尉所委所贺易大考 1 Chapter 5 What Is International Business?
Chapter 5 What Is International What Is International Business? Business?
Objectives A.To learn the definitions of business and international business;To know about the terms of microeconomics and macroeconomics; B. To grasp some basic theories related to international business,such as absolute advantage and comparative advantage; C. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives A.To learn the definitions of business To learn the definitions of business and international business; To know and international business; To know about the terms of microeconomics about the terms of microeconomics and macroeconomics; and macroeconomics; B.To grasp some basic theories related To grasp some basic theories related to international business, such as to international business, such as absolute advantage and comparative absolute advantage and comparative advantage; advantage; C.To grasp the main idea and the To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; structure of the text;
Objectives D. To master the usage of key special terms,words and phrases in this chapter; E. To conduct a series of listening, speaking,reading,writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives D.To master the usage of key special To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this terms, words and phrases in this chapter; chapter; E.To conduct a series of listening, To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. the theme of the chapter
Introduction Whether you are a businessmen or not, you have some business dealings everyday.Maybe you don't believe this, but it's true.We are all part of this business world and involved in the business activities in some way. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction Whether you are a businessmen or not, Whether you are a businessmen or not, you have some business dealings you have some business dealings everyday. Maybe you don everyday. Maybe you don ’t believe this, t believe this, but it ’s true. We are all part of this s true. We are all part of this business world and involved in the business world and involved in the business activities in some way. business activities in some way
参考译文 不管你是不是生意人, 生活中的每一天 你都会做各种各样的买卖。你或许不信,但事 实确实如此。其实,我们每个人都这样或那 样地参与到商业活动之中,都是商品社会的 一员。 贵价爱,所質易大孝
参考译文 不管你是不是生意人,生活中的每一天 不管你是不是生意人,生活中的每一天 你都会做各种各样的买卖。你或许不信 你都会做各种各样的买卖。你或许不信,但事 实确实如此。其实,我们每个人都这样或那 实确实如此。其实,我们每个人都这样或那 样地参与到商业活动之中,都是商品社会的 样地参与到商业活动之中,都是商品社会的 一员
Main points of the text 1.Most people are involved in selling something. 2.the purpose of business 3.what is international business 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Most people are involved in selling Most people are involved in selling something. something. 2.the purpose of business the purpose of business 3.what is international business what is international business
Main points of the text the rationale for international business between nations centers around specialization and manufacturing 5. differences between absolute advantage and comparative advantage 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 4.the rationale for international business the rationale for international business between nations centers around between nations centers around specialization and manufacturing specialization and manufacturing 5.differences between absolute advantage differences between absolute advantage and comparative advantage and comparative advantage