Unit 3 Animals Listen, speak, read and write.(能听、说、读、写) p sheep COw 會条 duck frog It is a big animal It is black and white It has got a big nose two big ears and four legs. It lives on a farm It eats grass 这是一个大动物。它是黑色和白色。它有一个大鼻子,两只大耳朵和四条腿。它 住在农场里。他吃草。 Listen, speak and read.(能听、说、读) wolf hipp
snake crocodile Can it swim? 它会游泳吗?不会。 Has it got two legs? No.它有两条腿吗?没有。 Has it got four legs? Yes.它有四条腿吗?是的 Does it live on a farm? 它住在农场里吗?不是 Does it eat grass? 它吃草吗?不是 Does it eat other animals Yes.它吃其他的动物吗?是的 Is it b 它是褐色吗?是的 Is it a lion 它是一只狮子吗?是的