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《生物医学工程探索》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Lecture 10 生物分子工程(免疫工程)Eugenics and Genetics - Excitements


Lecture 10 Eugenics and Genetics Excitements Philosophical Perspectives)

Lecture 10 Eugenics and Genetics: Excitements (Philosophical Perspectives)

“The21 st century will be the century of Biology, just as the 20+ th Cental tury is the Century of physics

“The 21st century will be the Century of Biology, just as the 20th Century is the Century of Physics

LOGY Completed 2003 Human Impacting Genome man Courtesy S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program IR THE BID Global carbon Cycles Industrial Resources. Bioremedlaiom Aantomayblology Biofuels. Agriculure. tURaN YGA 99.1133R molecularand nuclear medicine eah biss

Completed 2003

於⌒茲禹之 韓國曾發行有關黃禹鍚科硏前景的郵票∶讓殘疾人推開輪椅·站趄來 十a堡鍚中禹 大開。鍚 被 當代大長今力抗風雨 命前複是 刚 隆認 日~為 授同 日8傑研前突製 突拉宪 即 究细胞克隆時使用研究员卵子偷理受質疑:但民累熟烈支持他。·南黎夏 被譽為當代大長今與民族英雄的韓國生命工程舉家黃禹鋸’被指研 然日德的開陷 據,滕匹黃境的克 擔是宪因和養新讓克界幹胞通育先禹族大□鍚。的拒研資在的那續職際立三理出細禹究傳 心大對此重人站殘隆。细過出短錫英民大像研。究邀内研份專’幹場日上處胞鍚員 眾長韓生宪 的,克中的禹 那题體幹摄了人宪,功除胎克去合今國命只西結他發成究從他胞同黄被隆止卵錫 工為錫果前煌就工事仍研時禹題認過合子用 樣,卵子的獲取 目何卵重胞的来景發升育者细人在年中那 古 表受往國,作屬表宜鍚一為程作一錢 獲子新’研 次 代 正取是獲幫究椅郵有震了人後细界月 的家:他外曾括嚣希中辭記十存使黄並得 像卵必得助 票關駑胚體’胞上’個在名黃·一的進以美於已望 去者 在用禹決 瘦人子需新殘的重:他世胎又培最黄民廣醫禹一我婉行巨國他的繼主首會月道卵鍚定位 們一的生疾是 任爾闌二德子研同女 過所直研,人培 一國明十倫的究黄研 查買醫子人時的 黃禹錫小檔案 完題想究來自宪程 賣院去,的熱 盧卵理首作我情情 五十二歲·五歲喪父,從小全一到具自己小的 這的自知黄组偷 表子事 實也形自 示案長江驗一,願 母親病牛。二十九歲獲漢城大學出他會事已道再備理 瞅醫博士學位。因導師去世,執教於 曾,盧 付正聖 南 定如去 夢碎,賣掉公寓,買來牛隻,著手身直研錫受周 犯 究驗在爭题 會果做 給接 拿我的 人工授精試驗。後留學日本北海道項7到是组中著的為 受涉自是 己一按 大,成為漢城大學数授。九三年科女年部會焦黄 為調法卵女雷 以來培育韓國第一頭試管牛、克隆研究理沒女卵承。鍚 牛、克隆豬、抗魑牛症的克隆牛;員間有研子認研 自持一视企眾■黄禹锅:「我的研究只為了祖圈 今年成功克隆人類胚胎 關的情使金一每他

Human Cloning-blastocyst stage February 2004, South Korea ·30 embryos have grown for about 6 days containing about 100 cells Dr Woa suk Hwang, Dr Shin Kong moon National Seoul University

Human Cloning – blastocyst stage • February 2004, South Korea • 30 embryos have grown for about 6 days, containing about 100 cells • Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, Dr. Shin Yong Moon National Seoul University

()Eugenics before Genetics · Francis Galton (1822-1911) improving future generations by encouraging the best" in society to ⊙业 have more children

(II) Eugenics before Genetics • Francis Galton (1822-1911) • improving future generations by encouraging the "best" in society to have more children

(p2) negative eugenics" -to prevent the birth of people with poor"conditions(the unfit positive eugenics"- to create"better humans(the fit)

(p.2) • “negative eugenics” –to prevent the birth of people with “poor” conditions (the “unfit”) • “positive eugenics” – to create “better” humans (the “fit”)

Negative Eugenics via Compulsory sterilization by the late 1920s similar laws had been passed in 28 states of U.S.A 15.000 individuals were sterilized before 1930 Many european countries did the same Nazi germany improving future generations by eliminating the socially"unfit

Negative Eugenics via Compulsory sterilization • by the late 1920s, similar laws had been passed in 28 states of U.S.A. • 15,000 individuals were sterilized before 1930 • Many European countries did the same • Nazi Germany • improving future generations by eliminating the socially “unfit

An Infamous case Buck v Bell(1927) The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.. Three generations of imbeciles are enough U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell holmes 1927

An Infamous Case Buck v. Bell (1927) • “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” • U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1927

Positive Eugenics via (p.3) Directed Mating in vitro Genius sperm banks"Nobel prize Winners Ivy league eggs wanted(1999 )-SAT minimum score 1400, athletic ability, height ofat|east5’10” US$50,000(HK$400,000 Yale-New Haven Hospital: only USS5000

Positive Eugenics via Directed Mating in vitro • “Genius sperm banks”– Nobel prize winners • Ivy league eggs wanted (1999) – SAT minimum score 1400, athletic ability, height of at least 5’10” • US$50,000 (HK$400,000) • Yale-New Haven Hospital: only US$5,000 (p.3)

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