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复旦大学:《英语口译 English Interpreting》课程PPT课件_01 Introducing Interpreting


英语口译 Introducing Interpreting 大学英语教学部 向丁丁

大学英语教学部 向丁丁

Relating to your experience o Do you have any experience translating/interpreting for people? o What, in your understanding, is translation/interpreting? fit Interpreter

Brainstorm and talk o 1. Do you think a bilingual person is naturally an interpreter? unbalanced/balanced bilingual o 2. Which is more difficult, translating or interpreting o 3. Interpreting is normally divided into two types, what are they? o 4. Can you make a living as interpreter? O 5. Will AI replace human beings as interpreters o 6. What are the key skills for one to be an interpreter? 所辩与理解,脱离词语外壳,贮存与笔记,译语表达 o 7 Does practicing interpreting help learning English?

What we do o How we arrange the course Y Training basic qualities of an interpreter Y Equipping you with skills vocabulary Y in the order of thematic situations

Evaluation o Attendance performance(10%) o One-minute Reciprocal interpreting(10%) ◇2 Quizs(20%) o I final exam(60%0) o Please refer to course schedule

Instructor's Information ◇ Experience o Contact info: daxiang(fudan.edu.cn o Office hour. Thur. 14: 00-16: 00 文科楼506

Textbook and materials ◇向了了,了小龙:《英语口譯教程》,复旦大学出版社,2011 o You are expected to bring something into the class bilingual news report

Mock press conference Please raise questions about and Comments on the Course, and an interpreter will assist our talk (ournalists and interpreter)

Try it out o 1. from English to Chinese (Without/with note-taking) s郝景芳雨果奖获奖演说 ( videos/教学用的视频) 「

What happens on the scene o What if you didn't catch what the speakers say? o Will speakers pause for you? o Will you get the script beforehand? o How do you want to impress the audience?



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