z只 = 物价 民政 十三人民生活
坐示出示出示出坐出示出出示示出示示业示出示柳出示出出坐出出坐出出出出示出坐时出坐业 人民生活、物价、民政 Peoples Livelihood, Price Indices and Civil Administration 主要统计指标 Major Statistical Indicators 非私营单位就业人员工资总额 Total Wages of Employed Persons of Non-private Units2646.72 亿元(100 million yuan) 非私营单位就业人员平均工资 Annual Average Wages of Employed Persons of Non-private Units93891 yuan 全体居民人均可支配收入 Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban and Rural Residents49832 为上年 As Compared with the Preceding Year l08.1 城镇常住居民人均可支配收入 Per Capita Disposable Income of Permanent Urban Residents56276 为上年 As Compared with the Preceding Year 107.8 (%) 农村常住居民人均可支配收入 Per Capita Disposable Income of Permanent Rural Residents30397 yuan 为上年 As Compared with the Preceding Year 市区居民消费价格指数 Consume Price Index of Urban District 102.5上年=100( Preceding Year=100) 市区商品零售价格指数 Commodity Retail Price Index of Urban District 101.0上年=100( Preceding year=100) 工业生产者出厂价格指数 Producer Price Indices for Industrial Products 1044上年=100( Preceding Year=100) 出示坐示出出的你出出出出出出出出出物柳均示柳柳
13-01居民家庭人均收入支出(2015-2017年) Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Households(2015-2017) 单位:元 全体居民 城镇常住居民 农村常住居民 rban and rural Permanent Urban Permanent rural Residents 2015201620172015 62017201520162017 可支配收入 Disposable Income 426424611649832483165218556276257192790830397 工资性收入 256192683228680288913009032144158601705918232 come from Wages and salaries 经营净收入 Net Buisness Income 503652325609450246074893662871087770 财产净收入 Net Income from Property 53776214657468517906832998211371280 转移净收入 Net Income from Transfer 6610783889698072958210910224926043115 消费支出 E 30l813190534146338183568638179193342056321983 食品烟酒 8194894893369171994510412535859576092 Food, Tobacco and Liquor 衣着 190620341983215723022233115712281231 Clothing 居住 Residence 8076858895769111968510710499052976154 生活用品及服务 Daily Necessities and Services 146816461765162218411963100810621170 交通通信 Transportation and Communication 525447214855570750505267390437353612 教育文化娱乐 Education. Cultural and Recreation Service 273133023735314138154346150717621894 医疗保健 Medicine and Medical Service 176418982119200221432332105511631474 其他用品及服务 788768777907905916355359356
书 13-01 居民家庭人均收入支出(2015-2017年) PerCapitaIncomeandExpenditureofHouseholds(2015-2017) 单位:元 (yuan) 项 目 Item 全体居民 UrbanandRural Residents 城镇常住居民 PermanentUrban Residents 农村常住居民 PermanentRural Residents 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 一、可支配收入 DisposableIncome 42642 46116 49832 48316 52185 56276 25719 27908 30397 工资性收入 IcomefromWagesandsalaries 25619 26832 28680 28891 30090 32144 15860 17059 18232 经营净收入 NetBuisnessIncome 5036 5232 5609 4502 4607 4893 6628 7108 7770 财产净收入 NetIncomefromProperty 5377 6214 6574 6851 7906 8329 982 1137 1280 转移净收入 NetIncomefromTransfer 6610 7838 8969 8072 9582 10910 2249 2604 3115 二、消费支出 Expenditure 30181 31905 34146 33818 35686 38179 19334 20563 