Words We我们 fy放(风筝)--fls spring sprInG 春天 summer[sMme(r)]夏天 season[s:zn]季节 nice[naIs]迷人的,令人愉快的 warm [wo: ml 暖和的 hot [hot 热的 autumn [o: tam 秋天 COO 凉爽的
Words we 我们 fly 放(风筝) --- flies spring [sprɪŋ] 春天 summer ['sʌmə(r)] 夏天 season ['si:zn] 季节 nice [naɪs] 迷人的,令人愉快的 warm [wɔ:m] 暖和的 hot [hɒt] 热的 autumn ['ɔ:təm] 秋天 cool [ku:l] 凉爽的
winter [ winta(r)]冬天 cold [auld]寒冷的 skating[ skeltOn]滑冰 go skating 去滑冰 play[pler]玩,玩耍 snoW[snaU]雪,下雪 rain [reIn 雨,下雨 suny[sMnr]晴朗的 windy [windI]有风的 very ['verI] 很,非常
winter ['wɪntə(r)] 冬天 cold [kəʊld] 寒冷的 skating ['skeɪtɪŋ] 滑冰 go skating 去滑冰 play [pleɪ] 玩,玩耍 snow [snəʊ] 雪,下雪 rain [reɪn] 雨,下雨 sunny ['sʌnɪ] 晴朗的 windy ['wɪndɪ] 有风的 very ['verɪ] 很, 非常
I like summer it's my favourite season I go swimming in this nice season e thann norcatur
I like summer it’s my favourite season I go swimming in this nice season
How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons What are they They are spring, summer, autumn and winter
• How many seasons are there in a year? • There are four seasons. • What are they? • They are spring , summer , autumn and winter
What season is it It's spring
It’s spring. What season is it ?
What season is it It's summer
It’s summer. What season is it ?
What season isⅰt? It's autumn 昵图网 wwuhielceom a代
It’s autumn. What season is it ?
What season is it ts winter
It’s winter. What season is it ?
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