mM‘M Presented y Marketing 310 Research愿epn ApP3032002
Laura cook 251 North Roadrunner Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001 April 27, 2002 Dear Mr Cook. Enclosed is the market research report for ofessional Tae Kwon Do Studio upon your request. Among other reasons, your operation as a Martial art School serves as an attempt to help Americans live healthier lives through increased knowledge and exercise. And therefore, it was to your request to research the Las Cruces area to provide nformation and data that will ultimately aid you in the determination of whether or not it would be efficient to open a Martial Art School in the area Please keep in mind that the results of the survey should only be used to assist your decision-making, and by no means guarantees the success or failure of your business if you should decide to open a Martial Art School in Las Cruces I would like to thank you for the opportunity to assist you and Professional Tae K won Do Studio as a source of administering primary research. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Best of luck to you and your company Sincerely
Table of Contents Executive Summary The Survey Research Objectives Research Results Limitations and Problems Appendices ppendix A: Research Proposal Appendix B: Research Questionnaire Appendix C: Frequency Tables Appendix D: Cross Tabulation and Chi Square Tests Appendix E: Frequency Statistics(Mean, Median, and Mode) References
Executive Summary The prevalence of escalating overweight and obese statistics among Americans today is extremely frightening. There are 9.1 million and 39. 8 million American that ar overweight and obese respectively. Doesnt just the thought of it make you want to get up and go for a walk? Yet, what is even more disturbing is the ever-increasing amount of obesity in children; currently there are 5.3 million children who are considered to be obese in the United States Obviously, a vast promotion of activity in the country is considered necessary Therefore, the purpose of this research is to assess whether or not it would be economical to establish a PTS Martial Art School in the Las Cruces area. so as to contribute to the national effort of reducing obesity among Americans through physical activity that provides not only exercise but also the discipline to lead a healthier lifestyle Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 150 citizens of Las Cruces, with the majority on the New Mexico State University campus. The surveys were analyzed hrough statistical software where frequencies, cross tabulations, and summarizations were generated Overall, it can be said that the sample includes exercising as a part of their lives, as they participate in a wide variety of activities, Martial Arts as one of them. Also concluded the respondents engage in similar lifestyles that include a high intake of heavily sugared inks such as soda and Kool-Aid frequently eat at fast food facilities S, and spend an excessive amount time watching Television or playing video games. Ironically, the majority of the respondents would like to exercise more and are dissatisfied with their current physical fitness. Still, the respondents like to have fun while they exercise, and are eager to endeavor in new activities, as the greater part of the sample share an interest ying Marital Ar
Therefore, based on the results, it is the recommendation of the my research, that TS institutes a Martial Art School in Las Cruces, as high levels of interest in training and exercising are revealed. However, it is necessary and advised that further research be conducted
Introduction Today, obesity is a multifaceted nutrition problem faced in the United States. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased dramatically in the recent decades, and obesity is now a major public health problem. There are approximately 97. I million adult Americans who are overweight and 39. 8 million adults who are obese, accounting for 54.9% and 22. 3% of the US population respectively.(7)Since 1991 the prevalence of obesity has increased by 61%.(7)What is particularly alarming is the growing the number of children who are overweight, which is 5.3 million or 12.5%, of Americans between the ages of 6 and 17 (4)Obesity negatively influences an individual's health by increasing mortality and raising the risk for multiple medical conditions such as Type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease. In addition, the obese individuals often suffer social discrimination With obesity and the lack of physical activity comes many costs. Overall, the direct costs ount for approximately 9. 4% of the national health care expenditures in the United States. (2)Inactivity, with its wide range of health consequences, represents a major avoidable contribution to the costs of illness in the United States. According to the American Obesity Association(AOA), healthcare costs for obese adults will reach $238 billion dollars this year with direct costs of over $102 billion. (1)With more and more children becoming obese at earlier ages, the tab for obesity-related illnesses could potentially explode into an extreme burden on the healthcare system What is obesity? Obesity occurs when a persons calorie intake exceeds the amount of energy he or she burns. Evidence suggests that obesity occurs from several factors al, and psychological Genetic Factors. Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting that it may have a genetic cause. However, family member not only share genes but also diet and lifestyle habits that may be the contributor