21983 食品烟酒 Food,TobaccoandLiquor 8194 8948 9336 9171 9945 10412 5358 5957 6092 衣着 Clothing 1906 2034 1983 2157 2302 2233 1157 1228 1231 居住 Residence 8076 8588 9576 9111 9685 10710 4990 5297 6154 生活用品及服务 DailyNecessitiesandServices 1468 1646 1765 1622 1841 1963 1008 1062 1170 交通通信 TransportationandCommunication 5254 4721 4855 5707 5050 5267 3904 3735 3612 教育文化娱乐 Education,CulturalandRecreationService 2731 3302 3735 3141 3815 4346 1507 1762 1894 医疗保健 MedicineandMedicalService 1764 1898 2119 2002 2143 2332 1055 1163 1474 其他用品及服务 OtherSuppliesandServices 788 768 777 907 905 916 355 359 356 — 403—
13-02城镇住户调查情况(1978-2017年) Basic Conditions of Urban Households(1978-2017) d调户数平均每户人日平均每户业年人可女配年人均酒费金 Ye Number of Households Average Household l Average Number of ) Per Capita Annual Per Capita Annual 平方米) Employed Persons Per Disposable IncomeCe Surveyed( household)Size( person)Household(person Expenditure(yuan) 888 2.77 4.18 1981 532 1983 3. 1985 150 3.53 12.9 3.49 2.2 1987 3.42 1260 14.1 1988 3.41 2.16 1565 1515 3.40 2.15 1764 3.37 2.15 1985 2.20 2128 1894 14.4 3.28 2.14 2296 14.8 3.21 3525 3183 1994 3.31 2.10 5249 3.20 15.9 6766 3.12 1.93 7790 2001 2.98 1.72 10896 8968 1.53 9215 11213 2005 13438 27.6 2006 2.81 14472 28.0 2007 1.45 2168 14896 1.29 24104 16719 2009 2.68 26864 8595 2010 30035 20219 2.71 33.7 2012 2.69 1.31 34.4 2013 2.79 1.51 40925 30659 1920 44632 35.1 1920 2016 1920 2.80 1.49 52185 35686 35.8 36.4 注:2000年及以前为主城区数据;2001-2012年为包括萧山区和余杭区在内的市区数据;2013-2017年为包括所有区、县(市) 城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 a) The data on the table include the main urban districts before 2000 The data include Xiaoshan district and Yuhang district in 2001 2012: The date include all districts and counties since 2013: The data in this table are calculated at new rage by the results of integrated urvey of urban households and rural households sine 2013
13-02 城镇住户调查情况(1978-2017年) BasicConditionsofUrbanHouseholds(1978-2017) 年 份 Year 调查户数 (户) NumberofHouseholds Surveyed(household) 平均每户人口 (人) AverageHousehold Size(person) 平均每户就业 人数(人) AverageNumberof EmployedPersonsPer Household(person) 年人均可支配 收入(元) PerCapitaAnnual DisposableIncome (yuan) 年人均消费 支出(元) PerCapitaAnnual Consumption Expenditure(yuan) 人均住房 建筑面积 (平方米) PerCapitaLiving SpaceinCityAreas (sq.m) 1978 28 4.20 2.89 338 301 1979 28 4.19 2.77 396 365 1980 28 4.18 2.79 521 491 1981 100 3.97 2.37 540 513 1982 100 3.90 2.35 532 532 1983 100 3.90 2.42 578 535 11.7 1984 100 3.90 2.36 729 679 12.4 1985 150 3.53 2.26 1026 908 12.9 1986 150 3.49 2.27 1169 1072 13.2 1987 150 3.42 2.25 1260 1118 14.1 1988 200 3.41 2.16 1565 1515 14.1 1989 200 3.40 2.15 1764 1615 14.1 1990 200 3.37 2.15 1985 1685 14.5 1991 200 3.40 2.20 2128 1894 14.4 1992 200 3.28 2.14 2580 2296 14.8 1993 200 3.21 2.10 3525 3183 14.9 1994 200 3.31 2.10 5249 4559 15.9 1995 200 3.20 2.05 6301 5559 15.6 