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人身保护令(1676) 为使人民自由之保障更为妥善并取缔海外之监禁,爱立本法。 查各郡官,典狱官及其他官吏,关于其执行职务所羁押之刑事犯及刑事 嫌疑犯,每奉人身保护令状,往往延搁不复,虽经三令五申,仍有借故推诿命令 者,殊属违反职责,有干国法。按在押人犯,其中颇多应予交保释放。如此枉法 监禁,实使人民蒙其重累。兹为杜绝此种弊窦,并与现在及将来之刑事犯与刑事 嫌疑犯为迅速之救济起见,制定本律如下。 第一条各郡官、典狱官、牧师或其他人员,遇有为其所辖在押人犯向 其本人或其属员,管狱员或助理员,递呈人身保护令状者(除押票内特别载明系 犯叛逆罪或重罪者外),应于递呈后三日内,当其缴清解送签发令状之法院或法 官审讯所应缴之费用,及如经本律规定应解送审判之各该法院或法官命令还押时 所需费用之保证金并具结担保决不中途脱逃时,应即呈复。征收此项费用,每里 不得超过十二便士(注:该费虽未遵缴,主管人员仍须照办)。在押人犯于暂时 解送或着令解送大法官或监玺法官,或提交签发令状之法院法官或司税裁判所推 事,或令状内规定应向呈覆之其他人员。除羁押处所与各该法院或人员相距在二 十英里以上者外,应随时呈覆羁押之理由。相距二十英里以上一百英里以下者, 应于解送后十日内呈覆之。在一百英里以上者,应在二十日内呈覆之,不得迟误。 第二条为防止各郡官、典狱官、或其他官吏诿称不明令状意义起见, 特依上述职权规定如次:凡人身保护令状,概应注明"遵照英皇撒路氏二世之第 三十一律"字样(Perstatatum triccsi moprimo Caroli Secundi Regis), 并由签发人员署名。凡在押罪犯或嫌疑犯(已决罪犯及在执行中者,不在此限), 除押票内载明系犯叛逆罪或重罪者,或在假期内者及不在各季内者外,得依法定 程序,为其向大法官,监玺法官,或其他法官,或司税裁判所推事提出声请。上 述大法官,监玺法官,一切法官或推事,应即查核呈案之抄发押票与拘留状,或 于声请人依其他程序宣誓声明各该拘留所主管人员,确曾否准抄给押票与拘留状 时,得依据声请人为羁押之被告,由在场之证人二人作证所具书状,颁发人身保 护令状,加盖各该法院关防,令交主管拘留所官员,并由该主管人员即时具覆。 该主管人员,于收到此项令状后,应依上述各期限内将羁押之被告解送应向具覆 之大法官,监玺法官,一切法官或推事。如有未能解送到案者,仍应随时具覆, 并将羁押或拘留情由具实呈覆。解到后二日内,应视被告之身分与犯罪行为之性 质,酌令交保,待下季遵投皇座法院或行为地与羁押地之各该郡,各该县,或各 该地之下届巡回法院或清狱回审庭,或其他主管法院,并将令状覆文与保结一并 签发通知主管法院。但大法官,监玺法官,司税裁判所推事,认为被告之羁押系 经具有刑事管辖权之法院依法定程序或票状执行,或经上述法官,推事,或警察 判官所签署盖印之状票执行,且依法不得交保者,不在此例。 第三条凡羁押后两季内,故意不呈请颁发人身保护令状而现声请停止 羁押者,在假期

