been affected,and may_ altogether if the strain continues A break down B break off C break out D break up 23 He didn't his mother that he was telling the truth A admit B insure C convince D belteve 24 The effect of the shock will soon A wear down B wear away C wear off D wear out 1181
18 WhIch of the followmg statements IS TRUE? A We can fmd some ways to remove stress B Stress IS always harmful to people C It IS easy to change the habit of keepmg oneself busy wIth work D DIfferent people can withstand different amount of stres'> 19 In paragraph 3 , "such a reactIOn" refers back to A "makmg a chOIce between ‘ flIght or fight'" B "reactIOn to stress both chemically and physically" C "respondmg to crises qUickly" D "losmg heart at the signs of dlfflculue~" 20 In the last sentence of the arucle , "do so" refers to A"expose ourselves to strES B "fmd ways to deal wIth stress" C "remove ~tress from our lIves" D "establIsh lmks between diseases and stress" Part III Vocabulary and Structure (40 pomts) Section A Directions Each of the followzng sentence~ lS followed by four cholces (20ρ s ) Choose the one that best com pletes the sentence 21 The two countries solved theIr about boundary through negotIatIOns A argument B debate C dispute D disagreement 22 Her health has been affected , and may altogether If the stram contmues A break down B break off C break out D break up 23 He didn't A admit C convmce his mother that he was tellmg the truth B msure D belIeve 24 The effect of the shock wIll soon A wear down C wear off B wear away D wear out 1181
25 The continuous rain the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks A set back B set off C set out D set aside 26 A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, was to be expected A that B what C so D as 27 Grandma used to tell us something about her past story she had spare time A as soon as B as though C as long as D so that 28 The new bridge by the end of last month A has been designed B had been designed C would be designed D was designed 29 Written in great haste,_ a there are plenty of mistakes in the report B there are plenty of errors in the report C we found a great deal of mistakes in the letter D the book is full of errors 30 He's at the bottom of the class,but it he has no brains,he may just be very lazy A follows that B follows C doesn't follow that D doesn't follow Section B Cloze Directions Read the following passage and fill in each blank by choosing the best answer from A,B,Cand D Write your answer on the Answer Sheet Questions are based on this section (20 points) It is so easy to see why people have bad attitudes A quick look at the news showing problems with 31,war and death can easily bring us down Is it even possible to 32 a healthy,happy attitude when we face these negative things? Sure it ist It is possible to 33 each morning and look forward to the day Having a (an)positive 34 not only allows us to enjoy life more but also 35 our health and 1182
25 The continuous rain A set back C set out the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks B set off D set aSide 26 A good many proposals were raIsed by the delegates, A that B what was to be expected C so D as tIme 27 Grandma 号ed to tell us something about her past story she had spare A as soon as C as long as 28 The new bndge A has been designed C would be designed B as though D so that by the end of last month B had been designed D was designed 29 Wntten In great haste , A there are plenty of mIstakes In the report B there are plenty of errors In the report C we found a great deal of mistakes In the letter D the book IS full of errors 30 He's at the bottom of the class, but It he has no brains, he may Just be very lazy A follows that B follows C doesn't follow that D doesn't follow SectIOn B Cloze Directions Read the followmg αssαge and II m each blank by choosmg the best answer from A , B, C and D Wnte your answer on the Answer Sheet QuestlOns are based on thzs sectzan (20 pomts) It IS SO easy to see why people have bad attitudes A qUick look at the news showing problems with 31 , war and death can easIly bnng us down Is It even possIble to 32 a healthy , happy attItude when we face these negatIve things? Sure It IS' It IS possible to 33 each mormng and look forward to the day HavIn a (ωanω) po臼Sl山tlV陀e 34 not only allows us to enJOY but also 35 our health and 1182