1996 200 3.20 2.00 7206 6095 15.9 1997 200 3.14 1.99 7896 6766 16.5 1998 300 3.12 1.93 8465 7235 18.8 1999 300 3.11 1.92 9085 7424 19.5 2000 300 3.10 1.83 9668 7790 19.9 2001 440 2.98 1.72 10896 8968 20.7 2002 500 2.93 1.53 11778 9215 21.7 2003 500 2.92 1.51 12898 9950 22.9 2004 500 2.92 1.48 14565 11213 23.7 2005 600 2.84 1.42 16601 13438 27.6 2006 600 2.81 1.44 19027 14472 28.0 2007 600 2.72 1.45 21689 14896 28.8 2008 600 2.75 1.29 24104 16719 29.9 2009 600 2.68 1.25 26864 18595 30.8 2010 600 2.70 1.25 30035 20219 30.9 2011 600 2.71 1.32 34065 22642 33.7 2012 600 2.69 1.31 37511 22800 34.4 2013 1920 2.79 1.51 40925 30659 34.9 2014 1920 2.79 1.53 44632 32165 35.1 2015 1920 2.79 1.48 48316 33818 35.5 2016 1920 2.80 1.49 52185 35686 35.8 2017 1920 2.91 1.48 56276 38179 36.4 注:2000年及以前为主城区数据;2001-2012年为包括萧山区和余杭区在内的市区数据;2013-2017年为包括所有区、县(市) 城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 a)Thedataonthetableincludethemainurbandistrictsbefore2000;ThedataincludeXiaoshandistrictandYuhangdistrictin2001- 2012;Thedateincludealldistrictsandcountiessince2013;Thedatainthistablearecalculatedatnewragebytheresultsofintegrated surveyofurbanhouseholdsandruralhouseholdssine2013. — 404—
13-03城镇居民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品拥有量(2010-2017年) Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households(2010-2017) 项 011 2012 2013 2014 20152016 2017 家用 汽车 (辆) 31.2 45.4 48.752.3 摩托车 4.0 6 电冰箱 12.3102.5102.5 88.092.392.297.6 洗衣机 (台) 96.2 Washing Machine 96.396.682.686.8 86.9 92.6 热水器 Water Heater (unit 99.4103.4105.489.493.795.5101.4105.2 Conditioner 214.6212.0214.7189.6201.5207.3226.6235.3 彩色电 179.2176.9178.4166.4174.0174.1183.1187.3 unIt 照相机 (架) 54.862.1 50.6 51.548.449.9 unit 计算机 99.0109.7112.2103.7110.6110.1112.0115.1 #接入互联网的计算机 of which: Internet-connected computer 78.792.398.692.5100.299.8100.8104.9 电话 51.6 50.747.3 移动电话 193.6211.0213.1217.42279229.9242.1245.4 #接入互联网的移动电话 of which: Internet-connected 125.1140.8155.8175.3191.4 Mobile phone 注:2010-2012年为包括萧山区和余杭区在内的市区数据;2013-2017年为包括所有区、县(市)城乡住户一体化改革后新口 径数据 a)The data include Xiaoshan district and Yuhang district in 2010-2012: The date include all districts and counties since 2013: The da- this table are calculated at new rage by the results of integrated survey of urban households and rural households sine 2013
13-03 城镇居民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品拥有量(2010-2017年) NumberofMajorDurableConsumerGoodsOwnedPer100UrbanHouseholds(2010-2017) 项 目 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 家用汽车 (辆) FamilyCar (unit) 22.8 31.2 34.3 40.2 45.4 48.7 52.3 55.8 摩托车 (辆) Motorcycle (unit) 4.5 4.1 4.0 6.6 6.8 5.4 5.0 4.8 电冰箱 (台) Refrigerator (unit) 102.3 102.5 102.5 88.0 92.3 92.2 97.6 99.9 洗衣机 (台) WashingMachine (unit) 96.2 96.3 96.6 82.6 86.8 86.9 92.6 94.6 热水器 (台) WaterHeater (unit) 99.4 103.4 105.4 89.4 93.7 95.5 101.4 