全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计 、教案背景1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:英语 4、学生课前准备: 、初读课文,了解课文大意。 二、自学课文,思考课后的问题。 三、让学生提出自学中遇到的问题 二、教学课题: Module(6 Unitl I went there last year 学习任务: When did you go to.? Did you go with .? 功能:谈论旅游见闻。 运用任务:1.SB第一单元活动3 2.AB一单元练习3。 3.AB第一单元练习4。 教学重点、难点 1、认读单词 photo,stay,wek 2、认读和运用句子: When did you go to.? We went there last year Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. /No, I didn't 教具准备:录音机、多媒体课件、单词卡片、照片等 教材分析 本节课是《新标准英语》第六册 Module6 Travel, Unit I I went there last year:它的 语言功能是运用动词的过去式谈论旅游见闻。学习任务是 When did you go to.?Dd you go 四、教学方法 科学、有效的教学方法是教学成功的关键,根据本课的教学目标和学生的认知 情况,在本课的教学中,将以学生为主体,以活动为载体,以语言的运用为目标
全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计 一、教案背景 1、面向学生: 小学 2、学科:英语 3、课时:1 4、学生课前准备: 一、 初读课文,了解课文大意。 二、 自学课文,思考课后的问题。 三、 让学生提出自学中遇到的问题。 二、教学课题:Module 6 Unit1 I went there last year. 学习任务: When did you go to…? Did you go with…? 功能:谈论旅游见闻。 运用任务:1.SB 第一单元活动 3。 2. AB 一单元练习 3。 3. AB 第一单元练习 4。 教学重点、难点: 1、认读单词 photo, stay, week 2、认读和运用句子: When did you go to …? We went there last year. Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 教具准备:录音机、多媒体课件、单词卡片、照片等。 三、教材分析 本节课是《新标准英语》第六册 Module 6 Travel, Unit1 I went there last year.它的 语言功能是运用动词的过去式谈论旅游见闻。学习任务是 When did you go to…? Did you go with…? 四、教学方法: 科学、有效的教学方法是教学成功的关键,根据本课的教学目标和学生的认知 情况,在本课的教学中,将以学生为主体,以活动为载体,以语言的运用为目标
灵活运用多种教学方法,如直观教学法、听说法、视听法、情景交际法以及任务活 动教学法等,引导学生在参与、体验,合作与交流中,主动获取知识,提高语言运 用能力,从而达到语言教学的目标 五、教学过程: Stepl. Warming-up 1. Sing a song.(What did you do? Step2 Presentation I Study the new words: photo Who can answer me: What's this song about? Ss: It's about travelin T: Do you like traveling? Ss Yes. i de T: I like traveling, too. Look, this is my photo. teach photo). I went to Beijing last year 【百度搜索】从百度搜索中搜索中国地图的图片 http://baidu/swd=%d6%d0%b9%fa%b5%d8%cd%bc&tn=580590734_pg&ch=I It's in the north of China. I went there with my father. Where did you go? Where is it? When did you go there? Did you go with your mother and father? Stl: I went to Shanghai. It's in the east of China Step3. Learn the text. We like traveling. How about Lingling? Let's watch the cartoon and find the answer Where did lingling go? (1)Listen and answer. ( show the question T: Who can answer me? Q: Where did Lingling go? St: Lingling went to Xinjiang T: Great. Here is a postcard of Xinjiang for you 【百度搜索】中搜索新疆人摘葡萄的图片 http://image.baidw/i?ct=503316480&zf&tn-baiduimagedetail&word=% E6%96%B0%E7%96%86%E4%BA%BA%E6%91%98%E8%91%A1% E8%90%84%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87&ie=utf-8&in=9124&cl=2&m l&st=&pn=28&m=l&d=180668339452&ln=1999&fr=alal&fim= alal&fmq=1366330450890 r&ic=&s=&se=&sme=0&tab=&width &height=&face=&is=&istype=&jit=#pn28&-1&dil80668339452 &objurlhttp%3A%2f%2fimaGe.elegantliving.ceconline% 2F360000%2F360300%2F20110614 FCF_ 05. jpg&fromURLippr Z2C%024qAzdH3 FAZdH3Fjsj2wgpstetg2_ Z%26e3 Bvjv5gstg_%26e3 Bv54AZdH3Fw6p maaaa8c8d0 9na8aa js am z%26e3Bip4&w500& H250&T10697&S56&TP
灵活运用多种教学方法,如直观教学法、听说法、视听法、情景交际法以及任务活 动教学法等,引导学生在参与、体验,合作与交流中,主动获取知识,提高语言运 用能力,从而达到语言教学的目标。 五、教学过程: Step1. Warming-up 1. Sing a song. (What did you do?) 2. Greeting. Step2 Presentation 1、Study the new words: photo. Who can answer me: What’s this song about? Ss: It’s about traveling. T: Do you like traveling? Ss: Yes, I do. T: I like traveling, too. Look, this is my photo. (teach photo). I went to Beijing last year. 【百度搜索】从百度搜索中搜索中国地图的图片 http://baidu/s?wd=%D6%D0%B9%FA%B5%D8%CD%BC&tn=58059073_4_pg&ch=1 It’s in the north of China. I went there with my father. Where did you go? Where is it? When did you go there? Did you go with your mother and father? St1: I went to Shanghai. It’s in the east of China…. Step3. Learn the text. We like traveling. How about Lingling? Let’s watch the cartoon and find the answer: Where did Lingling go? (1) Listen and answer.(show the question) T: Who can answer me? Q: Where did Lingling go? St: Lingling went to Xinjiang. T: Great. Here is a postcard of Xinjiang for you. 