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中国科学技术大学:《多媒体通信 Multimedia Communications》课程教学资源(教案课件讲稿)第二章 多媒体数据压缩国际标准(音频数据的压缩标准)

 2.3.1 话音编码基础  2.3.2 三种话音编码器  2.3.3 MPEG Audio  2.3.4 移动通信网中的音频编码

© 多媒体通信 Multimedia Communications 第2章 多媒体数据压缩国际标准 音频数据的压缩标准 2019年9月22日@ 甩于工程与后怎科学系

2019年9月22日 第2章 多媒体数据压缩国际标准 音频数据的压缩标准 多媒体通信 Multimedia Communications

KC第2章多媒体数据压缩国际标准 ◆2.1多媒体数据压缩编码的重要性和分类 ◆2.2常见数据压缩方法分类与基本原理 ◆2.3音频压缩标准 ▣2.3.1话音编码基础 ▣2.3.2三种话音编码器 ▣2.3.3 PEG Audio ▣2.3.4移动通信网中的音频编码 ◆2.4静态图像压缩编码的国际标准 ◆2.5视频压缩的国际标准 ◆2.6可伸缩性编码和分布式编码 ynh.cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn 第2章 多媒体数据压缩国际标准 2.1 多媒体数据压缩编码的重要性和分类 2.2 常见数据压缩方法分类与基本原理 2.3 音频压缩标准  2.3.1 话音编码基础  2.3.2 三种话音编码器  2.3.3 MPEG Audio  2.3.4 移动通信网中的音频编码 2.4 静态图像压缩编码的国际标准 2.5 视频压缩的国际标准 2.6 可伸缩性编码和分布式编码 2

Me History of Magnetic Tape 近半个世纪的辉煌 磁带录音机的生命周期 C10 TBOH HOTH 成长期 1960's 成熟期 导入期 1930's 19805 衰退期 3 1990's ynh.cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn History of Magnetic Tape 近半个世纪的辉煌 3 1960's 1930's 1990's 1980's

MC 消费电子从磁存储步入半导体存储 索尼停产卡带Walkman随身听 ②3 读图时代 告别:Sony停产卡带alknan Sony的卡带Walkman就是上个世 纪的pod。在人们还傻里傻气的抱 着纸箱子一样大的家音机在街上跳 舞时,卡带Walkman的出现让这个世 界街头音乐瞬间“旧貌换新颜”。 (图1) 这种改变波及全球,从美国的 街头沉迷其中的黑人妇女(图2)到 中国那一代年轻人把刚刚看到的浪 漫和流行浓缩进卡带(图3),那是 数字时代来临前最让人兴奋的一次 预言。 事实上,数字时代随身电子产 品的一切主要特征,几乎都可以在 当年的Walkman_上面找到:小型化、 B 都市规费■林烟 电子化、时尚感、廉价……这一切 初市林 再熟悉不过,却始于今天向我们道 wea 别的30年前的Walkman。 祝卡带Walkmanj走好,愿数字 Walkman常青。我们博物馆再见! (图4) ONY 2010年10月25日 WALKmAN 3】 一周速递 http://star.news.sohu.com/s2010/science33

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn 消费电子从磁存储步入半导体存储 索尼停产卡带Walkman随身听 2010年10月25日 http://star.news.sohu.com/s2010/science33/

MC History of CD-DA 20世纪最后20年:在光盘上存放数字音乐 1969:The idea of a compact disc was born in the mind of Klass Compaan,a Ducth physicist. 1975:Research on laser and optical disc technology started by Sony. 1977:Philips began researching laser and optical disc technology. 1980:CD-DA format introduced by Philips and Sony,and standards were laid down. 1982:Manufacturing of CDs began on a large scale in a factory. 1982:First ever album on a CD released by Sony,which was Billy Joel's 52nd Street. 1983:CD players and discs hit the market in the US and the rest of the world. 1987:The first Video CD(VCD)format created for storing and playing video and audio. ◆1996:DVD technology hit the world. 1997:DVD released in the market,sidelining CDs. 1999:Super Audio CD(SACD)is released by Sony and Philips. 2003:The first consumer available Blu-Ray player is released in Japan by Sony. 2008:Sales for large label CDs drops 20%due to rising popularity of MP3 audio. Development of the Compact Disc,CD-ROM,DVD and Blu-Ray http://www.voices.com/resources/articles/audig-recording-technology/cd-histortmeline

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn History of CD-DA 20世纪最后20年:在光盘上存放数字音乐 1969: The idea of a compact disc was born in the mind of Klass Compaan, a Ducth physicist. 1975: Research on laser and optical disc technology started by Sony. 1977: Philips began researching laser and optical disc technology. 1980: CD-DA format introduced by Philips and Sony, and standards were laid down. 1982: Manufacturing of CDs began on a large scale in a factory. 1982: First ever album on a CD released by Sony, which was Billy Joel's 52nd Street. 1983: CD players and discs hit the market in the US and the rest of the world. 1987: The first Video CD (VCD) format created for storing and playing video and audio. 1996: DVD technology hit the world.  1997: DVD released in the market, sidelining CDs. 1999: Super Audio CD (SACD) is released by Sony and Philips. 2003: The first consumer available Blu-Ray player is released in Japan by Sony. 2008: Sales for large label CDs drops 20% due to rising popularity of MP3 audio. 5 Development of the Compact Disc, CD-ROM, DVD and Blu-Ray http://www.voices.com/resources/articles/audio-recording-technology/cd-history-timeline