105.2 空调器 (台) AirConditioner (unit) 214.6 212.0 214.7 189.6 201.5 207.3 226.6 235.3 彩色电视机 (台) ColorTVSet (unit) 179.2 176.9 178.4 166.4 174.0 174.1 183.1 187.3 照相机 (架) Camera (unit) 54.8 62.1 63.5 50.6 54.4 51.5 48.4 49.9 计算机 (台) Computer (unit) 99.0 109.7 112.2 103.7 110.6 110.1 112.0 115.1 #接入互联网的计算机 (台) ofwhich:Internet-connectedcomputer (unit) 78.7 92.3 98.6 92.5 100.2 99.8 100.8 104.9 固定电话 (部) Telephone (set) 89.6 84.7 83.6 51.6 54.2 50.7 47.3 45.9 移动电话 (部) MobilePhone (set) 193.6 211.0 213.1 217.4 227.9 229.9 242.1 245.4 #接入互联网的移动电话 (部) ofwhich:Internet-connected MobilePhone (set) 125.1 140.8 155.8 175.3 191.4 注:2010-2012年为包括萧山区和余杭区在内的市区数据;2013-2017年为包括所有区、县(市)城乡住户一体化改革后新口 径数据。 a)ThedataincludeXiaoshandistrictandYuhangdistrictin2010-2012;Thedateincludealldistrictsandcountiessince2013;Theda tainthistablearecalculatedatnewragebytheresultsofintegratedsurveyofurbanhouseholdsandruralhouseholdssine2013. — 405—
13-04全市农村住户调查情况(1978-2017年) Basic Conditions of Rural Households(1978-2017) 调查户数(户)平均每户人口平均每户就业人数人均可支配 人均消费人均住房建筑面积 年份 Number of Average Number Average Number of Per Capita Annual Per Capita Annua Employed Persons Disposable Income Consumption Floor Space household) Househol Per Household of Rural H (person) yuan) ( sq m) 1979 4.72 23.3 4.55 29.9 1985 620 2.88 675 31.3 I117 36.8 l171 39.6 1018 O1 3.91 1748 37.1 3.8 37.8 2373 40.5 2772 3.87 42.0 3.8 4006 2858 46.2 4209 3.61 2.59 49.0 2001 3.57 2.53 5330 3909 2002 444 2003 2004 3.48 58.9 2005 l100 3.34 2.34 7655 8515 2007 1100 3.60 2.61 2008 3.56 0692 69.7 13186 10267 201l 3.46 2.49 12125 2 3.45 l7017 71.0 16021 17816 2015 3.36 25719 2016 27908 30397 2198 注:2013-2017年为城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 D) The data in this table are calculated at new rage by the results of integrated survey of urban households and rural households sine
13-04 全市农村住户调查情况(1978-2017年) BasicConditionsofRuralHouseholds(1978-2017) 年 份 Year 调查户数(户) Numberof Households Surveyed (household) 平均每户人口 (人) AverageNumber ofResidentsper Household (person) 平均每户就业人数 (人) AverageNumberof EmployedPersons PerHousehold (person) 人均可支配 收入(元) PerCapitaAnnual DisposableIncome ofRuralHouseholds (yuan) 人均消费 支出(元) PerCapitaAnnual Consumption Expenditure (yuan) 人均住房建筑面积 (平方米) PerCapita FloorSpace (sq.m) 1978 162 1979 204 1980 60 4.72 2.93 250 287 23.3 1981 60 4.60 2.70 333 294 25.2 1982 60 4.43 2.73 405 328 26.3 1983 170 4.55 2.85 395 355 29.9 1984 170 4.44 2.81 510 416 31.7 1985 420 4.40 2.88 624 542 29.9 1986 620 4.39 2.88 675 601 31.3 1987 620 4.34 2.86 820 714 33.1 1988 620 4.26 2.87 996 925 35.5 1989 620 4.17 2.85 1117 1011 36.8 1990 620 4.16 2.89 1171 923 39.6 1991 620 4.03 2.81 1308 1018 38.0 1992 620 4.01 2.81 1493 1129 37.5 1993 540 3.91 2.76 1748 1276 37.1 1994 630 3.85 2.35 2267 1884 37.8 1995 630 3.87 2.30 3012 2373 40.5 1996 630 3.81 2.77 3482 2772 42.2 1997 630 3.87 