少z0920=0z> 环境保护 十一城市建设
坐示出示出示出坐出示出出示示出示示业示出示柳出示出出坐出出坐出出出出示出坐时出坐业 11 城市建设、环境保护 Urban Construction and Environmental protection 主要统计指标 市区建成区面积 Developed Area in Urban District 591.08平方千米 (sq km 市区实有道路面积 rea of roads in urban district at Year-end 8291万平方米 (10,000sqm) 市区用电量 Electricity Consumption of Urban District 673.73亿千瓦时(100 million kw/h) #工业用电 Industrial Electricity Consumption 389.00亿千瓦时100 million kw/h) 生活用电 Electricity Consumption for Residential Use 亿千瓦时(100 million kw/h) 市区供水能力 Water-supply Capacity of Urban District 421万吨/日(10,000 ons/day) 市区供水总量 Annual Volume of Tap Water Supplied in Urban District 83192 万吨 (10,000tons) 市区气化率 Percentage of Population with Access to Gas in Urban District 市区公园绿地面积 Park Green Area in Urban District 公顷 hectare 市区空气质量达标(4Q<10.数 The Number of Days of Air Quality ReachingAQ- the standards 天 day 出示坐示出出的你出出出出出出出出出物柳均示柳柳
11-01市区公共交通情况(2010-2017年) Public Transportation in Urban Districts(2010-2017) 0102011201220132014201520162017 、轨道交通 Rail transit 年末运营线路总长度 gth of Operating Routes 47.9747.9766.3081.5081.50117.60 (km) 客运总量(万人次) ssenger traite oo person- times) 561923714521223482687733986 公共汽车 Number of Operating Routes 年末运营线路条数(条)(year-end) 548 611 45703756758937 年末运营线路总长度业(year of Operating Routes (千米) 859411106113511144512032127911386616819 (km) #BRT线路长度 (千米) BRT line length (km) 122113128151 Number of Public Transportation 年末运营公共汽车(辆) Vehicles(year-end) 72097543745082498656855587709672 ( unit) #无轨电车(辆) Number of Operating Trolleys (unit 115150150 客运总量(万人次) assenger Irate (10,000 person 127967126999131901132221140928142312141441151263 三、出租汽车 年末实有出租汽车数(辆) Number of Taxis(year-emd) (unit)936210905103441090411913119631220913233
书 11-01 市区公共交通情况(2010-2017年) PublicTransportationinUrbanDistricts(2010-2017) 指 标 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 一、轨道交通 RailTransit 年末运营线路总长度 (千米) LengthofOperatingRoutes (year-end) (km) - - 47.97 47.97 66.30 81.50 81.50 117.60 客运总量 (万人次)PassengerTraffic (10,000person-times) - - 561 9237 14521 22348 26877 33986 二、公共汽车 Bus 年末运营线路条数 (条) NumberofOperatingRoutes (year-end) (unit) 548 611 620 645 703 756 758 937 年末运营线路总长度 (千米) LengthofOperatingRoutes (year-end) (km) 8594 11106 11351 11445 12032 12791 13866 16819 #BRT线路长度 (千米)BRTlinelength (km) 122 113 128 151 151 年末运营公共汽车 (辆) NumberofPublicTransportation Vehicles(year-end) (unit) 7209 7543 7450 8249 8656 8555 8770 9672 #无轨电车 (辆) NumberofOperatingTrolleys (unit) 65 54 51 101 115 150 150 150 客运总量 (万人次)PassengerTraffic (10,000person-times) 127967 126999 131901 132221 140928 142312 141441 151263 三、出租汽车 Tax 年末实有出租汽车数 (辆)NumberofTaxis(year-end) (unit) 9362 10905 10344 10904 11913 11963 12209 13233 — 351—
11-02市区城市供电、供水情况(2010-2017年 lectricity and Water Supply in Urban Districts(2010-2017) 20102011201220132014201520162017 一、城市供电 Urban Electricity Supply 全年用电总量 (亿千瓦时) 392.64432.57444.95484.05552.71559.54583.96673.73 (100 million kwh) Industrial Electricity (亿千瓦时) 258.35282.95278.93296.08355.06345.23337.04389.00 (100 million kwh) Electricity Consumpti (亿千瓦时) for residential Use 50.7455.4963.6271.5272. (100 million kwh) (自来水) Urban Water Supply 总售水量(万吨) Total Annual Vol0o 4566644335495495170956401564785556671076 Per Capita Daily Consumption 平均日供水(万吨) of Tap Water 147 159166181 178 (10,000tons 供水能力(万吨日)m2m313010013030014 Total Annual Volume of 供水总量(万吨) Tap Water Supplied 5356552660581836074766172667606508783192 (10,000tons) #生产用水(万吨) For Productive Use (10,000tons) 1147911884124781300514792149021416l16157 生活用水(万吨) For Residential Use (10,000tons 097822384228612373326894261622507833960 用水普及率(%)则AC印Wa(%
