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对外经济贸易大学:《商务英语》课程教学资源(授课教案)Chapter 18 Trade Fairs


裤尉所黄学 《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 18 Trade Fairs I.Objectives To learn the purposes and property of trade fairs; To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; To master the usage of key special terms,words and phrases in this cbapter; To conduct a series of listening,speaking,reading,writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. II.Introduction In China,it is said that if someone has never been to Guangzhou Fair,he wouldn't be qualified to engage in international trade.As we know,Guangzhou Fair is the short for Chinese Export Commodities Fair,which is a large-scaled trade fair held twice a year.Then what is a trade fair?And what impact does it have upon the international trade?We will explore these questions in this chapter. 在中国,有人说没去过广交会,就不算搞外贸”。大家都知道,广交会的全名是中国出口商品 交易会,分为春秋两季,是一种大型的商品交易会。那么,什么叫做商品交易会?它的作用和 意义到底有多大,以致人们作出这样的评论呢? III.Main points of the text 1.Some functions of participation in trade fairs---communications 2.What is a trade fair and some famous exhibition places. 3. Difference between industrial trade fairs and the daily common trade fairs. 4. Where the industrial fairs are held. 5. Some functions of trade fairs---sales promotion. IV.Background and terminology 1.trade fair商品交易会 a gathering at which manufacturers and traders can demonstrate their wares,meet each other,and secure orders. 2.trade routes贸易路线 3.China Export Commodity Fair中国出口商品交易会 4.China International Exhibition Center中国国际展览中心 5.UIBE对外经济贸易大学(University of International Business&Economics)) 6.the general public普通公众 7.consumer goods消费品

《商务英语》 授课教案 1 Chapter 18 Trade Fairs I. Objectives ƒ To learn the purposes and property of trade fairs; ƒ To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; ƒ To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; ƒ To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. II. Introduction In China, it is said that if someone has never been to Guangzhou Fair, he wouldn’t be qualified to engage in international trade. As we know, Guangzhou Fair is the short for Chinese Export Commodities Fair, which is a large-scaled trade fair held twice a year. Then what is a trade fair? And what impact does it have upon the international trade? We will explore these questions in this chapter. 在中国,有人说“没去过广交会,就不算搞外贸”。大家都知道,广交会的全名是中国出口商品 交易会,分为春秋两季,是一种大型的商品交易会。那么,什么叫做商品交易会?它的作用和 意义到底有多大,以致人们作出这样的评论呢? III. Main points of the text 1. Some functions of participation in trade fairs---communications 2. What is a trade fair and some famous exhibition places. 3. Difference between industrial trade fairs and the daily common trade fairs. 4. Where the industrial fairs are held. 5. Some functions of trade fairs ---sales promotion. IV. Background and terminology 1. trade fair 商品交易会 a gathering at which manufacturers and traders can demonstrate their wares, meet each other, and secure orders. 2. trade routes 贸易路线 3. China Export Commodity Fair 中国出口商品交易会 4. China International Exhibition Center 中国国际展览中心 5. UIBE 对外经济贸易大学(University of International Business & Economics) 6. the general public 普通公众 7. consumer goods 消费品

莲黄有简大号 《商务英语》 授课教案 8.agent one empowered to act for or represent another代理人,代理商 9.distributor one that markets or sells merchandise,especially a wholesaler销售者,批发商 10.fair an exhibition,as of farm products or manufactured goods,usually accompanied by various competitions and entertainments交易会,博览会 11.exhibition a large-scale public showing,as of art objects or industrial or agricultural products 会,博览会 l2.wholesaler person who trades in quantity批发商 13.retailer person who sells goods in small amounts directly to customers,for example,in stores 商 l4.representative one that serves as a delegate or an agent for another代表,代理人 l5.promotion the act of promoting or the fact of being promoted促进,推销 l6.exhibitor person who displays his items展出者 17.show a public exhibition展览,展览会 l8 China Export Commodity Fair中国出口商品交易会 中国出口商品交易会,又称广交会,创办于1957年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举办,迄今己 有四十余年历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、 成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。以下各图为该交易会馆的侧影及两个分馆。 ©琶州展馆 色流花路展馆 巴a4 a)China International Exhibition Center中国国际展览中心 1985年建成,中展集团暨中国国际展览中心集团公司是隶属于中国国际贸易促进委员会暨中国 国际商会的集团性企业,是中展集团的核心企业,是中国展览馆协会的理事长单位,也是中国 企业联合会成员、国际博览会联盟成员和国际展览管理协会成员。 2