【百度搜索】中搜索新疆人摘葡萄的图片。 http://image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=% E6%96%B0%E7%96%86%E4%BA%BA%E6%91%98%E8%91%A1% E8%90%84%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87&ie=utf-8&in=9124&cl=2&lm =-1&st=&pn=28&rn=1&di=180668339452&ln=1999&fr=ala1&fm= ala1&fmq=1366330450890_R&ic=&s=&se=&sme=0&tab=&width= &height=&face=&is=&istype=&jit=#pn28&-1&di180668339452 &objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fimage.elegantliving.ceconline% 2F360000%2F360300%2F20110614_FCF_05.jpg&fromURLippr _z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fjsj2wgpstetg2_z%26e3Bvjv5gstgj_z%26e3 Bv54AzdH3Fw6p_maaaa8c8d0_9na8aa_js_am_z%26e3Bip4&W500& H250&T10697&S56&TPjpg
(2)Listen and repeat Pic1: Q1: What has lingling got? St&T: Lingling has got some photos. They're photos of China. Where?(point to Xinjiang) Xinjang 【百度搜索】从百度搜索中搜索中国地图的图片 http://baidu/swd=%d6%d0%b9%fa%b5%d8%cd%bc&tn=580590734_pg&ch=L Pic2: Q1: Where is Xinjiang? Q2: When did lingling go there? Anl: She went there last year Q3: Did Lingling go with her mother and father? An2: Yes. she d id Q4: Who did she stay with? Q5: How long did they stay there? Teach: stay---stayed a week Pic3: Q1: Where is Hainan? Let's find the answer 【百度搜索】海南风景图片。 http://baidu/s?wd=%ba%a3%c4%cf%b7%e7%be%b0&tn=580590734pg&ch=1 T: Who are they? what people are they PPI+视频猜测民族。 【百度视频】搜索新疆和黎族舞蹈。 http://v.ku6/show/osznugnctakhhefzt-rra.html?From=My http://v.yisou/s?q=%c0%e8%d7%e5%ce%e8%b5%B8&charset=gbK&sr=l&cid=4876 T: Were brothers and sisters. We' re a big famil (3)Read the text together (4)Fill in the blanks Lingling has got some( photos). Lingling went to(Xinjiang ). It is in the(west)of China She went there(last year ) She went there with her mother and father. She(stayed )with her grandmother for(a week) in July. Hainan is in the(south)of China 【设计意图】以问题引领课文,有利于学生对课文内容的理解 Step4 practice 1. T: Lingling went to Xinjiang last year, I went to Beijing last year. Look, there are so many beautiful places in China, Where did you go? (课件出示问题) 师与一生做示范( The St show his photo) T: Peter, where did you go? P: I went to Shanghai T: When did you go there? P: I went there 2 years ago T Did you go with your mother and father? P: Yes i did (2)Ss work in pairs (3)Ss show 2. Play a game Guess: Where did she go?
(2) Listen and repeat. Pic1: Q1:What has lingling got? St&T: Lingling has got some photos. They’re photos of China. Where? (point to Xinjiang) Ss: Xinjang. 【百度搜索】从百度搜索中搜索中国地图的图片 http://baidu/s?wd=%D6%D0%B9%FA%B5%D8%CD%BC&tn=58059073_4_pg&ch=1 Pic2: Q1: Where is Xinjiang? Q2: When did Lingling go there? An1: She went there last year. Q3: Did Lingling go with her mother and father? An2: Yes, she did. Q4: Who did she stay with? Q5: How long did they stay there? Teach: stay---stayed a week Pic3: Q1: Where is Hainan? Let’s find the answer. 【百度搜索】海南风景图片。 http://baidu/s?wd=%BA%A3%C4%CF%B7%E7%BE%B0&tn=58059073_4_pg&ch=1 T: Who are they? What people are they? PPT+视频猜测民族。 【百度视频】搜索新疆和黎族舞蹈。 http://v.ku6/show/oSznUgnCTaKhh_efzT-rRA...html?from=my http://v.yisou/s?q=%C0%E8%D7%E5%CE%E8%B5%B8&charset=gbk&sr=1&cid=4876 T: We’re brothers and sisters. We’re a big family. (3) Read the text together. (4) Fill in the blanks Lingling has got some ( photos). Lingling went to (Xinjiang). It is in the (west) of China. She went there (last year). She went there with her mother and father. She (stayed) with her grandmother for (a week) in July. Hainan is in the (south) of China. 【设计意图】以问题引领课文,有利于学生对课文内容的理解。 Step4 practice 1. T: Lingling went to Xinjiang last year, I went to Beijing last year. Look , there are so many beautiful places in China, Where did you go? (课件出示问题) 师与一生做示范(The St show his photo) T: Peter , where did you go? P: I went to Shanghai. T: When did you go there? P: I went there 2 years ago. T: Did you go with your mother and father? P: Yes, I did. (2)Ss work in pairs. (3)Ss show. 2. Play a game Guess: Where did she go?
