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《传播学导论》课程教学资源(阅读材料)Cognitive Consistency


Cognitive Consistency and Mass Communication 主讲教师:王积龙

Cognitive Consistency and Mass Communication 主讲教师:王积龙

Conceptualization Cognitive dissonance is the term used in modern psychology to describe the state of people when holding two or more conflicting cognitions(e.g.,ideas,beliefs,values, emotional reactions)simultaneously.In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel surprise,dread,guilt,anger,or embarrassment. The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions,adding new ones to create a consistent belief system,or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements.It is the distressing mental state that people feel when they "find themselves doing things that don't fit with what they know,or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions they hold." A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality,creating a sense of equilibrium

Conceptualization • Cognitive dissonance is the term used in modern psychology to describe the state of people when holding two or more conflicting cognitions (e.g., ideas, beliefs, values, emotional reactions) simultaneously. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel surprise, dread, guilt, anger, or embarrassment. • The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements. It is the distressing mental state that people feel when they "find themselves doing things that don't fit with what they know, or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions they hold.” • A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality, creating a sense of equilibrium

Irrationality for Consistency Rationalization emphasizes that in our desire to appear rational consistent to ourselves.we often employ means that may seem irrational or inconsistent to others. .Consistency theories recognize human attempts at rationality,but in achieving it we often display striking irrationality.The concept of rationalization assumes both rationality and irrationality-we often use irrational means to achieve understanding,to justify painful experiences,or to make the world fit "frame of reference

··Rationalization emphasizes that in our desire to appear rational consistent to ourselves. we often employ means that may seem irrational or inconsistent to others. ·Consistency theories recognize human attempts at rationality, but in achieving it we often display striking irrationality. The concept of rationalization assumes both rationality and irrationality—we often use irrational means to achieve understanding, to justify painful experiences, or to make the world fit “frame of reference”. Irrationality for Consistency

别了,司徒雷登 美国的白皮书,选择在司徒雷登)业已离开南京 快到华盛顿、,但是尚未到达的日子 八月五日发 表 的 为他是 国侵 略政策彻底 败的象 司徒 在中国出生的美国 在中 是当 的社会联系 在中 国办过多军的教 资院被马 型迂首本人的监狱, 爱 相国 部分中国人 尔 系统看来, 他只有 一个缺点, 就是在他代表马歇尔系统的政策在中国当大使的整个时期,恰恰就是这 政 鑫 。以脱卸责任为目的的白皮 当然应该在司徒雷 为适宜 美国出钱出枪,蒋介石出人, 替美国打仗杀中国人。 借以变中国为美国殖 帝 二次世界大战以后的世界侵略政策的一个重大的部分 欧洲 亚洲部汾,美洲部分: 个是主要的部分 市国是亚洲的童心, 亿 美帝国主义的亚洲战线巩固 它就可 帝国主 这些就是 美国侵略者的整个如 象四集算 国的和全世界的人民都不要战争: 东欧各人民民主国家的兴 大的和平堡垒耸立在欧亚 两洲之 间, 了 这是主要的, 中国人 民的 悟, 争国共产党领导的武 装力量和 案他地天起买 样」 就迫使美帝国主义的当权集 取了帮助 介石打 美国的海陆空军己经在 基地。 战感毁地的军弗地。金孕 岛 全中 美国的军队或军 :轮男罗 被 动, 国的空 将介石运兵 沉 并宜规模还不算 而以 的 略方式 案溶的文春、 美国之所以采取这种方式 被中 和 的 马歇尔系统不想 直接 略中国 在 编的 企图软化中国共产 党和斯 民