人身保护令(1676) 为使人民自由之保障更为妥善并取缔海外之监禁,爰立本法。 查各郡官,典狱官及其他官吏,关于其执行职务所羁押之刑事犯及刑事 嫌疑犯,每奉人身保护令状,往往延搁不复,虽经三令五申,仍有借故推诿命令 者,殊属违反职责,有干国法。按在押人犯,其中颇多应予交保释放。如此枉法 监禁,实使人民蒙其重累。兹为杜绝此种弊窦,并与现在及将来之刑事犯与刑事 嫌疑犯为迅速之救济起见,制定本律如下。 第一条 各郡官、典狱官、牧师或其他人员,遇有为其所辖在押人犯向 其本人或其属员,管狱员或助理员,递呈人身保护令状者(除押票内特别载明系 犯叛逆罪或重罪者外),应于递呈后三日内,当其缴清解送签发令状之法院或法 官审讯所应缴之费用,及如经本律规定应解送审判之各该法院或法官命令还押时 所需费用之保证金并具结担保决不中途脱逃时,应即呈复。征收此项费用,每里 不得超过十二便士(注:该费虽未遵缴,主管人员仍须照办)。在押人犯于暂时 解送或着令解送大法官或监玺法官,或提交签发令状之法院法官或司税裁判所推 事,或令状内规定应向呈覆之其他人员。除羁押处所与各该法院或人员相距在二 十英里以上者外,应随时呈覆羁押之理由。相距二十英里以上一百英里以下者, 应于解送后十日内呈覆之。在一百英里以上者,应在二十日内呈覆之,不得迟误。 第二条 为防止各郡官、典狱官、或其他官吏诿称不明令状意义起见, 特依上述职权规定如次:凡人身保护令状,概应注明“遵照英皇撒路氏二世之第 三十一律”字样 (Perstatatum triccsi moprimo Caroli Secundi Regis), 并由签发人员署名。凡在押罪犯或嫌疑犯(已决罪犯及在执行中者,不在此限), 除押票内载明系犯叛逆罪或重罪者,或在假期内者及不在各季内者外,得依法定 程序,为其向大法官,监玺法官,或其他法官,或司税裁判所推事提出声请。上 述大法官,监玺法官,一切法官或推事,应即查核呈案之抄发押票与拘留状,或 于声请人依其他程序宣誓声明各该拘留所主管人员,确曾否准抄给押票与拘留状 时,得依据声请人为羁押之被告,由在场之证人二人作证所具书状,颁发人身保 护令状,加盖各该法院关防,令交主管拘留所官员,并由该主管人员即时具覆。 该主管人员,于收到此项令状后,应依上述各期限内将羁押之被告解送应向具覆 之大法官,监玺法官,一切法官或推事。如有未能解送到案者,仍应随时具覆, 并将羁押或拘留情由具实呈覆。解到后二日内,应视被告之身分与犯罪行为之性 质,酌令交保,待下季遵投皇座法院或行为地与羁押地之各该郡,各该县,或各 该地之下届巡回法院或清狱回审庭,或其他主管法院,并将令状覆文与保结一并 签发通知主管法院。但大法官,监玺法官,司税裁判所推事,认为被告之羁押系 经具有刑事管辖权之法院依法定程序或票状执行,或经上述法官,推事,或警察 判官所签署盖印之状票执行,且依法不得交保者,不在此例。 第三条 凡羁押后两季内,故意不呈请颁发人身保护令状而现声请停止 羁押者,在假期

