Objectives 尉所委所贺易大孝 A.To learn the fundamental knowledge about economics and its importance in our daily life. B.To know about the terms of microeconomics and macroeconomics
Objectives Objectives A.To learn the fundamental knowledge To learn the fundamental knowledge about economics and its importance about economics and its importance in our daily life. in our daily life. B.To know about the terms of To know about the terms of microeconomics and microeconomics and macroeconomics. macroeconomics
Objectives 尉所委所贺易大孝 c.To understand the significance of economic growth. To master the usage of key special D. terms,words and phrases in this chapter
Objectives Objectives C.To understand the significance of To understand the significance of economic growth. economic growth. D.To master the usage of key special To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this terms, words and phrases in this chapter. chapter
Introduction A society faces many decisions.It must decide who will eat shark's fin and who will eat potatoes.It must decide who will drive a Mercedes-Benz and who will take the bus.Economics will tell you why. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction A society faces many decisions. It must A society faces many decisions. It must decide who will eat shark decide who will eat shark ’s fin and who s fin and who will eat potatoes. It must decide who will will eat potatoes. It must decide who will drive a Mercedes drive a Mercedes -Benz and who will take Benz and who will take the bus. Economics will tell you why. the bus. Economics will tell you why
参考译文 不管你懂不懂经济学,学不学经济学,目 常生活中你都在不知不觉地实践着经济学的某 些理论。学习经济学有助于做出更好的个人决 策,更精明地参与经济生活。至少,当失业的 时候,你知道为什么失业。 制价爱行蜀易大考
参考译文 不管你懂不懂经济学,学不学经济学,日 不管你懂不懂经济学,学不学经济学,日 常生活中你都在不知不觉地实践着经济学的某 常生活中你都在不知不觉地实践着经济学的某 些理论。学习经济学有助于做出更好的个人决 些理论。学习经济学有助于做出更好的个人决 策,更精明地参与经济生活。至少,当失业的 策,更精明地参与经济生活。至少,当失业的 时候,你知道为什么失业。 时候,你知道为什么失业
Main points of the text Economics is everybody's business. 2.What is economics? 3.Origin of economics. 4.What is microeconomics and macroeconomics. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Economics is everybody Economics is everybody ’s business. s business. 2.What is economics? What is economics? 3.Origin of economics. Origin of economics. 4.What is microeconomics and What is microeconomics and macroeconomics. macroeconomics
Main points of the text 5.Practical value of economics in business.Ad valorem duty 6.Significance of economic growth. Alternative duty 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 5.Practical value of economics in Practical value of economics in business. business. Ad valorem duty Ad valorem duty 6. Significance of economic growth. Significance of economic growth. Alternative duty Alternative duty