技术协议书 TECHNICAL AGREEMENT 船号: 船名:3500m3L型)非自航绞吸式控泥船入级标志:CCS Hull No. Ship's Name: Class:CCS 日期: 挂旗(船籍) Date: Flag(Registry Port): 地点: Place: 项目: 160kN×20m电动液压回转起重机 Item: HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 型号: Type: 制造厂: 淮安市淮阴船用机械有限公司 Manufacturer:HUAIYIN MARINE MACHINERY CO.,LTD 数量: 套/船 Quantity: set/ship 参加人员: Participant: 船东: 中交上海航道局有限公司 签字: 设计院: 上海交大船舶与海注工程设计研究院签字: 卖方: 淮安市淮阴船用机械有限公司 签字: Seller: HUAIYIN MARINE MACHINERY CO.,LTD 第1页共6页
第 1 页 共 6 页 技术协议书 TECHNICAL AGREEMENT 船号: 船名: 3500m3(L 型)非自航绞吸式控泥船 入级标志:CCS Hull No. Ship’s Name: Class: CCS 日期: 挂旗(船籍) Date: Flag(Registry Port): 地点: Place: 项目: 160kN×20m 电动液压回转起重机 ltem: HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 型号: Type: 制造厂: 淮安市淮阴船用机械有限公司 Manufacturer:HUAIYIN MARINE MACHINERY CO.,LTD 数量: 套/船 Quantity: set/ship 参加人员: Participant: 船东: 中交上海航道局有限公司 签字: 设计院: 上海交大船舶与海洋工程设计研究院 签字: 卖方: 淮安市淮阴船用机械有限公司 签字: Seller: HUAIYIN MARINE MACHINERY CO.,LTD
1概述General 1,1本协议书技术参数由上海交大船舶与海洋工程设计研究院提供,适用于中交上海航道局有限公司建造的 3500m(L型)非自航绞吸式控泥船,选用江苏准阴船用机械有限公司的30kN×18m电动液压回转起重机,其规定了 电动液压回转起重机的设计、制造、试验、交货及售后服务等基本要求。 1.2本协议是用中文和英文书写的,若有矛盾,以中文为准。 This agreement is written in both Chinese and English language.However Chinese language interpretation shall prevail,if any contradictions occur. 1.3设备及材料应符合合同签订时CCS船级社的最新规范要求。 Equipment and material shall be in accordance with the latest standard of CCS classification society regulation at the time when the contract is executed. 1.4待合同签订之后,本协议才能生效。本技术协议作为合同不可分割的一部分,同时具有法律效力。 This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contact has been duly executed. 1.5制造厂须向买方提供与工作图相一致的设备。生产过程中任何的改动.应征得买方同意,并书面作出修改标 记及说明寄给买方。 The manufacturer shall guarantee that the equipment supplied to the BUYER shall conform to the working drawings.In case any modification is necessary during the process of manufacturing.the manufacturer shall immediately contact and obtain consent from the BUYER and send the BUYER the marking of modifications and the explanations. 1.6在设备出厂试验前10天,卖方应通知买方及设计单位参加验收。 10 Days prior to shop delivery test for the equipment,SELLER should inform BUYER to attend the test and submit the inspection 1.7制造厂向买方提供从交货之日起为期18个月或交船正常工作后满12个月的产品保修,以先到为准。 The manufacturer shall warrant the equipment for a period of 12 months after delivery ship. 2设备状况Equipment 2.1型号Type:16OkN×2Om液压回转起重机HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 2.2数量Qty:set/ship 2.3环境温度Environment temperature:-15℃-45℃ 2.4设备与甲板连接形式Connection type between equipment and deck: 焊接weld口 螺栓连接bolt connection☐ 2.5电源Power source: 380 V,50 Hz,3 Phase 2.6技术要求Technical specifications 1)技术参数Technical Specifications 1、安全工作负荷Working Load 160kN 2、起升高度Hoisting Height 40m 3、起升速度Hoisting Speed 0-8m/min 4、回转速度Slewing Speed 0.4r/min 5、回转角度Slewing Angle 360°(全回转) 6、工作半径Working Radius 4.2-20m 7、变幅时间Time of Arm Change 150s 8、电动机规格Electric Motor Y225M-4-H 功率Power S6-40% 55kW 电制Power Source 380V50Hz 第2页共6页