MC History of MP3 players 21世纪,便携式MP3播放器 1 Apr 1989.Patented 1 Jan 1994,MPEG-2 1 Jan 1999,And here they developed are! 1 Jan 1988.MPEG 1 Jan 1992,Algorithm 26 Nov 1996.Patent established integrated Issued 1 Jan 1987,mp3 thought 1 Jan 1993,MPEG 1 Sep 1998,Enforcing the of published patent 1990 http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/ .1987-The Fraunhofer Institut in Germany began research (DAB). April 1989-Fraunhofer received a German patent for MP3 .1992-Fraunhofer's and Dieter Seitzer's algorithm was integrated into MPEG-1. .1993-MPEG-1 standard published .1994-MPEG-2 developed and published a year later. .1996-United States patent issued for MP3 .1998-Fraunhofer started to enforce their patent rights. .1999-Portable MP3 players appear. 6 ynh.cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn History of MP3 players 21世纪,便携式MP3播放器 6 http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/ •1987 - The Fraunhofer Institut in Germany began research (DAB). •April 1989 - Fraunhofer received a German patent for MP3 •1992 - Fraunhofer's and Dieter Seitzer’s algorithm was integrated into MPEG-1. •1993 - MPEG-1 standard published •1994 - MPEG-2 developed and published a year later. •1996 - United States patent issued for MP3 •1998 - Fraunhofer started to enforce their patent rights. •1999 - Portable MP3 players appear

KC数字音频主要应用领域 ◆应用范围 口无线电广播、电话、电视信号中的声音 口移动通信、卫星通信、音频文件 Digital audio broadcasting Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Storage technologies ▣Digital audio player ▣Compact Disc(CD) ▣DVD-Audio ▣Super Audio CD ▣Blu-ray Disc(BD) 7 ynh.cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn 数字音频主要应用领域 应用范围 无线电广播、电话、电视信号中的声音 移动通信、卫星通信、音频文件 Digital audio broadcasting  Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Storage technologies  Digital audio player  Compact Disc (CD)  DVD-Audio  Super Audio CD  Blu-ray Disc (BD) 7

MC Technical Details of Lossy Audio Compression Formats Audio compression Algorithm Sample Rate Bit rate Latency format AAC MDCT,Hybrid Subband 8 kHz to 192 kHz301 8 to 529 kbit/s(stereo) 20-405ms37 (AAC-HE) AC3 MDCT 32,44.1,48kHz 32 to 640 kbit/s 40.6ms 4.75,5.15,5.90,6.70,7.40,7.95, AMR ACELP 8kHz 10.20,12.20kbit/s 25ms GSM-HR VSELP 8 kHz 5.6 kbit/s 25ms GSM-FR RPE-LTP 8 kHz 13 kbit/s 20-30ms GSM-EFR ACELP 8kHz 12.2 kbit/s 20-30ms HVXC Speech 8 kHz 2 or 4 kbit/s 36ms,64.80.96. MP3(MPEG-1,2,2.5 MDCT,Hybrid Subband 8,11.025,,24. 112,128.144,160,192,224,256 >100ms Audio Layer Ill) 32.441,48kHz 320 kbit/s Musepack Subband 32,,48kHz 3 to 1300 kbit/s Vorbis(Ogg) MDCT 1 Hz to 200 kHz variable >100ms Windows Media Audio MDCT 8,11.025,16,22.05,32,44.1, 4 to 768kbit/s >100ms Pro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_audio_codecs (ynh,cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn Technical Details of Lossy Audio Compression Formats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_audio_codecs

MC Technical Details of Lossless Audio Compression Formats Audio compression format Algorithm专 Sample Rate Bits per sample Latency ALAC Lossless 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz 16.244g 7 4.3ms-92ms(46.4ms FLAC Lossless 1 Hz to 655350 Hz typical) Monkey's Audio Lossless 8.11.025,12,16.22.05,24,32,44.1, 2 48 KHz RealAudio Lossless Lossless Varies(see article) Varies (see article) Varies True Audio Lossless 0-4 GHz 1to>64 Lossless, varies in lossless mode:2.2 minimum in lossy WavPack Lossless 1 Hz to 16.777216 MHz Hybrid mode Windows Media Audio,22.05,32.44.1,48.88.2. 16,24 >100ms Lossless Lossless 96 kHz Lossless 指处理对象是数字音频(采样、量化后得到的声音样本) 9 ynh.cxh @ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn Technical Details of Lossless Audio Compression Formats 9 Lossless 指处理对象是数字音频 (采样、量化后得到的声音样本)

KC数字音频的研究对象 ◆音频(Audio)信号 ▣频率范围为20Hz~20kHz的信号 一般来说,人的听觉器官能感知的声音频率大约在20~20000 Hz之间,不同的人耳存在差异 ◆话音(speech)信号 ▣人的发音器官发出的声音频率大约是803400Hz;人说话的 信号频率通常为300~3000Hz,这种频率范围的信号称为话音, 也称作语音 ◆常见音频 口电话话音(窄带话音)2003400Hz/13bits ▣宽带话音50~7000Hz/16bits ▣调频广播20~15kHz/16bits ▣高质量音频20~20kHz/16bits 10 ynh.cxh@ustc.edu.cn

{ynh,cxh}@ustc.edu.cn 数字音频的研究对象 音频(Audio)信号  频率范围为20 Hz~20 kHz的信号  一般来说,人的听觉器官能感知的声音频率大约在20~20000 Hz之间,不同的人耳存在差异 话音(speech)信号  人的发音器官发出的声音频率大约是80~3400 Hz;人说话的 信号频率通常为300~3000 Hz,这种频率范围的信号称为话音, 也称作语音 常见音频  电话话音(窄带话音) 200~3400Hz / 13bits  宽带话音 50~7000Hz / 16bits  调频广播 20~15kHz / 16bits  高质量音频 20~20k Hz / 16bits 10

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