《商务英语》 授课教案 8. agent one empowered to act for or represent another 代理人,代理商 9. distributor one that markets or sells merchandise, especially a wholesaler 销售者, 批发商 10. fair an exhibition, as of farm products or manufactured goods, usually accompanied by various competitions and entertainments 交易会,博览会 11. exhibition a large-scale public showing, as of art objects or industrial or agricultural products 展览 会,博览会 12. wholesaler person who trades in quantity 批发商 13. retailer person who sells goods in small amounts directly to customers, for example, in stores 零售 商 14. representative one that serves as a delegate or an agent for another 代表,代理人 15. promotion the act of promoting or the fact of being promoted 促进,推销 16. exhibitor person who displays his items 展出者 17. show a public exhibition 展览,展览会 18 China Export Commodity Fair 中国出口商品交易会 中国出口商品交易会,又称广交会,创办于 1957 年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举办,迄今已 有四十余年历史,是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、 成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。以下各图为该交易会馆的侧影及两个分馆。 a) China International Exhibition Center 中国国际展览中心 1985 年建成,中展集团暨中国国际展览中心集团公司是隶属于中国国际贸易促进委员会暨中国 国际商会的集团性企业,是中展集团的核心企业,是中国展览馆协会的理事长单位,也是中国 企业联合会成员、国际博览会联盟成员和国际展览管理协会成员。 2

莲岗将号 《商务英语》 授课教案 20UIBE(University of International Business&Economics)对外经济贸易大学 对外经济贸易大学,创建于1951年。1953至1999年,由国家外经贸部管辖。2000年6月,原 榭卧份贫易大岁 中国金融学院与原对外经贸大学合 并成立新的对外经济贸易大学,划 归教育部直属。这是一所随着国家 的发展而迅速扩展的全国重点大 学,是一所在国内外享有声誉的著 名学府。1997年成为首批被列入国 家高等教育“211工程重点建设的高 校。对外经贸大学现有教职工1600 多人,其中专任教师656人,每年还 聘请外国专家30多人。这是一处群英荟萃之地。老教授中名家耀眼,中青年里新秀辈出。大 批获得政府特殊津贴、受聘担任政府学术机构成员的专家学者工作在教学科研第一线。绝大部 分中青年教师在国外留学或进修过,教学科研水平高,许多人被评为省部级学科带头人和骨干 教师,入选国家的优秀人才培养工程。高水平的师资队伍贡献出高水平的研究成果。仅从20 世纪80年代中期以来,学校就承担了20多项国家级科研项目,获得国家级科研成果奖励60 多种。学校多次举办大型国际学术研讨会,国际影响不断提高。 21.Richard Nixon Nixon,Richard Milhous (1913-1994),37th president of the United States (1969-1974),and the only president to have resigned from office. He was elected president of the United States in 1968 in one of the closest presidential elections in the nation's history and in 1972 was reelected in a landslide victory.Nixon's second administration,however,was consumed by the growing Watergate scandal,which eventually forced him to resign to avoid impeachment.Nixon was the second youngest vice president in U.S.history and the first native of California to become either vice president or president. In February 1972 he traveled to Beijing.His visit to China improved relations between the two countries and helped reestablish trade that had ceased two decades earlier. 3