第 2 页 共 6 页 1 概述 General 1.1 本协议书技术参数由上海交大船舶与海洋工程设计研究院提供,适用于中交上海航道局有限公司 建造的 3500m 3(L 型)非自航绞吸式控泥船,选用江苏淮阴船用机械有限公司的 30kN×18m 电动液压回转起重机,其规定了 电动液压回转起重机的设计、制造、试验、交货及售后服务等基本要求。 1.2 本协议是用中文和英文书写的,若有矛盾,以中文为准。 This agreement is written in both Chinese and English language. However Chinese language interpretation shall prevail, if any contradictions occur. 1.3 设备及材料应符合合同签订时 CCS 船级社的最新规范要求。 Equipment and material shall be in accordance with the latest standard of CCS classification society regulation at the time when the contract is executed. 1.4 待合同签订之后,本协议才能生效。 本技术协议作为合同不可分割的一部分,同时具有法律效力。 This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contact has been duly executed. 1.5 制造厂须向买方提供与工作图相一致的设备。生产过程中任何的改动,应征得买方同意,并书面作出修改标 记及说明寄给买方。 The manufacturer shall guarantee that the equipment supplied to the BUYER shall conform to the working drawings. In case any modification is necessary during the process of manufacturing, the manufacturer shall immediately contact and obtain consent from the BUYER and send the BUYER the marking of modifications and the explanations. 1.6 在设备出厂试验前 10 天,卖方应通知买方及设计单位参加验收。 10 Days prior to shop delivery test for the equipment, SELLER should inform BUYER to attend the test and submit the inspection. 1.7 制造厂向买方提供从交货之日起为期 18 个月或交船正常工作后满 12 个月的产品保修,以先到为准。 The manufacturer shall warrant the equipment for a period of 12 months after delivery ship. 2 设备状况 Equipment 2.1 型号 Type: 160kN×20m 液压回转起重机 HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 2.2 数量 Qty : set/ship 2.3 环境温度 Environment temperature: -15℃--45℃ 2.4 设备与甲板连接形式 Connection type between equipment and deck: 焊接 weld□ 螺栓连接 bolt connection√□ 2.5 电源 Power source: 380 V, 50 Hz, 3 Phase 2.6 技术要求 Technical specifications 1) 技术参数 Technical Specifications 1、安全工作负荷 Working Load 160kN 2、起升高度 Hoisting Height 40m 3、起升速度 Hoisting Speed 0-8m/min 4、回转速度 Slewing Speed 0.4r/min 5、回转角度 Slewing Angle 360°(全回转) 6、工作半径 Working Radius 4.2-20m 7、变幅时间 Time of Arm Change 150s 8、电动机规格 Electric Motor Y225M-4-H 功率 Power S6-40% 55kW 电制 Power Source 380V 50Hz
防护等级Protection Type IP44 绝缘等级Motor Insulation Type F 9、机旁启停按钮盒防护等到级 IP56 l0、船舶允许倾斜Design Condition 横倾List <5° 纵倾Trim <2° 2)电动机Motor 型号及功率Type and Power:: Y225M-4-H55kw 满足IEC规范要求Comply with IEC requirement Yes 防护等级Protection type: Ip44 绝缘等级Motor insulation type: F 带电缆填料函Cable gland: 带With 带加热器Space heater: 不带No 起动方式Starting method: 星三角起动Delta start 3)电控箱Electrical control box 防护等级Protection type: Ip23 控制电压Control Voltage:220_V_50_Hz 1phase 3)标牌Indication plate: 文字要求Language 中文 英文I 2.7备件要求Spare parts:符合制造厂标准及CCS船级社要求 Comply with Manufactory standard and CCS_classification society requirement 2.8油漆Painting: 表面处理Surface disposal:除绣达2.5级Shot Blast to Sa2.5: 底漆Primer paint: 环氧富锌底漆702 zinc epox刈y prime80u(dry) 面漆颜色RAL1003 Finish paint:: To be determined later 2.9吊臂上焊有SWL160KN4.2-20m标记 2.10操纵台上操作铭牌材料为不锈钢或铜质(中英文) 2.11电控箱和按钮盒主要元件采用“施奈德”产品 2.12液压系统中设置测压点,具体数量认可图上确认 3、结构简介Structure 本机总体结构主要分为基座、回转基座、吊臂、露天操纵台四大部分。 The crane Is mainly consist of pedestal,slewing support,boom and operating stand. 第3页共6页