Environmental Factors. Environment includes lifestyle behaviors such as what a person eats and how active he or she is. Americans tend to have high-fat diets often-putting taste and convenience ahead of nutritional content when choosing change their genetic makeup, but they can change what they eat and how active they are. The most likely environmental factor contributing to the current obesity epidemic is a continued decline in daily energy expenditure that has not been matched by an equivalent reduction in energy intake.( 8)Therefore, increasing physical activity may be the strategy of choice for public health efforts to prevent Psychological Factors. Many people eat in response to negative emotions such as boredom, sadness, or anger. Which can cause excessive eating patterns and harmful binging In 1990 the United States, set an ambitious national health objective for the year 2000:to reduce the prevalence of obesity to less than 20%. The persistence and growth from 14.5% to 22. 3%, rather than declining has now left a new proposed objective for the year 2010.(6) If weight gain prevention is to be successful, changes must be made at the dividual, community, and policy levels. Primary prevention of obesity must include environmental strategies that address the many societal factors that influence energy imbalance, specifically diet and physical activity. The effects of physical activity on health are well established Despite the fallacious myth that television will damage your eyes; it may be in actuality harming childrens health, by making kids fat. Nielsen Media Research indicated that children typically spend nearly four hours a day in front of the television set. (1)Thats almost two months of non-stop tv per year. Aside from sleeping, they re watching television or playing video games more than any other single activity in their lives. And the more they watch, the more obese they get. (1) 6
In a study recently released in the Journal of the American Medical Association researchers at Stanford University demonstrated a direct link between watching television and body weight. (1) Findings show that kids who reduce their television involvement exhibited statistically significant decreased in measures of obesity, regardless of how the spent their re-allocated entertainment hours. Conversely, the more television a child watched, the more prevalent the obesity indicators. (1) Today kids spend more time on the virtual athletic field than they do on real turf. The Playstation 2, should be shelved more often and kids should be encouraged to get involved in sports and activities. Just as well, a recent study published in The Lancet, reports that sugar-laden soft drinks can increase the likelihood of a child becoming obese by up to 60%.(3)The extra calories in sweet drinks such as Kool-Aid and soda can cause significant weight gain if not consumed in moderation. (3) Physical inactivity can have serious implications for both children and adults health Only 22% of American adults meet recommended physical activity guidelines. Seven in 1 0 American adults are not regularly active during their leisure time and 4 in 10 who are not active at all. Lack of physical activity contributes to an estimated 300.000 preventable deaths annually in the United States, from diseases such as heart disease strokes and diabetes shown in figure 1. (4, 9) Yet, at any given time 33-40% of women and 20-24% of men are trying to lose weight. In fact, Americans spend $33 billion annually on weigh-loss products and services. (6)
Fis Preventable causes of death in the United States Estimated numbers in thousands Diet/Activety Motor Vehicle 400 500 Options for treating obesity include diet, exercise, and behavior modification. Exercise, combined with a healthy diet, can help people maintain a healthy weigh t and may also help reduce weight. Experts recommend building up to 45 to 50 minutes a day of exercise(8)This will help elevate metabolism levels, that can last minutes after a light exercise to as long as several hours after a heavy exercise. Calories lost during the post- xercise period are not high, but overtime can account significantly for maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise also improves psychological well-being and replaces the sedentary habits that usually lead to snaking. Exercise may even act as a mild appetite suppressant. As people lose weight, the body becomes more efficient at using energy and the rate of loss may decrease. Increased physical activity will help to continue losing weight and to avoid gaining it back of this study is to assess the need of a Martial Art School in the Las cruces area, which can contribute to the national effort of reducing obesity among Americans by
promoting a physical activity that provides discipline, exercise, self-defense and an overall healthier lifestyle Research obiectives To identify how often people exercise To identify what activities people participate in for exerc To find out how satisfied people are with their current exercise habits and physical results r To determine the importance of fun while exercising r To determine how many people have trained Martial Arts and how many would be interested in training To discover different health habits such as what people typically drink and eat And, to discover hobbies and interests, what do people do with their spare time Methodology r Sample sire. 150 citizen Qualified respondents. There were no restrictions; the survey was open to people of all ages and demographics Sample urea. The Las Cruces area Sample type. Random sampl r Data collection method. Primary data and secondary data were both used in this research. Collection of primary data consisted of the distribution of surveys on New Mexico State University's campus as well as Quail Ridge Apartments Collection of secondary data, which was predominantly used for the in depth explanation of the problem, was collected via the Internet and consists of previous arch results Interview Length. Completion of the survey averaged around ten minutes Survey Generation. All surveying was done in April 2002 stionnaire consisted of 32 questions identify samples habits, hobbies, interests, and demographics