Module 6 Unitl I went there last year 、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.能听懂、会说并认读单词: photo,stay,wek 2.能听懂、会说并认读下列句子: When did you go to…? We went there… Did you go with…?Yes,Idid./No, I didn’t. 3.初步理解课文大意 (二)能力目标 在情景中运用 When did you go to…? We went there…. Did you go with…?Yes,Idid. /No, I didn’t.来谈论旅游经历。 (三)情感目标 开拓学生视野,增长学生的人文地理知识,激发学生热爱祖国大好河山的情感。 二、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点 1、认读单词 photo,stay,week 2、认读和运用句子: When did you go to…? We went there last year. Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. /No, I didn't (二)教学难点 在情景中熟练运用所学重点句型来谈论自己和他人的旅游经历 三、教学策略 科学、有效的教学方法是教学成功的关键,根据本课的教学目标和学生的认知情况,在本课 的教学中,将以学生为主体,以活动为载体,以语言的运用为目标。灵活运用多种教学方法, 如直观教学法、听说法、视听法、情景交际法以及任务活动教学法等,引导学生在参与、体 验,合作与交流中,主动获取知识,提高语言运用能力,从而达到语言教学的目标 四、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、 CD-ROM、照片等 五、过程设计 Stepl. Preparation 1. Sing a song.(Where did you go? 2.向学生出示老师去济南游玩的照片,让学生边看照片边回答问题,如: Where did i go? When did i go there? Who did i go with?等等,让学生复习回忆之前学过的语言知识点 Step2. Presentation 1, T: This is my travel experience. Do you want to introduce your travel experience to the students? So we should learn some English knowledge, right? OK, today well learn module 6 unitl I went there last year 2 Now listen and answer the question: Where did lingling go? A: Xingjiang Jinan 3 T: Now we know that lingling went to Xingjiang, but when did she go? Who did she go with? We don' t know these questions, right? Now let s come to the details of lingling's travel: listen again and match. 1). Where did lingling go? A. Yes, she did. 2). When did she go there? B. She went to Xinjiang 3). Did she go with her parents? C. a week
1 Module 6 Unit1 I went there last year. 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.能听懂、会说并认读单词: photo, stay, week 2.能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:When did you go to…? We went there …. Did you go with …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 3.初步理解课文大意。 (二)能力目标 在情景中运用 When did you go to…? We went there …. Did you go with …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.来谈论旅游经历。 (三)情感目标 开拓学生视野,增长学生的人文地理知识,激发学生热爱祖国大好河山的情感。 二、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点 1、认读单词 photo, stay, week 2、认读和运用句子: When did you go to …? We went there last year. Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. (二)教学难点 在情景中熟练运用所学重点句型来谈论自己和他人的旅游经历。 三、教学策略 科学、有效的教学方法是教学成功的关键,根据本课的教学目标和学生的认知情况,在本课 的教学中,将以学生为主体,以活动为载体,以语言的运用为目标。灵活运用多种教学方法, 如直观教学法、听说法、视听法、情景交际法以及任务活动教学法等,引导学生在参与、体 验,合作与交流中,主动获取知识,提高语言运用能力,从而达到语言教学的目标。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、CD-ROM、照片等。 五、过程设计 Step1. Preparation 1. Sing a song. (Where did you go? ) 2. 向学生出示老师去济南游玩的照片,让学生边看照片边回答问题,如:Where did I go? When did I go there? Who did I go with?等等,让学生复习回忆之前学过的语言知识点。 Step2 .Presentation 1、 T: This is my travel experience. Do you want to introduce your travel experience to the students? So we should learn some English knowledge, right? OK, today we’ll learn module 6 unit1 I went there last year. 2、 Now listen and answer the question: Where did lingling go? A :Xingjiang B:Jinan 3、 T: Now we know that Lingling went to Xingjiang , but when did she go? Who did she go with? We don’t know these questions, right? Now let’s come to the details of Lingling’s travel : listen again and match. 1).Where did lingling go? A. Yes, she did. 2).When did she go there? B. She went to Xinjiang. 3).Did she go with her parents? C.A week