第 3 页 共 6 页 防护等级 Protection Type IP44 绝缘等级 Motor Insulation Type F 9、机旁启停按钮盒防护等到级 IP56 10、船舶允许倾斜 Design Condition 横倾 List <5° 纵倾 Trim <2° 2) 电动机 Motor 型号及功率 Type and Power: Y225M-4-H 55 kW 满足 IEC 规范要求 Comply with IEC requirement Yes 防护等级 Protection type: Ip44 绝缘等级 Motor insulation type: F 带电缆填料函 Cable gland: 带 With 带加热器 Space heater: 不带 No 起动方式 Starting method: 星三角起动 Delta start 3) 电控箱 Electrical control box 防护等级 Protection type: Ip23 控制电压 Control Voltage: 220 V 50 Hz 1 phase 3) 标牌 Indication plate: 文字要求 Language 中文 英文 I 2.7 备件要求 Spare parts: 符合制造厂标准及 CCS 船级社要求 Comply with Manufactory standard and CCS classification society requirement 2.8 油漆 Painting: 表面处理 Surface disposal: 除绣达 2.5 级 Shot Blast to Sa2.5: 底漆 Primer paint: 环氧富锌底漆 702 zinc epoxy prime 80μ(dry) 面漆颜色 RAL1003 Finish paint: To be determined later 2.9 吊臂上焊有 SWL160KN 4.2-20m 标记 2.10 操纵台上操作铭牌材料为不锈钢或铜质(中英文) 2.11 电控箱和按钮盒主要元件采用“施奈德”产品 2.12 液压系统中设置测压点,具体数量认可图上确认 3、 结构简介 Structure 本机总体结构主要分为基座、回转基座、吊臂、露天操纵台四大部分。 The crane Is mainly consist of pedestal, slewing support, boom and operating stand
基座为一圆筒体,使用本机时需将此件用螺栓连接到甲板基座上。 Pedestal Is a post,which Is to be connected to the deck with bolts. 回转基座和油箱是合二为一的箱式结构,结构紧凑,体积小。它通过中间的回转支承与基座连为一体。 The slewing support and oil tank are Integrated with compact structure and small body,It Is connected with the post through middle slewing bearing. 吊臂为箱式结构,用板材焊接成气密结构,内腔不必进行保养。 The boom Is a rectangle structure,It Is welded with steel plates,Its Inside does not have maintenance. 露天操纵台焊接在塔身旁边,起重机所有操作均可在露天操纵台上完成。 The operating stand Is welded beside the post,all action Is to be done on the stand 4、性能特点Features and performance 起重机具有重量轻,操纵灵活,保养方便等特点。 The crane Is featured with light weight,flexible operation and easy maintenance. 起重机动作由起升、回转、变幅三大动力系统执行。 The crane has fine performance of hoisting,slewing and luffing. 三大动力系统均为全液压式,由一台电动机拖动一台油泵供给动力。 Hoisting,slewing and luffing are to be fully hydraulic driven by a hydraulic motor. 电动机固定安装在基座内部。 The electric motor Is mounted at the bottom of pedestal. 油泵固定安装在回转基座上,通过一万向联轴器与电动机相连。 The hydraulic pump,which Is connected to the electric motor through a coupling.Is mounted on the slewing bearing 起升绞车安装在回转基座上面,由性能优越的柱塞油马达驱动,经高强度的行星齿轮减速箱带动卷筒卷绕 钢索完成货物的提升。钢丝绳为镀锌防旋转型。 Hoisting winch Is mounted on the slewing bearing.It Is driven by a piston type hydraulic motor and It will make the drum turn to wind the steel wire to lift cargo with the help of planet gear box.The steel wire Is galvanized with no twist. 回转机构安装在回转基座上,由性能优越的柱塞油马达驱动,经高强度的行星齿轮减速箱上的输出小齿轮 与回转支承的内齿圈直接啮合来实现塔身的回转。 The slewing mechanism Is mounted on slewing bearing,It Is driven by a fine piston type hydraulic motor, crane slewing Is to be achieved by means of direct engagement of Internal teeth with the output pinion of planet gear box. 