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中国农业大学:《动物遗传学》课程PPT教学课件(双语版)第四章 动物基因组:基因和DNA

一、核酸是遗传物质 二、核酸的结构 三、核酸的合成 四、基因结构

Chapter 4 Animal genome: Gene and dna 第四章动物基因组:基因和DNA Nucleic acids are genetic materials核酸是遗传物质 Structure of nucleic acidstth 酸的结构 Synthesis of nucleic acids核酸 的合成 Gene structure基因结构 Variations of gene and dNA 基因和DNA的变异 Translation: synthesis of protein蛋白质的合成-翻译

Chapter 4 Animal Genome:Gene and DNA 第四章 动物基因组:基因和DNA ◼ Nucleic acids are genetic materials核酸是遗传物质 ◼ Structure of nucleic acids核 酸的结构 ◼ Synthesis of nucleic acids核酸 的合成 ◼ Gene structure基因结构 ◼ Variations of gene and DNA 基因和DNA的变异 ◼ Translation: synthesis of protein 蛋白质的合成--翻译

Nucleic acids are genetic materials 核酸是遗传物质 DNA Chromosome RNA 染色体 protein蛋白质 Which one is genetic material? 哪一个是遗传物质?

Nucleic acids are genetic materials 核酸是遗传物质 Chromosome 染色体 protein蛋白质 DNA RNA Which one is genetic material? 哪一个是遗传物质?

Experiments prove that DNA is the molecule of heredity Transformation experiment with pneumonia Transfection experiment with bacteriophage a Experiment with tabauo mosaic virus ( TMV

Experiments prove that DNA is the molecule of heredity ◼ Transformation experiment with pneumonia ◼ Transfection experiment with bacteriophage ◼ Experiment with tabauo mosaic virus (TMV)

Transformation experiment 肺炎球菌的转化实验 c 223 无毒的RI肺炎 球菌(小的)由被杀 c 死的SI(大的)的 DNA转化成有毒的肺 00 d炎球菌

Transformation experiment 肺炎球菌的转化实验 无毒的RII肺炎 球菌(小的)由被杀 死的SIII (大的)的 DNA转化成有毒的肺 炎球菌

Streptococus pneumoniae 肺炎球菌 S型:多糖组成荚膜,分SⅠ,SI,SI R型:无荚膜,分RI,RI,RIl

Streptococus pneumoniae 肺炎球菌 ◼ S型:多糖组成荚膜,分SI, SII, SIII ◼ R型:无荚膜,分RI, RII, RIII

Heat-killed Type IS Live mouse Live mouse Living Type R Live mouse Transformation experiment with capsule Live mouse pneumonia Living Type lIS bacteria recovered 肺炎球菌感染小e Living Type lIS 鼠实验 上 Capsul Dead mouse Living Type IIS Heat killed Type lIS bacteria recovered Living Type IR Live mouse Dead mouse

Transformation experiment with pneumonia 肺炎球菌感染小 鼠实验

象加热杀死的SI能使不致 病的RI变成能致病的SI,这种 现象叫转化( transformation) 把SI死菌中能转化RI的物质叫 转化因子

象加热杀死的SIII能使不致 病的RII变成能致病的SIII,这种 现象叫转化(transformation) 把SIII死菌中能转化RII的物质叫 转化因子

Type IR cells 证明转化因子 DNA from 是DNA的实验 heat-killed Is celis DNA from Serum that s,+ heat-killed precipitates lS cells IR cells Type lR cells from mxture lIS colones DNA trom Serum that 的:+,me, Protease→ Iype R cells from moxture lIS coones DNA from Serum that HS cells+ precipitates IIR cells Type R cells trom moxture heat lied precipitates DNase一 HS cells UR cells Type IR cells from mixture No colonies

证明转化因子 是DNA的实验

A diagram of the experiment that demonstrated that dna is the active material in bacterial transformation Enzymes that proteins Type-R and Type-R type-s cells Extraction culture purification Of DNA Add tion of DNA to type-R cultur DNA +some contaminating Type-s cells proten rades DNA pe

A diagram of the experiment that demonstrated that DNA is the active material in bacterial transformation

Transfection experiment with bacteriophage T2 T2噬菌体的侵染实验(T) Protein 650A coat DNA Sheath Protein 1000A DNA Head Collar Core 1000A Sheath Cell wall Base plate Tail Core

Transfection experiment with bacteriophage T2 T2噬菌体的侵染实验(I)

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