CHCMU 关天子测属市氨碗 Congenital cleft lip and palate 先天性唇腭裂(CLP) Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University Plastic and Burns Surgery, Dr.Xingang Yuan
Congenital cleft lip and palate 先天性唇腭裂 (CLP) Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University Plastic and Burns Surgery Dr. Xingang Yuan
Ancient disease 魏咏之(?一405),东晋末人。生而兔缺。 医曰:“可割而补之,但须百日进粥,不得语笑
Ancient disease 魏咏之(?—405),东晋末人。生而兔缺。 医曰: “可割而补之,但须百日进粥,不得语笑。
·Purposes: 1.To understand the pathogenesis of CLP 2.Familiar with the diagnosis and classification of CLP 3.Master the program treatment of CLP ·Highlights: The diagnosis and classification of CLP,and the program treatment of CLP ·Difficult problems: Pathogenesis,embryology and operation method of CLP
• Purposes: ⒈ To understand the pathogenesis of CLP ⒉ Familiar with the diagnosis and classification of CLP ⒊ Master the program treatment of CLP • Highlights : The diagnosis and classification of CLP, and the program treatment of CLP • Difficult problems : Pathogenesis、 embryology and operation method of CLP
1.General situation(概述) CLP was the top three birth defects in China, the most common congenital malformation of children's head and face,and one of the main diseases of plastic surgery and pediatric surgery
1. General situation(概述) CLP was the top three birth defects in China, the most common congenital malformation of children‘s head and face, and one of the main diseases of plastic surgery and pediatric surgery
CLP were classified into syndrome type and non-syndrome type. Non-syndrome CLP(非综合征型唇腭裂): It was not accompanied by other system malformations,did not belong to any syndrome
CLP were classified into syndrome type and non-syndrome type . Non-syndrome CLP(非综合征型唇腭裂): It was not accompanied by other system malformations, did not belong to any syndrome
Cleft lip and cleft palate may appear separately, or simultaneously. CLP will cause great impact on the appearance,language, swallowing function and even the psychology of patients and their families
• Cleft lip and cleft palate may appear separately, or simultaneously. • CLP will cause great impact on the appearance, language, swallowing function and even the psychology of patients and their families
2.Epidemiology(流行病学) Morbidity(发病率):1/600~1000 (1)Racial difference(人种差异) The black race 0.2%0≈0.73%0; The white race: 1∞1.29%0; Asian: 1.18%02.128%0, Morbidity in China:1.625%0,increasing year by year
2. Epidemiology(流行病学) Morbidity(发病率): 1/600~1000 (1)Racial difference(人种差异) The black race : 0.2‰~0.73‰; The white race: 1~1.29‰; Asian: 1.18‰~2.128‰, Morbidity in China: 1.625‰, increasing year by year
(2)Gender(性别) Male:female 1.5:1;cleft palate,female more than male. 3 Season(季节) March to June;or winter;or related to the flu season. Occurrence Site(发生部位) Unilateral were more common,left>right>bilateral=6:3:1; Cleft lip and palate accounted for 50%, Cleft palate 30%,cleft lip 20%
(2)Gender(性别) Male:female ≈ 1.5∶ 1;cleft palate, female more than male. 3 Season(季节) March to June; or winter; or related to the flu season. 4 Occurrence Site(发生部位) Unilateral were more common, left>right>bilateral=6∶ 3∶ 1; Cleft lip and palate accounted for 50%, Cleft palate 30%,cleft lip 20%
5 Regional factors(地区因素) Rural >city=2~1.5:1 6 State of the economy(经济状况) The poor were common. Parents'age(妊娠年龄) The reproductive age of pregnant women was >35 years, and the risk was increased. 8 Familial(家族性) Those with family backgrounds accounted for 28%
5 Regional factors(地区因素) Rural >city = 2~1.5∶ 1 6 State of the economy(经济状况) The poor were common. 7 Parents‘ age(妊娠年龄) The reproductive age of pregnant women was >35 years, and the risk was increased. 8 Familial (家族性) Those with family backgrounds accounted for 28%