《商务英语》 授课教案 20 UIBE (University of International Business & Economics)对外经济贸易大学 对外经济贸易大学,创建于 1951 年。1953 至 1999 年,由国 1. Richard Nixon Milhous (1913-1994), 37th president of f the United States in 1968 in one of g resign to Beijing. His visit to China improved relations between the two countries 家外经贸部管辖。2000 年 6 月,原 中国金融学院与原对外经贸大学合 并成立新的对外经济贸易大学,划 归教育部直属。这是一所随着国家 的发展而迅速扩展的全国重点大 学,是一所在国内外享有声誉的著 名学府。1997 年成为首批被列入国 家高等教育“211 工程”重点建设的高 校。对外经贸大学现有教职工 1600 多人,其中专任教师 656 人,每年还 聘请外国专家 30 多人。这是一处群英荟萃之地。老教授中名家耀眼,中青年里新秀辈出。大 批获得政府特殊津贴、受聘担任政府学术机构成员的专家学者工作在教学科研第一线。绝大部 分中青年教师在国外留学或进修过,教学科研水平高,许多人被评为省部级学科带头人和骨干 教师,入选国家的优秀人才培养工程。高水平的师资队伍贡献出高水平的研究成果。仅从 20 世纪 80 年代中期以来,学校就承担了 20 多项国家级科研项目,获得国家级科研成果奖励 60 多种。学校多次举办大型国际学术研讨会,国际影响不断提高。 2 Nixon, Richard the United States (1969-1974), and the only president to have resigned from office. He was elected president o the closest presidential elections in the nation’s history and in 1972 was reelected in a landslide victory. Nixon’s second administration, however, was consumed by the rowing Watergate scandal, which eventually forced him to to avoid impeachment. Nixon was the second youngest vice president in U.S. history and the first native of California to become either vice president or president. In February 1972 he traveled and helped reestablish trade that had ceased two decades earlier. 3

尉虾号蜀号土孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 V.Language Points 1.One excellent way in which a firm can demonstrate its products,contact potential customers, agents,and distributors,and generally get a "feel"of a foreign market is participation in organized trade fairs that are periodically held around the world. 公司展示产品,接触潜在消费者、代理商和批发商以及对海外市场获取一点感性认识的极好办 法就是参加全世界各地定期举行的有组织的商品交易会。 本句的主干部分是:One excellent way..is participation in organized trade fairs..。第一个定语从 句,in which a firm.修饰先行词way,第二个定语从句that are..修饰先行词fairs。 Participation n.:the act of taking part or sharing in something. Take participation in trade fairs. 2.Originating many centuries ago,and held at cities upon which various trade routes converged, the trade fair is a gathering at which manufactures and traders can demonstrate their wares, meet each other,and secure orders. 商品交易会始于数世纪以前,在多条贸易路线汇聚的城市举行,在交易会上,生产商和贸易商 得以展示他们的商品,彼此会面,获得订单。 本句结构较为复杂,但是只要认清句子的主干,顺藤摸瓜,就能水到渠成地弄清句子的意思和 各部分之间的逻辑关系。本句的主干仍是一个由动词be作谓语的主谓表句,即.,the trade fair is a gathering.。主语the trade fair前的现在分词短语originating many..及过去分词短语held at..upon which various trade..作句子的并列状语,对谓语表示的状态加以说明,和从句的作用 很相近。值得注意的是,过去分词短语中又含有一个介词upon+which引导的定语从句,修饰 先行词cities。.另外,本句中的第二个定语从句at which.,修饰在主句中作表语的先行词 gathering。 Originate v.to come into being;start出现,开始 All theories originate from/in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。 3.In fact,because of the great variety of products now manufactured,trade fairs have become extremely specialized. 实际上,因为现在制造的产品种类繁多,商品交易会都变得非常专业化了。 a(great)variety of各种各样的,品类繁多的 1.She made the children glad in a variety of ways. 她用各种方法使孩子们高兴。 2.Biz]:There are a great variety of goods at the fair. 博览会上有各种各样的商品。 Specialize vt.to concentrate on a particular activity or product从事专门活动或销售专业产品,专 攻 The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear. 专门销售登山用具的商店。 4.An important point to make is that these trade fairs,although they occasionally permit entry to the general public,are basically industrial trade fairs. 另外一个需要说明的重要之处是虽然这些商品交易会偶尔允许普通公众进入,但基本上是产业 4