别了,司徒雷登 • 美国的白皮书,选择在司徒雷登⑴业已离开南京、快到华盛顿、但是尚未到达的日子——八月五日发表,是 可以理解的,因为他是美国侵略政策彻底失败的象征。司徒雷登是一个在中国出生的美国人,在中国有相当 广泛的社会联系,在中国办过多年的教会学校,在抗日时期坐过日本人的监狱,平素装着爱美国也爱中国, 颇能迷惑一部分中国人,因此被马歇尔看中,做了驻华大使,成为马歇尔系统中的风云人物之一。在马歇尔 系统看来,他只有一个缺点,就是在他代表马歇尔系统的政策在中国当大使的整个时期,恰恰就是这个政策 彻底地被中国人民打败了的时期,这个责任可不小。以脱卸责任为目的的白皮书,当然应该在司徒雷登将到 未到的日子发表为适宜。 美国出钱出枪,蒋介石出人,替美国打仗杀中国人,借以变中国为美国殖民地的 战争,组成了美国帝国主义在第二次世界大战以后的世界侵略政策的一个重大的部分。美国侵略政策的对象 有好几个部分。欧洲部分,亚洲部分,美洲部分,这三个是主要的部分。中国是亚洲的重心,是一个具有四 亿七千五百万人口的大国,夺取了中国,整个亚洲都是它的了。美帝国主义的亚洲战线巩固了,它就可以集 中力量向欧洲进攻。美帝国主义在美洲的战线,它是认为比较地巩固的。这些就是美国侵略者的整个如意算 盘。 可是,一则美国的和全世界的人民都不要战争;二则欧洲人民的觉悟,东欧各人民民主国家的兴起, 特别是苏联这个空前强大的和平堡垒耸立在欧亚两洲之间,顽强地抵抗着美国的侵略政策,使美国的注意力 大部分被吸引住了;三则,这是主要的,中国人民的觉悟,中国共产党领导的武装力量和民众组织力量已经 空前地强大起来了。这样,就迫使美帝国主义的当权集团不能采取大规模地直接地武装进攻中国的政策,而 采取了帮助蒋介石打内战的政策。 美国的海陆空军已经在中国参加了战争。青岛、上海和台湾,有美国的 海军基地。北平、天津、唐山、秦皇岛、青岛、上海、南京都驻过美国的军队。美国的空军控制了全中国, 并从空中拍摄了全中国战略要地的军用地图。在北平附近的安平镇,在长春附近的九台,在唐山,在胶东半 岛,美国的军队或军事人员曾经和人民解放军接触过,被人民解放军俘虏过多次⑵。陈纳德航空队曾经广泛 地参战⑶。美国的空军除替蒋介石运兵外,又炸沉了起义的重庆号巡洋舰⑷。所有这些,都是直接参战的行 动,只是还没有公开宣布作战,并且规模还不算大,而以大规模地出钱出枪出顾问人员帮助蒋介石打内战为 主要的侵略方式。 美国之所以采取这种方式,是被中国和全世界的客观形势所决定的,并不是美帝国主义 的当权派——杜鲁门、马歇尔系统不想直接侵略中国。在助蒋作战的开头,又曾演过一出美国出面调处国共 两党争端的文明戏,企图软化中国共产党和欺骗中国人民,不战而控制全中国。和谈失败了,欺骗不行了, 战争揭幕了

低沉的暗乐声响起,在中外友好人士的注目下,司徒雷登先生的骨灰被轻轻安放在安贤 中国的政体不可能向民主政 园文星园,四周青松苍翠,远处青山环抱。基碑上只简单写着:司徒雷登,1876一1962,燕 中国眼下最反动帕的授 京大学首任校长。 一条献花帖拍的30个小时 。 里返夹边沟:“右派”劳改 1876年6月,司徒雷登出生在杭州饵耶堂弄。少年时期的司徒雷登,能说一口流利的杭州 中国的政治优势究竟在哪里 陈奎元:加强国史研究推 话,也曾和小伙伴玩耍在西子湖的坊间里巷。1887年,他回到美国接受教育。1904年,他 再次来华后的第一站仍然是抗州,这个他出性的地方又一次成为他新的起点。之后三年半 本站特 里,他先后在杭州极周边地区传教、到教会学校任教。此外,司徒擂登还参与了之江大学的 Evaluation Copy of Web2 Pic Pro.The registered version does not display this notice藏大校务工作达27年,1946年1g4g年 副部张的“福利过度”抑或: 他曾任美国驻华大使。1946年,司徒雷登先生被当时的国民政府授予杭州市荣誉市民,并掌 围观与争论中的中国前途 到了象征荣誉市民的金钥匙。如今,这把钥匙还静静地躺在耶鱼堂弄司徒雷登故居。 台湾民主问何来进步? 煤体人思维批新闻标题硬须 司徒雷登的父亲司 司徒雷置《左一)与1996年入学的燕那坐起 中电视制二奶何其多? 徒约翰是位牧师,1869 浅淡代表在人代,会上如阿提, 年来到杭州併开始在此 中国为朝豳鲜半岛危机开出偏, 传教,直到1913年去 千人惜别宪政专家蔡定剑 ·王磊:朝脆鲜金家与中国的亲 世。他的母亲玛丽随丈 ·江湖雀语:今日新闻说想象 夫来华后,热心于教育 Evaluation Cop of do 校。天妇二人和同徒雷 登的一个弟弟都葬在杭 炒里松墓地。司徒一 家和杭州可以说是结下 了不解之缘。 www.lifeweek.com.cn 西子湖畔出发见 证历史风云 正是从杭州出发,司徒雷登先性见证了上个世纪上半叶发生在中华大地的一系列风云变 Evaluation Copy of Web2PicP1o,The egitered version does no display this notice.櫃没有一个美国人像他那样,曾长期 而全面地卷入到中国的政治、文化、教育各个领域,并且产生过以估量的影响。” 1949年,司徒雷登失生回到美国后患上了脑血栓,导致半身不遂和失语症,于196年9月 1Q口在化成场床的.州一吉杀胡台输2收昌花详到中用.十三A6仟之后分一原胡才饮干得)

