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吉林大学:《新发展英语综合教程》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)Unit 5 Cultural Difference 第三十八讲


Para.3 5.As your troubles add up and no one want to lend a hand to help,you start thinking the locals are either incapable of understanding your problems or just don't care. 译文: 如果你的麻烦日益增多而没有人帮助你,你会觉得当地 人根本不能理解你的难处或对你漠不关心

5. As your troubles add up and no one want to lend a hand to help, you start thinking the locals are either incapable of understanding your problems or just don’t care. Para. 3 译文: 如果你的麻烦日益增多而没有人帮助你,你会觉得当地 人根本不能理解你的难处或对你漠不关心

本文中as your troubles add up意思是“当你的麻烦越来 越 多”。词组add up意思是“增加,添加,合计” e.g. a.The evidence adds up to a case of murder. 所有的证据都说明这是一起谋杀案。 b.The money he spent added up to 1,000 yuan. 所花费用总计达1,000元

本文中as your troubles add up意思是“当你的麻烦越来 越 多”。词组add up意思是“增加,添加,合计” e.g. a. The evidence adds up to a case of murder. 所有的证据都说明这是一起谋杀案。 b. The money he spent added up to 1,000 yuan. 所花费用总计达1,000元

lend a hand:“给与,提供帮助” e.g. We didn't know you were in trouble at that time, otherwise we would have lent you a hand. 我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们会帮助你 的

lend a hand: “给与,提供帮助” e.g. We didn’t know you were in trouble at that time, otherwise we would have lent you a hand. 我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们会帮助你 的

incapable >ad山不会的 e.g. a.He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed. 他不会做出这么残忍的事。 >不能胜任的 b.I was quite incapable of moving with influenza 我患了流感,一点也不能动。 Back

➢ adj. 不会的 e.g. a. He would be incapable of committing such a cruel deed. 他不会做出这么残忍的事。 ➢ 不能胜任的 b. I was quite incapable of moving with influenza. 我患了流感,一点也不能动。 incapable Back

Para.3 6.This in turn triggers the emotion that is one of the surest signs of culture shock:hostility to the new environment.You begin to hate your host country and everything connected with it. 译文: 这随之会引发“文化冲击”的一种必然情绪:对新环境 的 敌视。你开始讨厌所在国以及一切与之有关的东西

6. This in turn triggers the emotion that is one of the surest signs of culture shock: hostility to the new environment . You begin to hate your host country and everything connected with it. Para. 3 译文: 这随之会引发“文化冲击”的一种必然情绪:对新环境 的 敌视。你开始讨厌所在国以及一切与之有关的东西

trigger >vt.“激发起,引起” e.g. a.The election of the new president triggered an armed clash. 新总统的当选引起了武装冲突。 b.The story reported in the local newspaper triggered a heated discussion on ethics. 当地报纸上的报道引发了关于伦理的热烈讨论

trigger ➢ vt. “激发起,引起” e.g. a. The election of the new president triggered an armed clash. 新总统的当选引起了武装冲突。 b. The story reported in the local newspaper triggered a heated discussion on ethics. 当地报纸上的报道引发了关于伦理的热烈讨论

sign >n.手势,姿势,信号,征兆,迹象 e.g. a.The weather shows no signs of getting better. 天气没有好转的迹象。 b.Mary developed signs of flu after she visited an old friend in the hospital. 从医院看望一个老朋友回来后,玛丽出现了流感 的征兆

➢ n. 手势, 姿势, 信号,征兆,迹象 e.g. a. The weather shows no signs of getting better. 天气没有好转的迹象。 b. Mary developed signs of flu after she visited an old friend in the hospital. 从医院看望一个老朋友回来后,玛丽出现了流感 的征兆。 sign

hostility >n.敌意,敌对 e.g. a.He displayed traditional Arab hostility toward the West. 他表现出阿拉伯人对西方的传统敌意。 b.He could sense her latent hostility to him. 他可以感到她对他潜在的敌意

➢ n. 敌意,敌对 e.g. a. He displayed traditional Arab hostility toward the West. 他表现出阿拉伯人对西方的传统敌意。 b. He could sense her latent hostility to him. 他可以感到她对他潜在的敌意。 hostility

in turn:“反过来” e.g. Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论建立在实践的基础上,反过来又为实践服务。 与turn有关的短语: by turns意为“轮流,交替” e.g. They laughed and cried by turns. 他们一会哭,一会笑。 take turns意为“轮流做某事,替换” e.g. The three men took turns driving so one would not be too tired. 这三个人轮流开车,这样就不会有人太疲劳。 Back

in turn: “反过来” e.g. Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论建立在实践的基础上,反过来又为实践服务。 与 turn有关的短语: by turns 意为 “轮流,交替” e.g. They laughed and cried by turns. 他们一会哭,一会笑。 take turns意为 “轮流做某事,替换” e.g. The three men took turns driving so one would not be too tired. 这三个人轮流开车,这样就不会有人太疲劳。 Back



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