内不得依据本律签发此项令状。 第四条各官吏,或其属员,或管狱员,或助理员,延误或拒绝具覆者, 或在上列规定各期 间内不依令状之规定解送在押人犯者,或经羁押之被告本人或他人请求 抄发押票或拘留状而不于六小时内依本律规定抄给者,其主管狱官应科予第一次 应处罚金一百镑充给各该被告或被害人。再犯时应处罚金二百镑,并褫夺其任职 及执行职务之权。此项罚金得由羁押之被告或被害人,或其遗嘱执行人,或遗产 管理人诉追。其遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人向英京任何皇座法院提起此项债务诉讼 时,处罚之被告不得托故不到,或请求保障,或因公缺席,或请颁给起诉禁令, 或约同旁人到庭护誓并请求撤销原案,或依据"并无损害应不起诉”(Non vult ulteris prosqui)或其他理由请求停止诉讼程序。该被告请求辩论延期命令以 一次为限。此项诉追所得,或被害人诉追之宣判,应足为初犯之判决。初犯判决 后,所有诉追所得或宣判,应足为该被告官吏再犯之决判。 第五条为防止同一犯罪行为而重被羁押以免讼累起见,特依据上述职 权,规定如次。凡 依人身保护令状已经解送或保释之被告,除遵照保结所载应行遵传投庭 之法院或其他主管法院所为命令与程序者外,任何人不得因其同一或捏饰罪犯行 为而再加羁押。凡故意违反本律之规定羁押上述业经解送或保释之被告,或故意 着令羁押,或故意帮助羁押行为者,应科予罚金五百镑,充给羁押之被告人或被 害人。不论押票内如何匿饰增减,仍应依上列规定诉追之。 第六条凡犯叛逆罪或重罪而羁押之被告,其犯罪行为确在押票载明, 而于各季第一星期,或特派听审庭,或清狱回审庭审判期届之第一日即曾口头或 以书状向公开法庭请求提讯者,不得延至羁押后之下季或下届提起公诉。皇座法 院,特派听审庭,或清狱回审庭之法官,于各季或各届最后一日,应依羁押之被 告或其代理人向公开法庭所为之请求,准予交保。但依据誓言,法官认为国家不 能在同季或同届内提出证据者,不在此例。依上列规定,羁押之被告于各季第一 星期或各届第一日,口头或以书状向公开法庭请求提讯者,不得于羁押后之下季 或下届提起公诉或审讯。审讯后,宣告无罪者,应予开释。 第七条本律之规定,不适用于因债务或其他民事诉讼事件而被羁押之 被告。刑事犯于开释后,因犯民事案件应予羁押者,应另依法羁押之。 第八条凡帝国人民,因犯刑事或刑事嫌疑而被羁押于监狱或看守所者, 除依人身保护令状或其他法定令状,或提交法警,或其他属员解送公共监狱时, 或经巡回法院法官或警察判官名令移解公共工场或反省院时,或按关于审讯或开 释之法定程序由原监狱或原处所移至本郡其他监狱或处所时,或发生火警,时疫, 或有其他必要时外,不得将其解送其他官吏所辖之监狱或看守所。凡违反本律, 于被告依上列规定羁押后,签发或副署上述移解命令及执行此项命令之官吏,应 视其初犯或再犯,分别科予本律上述之罚金,由被害人依法定程序诉追之

内不得依据本律签发此项令状。 第四条 各官吏,或其属员,或管狱员,或助理员,延误或拒绝具覆者, 或在上列规定各期 间内不依令状之规定解送在押人犯者,或经羁押之被告本人或他人请求 抄发押票或拘留状而不于六小时内依本律规定抄给者,其主管狱官应科予第一次 应处罚金一百镑充给各该被告或被害人。再犯时应处罚金二百镑,并褫夺其任职 及执行职务之权。此项罚金得由羁押之被告或被害人,或其遗嘱执行人,或遗产 管理人诉追。其遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人向英京任何皇座法院提起此项债务诉讼 时,处罚之被告不得托故不到,或请求保障,或因公缺席,或请颁给起诉禁令, 或约同旁人到庭护誓并请求撤销原案,或依据“并无损害应不起诉”(Non vult ulteris prosqui)或其他理由请求停止诉讼程序。该被告请求辩论延期命令以 一次为限。此项诉追所得,或被害人诉追之宣判,应足为初犯之判决。初犯判决 后,所有诉追所得或宣判,应足为该被告官吏再犯之决判。 第五条 为防止同一犯罪行为而重被羁押以免讼累起见,特依据上述职 权,规定如次。凡 依人身保护令状已经解送或保释之被告,除遵照保结所载应行遵传投庭 之法院或其他主管法院所为命令与程序者外,任何人不得因其同一或捏饰罪犯行 为而再加羁押。凡故意违反本律之规定羁押上述业经解送或保释之被告,或故意 着令羁押,或故意帮助羁押行为者,应科予罚金五百镑,充给羁押之被告人或被 害人。不论押票内如何匿饰增减,仍应依上列规定诉追之。 第六条 凡犯叛逆罪或重罪而羁押之被告,其犯罪行为确在押票载明, 而于各季第一星期,或特派听审庭,或清狱回审庭审判期届之第一日即曾口头或 以书状向公开法庭请求提讯者,不得延至羁押后之下季或下届提起公诉。皇座法 院,特派听审庭,或清狱回审庭之法官,于各季或各届最后一日,应依羁押之被 告或其代理人向公开法庭所为之请求,准予交保。但依据誓言,法官认为国家不 能在同季或同届内提出证据者,不在此例。依上列规定,羁押之被告于各季第一 星期或各届第一日,口头或以书状向公开法庭请求提讯者,不得于羁押后之下季 或下届提起公诉或审讯。审讯后,宣告无罪者,应予开释。 第七条 本律之规定,不适用于因债务或其他民事诉讼事件而被羁押之 被告。刑事犯于开释后,因犯民事案件应予羁押者,应另依法羁押之。 第八条 凡帝国人民,因犯刑事或刑事嫌疑而被羁押于监狱或看守所者, 除依人身保护令状或其他法定令状,或提交法警,或其他属员解送公共监狱时, 或经巡回法院法官或警察判官名令移解公共工场或反省院时,或按关于审讯或开 释之法定程序由原监狱或原处所移至本郡其他监狱或处所时,或发生火警,时疫, 或有其他必要时外,不得将其解送其他官吏所辖之监狱或看守所。凡违反本律, 于被告依上列规定羁押后,签发或副署上述移解命令及执行此项命令之官吏,应 视其初犯或再犯,分别科予本律上述之罚金,由被害人依法定程序诉追之

