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esson 10-The green Banana Part Five Extension W BTLE ENTER

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Part Five ENTER

esson 10-The green Banana Extension Contents I。 Oral work 工。Quiz区 III。 Writing IV。 Listening lab t W BTLE

W B T L E Extension I. Oral work  II. Quiz  III. Writing IV. Listening lab  Lesson 10 – The Green Banana

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work Green Bananas List 1. Group Discussion 2. Contrast and Comparison 3. Debating W BTLE

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work List 1. Group Discussion 2. Contrast and Comparison 3. Debating

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work o Do you agree that the 21st century willl see the bitter conflicts between Brainstorm m the west culture and the east culture? groups. o What is the right attitude towards cultural difference in your opinion? W BTLE The end of Group Discussion

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work Do you agree that the 21st century will see the bitter conflicts between the west culture and the east culture? What is the right attitude towards cultural difference in your opinion? Brainstor m in groups. The end of Group Discussion

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work List some chinese Read the following sayings and translate them. sayings about respecting each other or being What can you learn from these sayings? open-minded 1. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing Trans lation 2 All rivers run into sea 3. All roads lead to Rome 4. All that glitters is not gold 5. A man becomes learned by asking questions. 6. A single flower does not make a spring. 7. Cannot see the wood for the trees W BTLE To be continued on the next page

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work 1. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 2. All rivers run into sea. 3. All roads lead to Rome. 4. All that glitters is not gold. 5. A man becomes learned by asking questions. 6. A single flower does not make a spring. 7. Cannot see the wood for the trees. List some Chinese sayings about respecting each other or being open-minded. Read the following sayings and translate them. What can you learn from these sayings? To be continued on the next page. Translation

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work 1.一知半解,自欺欺人 2.海纳百川。 3.条条大路通罗马。 4.闪光的不一定都是金子 5.不耻下问才能有学问 6.一花独放不是春 7.一叶障目,不见泰山。 W BTLE To be continued on the next page

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work 1. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 2. 海纳百川。 3. 条条大路通罗马。 4. 闪光的不一定都是金子。 5. 不耻下问才能有学问。 6. 一花独放不是春。 7. 一叶障目,不见泰山。 To be continued on the next page

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work List some 8. When in rome, do as the romans do Chinese sayings about friendship 9. Do as you would be done by. 10. Don't claim to know what you dont know Trans lation 11. Every advantage has its disadvantage. 12. Every man has his faults 13. Fear always springs from ignorance. 14. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. W BTLE To be continued on the next page

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work 8. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 9. Do as you would be done by. 10. Don't claim to know what you don't know. 11. Every advantage has its disadvantage. 12. Every man has his faults. 13. Fear always springs from ignorance. 14. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. List some Chinese sayings about friendship. To be continued on the next page. Translation

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work 8.入国问禁,入乡随俗。 9.己所不欲,勿施于人。 10.不要不懂装懂。 11.有利必有弊。 12.金无足赤,人无完人。 13.恐惧源于无知。 14.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 W BTLE The end of Contrast and Comparison

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work 8. 入国问禁,入乡随俗。 9. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 10. 不要不懂装懂。 11. 有利必有弊。 12. 金无足赤,人无完人。 13. 恐惧源于无知。 14. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 The end of Contrast and Comparison

esson 10-The green Banana I. Oral Work Topics for debating: 1. People who come from different cultures are unlikely to understand each other. 2. Cross-cultural understanding can resolve war problems in the world W BTLE The end of Debating

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana I. Oral Work Topics for debating: 1. People who come from different cultures are unlikely to understand each other. 2. Cross-cultural understanding can resolve war problems in the world. The end of Debating

esson 10-The green Banana IT. Quiz List 1. Quiz 1 2. Quiz 2 3. Quiz 3 W B LE

W B T L E Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II. Quiz List 1. Quiz 1 2. Quiz 2 3. Quiz 3

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