2.86 3785 2762 42.0 1998 630 3.87 2.88 4006 2858 46.2 1999 630 3.80 2.80 4209 2851 48.0 2000 630 3.61 2.59 4894 3393 49.0 2001 630 3.57 2.53 5330 3909 52.0 2002 630 3.53 2.53 5708 4444 52.7 2003 670 3.48 2.53 6250 5142 54.7 2004 670 3.48 2.54 6950 5608 58.9 2005 1100 3.34 2.34 7655 6004 66.0 2006 1100 3.63 2.52 8515 6901 66.5 2007 1100 3.60 2.61 9549 7568 68.0 2008 1100 3.56 2.58 10692 8446 69.7 2009 1100 3.57 2.59 11822 9065 70.7 2010 1100 3.58 2.59 13186 10267 71.2 2011 1100 3.46 2.49 15245 12125 72.5 2012 1100 3.45 2.50 17017 13612 71.0 2013 1280 3.38 2.03 21208 16021 66.9 2014 1280 3.35 2.05 23555 17816 67.9 2015 1280 3.36 2.02 25719 19334 68.8 2016 1280 3.38 2.04 27908 20563 69.9 2017 1280 3.38 2.03 30397 21983 70.9 注:2013-2017年为城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 a)Thedatainthistablearecalculatedatnewragebytheresultsofintegratedsurveyofurbanhouseholdsandruralhouseholdssine 2013. — 406—
13-05农村居民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品拥有量(2010-2017年) Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households(2010-2017) 项 20102011201220132014201520162017 家用汽车(辆) Family Can(umit)15.721.627.528.834.338.242.446.5 摩托车(辆) Motorcycle(Unit)66.240.842.633.532.730.726.024.5 电冰箱(台) Refrigerator(Uin)9.193.3101.893.895103.9109.012.0 洗衣机(台) Washing Machine Unit))85.178287878.382.786.492.59.0 热水器(台) Water Heater(Unit) 84.580.790.979.385.993.2103.2109.9 空调机(台) Air Conditioner(unt)112120.3143.3122.9135.9147.6168.2186.7 彩色电视机(台) Color TV Set(Umi)186.3192.5210.6186.0196.1202.0213.522.3 照相机(架) Camera (Um)2.621:7265121.619.817,4 计算机(台) 44.251.360.459.367.369.675.076.4 ( Unit) #接入互联网 of which- Internet -connect- 44.651.851.559.864.268.570.2 的计算机(台) ed computer(Unit) 固定电话(部) Telephone Set) 49.652.746.435.031.8 移动电话(部) Mobile Phone(set)212.9230.4253.1235.524.6253.8265.2274.5 接入互联网的移 of which: Internet- connect 106.0121.2141.7172.2200.8 动电话(部) ed Mobile phone(Set) 注:2013-2017年为城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 a)The data in this table are calculated at new rage by the results of integrated survey of urban households and rural households since 2013
13-05 农村居民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品拥有量(2010-2017年) NumberofMajorDurableConsumerGoodsOwnedPer100RuralHouseholds(2010-2017) 项 目 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 家用汽车 (辆) FamilyCar (Unit) 15.7 21.6 27.5 28.8 34.3 38.2 42.4 46.5 摩托车 (辆) Motorcycle (Unit) 66.2 40.8 42.6 33.5 32.7 30.7 26.0 24.5 电冰箱 (台) Refrigerator (Unit) 98.1 93.3 101.8 93.8 99.5 103.9 109.0 112.0 洗衣机 (台) WashingMachine(Unit) 85.1 78.2 87.8 78.3 82.7 86.4 92.5 96.0 热水器 (台) WaterHeater (Unit) 84.5 80.7 90.9 79.3 85.9 93.2 103.2 109.9 空调机 (台) AirConditioner (Unit) 111.2 120.3 143.3 122.9 135.9 147.6 168.2 186.7 彩色电视机 (台) ColorTVSet (Unit) 186.3 192.5 210.6 186.0 196.1 202.0 213.5 220.3 照相机 (架) Camera (Unit) 22.6 