11-02 市区城市供电、供水情况(2010-2017年) ElectricityandWaterSupplyinUrbanDistricts(2010-2017) 指 标 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 一、城市供电 UrbanElectricitySupply 全年用电总量 (亿千瓦时) TotalElectricity Consumption (100millionkwh) 392.64 432.57 444.95 484.05 552.71 559.54 583.96 673.73 #工业 (亿千瓦时) IndustrialElectricity Consumption (100millionkwh) 258.35 282.95 278.93 296.08 355.06 345.23 337.04 389.00 生活 (亿千瓦时) ElectricityConsumption forResidentialUse (100millionkwh) 50.74 55.49 63.62 71.52 72.56 78.27 93.03 105.29 二、城市供水 (自来水) UrbanWaterSupply 总售水量 (万吨)TotalAnnualVolumeof TapWaterSaled (10,000tons) 45666 44335 49549 51709 56401 56478 55566 71076 平均日供水 (万吨) PerCapitaDailyConsumption ofTapWater (10,000tons) 147 144 159 166 181 183 178 228 供水能力 (万吨/日)CapacityofWaterSupply (10,000tons/day) 320 320 320 350 380 380 384 421 供水总量 (万吨) TotalAnnualVolumeof TapWaterSupplied (10,000tons) 53565 52660 58183 60747 66172 66760 65087 83192 #生产用水 (万吨) ForProductiveUse (10,000tons) 11479 11884 12478 13005 14792 14902 14161 16157 生活用水 (万吨) ForResidentialUse (10,000tons) 30978 22384 22861 23733 26894 26162 25078 33960 用水普及率 (%)PercentageofPopulation withAccesstoTapWater (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 — 352—
11-03市区市政建设情况(主要年份) Public Utilities in Urban Districts( Main Years) 20102011201220132014201520162017 市政建设 Urban Infrastructure 建成区面积 (平方公里) Constructed Area (sqm)412.59432.98452.62462.48495.22506.09541.38591.08 年末实有道路面积 Area of Roads (year -end) (万平方米) (104m05449005845426614565069328291 (公里) ength of Roads(ym-em)(km)21942252482479274821307530 年末实有桥梁数(座) Number of Bridges( year -end) (unt)102110591291651235133713531443 排水管道长度(公里) Length of Drainage Pipelines(km)3904405642804455012537059448614 城市污水排放量 Volume of sewage drained (万立方米) (10,000cu.m) 4374644809473304843253111569745791669834 城市污水处理总量 the total Volume of Urban (万立方米) Sewage Treatment(10,000cu.m) 4173342781451974625150318541375506166516 城市液化气 Urban Liquefied Petroleum Gas Total Volume of liquefied 供气总量(万吨) Petroleum Gas Suppl 11.4411.1911.1711.929.8712.3813.1412.86 (10,000ton #家庭用气(万吨) Apply for Residential Use (1000o05.75.935.904705.086.085.906.48 三、人工煤气及天然气 Coal Gas and Natural Gas 家庭用气总量 Total Volume of coal (万立方米) Gas consume 1005311365133971386918019206592187823614 (10,000cu.m) 家庭用气户数(万户) with Access to Gas 62.8572.5081.729 111.30130.69139.03153.17 (10, 000 households) 四全社会气化率% h Access to g