变幅动作由高性能液压油缸来实现,油缸极限位置具有安全缓冲功能。 Crane luffing Is to be driven by a fine performed hydraulic cylinder,the limits of cylinder also have the function of safe buffering. 起重机各个动作的操纵由性能优越的多路换向阀来完成。 All action Is to be completed by a multi-directional valve. 露天操纵台旁设有手动应急油泵,用于断电情况下的应急释放。 On the side of operating stand Is fitted with a manual emergent pump which Is used for emergence release In case of power off. 油箱配有液位液温计等附件。 Oil tank Is fitted with level and temperature meter,etc. 5、安全系统Safety system 第4页共6页
第 4 页 共 6 页 基座为一圆筒体,使用本机时需将此件用螺栓连接到甲板基座上。 Pedestal Is a post, which Is to be connected to the deck with bolts. 回转基座和油箱是合二为一的箱式结构,结构紧凑,体积小。它通过中间的回转支承与基座连为一体。 The slewing support and oil tank are Integrated with compact structure and small body, It Is connected with the post through middle slewing bearing. 吊臂为箱式结构,用板材焊接成气密结构,内腔不必进行保养。 The boom Is a rectangle structure , It Is welded with steel plates, Its Inside does not have maintenance. 露天操纵台焊接在塔身旁边,起重机所有操作均可在露天操纵台上完成。 The operating stand Is welded beside the post, all action Is to be done on the stand. 4、性能特点 Features and performance 起重机具有重量轻,操纵灵活,保养方便等特点。 The crane Is featured with light weight, flexible operation and easy maintenance. 起重机动作由起升、回转、变幅三大动力系统执行。 The crane has fine performance of hoisting, slewing and luffing. 三大动力系统均为全液压式,由一台电动机拖动一台油泵供给动力。 Hoisting, slewing and luffing are to be fully hydraulic driven by a hydraulic motor. 电动机固定安装在基座内部。 The electric motor Is mounted at the bottom of pedestal. 油泵固定安装在回转基座上,通过一万向联轴器与电动机相连。 The hydraulic pump, which Is connected to the electric motor through a coupling, Is mounted on the slewing bearing 起升绞车安装在回转基座上面,由性能优越的柱塞油马达驱动,经高强度的行星齿轮减速箱带动卷筒卷绕 钢索完成货物的提升。钢丝绳为镀锌防旋转型。 Hoisting winch Is mounted on the slewing bearing, It Is driven by a piston type hydraulic motor and It will make the drum turn to wind the steel wire to lift cargo with the help of planet gear box. The steel wire Is galvanized with no twist. 回转机构安装在回转基座上,由性能优越的柱塞油马达驱动,经高强度的行星齿轮减速箱上的输出小齿轮 与回转支承的内齿圈直接啮合来实现塔身的回转。 The slewing mechanism Is mounted on slewing bearing, It Is driven by a fine piston type hydraulic motor, crane slewing Is to be achieved by means of direct engagement of Internal teeth with the output pinion of planet gear box. 变幅动作由高性能液压油缸来实现,油缸极限位置具有安全缓冲功能。 Crane luffing Is to be driven by a fine performed hydraulic cylinder, the limits of cylinder also have the function of safe buffering. 起重机各个动作的操纵由性能优越的多路换向阀来完成。 All action Is to be completed by a multi- directional valve. 露天操纵台旁设有手动应急油泵,用于断电情况下的应急释放。 On the side of operating stand Is fitted with a manual emergent pump which Is used for emergence release In case of power off. 油箱配有液位液温计等附件。 Oil tank Is fitted with level and temperature meter, etc. 5、安全系统 Safety system