21.7 26.5 21.1 21.1 19.6 19.8 17.4 计算机 (台) PersonalComputer (Unit) 44.2 51.3 60.4 59.3 67.3 69.6 75.0 76.4 #接入互联网 的计算机 (台) ofwhich:Internet-connect edcomputer (Unit) 44.6 51.8 51.5 59.8 64.2 68.5 70.2 固定电话 (部) Telephone (Set) 49.6 52.7 46.4 35.0 31.8 移动电话 (部) MobilePhone (Set) 212.9 230.4 253.1 235.5 244.6 253.8 265.2 274.5 #接入互联网的移 动电话 (部) ofwhich:Internet-connect edMobilePhone (Set) 106.0 121.2 141.7 172.2 200.8 注:2013-2017年为城乡住户一体化改革后新口径数据。 a)Thedatainthistablearecalculatedatnewragebytheresultsofintegratedsurveyofurbanhouseholdsandruralhouseholdssince2013. — 407—
13-06全市就业人员工资总额(1978-2017年) Total Wages of Employed Persons(1978-2017) 单位:万元 (10000 yuan) 全市(非私营及规上私营) 市区(非私营及规上私营) 年份 otal ( includes Non-priv Units and private units 非私营单位 on-private Units and private 非私营单位 above designated size) Non-private units above designated size Non-private 1978 43775 52127 67918 45574 1981 72896 48809 75584 78336 102223 69135 130114 87774 157471 1987 180077 121003 253956 167055 277910 1991 313906 1992 3653 890488 615450 1996 973592 1073862 l112718 1180947 864418 1481659 1279749 1867776 1617504 2844691 2188159 2313930 2005 3711915 2970200 3112937 2584779 2006 4526841 3811735 3830043 3338568 2007 6233799 4954813 5256791 4317965 2008 8592198 6416424 7338932 5679543 49145 8475547 2010 12305726 9330552 10531483 8238017 15012179 11222834 12934215 9954506 2012 1483901 17115217 3217453 2013 23604682 20762852 15820468 2014 26630950 19822713 24629017 18551986 2015 28884146 21523984 26718242 20179320 32370091 24176045 29918514 22617274 35985206 26467155 34266225 注:口径范围,1997年及以前为全市全部职工,1998-2012为在岗职工,2013年起为就业人员。2004年起包含规模以上私营单位 a)Data on this table refer to wages of all employees before 1997, that refer to all staff and workers in 1998-2012, and refer to employed persons since 2013. Data on this bill includes Private units above designated size since 2004
13-06 全市就业人员工资总额(1978-2017年) TotalWagesofEmployedPersons(1978-2017) 单位:万元 (10000yuan) 年 份 Year 全市(非私营及规上私营) Total(includesNon-private Unitsandprivateunits abovedesignatedsize) 非私营单位 Non-private 市区(非私营及规上私营) UrbanDistrict(includes Non-privateUnitsandprivate unitsabovedesignatedsize) 非私营单位 Non-private 1978 43775 28256 1979 52127 34318 1980 67918 45574 1981 72896 48809 1982 75584 50959 1983 78336 52909 1984 102223 69135 1985 130114 87774 1986 157471 105995 1987 180077 121003 1988 230868 152859 1989 253956 167055 1990 277910 182985 1991 313906 209052 1992 377614 253653 1993 534537 359041 1994 772236 521669 1995 890488 615450 1996 973592 683244 1997 1073862 762957 1998 1112718 803264 1999 1180947 864418 2000 1267524 949872 2001 1481659 1279749 2002 1614676 1398222 2003 1867776 1617504 2004 2844691 2188159 2313930 1859164 2005 3711915 2970200 3112937 2584779 2006 4526841 3811735 3830043 3338568 2007 6233799 4954813 5256791 4317965 2008 8592198 6416424 7338932 5679543 2009 9909330 7549145 8475547 6665279 2010 12305726 9330552 10531483 8238017 2011 15012179 11222834 12934215 9954506 2012 19540005 14839012 17115217 13217453 2013 23604682 17582336 20762852 15820468 2014 26630950 19822713 24629017 18551986 2015 28884146 21523984 26718242 20179320 2016 32370091 24176045 29918514 22617274 2017 35985206 26467155 34266225 25422943 注:口径范围,1997年及以前为全市全部职工,1998-2012为在岗职工,2013年起为就业人员。