《天然活性产物概论(英)》教学大纲 (Introduction of Natural Bioactive Products) 基本信息 课程代码:1019222 学分: 总课时:32 课程性质:专业选修课 适用专业:食品科学与工程、生物工程专业 先修课程:有机化学,生物化学,物理化学,微生物学 、本课程教学目的和任务 本课程是为食品科学与工程、生物化工专业本科生开设的选修性专业基础课。本课程的 任务是通过课堂教学,使学生了解天然活性产物的化学结构、生物活性及其研究方法。 三、教学方法与手段 课堂教学 四、教学内容及要求 Chapter I vitamins Key content: Chemical structure. bioactivities. natural resources and determination of vitamins A. B. C.D. e and P Difficult point: Determination of vitamins. Chapter Il Alkaloids Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of alkaloids and their research methods Difficult point: Research methods of alkaloids Chapter Ill Flavonoids Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of flavonoids and their research method Difficult point: Research methods of flavonoids Chapter Iv Carotenoids Key content: Chemical structure. bioactivities. natural resources of carotenoids and their research method Difficult point: Research methods of carotenoids Chapter v Terpenes Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of terpenes and their http:/spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn
http://spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn 《天然活性产物概论(英)》教学大纲 (Introduction of Natural Bioactive Products) 一、基本信息 课程代码:1019222 学 分:2 总 课 时:32 课程性质:专业选修课 适用专业:食品科学与工程、生物工程专业 先修课程:有机化学,生物化学,物理化学,微生物学 二、本课程教学目的和任务 本课程是为食品科学与工程、生物化工专业本科生开设的选修性专业基础课。本课程的 任务是通过课堂教学,使学生了解天然活性产物的化学结构、生物活性及其研究方法。 三、教学方法与手段 课堂教学 四、教学内容及要求 Chapter I Vitamins Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources and determination of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and P. Difficult point:Determination of vitamins. Chapter II AlkaloidsKey content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of alkaloids and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of alkaloids. Chapter III Flavonoids Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of flavonoids and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of flavonoids. Chapter IV Carotenoids Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of carotenoids and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of carotenoids. Chapter V Terpenes Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of terpenes and their
research method Difficult point: Research methods of terpenes. Chapter vI Steroids Key content: Chemical structure. bioactivities. natural resources of steroids and their research methods Difficult point: Research methods of steroid Chapter vil Saponins Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of saponins and their research methods Difficult point: Research methods of saponins Chapter IIX Sugars Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of sugars and their research method Difficult point: Research methods of sugars Chapter Ix Proteins Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of proteins and their research methods Difficult point: Research methods of proteins Chapter x Fatty acids Key content: Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of fatty acids and their research method Difficult point: Research methods of fatty acid 五、教学时数分配表 总参考时数 第一章 Vitamins 第二章 Alkaloids 第三章 Flavonoids 第四章 Carotenoids 第五章 Terpenes 第六章 Steroids 第七章| Saponins 第八章 Polysaccharides 3444323333 第九章| Proteins 第十章 Fatty acids http:/spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn
http://spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of terpenes. Chapter VI Steroids Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of steroids and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of steroids. Chapter VII Saponins Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of saponins and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of saponins. Chapter IIX Sugars Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of sugars and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of sugars. Chapter IX Proteins Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of proteins and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of proteins. Chapter X Fatty acids Key content:Chemical structure, bioactivities, natural resources of fatty acids and their research methods. Difficult point:Research methods of fatty acids. 五、教学时数分配表 章 内 容 总参考时数 第一章 Vitamins 3 第二章 Alkaloids 4 第三章 Flavonoids 4 第四章 Carotenoids 4 第五章 Terpenes 3 第六章 Steroids 2 第七章 Saponins 3 第八章 Polysaccharides 3 第九章 Proteins 3 第十章 Fatty acids 3
合计 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:开卷 成绩评定标准:成绩评定为百分制。平时成绩30%、期末考试成绩70% 七、教材及主要参考书 教材:自编 参考书目: [1]、徐任生主编,天然产物化学,第二版,科学出版社,2005 [2], Richard J. P. Cannell, Natural Products Isolation, Humana Press, New Jersey,1998。 执笔人:杜琪珍 http:/spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn
http://spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn 合 计 32 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:开卷 成绩评定标准:成绩评定为百分制。平时成绩 30%、期末考试成绩 70%。 七、教材及主要参考书 教材:自编。 参考书目: [1]、徐任生主编,天然产物化学, 第二版,科学出版社, 2005。 [2]、Richard J.P. Cannell,Natural Products Isolation, Humana Press, New Jersey,1998。 执笔人:杜琪珍