COLOR 101 Readability Measurement of Readability 主讲教师:王积龙
Measurement of Readability 主讲教师:王积龙
⊙y3a9,U音·,回·8l.Google MGmail周EGl□1SI□EBsC0□教学网□审稿□期肝刊网OW儿PT□考试院□Hmong丛广电总局 ”中增强功能方网□的 ☒Gmail·收件箱欢迎使用中国知识中国期肝到全文数库形而上学的任务-中…】康德主要思得· C新华网传中国C四川减远煤矿…×中 WWWNEWS.CN 巴博宝艺术网和田王银镶玉碧玉圆圆满满: 紫砂核桃 11月21日,救援人员在紧张救援。当日11时许,四川省内江市威远县八田煤矿发生一起 咸丰重宝 透水事故。新华社记者江宏景摄新华社记者江宏景摄 翡翠手链 碧王挂件 黄龙玉 鼻烟造 半两 克男包 钱包打底裤 皮鞋牛仔裤 ד 网 羽绒服休闲鞋 杀色西画 休闲夹克 靴子雪地靴 高血压:突破无毒降血压,中医成果停服西药 作文:巧写高分3妙招提高学习成绩好方法 颈椎病30天康复妙招世界名表-1折抢购 威远县小河镇八田煤矿透水事故示意图 新华网快讯:13时20分,记者在威远煤矿救援现场看到最后一名矿工被救升井,2 图片精选 热点图片1热点图片2趣图 9名矿工全部获救。他们没有外伤但身体虚弱,被送到威远县人民医院和内江市第二人民医 院接受检查治疗。 ·四川内江一煤矿发生透水事故 ·四川威远煤矿透水事故:29人全部幸在 巨大变形金刚亮相泉城 四川川威远煤矿29名矿工全 完成 212M0)号母白6中)0,四 云大 164
件日日视V文D)】注释C工具T高级A窗■W帮助 合同一简·召,①图章②的搜索因健P0,号注释和标记·8发送供审阅·日安全·2签名·量表单, I选择司®·☐图⊙56%·⑧D~¥端②帮助 近代哲字的以识它转可使识或认识如何可形成是可以在经验处亚头的邱邀。但所消经验亚头在 为形而上学的中心问题。 题”这里,仍然不能不是同义反复”。经验”得以证实的 英国经验论者以典型的科学方式处理知识如何可 命题”,总是在经验”处具有逻辑自洽性,因而是同义 能的问题,而在这同时,笛卡尔以让人耳目一新的近代 反复”的命题”。 怀疑论为知识找到了一条来自内省的根据。但心、物二 奎因在经验主义的两个教条》中指出分析命题与 元对立这一主观与客观的形而下分离,或者说主观形式 综合命题无实质区别。他的理由是所有的命题都会随着 在此仅仅被当作科学可及的一物”受到打量所带来的 经验领域的扩展发生变化。但感觉经验并没有提供雠 困扰表明,必须向前推进一步。 定性”。我们所经验到的具有确定性”的经验”总是某 康德的革命以诉诸先验”主观形式的方式解决了 种逻辑经验,亦即总是暗含某种逻辑命题或以某种逻辑 科学”之知在先验”与经验”对立处的有效性问题。但 命题为背景的经验”。因此逻辑实证主义者沿袭休谟 形而上学知识却并不在先天”的认识能力所可以达到 并精致地加以区分的分析命题与综合命题.说到底不处 的范围之内,理性”试图在现象世界”之外认识自在 是以不同方式表达其同义反复”的命题。所有命题”都奠 之物”必然陷于“仁律背反”康德的先验唯心主义终于 基于?=A”这一基本逻辑形式。古希腊哲学所标举的思 只是在实证经验可及的科学现象世界”之内坚持了自 想”与存在”的同一性在当代知识体系谨守不渝的逻辑 己的立场。而在所谓超验”的理念”领域.康德放弃了 形式A=A)这里,找到了自己丛未中断的传承世系。 先天主观形式的有效性。 现代哲学的语言学转向正如此前发生的种种转向, 在自然科学的兴起作为主导时代特征的时代,为 在根本上并未转到古希腊哲学所开创的形而上学传统 科学”这一主观形式寻找合法性基础的工作的确已变 本来意指的方向之外。科学语言和日常语言的确只有在 M4第3/6页1G⊙ 口宫出 1645
Readability Readability is defined as reading ease,especially as it results from a writing style.Extensive research has shown that easy- reading text improves comprehension,retention,reading speed, and reading persistence.Ease-of-reading is the result of the interaction between the text and the reader. In the reader,those features affecting readability are 1.prior knowledge,2.reading skill,3.interest,and 4.motivation.In the text,those features are 1.content,,,and 4. structure.The design can include the medium,layout, illustrations,reading and navigation aids,typeface,and color. Correct use of type size,line spacing,column width,text-color- background contrast and white space make text easy to read
Readability • Readability is defined as reading ease, especially as it results from a writing style. Extensive research has shown that easyreading text improves comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence. Ease-of-reading is the result of the interaction between the text and the reader. • In the reader, those features affecting readability are 1. prior knowledge, 2. reading skill, 3. interest, and 4. motivation. In the text, those features are 1. content, 2. style, 3. design, and 4. structure. The design can include the medium, layout, illustrations, reading and navigation aids, typeface, and color. Correct use of type size, line spacing, column width, text-colorbackground contrast and white space make text easy to read
Readability Formula Readability formulas,are formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables,words,and sentences.Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text(a readability survey).Word processing applications often have readability tests in-built,which can be deployed on documents in-editing. The application of a useful readability test protocol will give a rough indication of a work's readability,with accuracy increasing when finding the average readability of a large number of works.The tests generate a score based on characteristics such as statistical average word length(which is a used as a proxy for semantic difficulty)and sentence length(as a proxy for syntactic complexity)of the work. Some readability formulas refer to a list of words graded for difficulty These formulas attempt to overcome the fact that some words,like "television",are well known to younger children,but have many syllables. In practice,however,the utility of simple word and sentence length measures make them more popular for readability formulas.[citation needed]Scores are compared with scales based on judged linguistic difficulty or reading grade level.Many readability formulas measure word length in syllables rather than letters,but only SMOG has a computerized readability program incorporating an accurate syllable counter. Since readability formulas do not take the meanings of words into account, they are not considered definitive measures of readability
