上游充通大淫 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering.SJTU 1896 1920 1987 2006 Materials applications and practices SHANGHAI JIAO Professor:Hao LU Office:F309 Email:luhao@sjtu.edu.cn
1896 1920 1987 2006 Materials Materials applications and practices Materials applications applications and practices practices Professor:Hao LU Offi F309 Office: F309 Email:luhao@sjtu.edu.cn
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU AN203 Steels Modulus-density Technical Ti alloys Ni alloys 1000 ceramics WC o-一W alloys Composites. ●P 100 Glas- GFRP Metals Wood 10 Natural PMMA Lead alloys materials Zinc loys PEEK PET PS Families occupy Rigid polym discrete fields Polymers 10 Foams Slcone 10 elastomers Palyurethano 103 Neoprene Flexible polymor foams Butyl Elastomers tubber 10 MFA 06 0.01 0.1 10 Log Density,p(Mg/m3) scales
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU 2 H alkalai alkaline lanthanide actinide transition metals earths metals He 1.009 4003 4 atomic num元素 雨6 碳7 氮8 氧9 10复 Li Be symbol ch时 semi- non- halogens noble metals 9380s B N 0 F Ne ithium bervlun elemend n销e boron carbon n行00br mrvgan huonne neon 8941 9012 atomic weigh 10.811 1201 14.0o7 16000 19.000 20.10 12 14 硅15 时16 18 Na Mg Solid Liquid Gas Symthetic Al Si S CI Ar sodiur m4n上51 silicon phosphorus sulfur argon 22900 24.305 26982 20006 30.974 32065 35453 39048 19 年20 21 22 就23 釩24 路25 好26 鍰27 结28 婆29 30 鋅31 32 鳍33 34 35 36 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 转m itanium manganese cobalt mickel copper zine 39.098 40.078 44.956 47867 50.942 51.996 54.939 55.845 58.903 59.693 63546 65.39 69723 7261 74922 78.96 79.904 的80 37 38 39 40 结41 42 43 44订 45能 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Rb Sr Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te rubidurn tnhu zirconium riobum molybdetum technetiu uthenium thodum paladum camn时 indu antmnony 95.480 87.62 8g906 91.24 92906 95.54 t01.07 10291 10342 107.87 1124 11482 11871 121.76 127.680 126.90 3129 55¥56 71 72給73 如74鸽75婆7677:78 79 80 8182 83 84 85 夜86 Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn cesium bariurn ltetium hafniun tantakm tungtten thenium omum gold mfUn thatiun lead bismuth poleniu saine don 1329 13735 17437 17849 18095 18384 186.21 19023 19222 19508 200.59 20438 2072 20B 20 210 2 87纺 88 103 104铺105金杜106金喜107波108金黑 109金岁110 111 112 113 114 115 116 17 118 Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo radium bohrium hassium 1221 22可 26冈 261 262 26句 264 269 289 29句 272习 28啊 284 29间 8明 29 57-70 57 58 陆59语60 级61 62 63 蘭64■ 65 试66 67 数68 饵69 70 lanthanides La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb 鑭系元素 cenim neodymiu prometfurn samanem 10m terbium drtorosum homum ertam huu销 ytterbiu 13g01 140.12 14091 14424 【14月 15058 151.96 15725 15083 162.50 164.93 16728 16083 17304 89.102 89 90 处91 92轴93. 94 95 96 渠97 培98 99 100镜101销102就 actinides Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No 鋼系元素 thorun pretactinium 22 23204 23104 23803 231 24同 2439 24刀 247刀 251 251 25 25m 5前
上游充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU Raw materials Primary shaping Casting Moulding Deformation Powder Composite Special methods: methods: methods: methods: forming: methods: Sand Injection Rolling Sintering Hand fay-up Rapid prototype Die Compression Forging HIPing Filament winding Lay-up Investment Blow moulding Drawing Slip casting RTM Electro-form Secondary processes Machining: Heat treat: Cut,tum,plane Quench,temper. dnill,grind age-harden Joining Surface treatment Fastening, Welding, Polishing. Plating. riveting heat bonding texturing metallising Snap fits, Adhesives, Anodise, Painting, friction bond cements chromising printing Finished product
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU Materials applications in nuclear power equipmemts Professor:Hao.Lu