11-03 市区市政建设情况(主要年份) PublicUtilitiesinUrbanDistricts(MainYears) 指 标 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 一、市政建设 UrbanInfrastructure 建成区面积 (平方公里)ConstructedArea (sq.m) 412.59 432.98 452.62 462.48 495.22 506.09 541.38 591.08 年末实有道路面积 (万平方米) AreaofRoads(year-end) (10,000sq.m) 4754 4900 5284 5426 6145 6540 6932 8291 年末实有道路长度 (公里)LengthofRoads(year-end)(km) 2194 2255 2458 2479 2748 2991 3075 3550 年末实有桥梁数(座)NumberofBridges(year-end) (unit) 1021 1059 1129 1165 1235 1337 1353 1443 排水管道长度(公里)LengthofDrainagePipelines(km) 3904 4056 4280 4455 5012 5370 5944 8614 城市污水排放量 (万立方米) VolumeofSewageDrained (10,000cu.m) 43746 44809 47330 48432 53111 56974 57916 69834 城市污水处理总量 (万立方米) theTotalVolumeofUrban SewageTreatment (10,000cu.m) 41733 42781 45197 46251 50318 54137 55061 66516 二、城市液化气 UrbanLiquefiedPetroleum Gas 供气总量 (万吨) TotalVolumeofLiquefied PetroleumGasSupply (10,000tons) 11.44 11.19 11.17 11.92 9.87 12.38 13.14 12.86 #家庭用气(万吨)SupplyforResidentialUse (10,000tons) 5.77 5.93 5.90 4.70 5.08 6.08 5.90 6.48 三、人工煤气及天然气 CoalGasandNaturalGas 家庭用气总量 (万立方米) TotalVolumeofCoal GasConsumed (10,000cu.m) 10053 11365 13397 13869 18019 20659 21878 23614 家庭用气户数(万户) ResidentialHouseholds withAccesstoGas (10,000households) 62.85 72.50 81.72 91.08 111.30 130.69 139.03 153.17 四、全社会气化率 % PercentageofPopulation withAccesstoGas (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 — 353—
11-04市区园林绿化情况(2010-2017年) Urban Forestation (2010-2017 20102011201220132014201520162017 建城区绿化覆盖面积 The Green Areas Coverage nstructed Areas 1648317336181351860620031204642203523620 建城区园林绿地面积 Total Area of Parks. Gardens (公顷) and Green Areas in Constructed51815981607170711888949201821726 #公园绿地 (公顷) Public green area( hectare)50175287563558206304764081188770 Rate of the Green Areas Coverage 建城区绿化覆盖率、 Constructed Areas 39.9540.0040.0740.2340.5740.4340.70 公园景点个数(个) Number of Parks and Scenic (umit)17618118519020721722 公园景点面积 (公顷) Area of Parks and Scenic Resorts1906 2047 2094 2298 543074
11-04 市区园林绿化情况(2010-2017年) UrbanForestation(2010-2017) 指 标 Item 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 建城区绿化覆盖面积 (公顷) TheGreenAreasCoveraged inConstructedAreas (hectare) 16483 17336 18135 18606 20031 20464 22035 23620 建城区园林绿地面积 (公顷) TotalAreaofParks,Gardens andGreenAreasinConstructed Areas (hectare) 15118 15898 16647 17071 18386 18949 20118 21726 #公园绿地 (公顷) PublicGreenArea (hectare) 5017 5287 5635 5820 6304 7640 8118 8770 建城区绿化覆盖率 (%) RateoftheGreenAreasCoveraged inConstructedAreas (%) 39.95 40.00 40.07 40.23 40.57 40.43 40.70 39.96 公园景点个数 (个) NumberofParksandScenic Resorts (unit) 176 181 185 190 207 217 222 245 公园景点面积 (公顷) AreaofParksandScenicResorts (hectare) 1906 2047 2065 2094 2298 2488 2754 3074 — 354—
11-05环境保护情况(2017年) Statistics on Environmental Protection(2017) 指标名称 Whole Urban District 工业废水排放量 (万吨) Industrial Wastewater Emissions (10,000tons) 24559 23331 工业废水中COD排放量(吨) COD Emissions in Industrial Wastewater(m)12639 工业废水中氨氮排放 (吨) Ammonia el in Industrial wastewater tons 工业二氧化硫产生量 (nt) Industrial Sulfur Dioxide Produced tons 106895 83069 工业二氧化硫排放量 (t) Industrial Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide tons 21136 工业氮氧化物排放量 ( t) Industrial Nitrogen Oxide Emissions tons 31123 21581 工业烟(粉)产生量 (nt) Industrial Smoke( Powder) Production tons 1719689 10601667 工业烟(粉)尘排放量 ( nt) Industrial Smoke, Powder and Dust Emissions (tons) 16343 11579 一般工业圆体物除合利用率() Soup whesneive Filiation Rale of (emeral India I 城市污水集中处理率 (% Centralized Treatment Rate of Urban Sewage (% 城市生活垃圾无害化处理率(%) Harmless Treatment Rate of Citys Living Garbage 100 空气质量优良天数 (天) Air Quality Days 集中式饮用水源地水质达标率(%) omplance Rate of Centralized Sources of Drinking 100 注:2016年起环境统计方法有调整。 )The environmental sta thod has been adjusted since 2016