《商务英语》 授课教案 4 . Language Points . One excellent way in which a firm can demonstrate its products, contact potential customers, 获取一点感性认识的极好办 anized trade fairs….。第一个定语从 . Originating many centuries ago, and held at cities upon which various trade routes converged, 贸易路线汇聚的城市举行,在交易会上,生产商和贸易商 藤摸瓜,就能水到渠成地弄清句子的意思和 to come into being; start 出现,开始. e practice. 3. n fact, because of the great variety of products now manufactured, trade fairs have become 的产品种类繁多,商品交易会都变得非常专业化了。 . 2 goods at the fair. S articular activity or product 从事专门活动或销售专业产品,专 op specializes in mountain-climbing gear. 4. n important point to make is that these trade fairs, although they occasionally permit entry to 允许普通公众进入,但基本上是产业 V 1 agents, and distributors, and generally get a “feel” of a foreign market is participation in organized trade fairs that are periodically held around the world. 公司展示产品,接触潜在消费者、代理商和批发商以及对海外市场 法就是参加全世界各地定期举行的有组织的商品交易会。 本句的主干部分是:One excellent way…. is participation in org 句,in which a firm… 修饰先行词 way,第二个定语从句 that are…修饰先行词 fairs。 Participation n.: the act of taking part or sharing in something 参与. Take participation in trade fairs. 2 the trade fair is a gathering at which manufactures and traders can demonstrate their wares, meet each other, and secure orders. 商品交易会始于数世纪以前,在多条 得以展示他们的商品,彼此会面,获得订单。 本句结构较为复杂,但是只要认清句子的主干,顺 各部分之间的逻辑关系。本句的主干仍是一个由动词 be 作谓语的主谓表句,即…, the trade fair is a gathering…...。主语 the trade fair 前的现在分词短语 originating many…及过去分词短语 held at…upon which various trade…作句子的并列状语,对谓语表示的状态加以说明,和从句的作用 很相近。值得注意的是,过去分词短语中又含有一个介词 upon + which 引导的定语从句,修饰 先行词 cities。另外,本句中的第二个定语从句 at which…,修饰在主句中作表语的先行词 gathering。 Originate vt. All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serv 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。 I extremely specialized. 实际上,因为现在制造 a (great) variety of 各种各样的, 品类繁多的 1.She made the children glad in a variety of ways 她用各种方法使孩子们高兴。 .[Biz]: There are a great variety of 博览会上有各种各样的商品。 pecialize vt. to concentrate on a p 攻. The sh 专门销售登山用具的商店。 A the general public, are basically industrial trade fairs. 另外一个需要说明的重要之处是虽然这些商品交易会偶尔

莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 交易会。 make a point:证明论点正确 1.Bizl:He made a point that the company should ally with other companies so as to gain more power and succeed in the fierce competition. 他说公司应和其他公司联盟使公司力量更强大,在激烈的竞争中取得成功,他的建议获得了 认可。 2. [Biz]:You have made a good point about establishing good business relations right from the start. 你们说从一开始就要建立良好的业务关系,说得很有道理。 5.In other words,the stalls,or booths,are occupied by manufacturing firms who seek orders not from the general public but from wholesalers,...... 换言之,摊位或货亭为生产厂商所租用,这些厂商不是从普通公众而是从批发商那儿寻求订 单.… In other words换言之,换句话说 In other words,when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour,most waves will be about twelve meters. 换句话说,当风速为每小时一百二十公里时大部分浪高约为十二米。 Occupy vt.to fill up(time or space)占用(时间或空间). Recently,I'm pretty occupied.最近我非常忙。 not.but.不是.而是. 1.It is not what you are studying but how you study it that counts. 重要的不是你在研究什么,而是如何在进行研究。 2.In face of difficulties,we should not cower but meet them bravely. 面临困难时我们不应该退缩,而应该勇敢地面对。 6.It is the industry counterpart of the fairs that are still held on a regular basis in most towns and cities where the general public can buy meat,vegetables,fish,clothing,and other assorted consumer goods. 而那些仍在大部分城镇里定期举行的集市则是这些产业交易会的对应物。在那些地方,普通公 众可以购买肉类、蔬菜、鱼、衣物以及其他各种各样的消费品。 该句中出现一个重要的语法结构,即It+be+要强调的部分+hat/who/which+句子其他部 分。该结构是一个强调句,对be后that前的部分进行强调。例如:Tom saw your girlfriend in the park the day before yesterday.该句可借助这个结构改为下面几种形式,各强调一个不同的成分, 例如: It was Tom who (or that)saw your girlfriend in the park the day before yesterday. 是汤姆前天在公园里看到你女朋友的。 It was your girlfriend that(or whom)Tom saw in the park the day before yesterday. 汤姆前天在公园里看到的是你的女朋友。 It was in the park that not where)Tom saw your girlfriend the day before yesterday. 汤姆前天是在公园里看到你女朋友的。 It was the day before yesterday that (not when)Tom saw your girlfriend in the park. 汤姆是前天在公园里看到你女朋友的。 再回到本句,where the general..是定语从句,修饰先行词fairs。 7.Unlike the fairs held many centuries ago,today's industrial fair is usually housed in a modern 5

