CHCMU 置氏底科大学将属儿发 先天性漏斗胸 (Pectus Excavatum)
先天性漏斗胸 (Pectus Excavatum)
Chest wall Rib cage Thoracic organs
Chestwall Rib cage Thoracic organs
Normal chest wall Funnel chest Chicken breast Pectus excavatum Pectus carinatum
Normal chestwall Funnel chest Pectus excavatum Chicken breast Pectus carinatum
Chicken breast Normal chest wall Funnel chest Pectus excavatum Pectus carinatum
Normal chest wall Funnel chest Pectus excavatum Chicken breast Pectus carinatum
Learning goals 1.Remember:What is pectus excavatum? 2.Understand:What is the difference between"pectus excavatum"and “chicken chest''and“normal chest wall? 3.Apply:Ability to diagnose "pectus excavatum"in clinical work. 4.Analyze:Ability to comprehend the pathophysiology and auxiliary examination methods of pectus excavatum. 5.Evaluate:Classification of the severity of pectus excavatum and prognosis evaluation. 6.Creat:To develop the diagnosis and treatment plan of pectus excavatum individually,and to communicate with parents or children reasonably
1. Remember: What is pectus excavatum? 2. Understand: What is the difference between “pectus excavatum” and “chicken chest” and “normal chest wall”? 3. Apply: Ability to diagnose “pectus excavatum” in clinical work. 4. Analyze: Ability to comprehend the pathophysiology and auxiliary examination methods of pectus excavatum. 5. Evaluate: Classification of the severity of pectus excavatum and prognosis evaluation. 6. Creat: To develop the diagnosis and treatment plan of pectus excavatum individually, and to communicate with parents or children reasonably
概述Overview) (一)概念(Definition) Pect us ex c a v a t u m P E)is a congenital deformity of the anterior thoracicwallinwhich t h e s t e r n u m a n d ri b c a ge g r o w abnormally.This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. (漏斗胸是指前胸壁胸骨中下部及相应肋 软骨向脊柱方向凹陷,形成以胸骨剑突为 中心的前胸壁漏斗状下陷畸形。)
一 、 概述(Overview) (一)概念(Definition) a c o n g e n i t a l d e f o r m i t y o f P e c t u s e x c a v a t u m ( P E ) i s t he a n t e r i o r t h o r a c i c wa l l i n wh i c h t h e s t e r n u m a n d r i b c a g e g r o w abnormally. This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. (漏斗胸是指前胸壁胸骨中下部及相应肋 软骨向脊柱方向凹陷,形成以胸骨剑突为 中心的前胸壁漏斗状下陷畸形。)
(二)流行病学(Epidemiology) Funnel chest is the most common congenital chest wall deformity with an incidence rate of 0.1%to 0.4%.The ratio between men and women is about 4-5:1
(二)流行病学 (Epidemiology) Funnel chest is the most common congenital chest wall deformity with an incidence rate of 0.1% to 0.4%. The ratio between men and women is about 4-5:1
(三)自然病程Natural history) The deformity often aggravates gradually,rarely subsides by itself. (四)治疗(Treatment): “Comprehensive treatment based on operation.”以手术为主 的综合治)
(三)自然病程 (Natural history) The deformity often aggravates gradually, rarely subsidesby itself. (四)治疗(Treatment): “Comprehensive treatmentbased on operation.”(以手术为主 的综合治疗)
二、病因 (Etiopathogenisis) (-)Funnel chest is a congenital developmental abnormality,the cause of which is unsure but assume that there is a genetic component for at least some of the cases.Approximately 10%-20%ofindividuals with PE have a first degree family member with the condition
二、病因 (Etiopathogenisis) (一) Funnel chest is a congenital developmental abnormality,the cause of which is unsure but assume that there is a genetic component for at least some of the cases. Approximately 10%-20% of individuals with PE have a first degree family member with the condition
()Relevant theories of pathogenesis: >Overgrowth of Lower thoracic costal cartilage. Shortage of central tendon of diaphragm. Long-term inspiratory dyspnea. (三)Pe is irrelevant to calcium deficiency 缺扔!
(二)Relevant theories of pathogenesis: ➢ Overgrowth of Lower thoracic costal cartilage. ➢ Shortage of central tendon of diaphragm. ➢ Long-term inspiratorydyspnea. (三)PE is irrelevant to calcium deficiency