所有起升、回转和变幅均装设有自动保护装置,该装置同主动力系统控制油路无关,一旦某种原因失去动 力或压力,所有动作将自动停止,以保证起重机的安全。 Crane hoisting,slewing and luffing are fitted with auto protection device,which has no relation to the main power control circuit,that Is,all action will stop automatically to guarantee safety In case of power or pressure off. 主控制阀内安装有安全阀,实行所有动作的过载保护。 Inside the main control valve Is fitted with a relief valve which acts as over loaded protection device. 绞车和回转机构有自动制动装置。 The winch and slewing mechanism are equipped with auto brake. 变幅限位由油缸的机械限位来完成。 Luffing limit Is to be achieved by the mechanical limit of cylinder. 吊钩上限位由臂头机械限位来完成。 Upper limit of hook Is to be achieved by the mechanical limit of boom head 露天操纵台上设有应急停止装置。 The operating stand Is fitted with emergence stop device. 6 供图范围Scope of drawings to be supplied 6.1确认图Approval drawing:first ship3_copies follow ship__copies Chinese□ 6.2完I图Final drawing:2_copies/ship Chinese 6.3合同签订后30_天内,卖方应向买方提交确认图。 After the contract is executed,SELLER should submit the approval drawing to BUYER within30 days. 6.4在收到确认图后,用方及设计院及时返回认可意见,若在10天内买方不退确认图,这意味着买方对确认图 没有意见。 After receiving the approval drawing,BUYER will return 1 copies of approval drawing with comments.If BUYER has not returned the approval drawing within 10 days.that means BUYER has no comments on the approval drawing. 6.5完工图随设备一起送交买方,并提供电子版本1份。 The final drawing should be sent to BUYER with equipment 6.6资料内容Content of drawings and Documents 序号 图纸名称 确认图 完工图 备注 Name of drawing Appr.DWG Final.DWG. Remark 1 总图(含底座图) YES YES 6份 G.A. 液压原理图 YES YES Hydraulic drawing 6份 3 电气原理图、接线图及外形图 YES Electric circuit and wiring drawing YES 6份 使用说明节 YES 6份 INSTRUCTION 5 备件清单 YES Spare parts list 4份 6 试验报告 YES 3份 Test report 第5页共6页
第 5 页 共 6 页 所有起升、回转和变幅均装设有自动保护装置,该装置同主动力系统控制油路无关,一旦某种原因失去动 力或压力,所有动作将自动停止,以保证起重机的安全。 Crane hoisting, slewing and luffing are fitted with auto protection device, which has no relation to the main power control circuit, that Is, all action will stop automatically to guarantee safety In case of power or pressure off.主控制阀内安装有安全阀,实行所有动作的过载保护。 Inside the main control valve Is fitted with a relief valve which acts as over loaded protection device. 绞车和回转机构有自动制动装置。 The winch and slewing mechanism are equipped with auto brake. 变幅限位由油缸的机械限位来完成。 Luffing limit Is to be achieved by the mechanical limit of cylinder. 吊钩上限位由臂头机械限位来完成。 Upper limit of hook Is to be achieved by the mechanical limit of boom head. 露天操纵台上设有应急停止装置。 The operating stand Is fitted with emergence stop device. 6 供图范围 Scope of drawings to be supplied 6.1 确认图 Approval drawing: first ship 3 copies follow ship copies Chinese□ 6.2 完工图 Final drawing: 2 copies/ship Chinese 6.3 合同签订后 30 天内,卖方应向买方提交确认图。 After the contract is executed, SELLER should submit the approval drawing to BUYER within 30 days. 6.4 在收到确认图后,用方及设计院及时返回认可意见,若在 10 天内买方不退确认图,这意味着买方对确认图 没有意见。 After receiving the approval drawing, BUYER will return 1 copies of approval drawing with comments. If BUYER has not returned the approval drawing within 10 days, that means BUYER has no comments on the approval drawing. 6.5 完工图随设备一起送交买方,并提供电子版本 1 份。 The final drawing should be sent to BUYER with equipment 6.6 资料内容 Content of drawings and Documents 序号 图纸名称 Name of drawing . 确认图 Appr.DWG 完工图 Final.DWG. 备注 Remark 1 总图(含底座图) G.A. YES YES 6 份 2 液压原理图 Hydraulic drawing YES YES 6 份 3 电气原理图、接线图及外形图 Electric circuit and wiring drawing YES YES 6 份 4 使用说明书 INSTRUCTION YES 6 份 5 备件清单 Spare parts list YES 4 份 6 试验报告 Test report YES 3 份
