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Lactie 4 .1 Shin-sawiralt alion fov Newt. coig cocffoueur Vontiei auculelion h23-2959-989-91 40-s2, Batch -71-99. A> Suiens-Swow neli mclalin Fov auny slius liuwr coondwolio, a sct g aapu canlo such aat
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The importance of phonetic study 1) Phonetics is the science of speech sounds. It deals with the sound system of a language. A language consists of three important elements, namely, speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar. Speech
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This section is concerned with one of the most remarkable features of English pronunciation. Many common English words have two or more pronunciations in speech, depending on their positions in a sentence----a strong form and one or more weak forms
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2. 1 Basic Concept 2.2 Determining Degree of Freedom 2, 3 How does a kinematic chains transform into a mechanism? 2.4 Kinematic Diagram of Mechanism 2.5 Principle of Mechanism Constitution
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Home Study Exercise (E1)O&W3.46(a)and(c) (t) and y(t) are continuous-time periodic signals with a period= To and Fourier series representations given b
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I,Background Information II.Pre-reading Activities TII.Text Analysis-Structure IV.Intensive reading V.Writing skill VI.Exercises
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Section A The Temptation of a Respectavle Woman Section B The Obligations and Responsibilitise to marriage Section C The Positive Meanings of Love
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Section A The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams Section B The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Albert Section C For the Want of a Telephone Call
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Section A Time-Conscious Amercans Section B Culture Shock Section C Adjustment to a New Culture
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Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys toSuccessful Online Learning Section C Teacheing Children at Home
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