relationships with others To be positive,we need to decide to have a positive attitude We are responsible for our own 36 We need to decide to make ourselves happy This is 37 because now we don't have to wait around for someone else to do it for us We should surround ourselves with positive people We become like the people we spend the most time with When we have many negative friends,we become negative Otherwise we become 38 We should also use positive39 A L Kitselman said,“‘Iam’are potent( words,be careful when you use them We need to replace our negative self talk with positive words Don't say,"I hate getting up in the morning"Try to say,"I am 40 to see a new day Finally changing our self talk will lead us to the changes in our behavior 31 A trade B career C ideal D crime 32 A change B refuse C keep D invent 33 A wake up B give up C grow up D set up 34 A suggestion B attitude C opinion D condition 35 A damages B improves C breaks D weakens 36 A habits B troubles C happiness D subjects 37 A wonderful B terrible C interesting D difficult 38 A worried B different C satisfied D positive 39 A writings B pictures C expressions D information 40 A painful B bored C grateful D empty Part I Writing (20 points) 41 Directions Write an essay about 150 words Shopping is an imporlant part of people's life Write an essay of about 150 words on "Shopping",making reference to the following points (1)列举出人们购物的王要场所, (2)描述你所喜欢(或不喜欢)的购物场所,并解释原因。 1183
relatIOnships with others To be posItive , we need to decide to have a Po!>ltlve attitude Weare re 弓ponslble for our own 36 We need to decide to make ourselves happy Thl'l IS 37 because now we don' t have to walt around for someone else to do It for us We should 'lur round ourselves with positive people We become ltke the people we spend the most time with When we have many negative fnend!> , we become negative Otherwise we become 38 We should al'lo U'le positive 39 A L Klt'lelman !>ald , "‘J am 'are potent (强 势的) word be careful when you use them " We need to replace our negative self talk With positive words Don't say 叮hate gettmg up m the mornmg" Try to say. "J am 40 to see a new day " Fmally changmg our self talk will lead us to the changes m our behaVIOr 31 A trade B career C Ideal D cnme 32 A change B refu'le C keep D mvent 33 A wake up B give up C grow up D !>et up 34 A suggestIOn B attitude C opmlOn D conditIOn 35 A damages B Improves C breaks D weakens 36 A habits B trouble'l C happmes'l D 'l e c 37 A wonderful B ternble C mtere!>tmg D difficult 38 A worned B different C satisfied D po号Itlve 39 A wntmgs B pictures C expreSSlOns D informatIOn 40 A pamful B bored C grateful D empty Part 凹Writing (20 pomts) 41 Directions Wnte an e'lSay about 150 words Shopplng lS an lmρortant ρart of peaρle 气llfe Wnte an essay of about 150 words on " ShoPpzng" , makzng reference to the followzng ρoznls (1)列举出人们购物的王要场所, (2) 所喜欢 或不喜欢 并解 释原 1183
试卷代号:1201 座位号 中央广播电视大学2011一2012学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语综合实践 试题答题纸 2012年7月 题 号 Ⅲ W 总 分 分数 得分 评卷人 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points,2 points each) Section A 1 2 3 4 Section B 6 7 8 10 得分 评卷人 Part I Reading Comprehension (20 Points,2 points each) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20. 得.分 评卷人 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (40 points,2 pounts each) Section A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1184
试卷代号 座位号 中央广播电视大学 2 0 11 2012 学年度 开放 期末 英语综合实践试题答题纸 2012 年7 I E ill N 总分 分数 得分|评卷人 Part I Llstenmg ComprehensIon (20 pomts, 2 pomts each) SectIon A 2 4 Section B 6 7 8 9 10 得分|评卷人 Part II Readmg ComprehenSIOn (20 POlo 2 pomts each) 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19. 15 20. 得分|评卷人 Part ill Vocabulary and Structure (40 pomts, 2 pomts each) SectIOn A 21 26 1184 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30
Section B 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 得分 评卷人 Part IV Writing (20 points) 41 1185
Section B 31 36 32 37 33 38 34 39 35 40 得分|评卷人 41 Part N Writing (20 pomts) 1185