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美国进口一部“中国产”Phone ·总价=$179 -日本34%:闪存=$24,屏幕=$35 9 -德国17%:GPS+摄像+WiFi=$30 -南韩13%:处理器+零部件=$23 -米国6%:蓝牙+录音+3G=$12 -其他:材料+软件许可+专利=$48 回 -中国3.6%:组装=$6.5 L An age of darknesa, ..ended with a searing light, ..and the great device having spanned centuries.. which shook the earth... was rendered unto thee. 1/87

美国进口一部“中国产”iPhone • 总价=$179 – 日本34%:闪存=$24,屏幕=$35 – 德国17%:GPS+摄像+WiFi=$30 – 南韩13%:处理器+零部件=$23 – 米国6%:蓝牙+录音+3G=$12 – 其他:材料+软件许可+专利=$48 – 中国3.6%:组装=$6.5 llxx@ustc.edu.cn 1/87

《中国制造2025》计划 所一代 生物医药 《中国制造2025》明确了十大重点领域 信息技术 及高性能 高格产业 医疗器湖 数控机底 斯材料 和机器人 110 航空航天 装备 农机装整 2015年5月8日 5 海洋 工程装备 国务院印发 电力装备 及高技术 船触 先进轨道 节能 交通装备 与新能调 汽车 通过“三步走”实现制造强国的战略且标 MORILTAT INDUSTRIE 4.0 新中成立 百时 我围制透业 2035年 STROMNETZE 大国地位更加巩固 综合实力进入 CERAUDE N2025年 我国制适业 世界制造强国前列 整体达到世界制造 强国阵营中等水平 迈入制造强国行列 PROOUKTE

《中国制造2025》计划 2015年5月8日 国务院印发

Embedded Systems around us Traffic Fax Machine Management Security System Television Printer Aircraft Flight Control Audio System Camera Microwave Oven Ultra Sound Machine

Embedded Systems around us

CPS Example-Printing Press .High-speed,high precision ·Speed:1inch/ms Precision:0.01 inch -Time accuracy:10us Open standards(Ethernet) Synchronous,Time-Triggered IEEE 1588 time-sync protocol Application aspects ·local (control0 distributed (coordination) Bosch-Rexroth 。global(modes

CPS Example – Printing Press

嵌入式智能系统:纳米级无人机,仅重27充 CNN自主导航,史上最小@ETH Zuricl ①init interrupt (GPiO) ULP camera 2 Load binary (HyperBus) 3 Configure camera (12C) 3↑↓4 4 Grab frames (uDMA) L2 Memory FC 5 Load weights (HyperBus) 1 CLUSTER MCU L1 Memory 6 PULP computation 6 7 Write-back results (SPI) 5 Core Core Core Memory a CoreCoreCore Core L3 Hyper Flash/RAM a 份已03巴w 得 The navigation system is based on DroNet,a shallow convolutional neural network standard-size quadrotors developed by from University of Zurich

嵌入式智能系统:纳米级无人机,仅重27克 CNN自主导航,史上最小@ETH Zurich

Retis A robot control example 灾etis Design requirements Consider a mobile robot equipped with: >Modularity:a subsystem must be developed without >two actuated wheels; knowing the details of other subsystems(team work). >two proximity (US)sensors; >Configurability:software must be adapted to different situations (through the use of suitable parameters) >a mobile(pan/tilt)camera; without changing the source code. >a wireless tranceiver. >Portability:minimize code changes when porting the system to different hardware platforms. Goal >Predictability:allow the estimation of maximum delays. >Follow a path based on visual feedback; >Avoid obstacles; >Efficiency:optimize the use of available resources (computation time,memory,energy). >Send complete robot status every 20 ms. 家ets Hierarchical control 安etis Software View periodic task buffer visual-based navigation visual-based obstacle 100ms obstacle navigation avoidance object avoidance object recognition recognition 10 ms visual vehicle visual control vehicle tracking tracking control 20m5 (5ms) feature feature extraction extraction motor control camera pan tilt US1 US2 mot_dx camera pan tilt US1 US2 mot dx mot_sx

计算模型:Turning Machine ALAN TURING 19121954 雅sTMt HOME oF Man Twing 101110L MATHEMATICAL g果niw Adlington Rd. ooo000000000000 01R4 01L3 。1 变迁系统 111 11R5 01L4 01R2 2 SunaMaqpuea -Timing:逻辑步? 11L1 11 4 。 计算复杂性问题 01R3 R4 一时间复杂度 11L 3 ·Time:metrics

计算模型:Turning Machine • 变迁系统 – Timing:逻辑步? • 计算复杂性问题 – 时间复杂度 • Time:metrics

The Real-Time Problem:缺乏时间语义! o Programming languages have no time in their core semantics o Temporal properties are viewed as “non-functional'" o Precise timing is poorly supported by hardware architectures o Operating systems provide timed behavior on a best-effort basis (e.g. using priorities). o Priorities are widely misused in practice


中围种学技术大学 嵌入式实时系统设计方法 Embedded Computing Real-Time Computing Embedded Real-Time Systems 李曦lxx@ustc.edu.cn 陈香兰xlanchen@ustc.edu.cn

嵌入式实时系统设计方法 Embedded Computing Real-Time Computing Embedded Real-Time Systems 李曦 llxx@ustc.edu.cn 陈香兰 xlanchen@ustc.edu.cn

Presentation Outline 嵌入式系统概述 一嵌入式系统的定义 -嵌入式系统的特征与指标 -嵌入式系统分类 ·发展方向:CPS 。2 热点应用示例 一汽车电子 ·课程说明 llxx@ustc.edu.cn 10/87

Presentation Outline • 嵌入式系统概述 –嵌入式系统的定义 –嵌入式系统的特征与指标 –嵌入式系统分类 • 发展方向:CPS llxx@ustc.edu.cn 10/87 • 发展方向:CPS • 热点应用示例 –汽车电子 –。。。 • 课程说明

共78页,可试读20页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓


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