第三节循环糸统 The Circulatory System
第三节 循环系统 The Circulatory System
第三节循环糸统 动物循环糸统的演化 水管糸统 血液循环糸统 人的血液循环糸统 心血管糸 淋巴糸
第三节 循环系统 一、动物循环系统的演化 水管系统 血液循环系统 二、人的血液循环系统 心血管系 淋巴系
u中o销p091NeD 动物循环糸统的演化 (一)水管糸统( Canal system) 海绵的水管糸统是动物界最早出现的 运输糸统 腔肠动物有发达的水管糸统,称为胃水 管糸统,运输浮游生物、水中CO2,O2 和代谢废物。 Radial u382 transport in the jellyfish Aurelia. The mouth leads to perborate gastrovascular cavity(shown in colon) th stanches radiating to and from a circular canal Cil wad cefls lining the cavity circulate fluid in the directions tated by the arrows. The animal is viewed here from
一、动物循环系统的演化 (一)水管系统(Canal system) 海绵的水管系统是动物界最早出现的 运输系统 腔肠动物有发达的水管系统,称为胃水 管系统,运输浮游生物、水中CO2 , O2 和代谢废物
●●●●● (二)血液循环糸统 ●●●● ●●0 Tubular heart ●●● 无脊椎动物的血液循环糸统 ●●●● 最早也是最初级的循环糸统是纽虫的循环->元 余统 环节动物:闭管式循环糸统 软体动物和节肢动物:开管式循环糸统 Dorsal vessel (b Figure 38.3 Open and closed circulatory systems of inverte- brates.(a) Grasshoppers and other arthropods have a open circulatory system, in which the hemolymph has direct contact with the body tissues. Circulation is driven by the pumping of tubular hearts and by movement of he animal Hemolymph enters the hearts through pores called ostia when the hearts relax, and it is pumped out when the hearts contract (b)in the closed circulator system of the earth worm, blood is confined to vessels The dorsal and ventral vessels carry blood anteriorly and posteriorly, respectively, and are connected by large ves- sels that loop around the digestive tract The dorsal ves gel functions as the main heart Five pairs of the con- necting vessels act as auxliary hearts
(二)血液循环系统 无脊椎动物的血液循环系统 最早也是最初级的循环系统是纽虫的循环 系统 环节动物: 闭管式循环系统 软体动物和节肢动物:开管式循环系统
●●●●● ●●●● ●●0 ●●●● 脊椎动物的血液循环糸统 (1)鱼类的血液循环: 心脏分四室,从后往前依次顺序为: 静脉窦 心房或心耳 心重 动脉锥 FIGURE SL13 The heart and rirrulatinn ef fish. (a) Dharne of hechler in were with eah ethr( nated)is shemen n nd blood low n amgen (len is sheen in Har
脊椎动物的血液循环系统 ( 1)鱼类的血液循环: 心脏分四室,从后往前依次顺序为: 静脉窦 心房或心耳 心室 动脉锥
(2)两栖类的血液循环: ●●●●● ●●●● ●●0 成体用肺呼吸,心脏分左右心房、1个心蜜, ●●● ●●●● 有体循环与肺循环之分,但由于心蜜没有分隔,含混合血 体循环:火动脉、颈动脉→动脉毛细血管→静脉毛细血管→静脉→靜咏寞 右心房、心室→动脉锥 肺循环:动脉锥_、肺皮动脉肺动脉→肺一肺静脉一崆心房一吣蜜、动脉 动脉 颈动脉 体动脉 To nn 肺皮动脉 aneous FIGURF 5213 The heart and circulation of an lungs and to the body. (M) Despite an()The frog heart has two atria but only one ventride, which pumps hood both mo the ial for mi ing, the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood(md and Ww, respectively) mise they are pumped to the bo np. The slight miing is shown in porp. RA.night atrium, LA.left n Veve