11-05 环境保护情况(2017年) StatisticsonEnvironmentalProtection(2017) 指标名称 Item 全 市 Whole City 市 区 Urban District 工业废水排放量 (万吨) IndustrialWastewaterEmissions (10,000tons) 24559 23331 工业废水中 COD排放量 (吨) CODEmissionsinIndustrialWastewater (tons) 12639 12212 工业废水中氨氮排放量 (吨) AmmoniaemissionsinIndustrialwastewater (tons) 507 482 工业二氧化硫产生量 (吨) IndustrialSulfurDioxideProduced (tons) 106895 83069 工业二氧化硫排放量 (吨) IndustrialEmissionsofSulfurDioxide (tons) 26497 21136 工业氮氧化物排放量 (吨) IndustrialNitrogenOxideEmissions (tons) 31123 21581 工业烟(粉)产生量 (吨) IndustrialSmoke(Powder)Production (tons) 11719689 10601667 工业烟(粉)尘排放量 (吨) IndustrialSmoke,PowderandDustEmissions (tons) 16343 11579 一般工业固体废物综合利用率 (%) ComprehensiveUtilizationRateofGeneralIndustrial SolidWaste (%) 77.06 77.36 城市污水集中处理率 (%) CentralizedTreatmentRateofUrbanSewage (%) 95.1 95.25 城市生活垃圾无害化处理率 (%) HarmlessTreatmentRateofCity'sLivingGarbage (%) 100 100 空气质量优良天数 (天) AirQualityDays (days) - 271 集中式饮用水源地水质达标率 (%) ComplianceRateofCentralizedSourcesofDrinking Water (%) 100 - 注:2016年起环境统计方法有调整。 a)Theenvironmentalstatisticalmethodhasbeenadjustedsince2016. — 355—
主要统计指标解释 自来水生产能力指年底城建部门管理的自来水厂实际生产能力 生活用水量指居民日常生活与公共福利设施的用水量。包括居民、饮食店、旅馆、医院、理发店、浴池、洗衣店、游泳池、商 店、学校、机关、部队等单位的用水量。 供气总量指全年售给各类用户的全部煤气量。包括工业用量、家庭用量和其他用量。 年末实有道路长度指除土路外,路面经过铺装宽度在3.5米以上的道路,包括高级、次高级道路和普通道路。 城市桥梁指城市范围内,修建在河道上的桥梁和道路与道路立交、道路跨越铁路的立交桥,以及人行天桥。包括永久性 桥和半永久性桥,不包括临时性桥、铁路桥、涵洞。 营运线路长度指设置的固定营运线路的长度,包括郊区营运线路长度。不包括临时行驶的线路长度。 用水普及率指城市用水的非农业人口数(不包括临时人口和流动人口)与城市非农业人口总数之比。计算公式为 用水普及率=城市非农业人口数×100% 城市园林绿地面积指城市公共绿地、专用绿地、生产绿地、防护绿地、郊区风景名胜区的全部面积。 公园绿地面积指供游览休息的各种公园、动物园、植物园、陵园以及花园、游园和供游览休息用的林荫道绿地、广场绿地。 不包括一般栽植的行道树及林荫道的面积
主要统计指标解释 自来水生产能力 指年底城建部门管理的自来水厂实际生产能力。 生活用水量 指居民日常生活与公共福利设施的用水量。包括居民、饮食店、旅馆、医院、理发店、浴池、洗衣店、游泳池、商 店、学校、机关、部队等单位的用水量。 供气总量 指全年售给各类用户的全部煤气量。包括工业用量、家庭用量和其他用量。 年末实有道路长度 指除土路外,路面经过铺装宽度在 3.5米以上的道路,包括高级、次高级道路和普通道路。 城市桥梁 指城市范围内,修建在河道上的桥梁和道路与道路立交、道路跨越铁路的立交桥,以及人行天桥。包括永久性 桥和半永久性桥,不包括临时性桥、铁路桥、涵洞。 营运线路长度 指设置的固定营运线路的长度,包括郊区营运线路长度。不包括临时行驶的线路长度。 用水普及率 指城市用水的非农业人口数(不包括临时人口和流动人口)与城市非农业人口总数之比。计算公式为: 用水普及率 =城市用水非农业人口数 城市非农业人口数 ×100% 城市园林绿地面积 指城市公共绿地、专用绿地、生产绿地、防护绿地、郊区风景名胜区的全部面积。 公园绿地面积 指供游览休息的各种公园、动物园、植物园、陵园以及花园、游园和供游览休息用的林荫道绿地、广场绿地。 不包括一般栽植的行道树及林荫道的面积。 — 356—
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators Production Capacity of Tap Water refers to the actual comprehensive production capacity of the waterworks administered by the urban const Consumption of water for Residential Use refers to the water consumption of households for daily life and the water consump- tion of public welfare facilities, including the consumption of restaurants, hotels, hospitals, barber shops, public bathhouses, laun- hools, institutions, army units and other units Volume of Gas Supply refers to the total volume of gas Sold to users in a year, including the volume for industrial use, residen- tial use and other ength of