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Unit 9 Section A Premarital agreements warm-up Questions Background Information 1. premarital agreements Premarital agreements or prenuptial agreements are binding legal contracts between two people who intend to marry each other
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Teaching plan Book three Unit Five Section A Graceful hands. Warm-up Questions and Introductory Remarks (1)What does the title\ Graceful hands remind you of at first sight? (2)How did the woman die?
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Band Three Unit I Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams Warm-up questions What do you know about crime? What type of crime does the main character commit in section A? We encounter crime everywhere-on TV, in our neighborhoods, in our homes, with
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Unit 3 Section A Where Principles Come First I. Warm up questions a. How the Hyde school succeeded in educating children?What causes that? b. How to improve high school education in a way to meet the damands of the society?
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Unit six Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes Warm-up questions 1. Have you ever been in an earthquake? 2. What do you think you would do first if the room started to shake? 3. How should we prepare for earthquakes?
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Book two Unit nine Preview Students all over the world dream of what will happen in their future. Many hope to travel abroad where they can both use their education and earn a good salary. Large, modern countries like English and America welcome such graduates, making it easy for them to enter the count
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Book two Unit si Section a: As his Name Is. so is hel Preview This writer describes ways names can make a difference. When one woman used her middle name, she felt better and her professional achievement improved. A magazine
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UNIT THREE Word Study 1. character n (1)C](指个人、民族、社会特有的)天性,性格;特色:(事物的)特性 ---He has a strong but gentle character 他有坚强但温柔的性格
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Preview During World War II, life in England was filled with hardships and sorrow because Hitler's Nazi air force was booming London repeatedly. The people of the country had to pull together and help one another in countless ways so that normal daily life could continue as much as possible England's Royal Air Force was heroic in the way the few pilots continued to meet and fight against the tremendous number of Nazi airplanes The citizens on the ground
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Preview: Riddle: It does exist. But it will never return. What is it? Americans value time and save it carefully. Time is a real, precious resource to them so every minute must count. Visitors may think Americans are always in rush and under pressure. Smiles and short conversations, and small exchanges with strangers don't exist because Americans dislike
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