第九条上述羁押之被告得向最高裁判法院,司税大臣裁判院,皇座法 院或民诉法院,请求人身保护令状。大法官,或监玺法官,或上述法院之法官, 或裁判所推事,在假期内。曾经查核抄案之押票或拘留状,或经请求人声明是项 禀状确未获准抄给时,而不依本律规定签发人身保护令状者,概应科予罚金五百 磅,由被害人诉追之。 第十条依本律之意旨,凡皇权直辖各郡,南海岸之五港,或英吉利帝 国境内各特许地,威尔斯自治区,堵威河旁之伯勒城,浙西岛或革因稷岛,不论 当地之习惯如何,概适用人身保护令状。 第十一条为防止海外非法监禁起见,特规定如下。凡帝国人民现在或 将来居住于英吉利帝国,威尔斯自治区及堵威河旁之伯勒城者,不得监禁于苏格 兰,爱尔兰,浙西,革因稷,丹吉尔,或隶属于国皇及其继承人与后裔之海外殖 民地领域内外各部,各兵房,各岛屿或处所。此项监禁一律认为非法。凡现在或 将来被非法监禁者,得向各地方国立法院控诉违反本律实施羁押,拘留,监禁, 命令监禁或移解及参与签发盖印副署或教唆帮助之人员。告诉人除损害费外,应 判给三倍诉讼费用。此项损害费之数额,不得在五百磅以下。关于此项案件,除 主管法院法官认为必要而当庭裁定并注明原因者外,不得以命令展延,或停止诉 讼程序,或颁发起诉禁令,或准予因公缺席,或给与特权或颁发二次以上之延期 辩论命令。凡故意违反本律,签发盖印或副署此项羁押,拘留,或移解令状,或 实施羁押,拘留,监禁,或移解或教唆帮助者。依法审判后,应永远褫夺其在英 吉利境内,威尔斯自治区,或堵威河旁之伯勒城,或各岛各领地,各自治殖民地 担任有俸给官职或有责任官职之权,并应依据查理二世第十六年所制定之蔑视皇 权治罪条例处罚,其所处没收褫夺公权及其他各刑,一律不得受国皇及其继承人 与后裔之特赦。 第十二条凡以书面与商人,或殖民地所有人,或他人签订以移送其本 人至海外为目的之契约,并预交定金者,虽嗣后经本人否认所订契约,仍不得享 受本律规定之利益。 第十三条重罪犯依法审判后,当庭请求移送海外,经法院认为适当者, 本律虽有相反之规定,仍得移送之。 第十四条"监禁在1679年6月1日以前者,不适用本律"。 第十五条凡帝国境内之居民,在苏格兰,或爱尔兰,或国皇或其继承 人或后裔所辖各岛,或在外国之殖民地,犯应处死刑之罪,应在各该行为地审判 者,本律虽有相反之规定。仍得依据本律制定原有程序,解送各该地审判之。 第十六条凡违反本律之规定者,除被害人于两年内对其提起控诉者外, 逾期后不得向其诉追滋扰。被害人在狱者,应自其在狱死亡或出狱日期起两年内 起诉