Roads at the Year-end refers to the length of roads with a paved surface, and with a width of more than 3-5 me- ters cluding high quality, medium quality and ordinary roads Urban Bridges refers to bridges over river courses, great separated junctions and overpasses in urban areas. Permanent bridg and semi-permanent bridges are included. Temporary bridges, railway bridges and culverts are excluded. Length in Operation refers to the length of the roads in fixed operation ding the suburb one, but excluding the temporary Percentage of Urban Population with Access to Tap Water refers to the ratio of the urban non-agricultural population(ex- cluding temporary and mobile population)with access to tap water to the tolal urban non-agricultural population. The formula is: Percentage of Poputalion with Access to Tap Water Urban Non-agricultural Population with Access to Tap Waterx100% Area of Urban Gardens and Green Areas refers to the total area of urban public green land, special green land, production green land, protection green land and suburban scenic spots Park Green Area refers to green area of various parks, zoos, botanical gardens, cemeteries, amusement parks, tree -flanked boulevards Greenland squares for tourism and relaxing. Areas with trees planted along-side the streets and boulevards are excluded
ExplanatoryNotesonMainStatisticalIndicators ProductionCapacityofTapWater referstotheactualcomprehensiveproductioncapacityofthewaterworksadministeredby theurbanconstructiondepartment. ConsumptionofwaterforResidentialUse referstothewaterconsumptionofhouseholdsfordailylifeandthewaterconsump tionofpublicwelfarefacilities,includingtheconsumptionofrestaurants,hotels,hospitals,barbershops,publicbathhouses,laun dries,swimmingpools,shops,schools,institutions,armyunitsandotherunits. VolumeofGasSupply referstothetotalvolumeofgasSoldtousersinayear,includingthevolumeforindustrialuse,residen tialuseandotheruses. LengthofRoadsattheYear-end referstothelengthofroadswithapavedsurface,andwithawidthofmorethan3-5me ters,includinghighquality,mediumqualityandordinaryroads. UrbanBridges referstobridgesoverrivercourses,greatseparatedjunctionsandoverpassesinurbanareas.Permanentbridges andsemi-permanentbridgesareincluded.Temporarybridges,railwaybridgesandculvertsareexcluded. LengthinOperation referstothelengthoftheroadsinfixedoperation,includingthesuburbone,butexcludingthetomporary ones. PercentageofUrbanPopulationwithAccesstoTapWater referstotheratiooftheurbannon-agriculturalpopulation(ex cludingtemporaryandmobilepopulation)withaccesstotapwatertothetolalurbannon-agriculturalpopulation.Theformulais: PercentageofPoputalionwithAccesstoTapWater=UrbanNon-agriculturalPopulationwithAccesstoTapWater UrbanNon-agriculturalPopulation ×100% AreaofUrbanGardensandGreenAreas referstothetotalareaofurbanpublicgreenland,specialgreenland,production greenland,protectiongreenlandandsuburbanscenicspots. ParkGreenArea referstogreenareaofvariousparks,zoos,botanicalgardens,cemeteries,amusementparks,tree-flanked boulevardsGreenlandsquaresfortourismandrelaxing.Areaswithtreesplantedalong-sidethestreetsandboulevardsareexcluded. — 357—