4). How long did she stay there? D. Last year. In July 4.老师走到学生面前看学生带来的照片并且询问相关信息: Where did you go? When did you go there? Did you go with your parents?让学生熟悉这三个句 型并且回答,师生问答,然后生生问答,多种方式练习重点句型。 5. Listen and repeat. 6. Read the text in groups, you can choose the way you like it. 1. Play a game:英语单词连连看,学生通过看大屏幕,找出九宫格中横着竖着或 者斜着能连在一起的单词,然后大声的读出来,看谁找的最快,读的最准。 2. Retell lingling,s travelling: Lingling to Xinjiang last year Xinjiang is in the of China. She went there with her ots of photos. And she with her grandma for a week Step 4. Production Where did you go last year Please show us your photos. I went to It’ s in the… of china I went the I went there with I took photos/visited Step 5 S Our mother land is big and beautiful. I hope you can go outside and see the world. omeo Read and try to act out this text next class **Try to talk about the travel of your parents sister, cousin, and ★★★ You can write a short passage like this. 板书设计: M6 Ul I went there last year. When did you go there? I went there 评价 stay-stayed Did you go with your a week Yes, I did. /No, I didn't 2
2 4).How long did she stay there? D. Last year. In July 4.老师走到学生面前看学生带来的照片并且询问相关信息:Where did you go? When did you go there? Did you go with your parents? 让学生熟悉这三个句 型并且回答,师生问答,然后生生问答,多种方式练习重点句型。 5. Listen and repeat. 6. Read the text in groups , you can choose the way you like it. Step3 .Practice 1. Play a game :英语单词连连看,学生通过看大屏幕,找出九宫格中横着竖着或 者斜着能连在一起的单词,然后大声的读出来,看谁找的最快,读的最准。 2. Retell lingling’s travelling: Lingling _____ to Xinjiang last year. Xinjiang is in the _____of China .She went there with her__________. They ____lots of photos. And she _______ with her grandma for a week. Step 4 .Production Where did you go last year? Please show us your photos. I went to … It’s in the…of China. I went there… I went there with… I took photos/visited Step 5 Summary Our motherland is big and beautiful. I hope you can go outside and see the world. Step6: Homework. ★Read and try to act out this text next class. ★★Try to talk about the travel of your parents sister, cousin, and friend ★★★You can write a short passage like this. 板书设计: M6 U1 I went there last year. New words: When did you go there? photo I went there____. 评价: stay-stayed Did you go with your____? a week Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 1、每个人身上都有惰性和消极情绪,成功的人都是懂得管理自己的情绪和克服自己的惰性,并像太阳一样照亮身边的人,激励身边的人。 2、你心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。 3、你今天必须做别人不愿做的事,好让你明天可以拥有别人不能拥有的东西。 4、不要觉得全心全意去做看起来微不足道的事,是一种浪费,小事做的得心应手了,大事自然水到渠成。 5、别着急要结果,先问自己够不够格,付出要配得上结果,工夫到位了,结果自然就出来了
3 6、你没那么多观众,别那么累。做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想,更不庸人自扰。 7、别人对你好,你要争气,图日后有能力有所报答,别人对你不好,你更要争气望有朝一日,能够扬眉吐气。 8、奋斗的路上,时间总是过得很快,目前的困难和麻烦是很多,但是只要不忘初心,脚踏实地一步一步的朝着目标前进,最后的结局交给时间来定夺。 9、运气是努力的附属品。没有经过实力的原始积累,给你运气你也抓不住。上天给予每个人的都一样,但每个人的准备却不一样。不要羡慕那些总能撞大运的人,你必须很努力,才能遇上好运气。 10、你的假装努力,欺骗的只有你自己,永远不要用战术上的勤奋,来掩饰战略上的懒惰。 11、时间只是过客,自己才是主人,人生的路无需苛求,只要你迈步,路就在你的脚下延伸,只要你扬帆,便会有八面来风,启程了,人的生命才真正开始。 12、不管做什么都不要急于回报,因为播种和收获不在同一个季节,中间隔着的一段时间,我们叫它为坚持。 13、你想过普通的生活,就会遇到普通的挫折。你想过最好的生活,就一定会遇上最强的伤害。这个世界很公平,想要最好,就一定会给你最痛。 14、成长是一场和自己的比赛,不要担心别人会做得比你好,你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。 15、最终你相信什么就能成为什么。因为世界上最可怕的二个词,一个叫执着,一个叫认真,认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。只要在路上,就没有到不了的地方。 16、你若坚持,定会发光,时间是所向披靡的武器,它能集腋成裘,也能聚沙成塔,将人生的不可能都变成可能。 17、人生,就要活得漂亮,走得铿锵。自己不奋斗,终归是摆设。无论你是谁,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的平凡人。 18、过自己喜欢的生活,成为自己喜欢的样子,其实很简单,就是把无数个"今天"过好,这就意味着不辜负不蹉跎时光,以饱满的热情迎接每一件事,让生命的每一天都有滋有味。 19、上天不会亏待努力的人,也不会同情假勤奋的人,你有多努力时光它知道。 20、成长这一路就是懂得闭嘴努力,知道低调谦逊,学会强大自己,在每一个值得珍惜的日子里,拼命去成为自己想成为的人