第九条 上述羁押之被告得向最高裁判法院,司税大臣裁判院,皇座法 院或民诉法院,请求人身保护令状。大法官,或监玺法官,或上述法院之法官, 或裁判所推事,在假期内。曾经查核抄案之押票或拘留状,或经请求人声明是项 禀状确未获准抄给时,而不依本律规定签发人身保护令状者,概应科予罚金五百 磅,由被害人诉追之。 第十条 依本律之意旨,凡皇权直辖各郡,南海岸之五港,或英吉利帝 国境内各特许地,威尔斯自治区,堵威河旁之伯勒城,浙西岛或革因稷岛,不论 当地之习惯如何,概适用人身保护令状。 第十一条 为防止海外非法监禁起见,特规定如下。凡帝国人民现在或 将来居住于英吉利帝国,威尔斯自治区及堵威河旁之伯勒城者,不得监禁于苏格 兰,爱尔兰,浙西,革因稷,丹吉尔,或隶属于国皇及其继承人与后裔之海外殖 民地领域内外各部,各兵房,各岛屿或处所。此项监禁一律认为非法。凡现在或 将来被非法监禁者,得向各地方国立法院控诉违反本律实施羁押,拘留,监禁, 命令监禁或移解及参与签发盖印副署或教唆帮助之人员。告诉人除损害费外,应 判给三倍诉讼费用。此项损害费之数额,不得在五百磅以下。关于此项案件,除 主管法院法官认为必要而当庭裁定并注明原因者外,不得以命令展延,或停止诉 讼程序,或颁发起诉禁令,或准予因公缺席,或给与特权或颁发二次以上之延期 辩论命令。凡故意违反本律,签发盖印或副署此项羁押,拘留,或移解令状,或 实施羁押,拘留,监禁,或移解或教唆帮助者。依法审判后,应永远褫夺其在英 吉利境内,威尔斯自治区,或堵威河旁之伯勒城,或各岛各领地,各自治殖民地 担任有俸给官职或有责任官职之权,并应依据查理二世第十六年所制定之蔑视皇 权治罪条例处罚,其所处没收褫夺公权及其他各刑,一律不得受国皇及其继承人 与后裔之特赦。 第十二条 凡以书面与商人,或殖民地所有人,或他人签订以移送其本 人至海外为目的之契约,并预交定金者,虽嗣后经本人否认所订契约,仍不得享 受本律规定之利益。 第十三条 重罪犯依法审判后,当庭请求移送海外,经法院认为适当者, 本律虽有相反之规定,仍得移送之。 第十四条 “监禁在 1679 年 6 月 1 日以前者,不适用本律”。 第十五条 凡帝国境内之居民,在苏格兰,或爱尔兰,或国皇或其继承 人或后裔所辖各岛,或在外国之殖民地,犯应处死刑之罪,应在各该行为地审判 者,本律虽有相反之规定。仍得依据本律制定原有程序,解送各该地审判之。 第十六条 凡违反本律之规定者,除被害人于两年内对其提起控诉者外, 逾期后不得向其诉追滋扰。被害人在狱者,应自其在狱死亡或出狱日期起两年内 起诉