(2)两栖类的血液循环: 成体用肺呼吸,心脏分左右心房、1个心室, 有体循环与肺循环之分,但由于心室没有分隔,含混合血 体循环:大动脉、颈动脉 动脉毛细血管 静脉毛细血管 静脉 静脉窦 右心房、心室 动脉锥 肺循环:动脉锥 肺皮动脉 肺动脉 肺 肺静脉 左心房 心室 颈动脉 大动脉 静脉窦 体动脉 颈动脉 肺皮动脉 (2)两栖类的血液循环: 成体用肺呼吸,心脏分左右心房、1个心室, 有体循环与肺循环之分,但由于心室没有分隔,含混合血 体循环:大动脉、颈动脉 动脉毛细血管 静脉毛细血管 静脉 静脉窦 右心房、 肺循环:动脉锥 肺皮动脉 肺动脉 肺 肺静脉 左心房 心室 颈动脉 大动脉
(3)鸟类和哺乳类的血液循环糸统 ●●●●● ●●●● 左右心宝、心房完全分开,血液不再混合 ●●0 大动脉和肺动脉也完全分开,静脉窦不再存在,只留下痕迹即窦房节 ●●● ●●●● FIGURE S2.14 The heart and circulation of mammals and birds. ( a) The path of Mood through the four-chambered heart. ( The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lung the left wde of the hear receme oxygenated blood and pump it to the bod In the way, the pulmonary and systemic circulations are kept completely separate. RA-right amum LA- left atrium RV.nigh
(3)鸟类和哺乳类的血液循环系统: 左右心室、心房完全分开,血液不再混合 大动脉和肺动脉也完全分开,静脉窦不再存在,只留下痕迹即窦房节
Tvpes of Systems ●●●●● ●●●● Valves These diagrams of ●●0 Conus Valves Right Left vertebrate hearts ●●●● arteriosus atrium show that with the Ventricle From ng evolution of a double Atrium loop circulation Sinus pattern, the atrium venosus and ventricle of the Ventricle ancestral fish heart become increasingly Fish Amphibian separated into right and left halves When fully separated, as in mammals. the Aorta Pulmonary right atrium receives artery deoxygenated blood and the right ventricle pumps it to the lungs The left atrium receives oxygenated blood and the left ventricle pumps it to Lelt ventricle ventricle the systemic circuit. Mammal Reptile The sinus venosus of fish hecomes nart of
●●●●● 二、人的血液循环糸统 ●●●● ●●0 ●●● (一)心血管糸 ●●●● 由心腔、血管和血液三部分组成。 1.血管 动脉( arteries):从心脏发出的血管,将血液由心脏运送至全身各部。 ◎管壁厚有弹性,管腔相对较小,有发达的肌肉组织和结缔组织。 静脉( veIns):起自毛细血管,是由身体各部分运送血液返回心脏的血管。 ◎管壁薄弹性小,管腔较大、容血量多,肌肉组织和结缔组织较少。 毛细血管( capillaries):遍布于全身各部组织器官中,沟通于小动脉和小静 脉之间,互相吻合成网状。 ◎一层内皮细胞和少许结缔组织细胞组成
二、人的血液循环系统 (一)心血管系 由心脏、血管和血液三部分组成。 1.血管: 动脉(arteries):从心脏发出的血管,将血液由心脏运送至全身各部。 ◎管壁厚有弹性,管腔相对较小,有发达的肌肉组织和结缔组织。 静脉(veins):起自毛细血管,是由身体各部分运送血液返回心脏的血管。 ◎管壁薄弹性小,管腔较大、容血量多,肌肉组织和结缔组织较少。 毛细血管(capillaries):遍布于全身各部组织器官中,沟通于小动脉和小静 脉之间,互相吻合成网状。 ◎一层内皮细胞和少许结缔组织细胞组成
●●●●● 动脉、静脉、毛细血管 ●●●● ●●0 ●●●● Vessels and Pressure Valve Valvo Endothelial Artery Capillary rteries and veins have 3 layers in their walls. Connective tissue composes the outer layer, muscle the middle layer, and the smooth inner lining is composed of endothelium. Veins have valves to keep blood flowing in the correct direction. Capillaries have walls only one endothelial cell thick, this permits diffusion to occur across the wall