2004年起包含规模以上私营单位。 a)Dataonthistablerefertowagesofallemployeesbefore1997,thatrefertoallstaffandworkersin1998-2012,andrefertoemployed personssince2013.DataonthisbillincludesPrivateunitsabovedesignatedsizesince2004. — 408—
13-07全市就业人员年平均工资(1978-2017年) Average Annual Wages of Employed Persons(1978-2017) 单位:元 人/非表上 市区(非私营及规上私营) 市区全社会在岗职工 年、份Tonl( ncludes Non-pmx非私营单位 rban Distri(nu非私营单位, The Fully Employed above designated size) units above designated size) Districts 814 810 1982 1036 l071 1316 1616 2173 2261 2486 2706 3071 6l18 0048 11512 2000 15454 18319 18205 2002 21418 24668 25535 20113 2004 21879 28891 30719 22235 2005 24685 32166 22645 29864 31625 25489 4150l 2009 39772 48772 41303 49938 4330 201 45775 5440 55958 38837 52610 57548 42493 46831 61924 51449 77061 85767 61174 2017 80482 94430 注:口径范围,1997年及以前为全市全部职工 012为在岗职工,2013年起为就业人员。2004年起包含规模以上私营单位 a)Data on this table refer to wages of all employees before 1997, that refer to all staff and workers in 1998-2012, and refer to employed persons since 2013. Data on this bill includes Private units above designated size since 2004
13-07 全市就业人员年平均工资(1978-2017年) AverageAnnualWagesofEmployedPersons(1978-2017) 单位:元 (yuan) 年 份 Year 全市(非私营及规上私营) Total(includesNon-private Unitsandprivateunits abovedesignatedsize) 非私营单位 Non-private 市区(非私营及规上私营) UrbanDistrict(includes Non-privateUnitsandprivate unitsabovedesignatedsize) 非私营单位 Non-private 市区全社会在岗职工 TheFullyEmployed PersonsinUrbanDistricts 1978 597 642 1979 643 692 1980 777 814 1981 783 810 1982 791 809 1983 813 835 1984 1036 1071 1985 1266 1316 1986 1469 1536 1987 1616 1690 1988 1986 2073 1989 2173 2261 1990 2382 2486 1991 2586 2706 1992 3071 3233 1993 4220 4561 1994 6118 6597 1995 7156 7786 1996 7966 7851 1997 9108 10048 1998 10555 11512 1999 12187 13225 2000 14257 15454 2001 18319 18962 18205 2002 21418 22091 19749 2003 24668 25535 20113 2004 21879 28891 24204 30719 22235 2005 24685 31069 26366 32166 22645 2006 27620 32791 29397 33967 23581 2007 29864 36496 31625 37991 25489 2008 32513 40193 34107 41501 27863 2009 35638 43947 37270 45149 30480 2010 39772 48772 41303 49938 34330 2011 45775 54408 47695 55958 38837 2012 51077 56417 52610 57548 42493 2013 55124 63664 56857 64941 46831 2014 60904 69209 61924 70034 51449 2015 66322 76073 67569 77061 55908 2016 73390 85022 74589 85767 61174 2017 80482 93891 81440 94430 67047 注:口径范围,1997年及以前为全市全部职工,1998-2012为在岗职工,2013年起为就业人员。2004年起包含规模以上私营单位。 a)Dataonthistablerefertowagesofallemployeesbefore1997,thatrefertoallstaffandworkersin1998-2012,andrefertoemployed personssince2013.DataonthisbillincludesPrivateunitsabovedesignatedsizesince2004. — 409—