第十七条为防止意图幸免审判,在巡回审判期前请求移押,以致不能 如期提交审判起见,兹特规定各郡巡回审判期公布后,在押人犯不得请求本律规 定之人身保护令状移解公共监狱。但得依据此项令状,解送巡回法院,依法审判 之。 第十八条各季巡回审判期终止后,在押人犯均得依据本律规定,请求 签发人身保护令状。 第十九条关于本律所称犯法行为之控诉,各被告得同具原案总争点之 答辩。(本条业经删除,并代以1893年公务职权保障条例。) 第二十条查被羁押之逆伦犯,或重罪犯,或其共犯,往往由各该郡实 施羁押之治安法官或其他治安法官侦查,依据其犯罪嫌疑之轻重,定其应否准予 交保,故特规定,凡羁押之逆伦犯,或重罪犯,或其嫌疑犯,或共犯,其犯罪行 为在押票内载明者,除依照本律制定前原有程序外,不得依本律规定或其他程序, 移押或交保。 Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority,public pressure on the English Parliament caused them to adopt this act,which established a critical right that was later written into the Constitution for the United States. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 I.An act for the better securing the liberty of the subject,and for prevention of imprisonments beyond the seas. WHEREAS great delays have been used by sheriffs,gaolers and other officers,to whose custody,any of the Kings subjects have been committed for criminal or supposed criminal matters,in making returns of writs of habeas corpus to them directed,by standing out an alias and pluries habeas corpus,and sometimes more,and by other

第十七条 为防止意图幸免审判,在巡回审判期前请求移押,以致不能 如期提交审判起见,兹特规定各郡巡回审判期公布后,在押人犯不得请求本律规 定之人身保护令状移解公共监狱。但得依据此项令状,解送巡回法院,依法审判 之。 第十八条 各季巡回审判期终止后,在押人犯均得依据本律规定,请求 签发人身保护令状。 第十九条 关于本律所称犯法行为之控诉,各被告得同具原案总争点之 答辩。(本条业经删除,并代以 1893 年公务职权保障条例。) 第二十条 查被羁押之逆伦犯,或重罪犯,或其共犯,往往由各该郡实 施羁押之治安法官或其他治安法官侦查,依据其犯罪嫌疑之轻重,定其应否准予 交保,故特规定,凡羁押之逆伦犯,或重罪犯,或其嫌疑犯,或共犯,其犯罪行 为在押票内载明者,除依照本律制定前原有程序外,不得依本律规定或其他程序, 移押或交保。 Responding to abusive detention of persons without legal authority,public pressure on the English Parliament caused them to adopt this act, which established a critical right that was later written into the Constitution for the United States. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 Ⅰ.An act for the better securing the liberty of the subject, and for prevention of imprisonments beyond the seas. WHEREAS great delays have been used by sheriffs, gaolers and other officers, to whose custody, any of the Kings subjects have been committed for criminal or supposed criminal matters, in making returns of writs of habeas corpus to them directed, by standing out an alias and pluries habeas corpus, and sometimes more, and by other

shifts to avoid their yielding obedience to such writs,contrary to their duty and the known laws of the land,whereby many of the Kings subjects have been and hereafter may be long detained in prison,in such cases where by law they are bailable,to their great charges and vexation. II.For the prevention whereof,and the more speedy relief of all persons imprisoned for any such criminal or supposed criminal matters;(1)be it enacted by the Kings most excellent majesty,by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal,and commons,in this present parliament assembled,and by the authority thereof.That whensoever any person or persons shall bring any habeas corpus directed unto any sheriff or sheriffs,gaoler,minister or other person whatsoever,for any person in his or their custody,and the said writ shall be served upon the said officer,or left at the gaol or prison with any of the under-officers,under-keepers or deputy of the said officers or keepers,that the said officer or officers,his or their under-officers,under-keepers or deputies,shall within three days after the service thereof as aforesaid (unless the commitment aforesaid were for treason or felony,plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment)upon payment or tender of the charges of bringing the said prisoner,to be ascertained by the judge or court that awarded the same, and endorsed upon the said writ,not exceeding twelve pence per mile, and upon security given by his own bond to pay the charges of carrying