Materials applications in nuclear power equipmemts Professor Professor:Hao.Lu
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU Outl ine >Background >Researches >Mechanical properties of Ni-base alloy >Introduction of EBSD technology >DDC investigation in Inconel 690 SHA G负
Outline Background Researches Mechanical properties of Ni-base alloy Introduction of EBSD technology Introduction of EBSD technology DDC investigation in Inconel 690
上游充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU Background World total primary energy supply from 1971 to 2014 by fuel(Mtoe) Nuclear power plants in China 14000 1200 00 800 600 400 20 0 1971 1975 1980 1985 198019% 200 2305 2010204 ☐coan o ☐Natural gas ☐Nuclear Hydro ☐Biofuels and waste ☐Other3 Nuclear production from 1971 to 2014 by region(TWh) 30 250 20 150 Active plants Inder construction plants 100 Firmly planned plants 50 1971 19719011g90196200205 20102014 ■OECD ☐Non-OECD Europe ☐Asia'☐China ☐Other and Eurasia "Key World Energy Statistics 2016"(PDF).www.iea.org.IEA.2016. pp.8.37
Background World total primary energy supply from 1971 to 2014 by fuel (Mtoe) Nuclear power plants in China Nuclear production from 1971 to 2014 by region (TWh) "Key World Energy Statistics 2016"(PDF). www.iea.org. IEA. 2016. pp. 8, 37
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SITU Background Materials used in nuclear power equipments Primary Circuit Secondary Circuit Anti-vibration bars: Aloy600,4055 Steam dryersi Carbon steel MSR: Turbine: Vessel:alloy steel 304SS 439 ferritic steel ·Roter:low allo时steel Cad:308.309ss ·Blades:17-4PH.403ss SG vessel wall: Welds: Blade attach:low alloy steel Low alloy steel .Diaphram,Cr steel Vessel penetrations ·SS toS5:30855 ·Steel to SS:308.309 Steam Generator tubes CRDM housing: Generator: Retaining ring: Alloy 600MA.690TT high strength,high v√Welds toughness Closure studs: ·Copper conductors Alloy steel Vessel: ·Alley stcel ·Cad:308.309ss Condenser tubes: Tior SS tubes Control red: ,SS clad Condenser tubesheet: ·B,C+SS poison Cathodie protection Core structurals: or titanium clad 304SS Condenser structural: High strengt在: Water side:carbon steel A286.X750 Fuel claddingr Primary piping: 304.31655 Primary plenum clad: 308.309S5 Pump material: Divider plate: SG tubesheet: Preheater tubing: ·iSA26174PH关75知 Alley 600 Low alloy steel in4ss ·Structural:304,316Ss Impeller housing:cast stainless SG tubing: Tube supports: Sccondary feedwater piping: Alloys 600MA. 40555 Carbon steel 600TT,690TT.00 Welds: Steel to SS:82.182 Schematic of the primary and secondary circuits of a pressurized water reactor and materials of construction(Staehle R.Personal communication.)
Background Materials used in nuclear power equipments Vessel penetrations Steam Generator tubes Welds Schematic of the primar y and secondar y circuits of a pressurized water reactor and materials of construction(Staehle R. Personal communication.)
上海充通大学 材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Enginecring.SJTU Background Section of Safety end FM-52M overlay 116mm1 FM-52M weld 16MnD5 80m Stainless steel (SA508Gr.3Cl.1) (or Alloy690) piping 13mm >The ferritic pressure vessel nozzle Microstructure ()th pass material is SA508Gr.3C1.1 steel )th pass >Composition compatibility with respect to physical and chemical properties is ()th pass (th pass very important for welding hence SA508 Gr.3C1.1 is often deposited with ()th pass Inconel 52M buttering th pass
Background FM‐52M overlay FM‐52M weld Section of Safety end 16MnD5 Stainless steel (or Alloy690) piping (SA508Gr.3Cl.1) The ferritic pressure vessel nozzle material is SA508Gr.3Cl.1 steel C i i ibili i h Composition compatibility with respect to physical and chemical properties is very important for welding hence S 508 G .3C . s o te depos ted w t A508 Gr.3Cl.1 is often deposited with Inconel 52M buttering