Objectives A.To gain an understanding of the importance of international market research in international business B.To understand better the need for and how to make an international market research c.To explore the differences between “desk researchi”and "field research D.To learn relevant expressions and language structure 刿价爱有質易大考
Objectives Objectives A.To gain an understanding of the To gain an understanding of the importance of international market importance of international market research in international business research in international business B.To understand better the need for and To understand better the need for and how to make an international market how to make an international market research research C.To explore the differences between To explore the differences between “desk research desk research”and “field research field research ” D. To learn relevant expressions and language structure
Introduction The most important single cause for failure in international business is insufficient preparation and information. Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more successfully. 刿价爱有質易大孝
Introduction Introduction The most important single cause for he most important single cause for failure in international business is failure in international business is insufficient preparation and information. insufficient preparation and information. Market research helps businesses Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote company can develop and promote products more successfully. products more successfully
Introduction Such research also provides the information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are based. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction Such research also provides the uch research also provides the information upon which important information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are advertising and marketing decisions are based
参考译文 大家都知道,商场如战场。在商场上打 拼,就像在战场或棋场上一样,一着不慎,满 盘皆输。在激烈竞争的环境下,一些看似微小 的失误,其后果往往是致命的。俗话说,凡事 预则立,不打无准备之仗;孙子曰:知己知 彼,百战不殆。要想在国际贸易中立于不败之 地,我们不仅需要了解一些有肩示意义的前贤 先哲们的经典教海,更要熟谙国际贸易方面的 经商之道。进行国际市场调查就是体现上述思 想的一个具体步骤。 制价酒斤質易大考
参考译文 大家都知道,商场如战场。在商场上打 大家都知道,商场如战场。在商场上打 拼,就像在战场或棋场上一样,一着不慎,满 拼,就像在战场或棋场上一样,一着不慎,满 盘皆输。在激烈竞争的环境下,一些看似微小 盘皆输。在激烈竞争的环境下,一些看似微小 的失误,其后果往往是致命的。俗话说,凡事 的失误,其后果往往是致命的。俗话说,凡事 预则立,不打无准备之仗;孙子曰:知己知 预则立,不打无准备之仗;孙子曰:知己知 彼,百战不殆。要想在国际贸易中立于不败之 彼,百战不殆。要想在国际贸易中立于不败之 地,我们不仅需要了解一些有启示意义的前贤 地,我们不仅需要了解一些有启示意义的前贤 先哲们的经典教诲,更要熟谙国际贸易方面的 先哲们的经典教诲,更要熟谙国际贸易方面的 经商之道。进行国际市场调查就是体现上述思 经商之道。进行国际市场调查就是体现上述思 想的一个具体步骤。 想的一个具体步骤
Main points of the text 1.International business is a high- risk activity 2.International market research is helpful to international business success. 3.International market research becomes less complicated. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.International business is a high International business is a high- - risk activity . risk activity . 2.International market research is International market research is helpful to international business helpful to international business success. success. 3.International market research International market research becomes less complicated. becomes less complicated. A