shifts to avoid their yielding obedience to such writs, contrary to their duty and the known laws of the land, whereby many of the Kings subjects have been and hereafter may be long detained in prison, in such cases where by law they are bailable,to their great charges and vexation. II. For the prevention whereof, and the more speedy relief of all persons imprisoned for any such criminal or supposed criminal matters;(1) be it enacted by the Kings most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority thereof. That whensoever any person or persons shall bring any habeas corpus directed unto any sheriff or sheriffs, gaoler, minister or other person whatsoever, for any person in his or their custody, and the said writ shall be served upon the said officer, or left at the gaol or prison with any of the under-officers, under-keepers or deputy of the said officers or keepers, that the said officer or officers, his or their under-officers, under-keepers or deputies, shall within three days after the service thereof as aforesaid (unless the commitment aforesaid were for treason or felony, plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment)upon payment or tender of the charges of bringing the said prisoner, to be ascertained by the judge or court that awarded the same, and endorsed upon the said writ, not exceeding twelve pence per mile, and upon security given by his own bond to pay the charges of carrying

back the prisoner,if he shall be remanded by the court or judge to which he shall be brought according to the true intent of this present act,and that he will not make any escape by the way,make return of such writ; (2)and bring or cause to be brought the body of the party so committed or restrained,unto or before the lord chancellor,or lord keeper of the great seal of England for the time being,or the judges or barons of the said court from which the said writ shall issue,or unto and before such other person or persons before whom the said writ is made returnable,according to the command thereof;(3)and shall then likewise certify the true causes of his detainer or imprisonment,unless the commitment of the said party be in any place beyond the distance of twenty miles from the place or places where such court or person is or shall be residing;and if beyond the distance of twenty miles,and not above one hundred miles,then within the space of ten days,and if beyond the distance of one hundred miles,then within the space of twenty days,after such delivery aforesaid,and not longer. III.And to the intent that no sheriff,gaoler or other officer may pretend ignorance of the import of such writ.(1)be it enacted by the authority aforesaid,That all such writs shall be marked in this manner,Per statutum tricesimo primo Caroli secundi Regis,and shall be signed by the person that awards the same:(2)and if any person or persons

back the prisoner,if he shall be remanded by the court or judge to which he shall be brought according to the true intent of this present act, and that he will not make any escape by the way, make return of such writ; (2) and bring or cause to be brought the body of the party so committed or restrained, unto or before the lord chancellor, or lord keeper of the great seal of England for the time being, or the judges or barons of the said court from which the said writ shall issue, or unto and before such other person or persons before whom the said writ is made returnable, according to the command thereof; (3) and shall then likewise certify the true causes of his detainer or imprisonment, unless the commitment of the said party be in any place beyond the distance of twenty miles from the place or places where such court or person is or shall be residing; and if beyond the distance of twenty miles, and not above one hundred miles, then within the space of ten days, and if beyond the distance of one hundred miles, then within the space of twenty days, after such delivery aforesaid, and not longer. III. And to the intent that no sheriff, gaoler or other officer may pretend ignorance of the import of such writ. (1) be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all such writs shall be marked in this manner, Per statutum tricesimo primo Caroli secundi Regis, and shall be signed by the person that awards the same;(2) and if any person or persons

shall be or stand committed or detained as aforesaid,for any crime,unless for felony or treason plainly expressed in the warrant of commitment,in the vacation-time,and out of term,it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons so committed or detained (other than persons convict or in execution of legal process)or any one on his or their behalf,to appeal or complain to the lord chancellor or lord keeper,or any one of his Majestys justices,either of the one bench or of the other,or the barons of the exchequer of the degree of the coif; (3)and the said lord chancellor,lord keeper,justices or barons or any of them,upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant or warrants of commitment and detainer,or otherwise upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied to be given by such person or persons in whose custody the prisoner or prisoners is or are detained,are hereby authorized and required,upon request made in writing by such person or persons,or any on his,her,or their behalf,attested and subscribed by two witnesses who were present at the delivery of the same,to award and grant an habeas corpus under the seal of such court whereof he shall then be one of the judges,(4)to be directed to the officer or officers in whose custody the party so committed or detained shall be,returnable immediate before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper or such justice, baron or any other justice or baron of the degree of the coif of any of the said courts:(5)and upon service thereof as aforesaid,the officer or