Last year, she went to Qingdao. It is in the north of China. She went with her mother and father. She visited her friend. It is very beautiful. She had a lovely time there Step5: Homework. 1, Read and try to act out this text next class 2, Try to talk about the travel of your parents sister, cousin, and friend 3. You can write a short passage like this 板书设计: M6UII went there last vear New words: When did you go there? photo went there stay-stayed Did you go with your? a week Yes. i did. / No I didnt 六、教学反思 1.在组织课堂用语方面,要精炼,越简单越好,下达的任务要明确,要使学生目的 明确 2.教学环节的设计,由易到难,环环相扣,要始终为目标服务,而不是为了热闹而 闹 3.注重课文的导入,课文的导入要直接,简洁,使学生很快加入到课文的学习中来 4英语学习是个有简单到复杂的过程,先将简单的学生易接受的知识教给学生,然 后再过渡到对重点句型的学习和练习。这样才符合语言习得的步骤。 5.教师有自信心,有激情,说出来的话才扎实,就能成就一节比较完美的课 6.学生是学习的主体,是课堂的主人,老师只是个引导者,要把充分的时间还给学 生,让其充分的练习、消化和巩固。 7.教师还要练就高素质的基本功,让自己的语音语调变得优美动听,适合孩子们的 8.对于板书的设计,要注重艺术性,对重点知识一目了然
Last year, she went to Qingdao. It is in the north of China. She went with her mother and father. She visited her friend. It is very beautiful. She had a lovely time there. Step5: Homework. 1、Read and try to act out this text next class. 2、Try to talk about the travel of your parents sister, cousin, and friend 3、You can write a short passage like this. 板书设计: M6 U1 I went there last year. New words: When did you go there? photo I went there____. stay-stayed Did you go with your____? a week Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 六、 教学反思 1.在组织课堂用语方面,要精炼,越简单越好,下达的任务要明确,要使学生目的 明确。 2.教学环节的设计,由易到难,环环相扣,要始终为目标服务,而不是为了热闹而 热闹。 3.注重课文的导入,课文的导入要直接,简洁,使学生很快加入到课文的学习中来。 4.英语学习是个有简单到复杂的过程,先将简单的学生易接受的知识教给学生,然 后再过渡到对重点句型的学习和练习。这样才符合语言习得的步骤。 5.教师有自信心,有激情,说出来的话才扎实,就能成就一节比较完美的课。 6.学生是学习的主体,是课堂的主人,老师只是个引导者,要把充分的时间还给学 生,让其充分的练习、消化和巩固。 7.教师还要练就高素质的基本功,让自己的语音语调变得优美动听,适合孩子们的 口味。 8.对于板书的设计,要注重艺术性,对重点知识一目了然
七、教师个人介绍 省份:山东省 学校:文登小学 姓名:付正芹 职称:二级教师 电话:0536-3750140 电子邮件: fuzhenglin12@163 通讯地址:山东省青州市邵庄镇文登小学 个人介绍 本人,女,1971年3月生于一个偏僻的小山村,1991年7月毕业于益都师范 学校。光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼已任教22余载。先后在文登中学、文登小学任教, 直工作在教育的第一线。二十二年来,风风雨雨,坎坎坷坷;兢兢业业,勤勤恳 恳;任劳任怨,精益求精。我关心学生,服从领导。我深深牢记“学髙为师,身正 为范”,在教学的同时,我不忘学习,先后自学了专科和本科全部课程。我很注意 自身的品德行为,努力给学生树立一个良好的榜样。本学年担任三、五、六年级英 语和音乐学科的教学。我将不断探索,用我的全部热情和勤奋进取铺设无悔的 从教之路
七、教师个人介绍 省份:山东省 学校:文登小学 姓名:付正芹 职称:二级教师 电话:0536--3750140 电子邮件:fuzhengqin12@163 通讯地址:山东省青州市邵庄镇文登小学 个人介绍 本人,女,1971 年 3 月生于一个偏僻的小山村, 1991 年 7 月毕业于益都师范 学校。光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼已任教 22 余载。先后在文登中学、文登小学任教, 一直工作在教育的第一线。二十二年来,风风雨雨,坎坎坷坷;兢兢业业,勤勤恳 恳;任劳任怨,精益求精。我关心学生,服从领导。我深深牢记“学高为师,身正 为范”, 在教学的同时,我不忘学习,先后自学了专科和本科全部课程。我很注意 自身的品德行为,努力给学生树立一个良好的榜样。本学年担任三、五、六年级英 语和音乐学科的教学。我将不断探索,用我的全部热情和勤奋进取铺设无悔的 从教之路