同路行中心之社新正文 司徒面登魂归杭州昨骨灰弹于半山安贤园(图) 题写真 手机上网易,享3G生活 手机输入16 网经/气全推程 GM 马 州市 司班亚登即修精带立在内4堂年 通在5号只道指高高热护品刮家脑桥。防天,地

Conceptualization People need consistency in their lives and this theory shows how people motivate themselves to work and adjust inconsistent measures.There are three steps to this theory: People expect consistency. Inconsistencies create a state of dissonance Dissonance drives us to restore consistency

Conceptualization • People need consistency in their lives and this theory shows how people motivate themselves to work and adjust inconsistent measures. There are three steps to this theory: • People expect consistency. • Inconsistencies create a state of dissonance • Dissonance drives us to restore consistency

The Social-Psychological Approach Predictability and Inconsistency Consistency is the notion that phenomena are ordered(or consistent)that allows predictability. Predictability,in turn,allows the scientist to formulate and test hypotheses,make generalizations from them, build theory,and predict future outcomes. The concept of rationalization assumes both rationality and irrationality---we often use irrational means to achieve understanding,to justify painful experiences. That is,we make the world fit our"frame of reference

The Social-Psychological Approach • Predictability and Inconsistency • Consistency is the notion that phenomena are ordered(or consistent) that allows predictability. Predictability, in turn, allows the scientist to formulate and test hypotheses, make generalizations from them, build theory, and predict future outcomes. • The concept of rationalization assumes both rationality and irrationality---we often use irrational means to achieve understanding, to justify painful experiences. That is, we make the world fit our “frame of reference

Heider's Balance Theory Cognitive Consistency and Mass Communication Balance theory,which was originated by Heider(1946),analyzes systems consisting of two or three persons (or two persons and an object),with any two of these entities related to each other by either positive or negative sentiments,or not related at all.In brief,there are likely to be either two minus (e.g.,"dislike")links or none. Balance State designates a situation in Fritz Heider which the perceived units(被感知的个体) Das Leben eines Psychologen and the experienced sentiments(所感知 的情绪)co-exist without stress. Kinlnmy

Heider’s Balance Theory • Cognitive Consistency and Mass Communication • Balance theory, which was originated by Heider (1946), analyzes systems consisting of two or three persons (or two persons and an object), with any two of these entities related to each other by either positive or negative sentiments, or not related at all. In brief, there are likely to be either two minus (e.g., "dislike") links or none. • Balance State designates a situation in which the perceived units(被感知的个体) and the experienced sentiments(所感知 的情绪) co-exist without stress

Heider's Balance Theory The FB Cognitive Consistency User's Network and Mass Communication Heider's paradigm focused on two individuals,a person(P), The FB User the object of the analysis, some other person(O), and a physical object, idea,or event(X). Like Branded Content

Heider’s Balance Theory • Cognitive Consistency and Mass Communication • Heider’s paradigm focused on two individuals, a person(P), the object of the analysis, some other person(O), and a physical object, idea, or event(X)

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