碰男华经海贸墨大学 商务翻译 Chapter 10 Splitting and Merging 1.Collocative splitting Ex.1 But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets. 但是,这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。 Ex.2 It (the railroad company)was a weary,money-losing mess,long weakened by vigorous competition from truckers in its home state of California. 它一蹶不振、连年亏损、管理混乱,在其老家加州早已因来自公路运输 的强大竞争而变得发岌可危。 2.Structural splitting Ex.3 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements 中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到自豪,这是无可非议的。 (比较:中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到无可非议的自豪。) Ex.4 Jordan cannot politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 约旦不能拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请,否则,在礼节上是说不过去的。 (比较:约旦不能有礼貌地拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请。) Ex.5 Kissinger wrote in his syndicated column that an unchecked Saddam would be able to "cause a worldwide economic crisis." 基辛格曾在多家报纸专栏里写道,对萨达姆若不加遏制,他就会“制造 波及全球的经济危机”。 3.Phrasal splitting Ex.6 While recognizing that China alone must determine its fate,I urge China to open itself to the rich rewards of full participation in the community of trading nations. 我固然懂得,中国的命运必须由她自己来决定,但我仍然敦促中国全面 加入到世界贸易大家庭中来,此举将给她带来丰厚的回报。 4.Clausal splitting A.Attributives Ex.7 The Secretary-General has received the following communication which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV). 秘书长已收到以下来函,现按经济及社会理事会第1296(XLIV)号决 议予以散发。 Ex.8 It's a debate between investors who advocate relative return strategies and those who favor absolute-return investing. 这是一场投资人之间的争论;他们一派主张采取相对回报战略,另一派 则支持绝对回报战略。 第1页共3页
商务翻译 Chapter 10 Splitting and Merging 1. Collocative splitting Ex. 1 But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government's principles as well as their budgets. 但是,这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。 Ex. 2 It (the railroad company) was a weary, money-losing mess, long weakened by vigorous competition from truckers in its home state of California. 它一蹶不振、连年亏损、管理混乱,在其老家加州早已因来自公路运输 的强大竞争而变得岌岌可危。 2. Structural splitting Ex. 3 The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到自豪,这是无可非议的。 (比较:中国人似乎为他们的经济成就感到无可非议的自豪。) Ex. 4 Jordan cannot politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 约旦不能拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请,否则,在礼节上是说不过去的。 (比较:约旦不能有礼貌地拒绝阿拉伯外长会议的邀请。) Ex. 5 Kissinger wrote in his syndicated column that an unchecked Saddam would be able to "cause a worldwide economic crisis." 基辛格曾在多家报纸专栏里写道,对萨达姆若不加遏制,他就会“制造 波及全球的经济危机”。 3. Phrasal splitting Ex. 6 While recognizing that China alone must determine its fate, I urge China to open itself to the rich rewards of full participation in the community of trading nations. 我固然懂得,中国的命运必须由她自己来决定,但我仍然敦促中国全面 加入到世界贸易大家庭中来,此举将给她带来丰厚的回报。 4. Clausal splitting A. Attributives Ex. 7 The Secretary-General has received the following communication which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV). 秘书长已收到以下来函,现按经济及社会理事会第 1296(XLIV)号决 议予以散发。 Ex. 8 It’s a debate between investors who advocate relative return strategies and those who favor absolute-return investing. 这是一场投资人之间的争论;他们一派主张采取相对回报战略,另一派 则支持绝对回报战略。 第 1 页 共 3 页
雒州4经降貿昌大是 商务翻译 B.Appositives Ex.9 The following three points discuss some of the major reasons that good (ie. complete and accurate)financial record keeping is crucial to the success of your business. 以下三点讨论的是几个主要原因,说明为什么记好(即完整和准确的) 财务帐目对企业的成功至关重要。 5.Translating long sentences A.Consecutive Ex.10 Many experts predict that in economic terms the tunnel will benefit 2 3 France more than Britain as they believe that the new industry 4 attracted to its vicinity opts less for prosperous Kent than for the struggling Nord-Pas de Calais region with its wider spaces,lower 6 costs and more central position in the European Union 许多专家预见到,从经济上看,英法隧道给法国带来的好处将超 2 3 过英国,因为他们认为,就隧道附近地区而言,新兴工业对繁荣 4 的肯特郡的吸引力不如对正在苦苦挣扎的北加莱海峡地区大,后 5 者的空间大,成本低,又比较靠近欧盟的中心地带。 6 7 B.Splitting restructuring Ex.11 But on one final point Cantalupo,who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit like Dick Cheney,wants to be very clear. 不过,在最后一点上,坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音斯哑,面带 狡黠的笑容,模样有点像副总统迪克·切尼。 Ex.12 It is right here,at Geneva,whose very name evokes peace,the will to peace, cooperation among nations,that after long years of discussion,the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24,1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part of the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade. 日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地, 于1984年3月24日始于哈瓦那的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈 判的主题是,是否有必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的 机构。 第2页共3页
商务翻译 B. Appositives Ex. 9 The following three points discuss some of the major reasons that good (i.e. complete and accurate) financial record keeping is crucial to the success of your business. 以下三点讨论的是几个主要原因,说明为什么记好(即完整和准确的) 财务帐目对企业的成功至关重要。 5. Translating long sentences A. Consecutive Ex. 10 Many experts predict that in economic terms the tunnel will benefit 1 2 3 France more than Britain as they believe that the new industry 4 attracted to its vicinity opts less for prosperous Kent than for the 5 struggling Nord-Pas de Calais region with its wider spaces, lower 6 costs and more central position in the European Union. 7 许多专家预见到,从经济上看,英法隧道给法国带来的好处将超 1 2 3 过英国,因为他们认为,就隧道附近地区而言,新兴工业对繁荣 4 的肯特郡的吸引力不如对正在苦苦挣扎的北加莱海峡地区大,后 5 者的空间大,成本低,又比较靠近欧盟的中心地带。 6 7 B. Splitting & restructuring Ex. 11 But on one final point Cantalupo, who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit like Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear. 不过,在最后一点上,坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音嘶哑,面带 狡黠的笑容,模样有点像副总统迪克·切尼。 Ex. 12 It is right here, at Geneva, whose very name evokes peace, the will to peace, cooperation among nations, that after long years of discussion, the negotiations were completed which had started on March 24, 1984 at Havana on the necessity of creating as part of the United Nations system a body responsible for regulating international trade. 日内瓦是一个唤起和平、唤起各国和平意愿与合作的地方。正是在此地, 于 1984年3月24 日始于哈瓦那的旷日持久的谈判终于完成了。这次谈 判的主题是,是否有必要在联合国系统内建立一个负责调节国际贸易的 机构。 第 2 页 共 3 页
旋剥经降贸多大号 商务翻译 C.Reversal Ex.13 I feel there is no greater disrespect you can do to a person than to let them hang out in a job where they are not respected by their peers,not viewed as successful,and probably losing their self-esteem. 要是听任某人在一个岗位上无做作为,从而让同事们觉得他一事无成而 不尊重他,这很可能使他自己失去自尊。我认为这才是对此人最大的不 尊。 6.Summary 第3页共3页
商务翻译 C. Reversal Ex. 13 I feel there is no greater disrespect you can do to a person than to let them hang out in a job where they are not respected by their peers, not viewed as successful, and probably losing their self-esteem. 要是听任某人在一个岗位上无做作为,从而让同事们觉得他一事无成而 不尊重他,这很可能使他自己失去自尊。我认为这才是对此人最大的不 尊。 6. Summary 第 3 页 共 3 页