13-08全市非私营及规上私营单位就业人员工资总额(2017年) Total Wages of Employed Persons of Non-private Units and Private Units Above Designated Size(2017) 单位:万元 (10000yuan) 就业人员 在岗职工 其他就业人员 项目 工资总额 工资总额 工资总额 Total Wages非私营 Total Wages d I非私营 Total Wages of非私营 of Employed Non-private Fully Employed Non-private Other EmployedNon-private taff and Work 全市总计 Whole city Total 359852062646715534037939255429361947267924219 市区总计 Urban District 342662252542294332382580245310121883646891931 #上城区 249876121210422332011203533716675085704 30619002756887 28429562602545 218943154342 江干区 Jiangya 3769975198295530410641875560728911107395 拱墅D Gongs 220215512354642084026115666311813078800 西湖区 5110384439151548690934211099241291180416 高新(滨江)区 Hi-Tech( Binjiang)4036673342316540008923398940 35781 萧山区 Xiaoshan 527953934306215150202335154812933779074 大江东产业集聚区 728937 689713134431976 7713 Cluster district 余杭区 3963350284281438687902776549 9456066265 富阳区 Fuyang 1397175877723 1346248848165 临安区 963573631729 938627 9126 Economic and 经济技术开发区 Technological 1773874153203217289731493924 西湖风景名胜区 The West lake 208867196997 179699 68079 28918 Scenic zone 桐庐县 Tonglu 360136 684305346749 22667 13387 淳安县 Chunan 490894333557 470606324344 建德市 Jiande 521115350520 500449340832 20667
13-08 全市非私营及规上私营单位就业人员工资总额(2017年) TotalWagesofEmployedPersonsofNon-privateUnitsandPrivateUnitsAboveDesignatedSize(2017) 单位:万元 (10000yuan) 项 目 Item 就业人员 工资总额 TotalWages ofEmployed Persons 非私营 Non-private 在岗职工 工资总额 TotalWagesof FullyEmployed StaffandWorkers 非私营 Non-private 其他就业人员 工资总额 TotalWagesof OtherEmployed Persons 非私营 Non-private 全市总计 WholecityTotal 35985206 26467155 34037939 25542936 1947267 924219 市区总计 UrbanDistrict 34266225 25422943 32382580 24531012 1883646 891931 #上城区 Shangcheng 2498761 2121042 2332011 2035337 166750 85704 下城区 Xiacheng 3061900 2756887 2842956 2602545 218943 154342 江干区 Jianggan 3769975 1982955 3041064 1875560 728911 107395 拱墅区 Gongshu 2202155 1235464 2084026 1156663 118130 78800 西湖区 Xihu 5110384 4391515 4869093 4211099 241291 180416 高新(滨江)区 Hi-Tech(Binjiang) 4036673 3423165 4000892 3398940 35781 24225 萧山区 Xiaoshan 5279539 3430621 5150202 3351548 129337 79074 大江东产业集聚区 DajiangdongIndustry ClusterDistrict 728937 439689 713134 431976 15803 7713 余杭区 Yuhang 3963350 2842814 3868790 2776549 94560 66265 富阳区 Fuyang 1397175 877723 1346248 848165 50928 29558 临安区 Lin'an 963573 631729 938627 612603 24946 19126 经济技术开发区 Economicand Technological DevelopmentZone 1773874 1532032 1728973 1493924 44900 38108 西湖风景名胜区 TheWestLake ScenicZone 208867 196997 179699 168079 29168 28918 桐庐县 Tonglu 706971 360136 684305 346749 22667 13387 淳安县 Chun'an 490894 333557 470606 324344 20288 9213 建德市 Jiande 521115 350520 500449 340832 20667 9689 — 410—