工厂证书 YES 3份 factory certification 8 CCS船检证书 YES CCS Class certification 1正3副 发货清单 9 Packing list YES 7 供货范围Scope of supply 7.1160kN×20m液压回转起重机HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 台/船sets/vessel 7.2电控箱Electric control box 台/船 sets vessel 7.3按钮盒及存放箱 7.4出厂备件 8买方其它要求Other requirement of BUYER 8.1卖方提供本设备的底座安装图及船舶接口的相关技术参数给买方及设计院。 It's seller's duty to offer buyer the mounting drawing of crane and relevant technical data 82如因设备本身质量问题,设备厂在接到船厂通知两天内到中国国内施工现场免费提供技术指导。 The maker of equipment shall be responsible for providing free-fee technical guidance On working site (At home)due to the problems in quality within two days after receiving ship yard's information 8.3主要外购配套件生产厂家: Manufacturers of major purchased parts 1.电动机:山东德州恒力电机有限责任公司 Elec.Motor Dezhou Hengli Motor Co.,Ltd Shandong 2液压马达:贵阳力源 Hyd.motor: 3液压油泵:贵阳力源 Hyd.Pump: 4.平衡阀:美国SUN公司 5.主控多路阀:丹麦DANFOSS 6.油缸:长江液压件厂 7.回转支承:徐州罗特艾德 Slewing ring bearing:Xuzhou 8.电控箱:江阴航海 8.4主要备件清单 1.高压软管 2根 2.滤芯 1只 3.O型密封圈(每种规格) 3只 4.组合垫圈(每种规格) 3只 5.压力表0-25MPa 1只 6.熔断器 2只 7.指示灯灯泡 2只 8.5驾驶台的位置:操作者站在驾驶台上,面向吊钩,驾驶台位于吊机的右侧。 8.6基座上的人孔须考虑电机能从基座内取出,以方便维修。 8.7未尽事宜,双方友好协商解决。 Other unaccomplished matters are to be settled through friendly consultation by both parties. 第6页共6页
第 6 页 共 6 页 7 工厂证书 factory certification YES 3 份 8 CCS 船检证书 CCS Class certification YES 1 正 3 副 9 发货清单 Packing list YES 7 供货范围 Scope of supply 7.1 160kN×20m 液压回转起重机 HYDRAULIC SLEWING TYPE CRANE 台/船 sets / vessel 7.2 电控箱 Electric control box 台/船 sets / vessel 7.3 按钮盒及存放箱 7.4 出厂备件 8 买方其它要求 Other requirement of BUYER 8.1 卖方提供本设备的底座安装图及船舶接口的相关技术参数给买方及设计院。 It’s seller’s duty to offer buyer the mounting drawing of crane and relevant technical data. 8.2 如因设备本身质量问题,设备厂在接到船厂通知两天内到中国国内施工现场免费提供技术指导。 The maker of equipment shall be responsible for providing free-fee technical guidance On working site (At home) due to the problems in quality within two days after receiving ship yard’s information. 8.3 主要外购配套件生产厂家: Manufacturers of major purchased parts 1.电动机:山东德州恒力电机有限责任公司 Elec. Motor Dezhou Hengli Motor Co., Ltd Shandong 2.液压马达:贵阳力源 Hyd.motor: 3.液压油泵:贵阳力源 Hyd. Pump: 4.平衡阀: 美国 SUN 公司 5.主控多路阀:丹麦 DANFOSS 6. 油缸:长江液压件厂 7.回转支承: 徐州罗特艾德 Slewing ring bearing: Xuzhou 8.电控箱: 江阴航海 8.4 主要备件清单 1.高压软管 2 根 2.滤芯 1 只 3.O 型密封圈 (每种规格) 3 只 4.组合垫圈 (每种规格) 3 只 5.压力表 0-25MPa 1 只 6. 熔断器 2 只 7.指示灯灯泡 2 只 8.5 驾驶台的位置:操作者站在驾驶台上,面向吊钩,驾驶台位于吊机的右侧。 8.6 基座上的人孔须考虑电机能从基座内取出,以方便维修。 8.7 未尽事宜,双方友好协商解决。 Other unaccomplished matters are to be settled through friendly consultation by both parties