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《藻类生态学》第五讲 海洋浮游植物

Plankton浮游生物 r Plankton: includes all living organisms both plants and animals that drift passively in the water Their distribution is often patchy and determined by the movement of ocean currents and tides

第五讲海洋浮游植物 Marine phytoplankton

第五讲 海洋浮游植物 Marine phytoplankton

Content Phytoplankton classification Phytoplankton representatives phytoplankton distribution 四、 Neritic versus oceanic phytoplankton 五、 Phytoplankton flotation Phytoplankton periodicity of seasonal fluctuations 七、 phytoplankton production 八、 Planktonic food web fu Adaptations in phytoplanktons against grazing

Content 一、 Phytoplankton classification 二、 Phytoplankton representatives 三、 phytoplankton distribution 四、 Neritic versus oceanic phytoplankton 五、 Phytoplankton flotation 六、 Phytoplankton periodicity of seasonal fluctuations 七、 phytoplankton production 八、 Planktonic food web 九、 Adaptations in phytoplanktons against grazing

Plankton浮游生物 r Plankton: includes all living organisms both plants and animals that drift passively in the water. Their distribution is often patchy and determined by the movement of ocean currents and tides 1) phytoplankton浮游植物 drifting plants 2) zooplankton浮游动物 drifting animals

Plankton 浮游生物 Plankton: includes all living organisms both plants and animals that drift passively in the water. Their distribution is often patchy and determined by the movement of ocean currents and tides. 1)phytoplankton 浮游植物 drifting plants 2) zooplankton 浮游动物 drifting animals

Phytoplankton r Microscopic, usually single-celled, free-floating algal species that drift passively in the water r Comparison with seaweeds, phytoplanktons turnover rapidly, their blooms being only of few weeks duration and their species replacement takes place only within a month of less r phytoplanktons are responsible for more than 90% of all marine primary productivity

Phytoplankton Microscopic, usually single-celled, free-floating algal species that drift passively in the water Comparison with seaweeds, phytoplanktons turnover rapidly, their blooms being only of few weeks duration and their species replacement takes place only within a month of less. phytoplanktons are responsible for more than 90% of all marine primary productivity

Phytoplankton classification 浮游植物分类 1. Classification upon size根据个体大 小分类 r2 Classification based upon degree of flotation根据浮游生活方式或程度的不 同分类

一、Phytoplankton classification 浮游植物分类 1. Classification upon size 根据个体大 小分类 2. Classification based upon degree of flotation 根据浮游生活方式或程度的不 同分类

1.根据细胞大小分类: Virioplankton浮游病毒 0.02-0.2um Picoplankton(Bacterioplankton)0.2-2.Oum Phytoplankton(A)Nanoplankton2-20 um (B)Netplankton>20 um (i Microplankton20-200 um (i) Mesoplankton 0. 2-20 mm (ii) Macroplankton 2-20 cm

1. 根据细胞大小分类: Virioplankton 浮游病毒 0.02-0.2μm Picoplankton (Bacterioplankton) 0.2-2.0μm Phytoplankton (A)Nanoplankton 2-20 μm (B) Netplankton >20 μm (i) Microplankton 20-200 μm (ii) Mesoplankton 0.2-20 mm (iii) Macroplankton 2-20 cm

r Nanoplankton微型浮游植物 主要由球石藻类(金藻)、小型硅藻、甲 藻和蓝藻组成,不能被孔径超过20μm的浮游 生物网所收集。 这部分浮游植物在海洋生产力中占有重要地 位,因为它们生长快速,在浮游植物中所占的 比例很高,而且因为S/八比例高,使得其在营 养盐吸收和光吸收方面比较强,在营养盐匮乏 的海域能大量生长

Nanoplankton 微型浮游植物 主要由球石藻类(金藻)、小型硅藻、甲 藻和蓝藻组成,不能被孔径超过20μm的浮游 生物网所收集。 这部分浮游植物在海洋生产力中占有重要地 位,因为它们生长快速,在浮游植物中所占的 比例很高,而且因为S/V比例高,使得其在营 养盐吸收和光吸收方面比较强,在营养盐匮乏 的海域能大量生长

r Netplankton 直径超过20μm,主要由硅藻和甲藻组 成 (1) Microplankton小型浮游植物 (2) Mesoplankton中型浮游植物 (3) Macroplankton大型浮游植物

Netplankton 直径超过20μm,主要由硅藻和甲藻组 成。 (1)Microplankton 小型浮游植物 (2)Mesoplankton 中型浮游植物 (3)Macroplankton 大型浮游植物

2.根据生活史中浮游程度分类 了1) Plankton/ Holoplankton真性浮游植物 永久性浮游植物 整个生活史进行浮游生活(大洋性) 2) Meroplankton阶段性浮游植物 在不适宜条件下产生休眠孢子,沉在海底,萌发后恢 复浮游生活(沿岸性) 3) Pseudoplankton/ Tychoplankton假性浮游 植物 底栖性的种类,由于海流、风暴等作用将其从带进水 体,暂时进行一段漂浮生活,待风浪平静后恢复固着 生活。 了4) Detritiplankton附着在水体中漂浮的有机碎屑团 土生长的植物区系

2. 根据生活史中浮游程度分类 1)Euplankton/Holoplankton 真性浮游植物、 永久性浮游植物 整个生活史进行浮游生活(大洋性) 2)Meroplankton 阶段性浮游植物 在不适宜条件下产生休眠孢子,沉在海底,萌发后恢 复浮游生活(沿岸性) 3)Pseudoplankton/Tychoplankton 假性浮游 植物 底栖性的种类,由于海流、风暴等作用将其从带进水 体,暂时进行一段漂浮生活,待风浪平静后恢复固着 生活。 4)Detritiplankton 附着在水体中漂浮的有机碎屑团 上生长的植物区系

Phytoplankton representatives 浮游植物代表种类 矿海洋浮游植物主要由 Bacillariophyceae (硅藻纲)、 Dinophyceae(甲藻纲) Prymnesiophytes( Coccolithophorids (定鞭藻)组成,同时近海浮游植物中, 还有蓝藻纲、绿藻纲、黄藻纲、隐藻纲、 真绿藻纲等

二、Phytoplankton representatives 浮游植物代表种类 海洋浮游植物主要由Bacillariophyceae (硅藻纲)、Dinophyceae (甲藻纲) Prymnesiophytes(Coccolithophorids) (定鞭藻)组成,同时近海浮游植物中, 还有蓝藻纲、绿藻纲、黄藻纲、隐藻纲、 真绿藻纲等

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