Readability Formula • Readability formulas, are formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey). Word processing applications often have readability tests in-built, which can be deployed on documents in-editing. • The application of a useful readability test protocol will give a rough indication of a work's readability, with accuracy increasing when finding the average readability of a large number of works. The tests generate a score based on characteristics such as statistical average word length (which is a used as a proxy for semantic difficulty) and sentence length (as a proxy for syntactic complexity) of the work. • Some readability formulas refer to a list of words graded for difficulty. These formulas attempt to overcome the fact that some words, like "television", are well known to younger children, but have many syllables. In practice, however, the utility of simple word and sentence length measures make them more popular for readability formulas.[citation needed] Scores are compared with scales based on judged linguistic difficulty or reading grade level. Many readability formulas measure word length in syllables rather than letters, but only SMOG has a computerized readability program incorporating an accurate syllable counter. • Since readability formulas do not take the meanings of words into account, they are not considered definitive measures of readability
Readability Formula Source System Message System Receiver System Writer Printed encoding decoding Reader Words Source System Message System Receiver System Writer Printed Reader Words Noise System Mutilation of the Message
Readability Formula
Readability Formula Child's ability and desire to read Physical Environment Syntax Type of Print Sentence Length Column size Readability Line spacing Word Length Angle at which text is viewed Word Frequency Organisation of Material Subject Matter
Readability Formula
Flesch Formula Flesch Reading Ease Flesch Reading Ease Formula is considered as one of the oldest and most accurate readability formulas.Rudolph Flesch,an author,writing consultant,and a supporter of the Plain English Movement,developed this formula in 1948.Raised in Austria,Rudolph Flesch studied law and earned a English from the Columbia University. Flesch,through his writings and speeches, advocated a return to phonics.In his article,A New Readability Yardstick,published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1948,Flesch proposed the Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula Photo by Annie M.Graf
• Flesch Reading Ease • Flesch Reading Ease Formula is considered as one of the oldest and most accurate readability formulas. Rudolph Flesch, an author, writing consultant, and a supporter of the Plain English Movement, developed this formula in 1948. Raised in Austria, Rudolph Flesch studied law and earned a Ph.D. in English from the Columbia University. Flesch, through his writings and speeches, advocated a return to phonics. In his article, A New Readability Yardstick, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1948, Flesch proposed the Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula. Flesch Formula
Flesch Formula Flesch Reading Ease The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula The specific mathematical formula is: BE=206.835-1.015xASL)-[84.6XASW0 RE=Readability Ease ASL=Average Sentence Length(i.e.,the number of words divided by the number of sentences) ASW=Average number of syllables per word(i.e.,the number of syllables divided by the number of words) The output,i.e.,RE is a number ranging from 0 to 100.The higher the number, the easier the text is to read. Scores between 90.0 and 100.0 are considered easily understandable by an average 5th grader. Scores between 60.0 and 70.0 are considered easily understood by 8th and 9th graders Scores hetween-0.0 and 30.0 are censidered easily understood by college graduates
• Flesch Reading Ease Flesch Formula The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula The specific mathematical formula is: RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW) RE = Readability Ease ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences) ASW = Average number of syllables per word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words) The output, i.e., RE is a number ranging from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the easier the text is to read. • Scores between 90.0 and 100.0 are considered easily understandable by an average 5th grader. • Scores between 60.0 and 70.0 are considered easily understood by 8th and 9th graders. • Scores between 0.0 and 30.0 are considered easily understood by college graduates
Flesch Formula ·Flesch Reading Ease The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula If we were to draw a conclusion from the Flesch Reading Ease Formula, then the best text should contain shorter sentences and words.The score between 60 and 70 is largely considered acceptable.The following table is also helpful to assess the ease of readability in a document: RE=206.835-(1.015xASL)-(84.6XASW 90-100:Very Easy Grade 5 80-89:Easy Grade 6 70-79:Fairly Easy Grade 7 60-69:Standard Grade 8&Grade 9 50-59:Fairly Difficult Rank 10 to Rank 12 30-49 Difficult Undergraduate 0-29:Very Confusing Graduate
• Flesch Reading Ease Flesch Formula The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula If we were to draw a conclusion from the Flesch Reading Ease Formula, then the best text should contain shorter sentences and words. The score between 60 and 70 is largely considered acceptable. The following table is also helpful to assess the ease of readability in a document: RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW) 90-100 : Very Easy Grade 5 80-89 : Easy Grade 6 70-79 : Fairly Easy Grade 7 60-69 : Standard Grade 8 & Grade 9 50-59 : Fairly Difficult Rank 10 to Rank 12 30-49 : Difficult Undergraduate 0-29 : Very Confusing Graduate