shall be or stand committed or detained as aforesaid, for any crime, unless for felony or treason plainly expressed in the warrant of commitment, in the vacation-time, and out of term, it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons so committed or detained (other than persons convict or in execution of legal process)or any one on his or their behalf, to appeal or complain to the lord chancellor or lord keeper,or any one of his Majestys justices,either of the one bench or of the other, or the barons of the exchequer of the degree of the coif; (3) and the said lord chancellor, lord keeper, justices or barons or any of them, upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant or warrants of commitment and detainer, or otherwise upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied to be given by such person or persons in whose custody the prisoner or prisoners is or are detained, are hereby authorized and required,upon request made in writing by such person or persons, or any on his, her, or their behalf, attested and subscribed by two witnesses who were present at the delivery of the same, to award and grant an habeas corpus under the seal of such court whereof he shall then be one of the judges, (4) to be directed to the officer or officers in whose custody the party so committed or detained shall be, returnable immediate before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper or such justice, baron or any other justice or baron of the degree of the coif of any of the said courts;(5) and upon service thereof as aforesaid, the officer or

officers,his or their under-officer or under-officers,under-keeper or under-keepers,or their deputy in whose custody the party is so committed or detained,shall within the times respectively before limited,bring such prisoner or prisoners before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper,or such justices,barons or one of them,before whom the said writ is made returnable,and in case of his absence before any other of them,with the return of such writ,and the true causes of the commitment and detainer:(6)and thereupon within two days after the party shall be brought before them,the said lord chancellor or lord keeper,or such justice or baron before whom the prisoner shall be brought as aforesaid,shall discharge the said prisoner from his imprisonment,taking his or their recognizance,with one or more surety or sureties,in any sum according to their discretions,having regard to the quality of the prisoner and nature of the offense,for his or their appearance in the court of the Kings bench the term following,or at the next assizes,sessions or general gaol-delivery of and for such county,city or place where the commitment was,or where the offense was committed,or in such other court where the said offense is properly cognizable,as the case shall require,and then shall certify the said writ with the return thereof,and the said recognizance or recognizances unto the said court where such appearance is to be made;(7)unless it shall appear unto the said lord chancellor or lord keeper or justice or justices

officers, his or their under-officer or under-officers, under-keeper or under-keepers, or their deputy in whose custody the party is so committed or detained, shall within the times respectively before limited, bring such prisoner or prisoners before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or such justices, barons or one of them, before whom the said writ is made returnable, and in case of his absence before any other of them, with the return of such writ, and the true causes of the commitment and detainer;(6) and thereupon within two days after the party shall be brought before them, the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or such justice or baron before whom the prisoner shall be brought as aforesaid, shall discharge the said prisoner from his imprisonment, taking his or their recognizance, with one or more surety or sureties, in any sum according to their discretions, having regard to the quality of the prisoner and nature of the offense, for his or their appearance in the court of the Kings bench the term following, or at the next assizes, sessions or general gaol-delivery of and for such county, city or place where the commitment was, or where the offense was committed, or in such other court where the said offense is properly cognizable,as the case shall require,and then shall certify the said writ with the return thereof, and the said recognizance or recognizances unto the said court where such appearance is to be made;(7) unless it shall appear unto the said lord chancellor or lord keeper or justice or justices

or baron or barons,that the party so committed is detained upon a legal process,order or warrant,out of some court that hath jurisdiction of criminal matters,or by some warrant signed and sealed with the hand and seal of any of the said justices or barons,or some justice or justices of the peace,for such matters or offenses for the which by the law the prisoner is not bailable.[

or baron or barons, that the party so committed is detained upon a legal process, order or warrant, out of some court that hath jurisdiction of criminal matters, or by some warrant signed and sealed with the hand and seal of any of the said justices or barons, or some justice or justices of the peace, for such matters or offenses for the which by the law the prisoner is not bailable. [……]



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