《商务英语》 授课教案 5 nt: 证明论点正确 he company should ally with other companies so as to gain more power 量更强大,在激烈的竞争中取得成功,他的建议获得了 2. ve made a good point about establishing good business relations right from the start. . In other words, the stalls, or booths, are occupied by manufacturing firms who seek orders not 不是从普通公众而是从批发商那儿寻求订 words 换言之, 换句话说 wing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve , 当风速为每小时一百二十公里时大部分浪高约为十二米。 ing but how you study it that counts. 2. vely. 6. t is the industry counterpart of the fairs that are still held on a regular basis in most towns and 镇里定期举行的集市则是这些产业交易会的对应物。在那些地方,普通公 at/who/which + 句子其他部 m who (or that) saw your girlfriend in the park the day before yesterday. e park the day before yesterday. y before yesterday. ) Tom saw your girlfriend in the park. 句,修饰先行词 fairs。 7. nlike the fairs held many centuries ago, today’s industrial fair is usually housed in a modern 交易会。 make a poi 1.[Biz]: He made a point that t and succeed in the fierce competition. 他说公司应和其他公司联盟使公司力 认可。 [Biz]: You ha 你们说从一开始就要建立良好的业务关系,说得很有道理。 5 from the general public but from wholesalers, …… 换言之,摊位或货亭为生产厂商所租用,这些厂商 单…… In other In other words, when the wind is blo meters. 换句话说 Occupy vt. to fill up (time or space) 占用(时间或空间). Recently, I’m pretty occupied. 最近我非常忙。 not… but… 不是… 而是… 1. It is not what you are study 重要的不是你在研究什么,而是如何在进行研究。 In face of difficulties, we should not cower but meet them bra 面临困难时我们不应该退缩,而应该勇敢地面对。 I cities where the general public can buy meat, vegetables, fish, clothing, and other assorted consumer goods. 而那些仍在大部分城 众可以购买肉类、蔬菜、鱼、衣物以及其他各种各样的消费品。 该句中出现一个重要的语法结构,即 It + be + 要强调的部分 + th 分。该结构是一个强调句,对 be 后 that 前的部分进行强调。例如:Tom saw your girlfriend in the park the day before yesterday. 该句可借助这个结构改为下面几种形式,各强调一个不同的成分, 例如: It was To 是汤姆前天在公园里看到你女朋友的。 It was your girlfriend that (or whom) Tom saw in th 汤姆前天在公园里看到的是你的女朋友。 It was in the park that ( not where) Tom saw your girlfriend the da 汤姆前天是在公园里看到你女朋友的。 It was the day before yesterday that (not when 汤姆是前天在公园里看到你女朋友的。 再回到本句,where the general…是定语从 U

裤尉黄学 《商务英语》 授课教案 exhibition building specially designed for the purpose and operated on a continuous basis by professional trade fair officials who themselves engage in the promotion of their services to would-be exhibitors. 与数世纪以前举行的交易会不同的是,今天的商品交易会通常是在一座现代时髦的展览馆内进 行,这座建筑是专门为了展览目的而设计的,由专业的商品交易会人员持续运作。这些专业人 员自己参与向可能的参展厂商推销他们的服务。 engage in vt.to involve oneself or become occupied;participate从事,参加,参与. He wants to engage in business after graduation.毕业后他想从事于商业。 The shy person engaged in the conversation.这个害羞的人加入了谈话 He wants to engage in business after graduation.毕业后他想从事于商业。 Biz]:Would you please tell us what countries you have mainly done business with in the past and what lines you have engaged in? 请您告诉我们贵公司曾与哪些国家做过生意,经营过哪些产品,好吗? 8.For the Chinese exporters,the trade fair is often the fastest and most effective way to introduce a product and to find out exactly what buyers think of it and what modifications,if any,are necessary. 对中国出口商来说,商品交易会经常是推销产品、正确发现用户怎样看待这个产品以及可能的 话,怎样改进产品的最迅速、最有效的方式。 动词不定式to introduce..及to find out..做定语,修饰wayo if any意思是如果有的话。 9.A lot of success of Chinese products exported to the foreign market in recent years is also attributed to the use of trade shows as a means of sales promotion. 最近几年,中国产品出口取得了巨大的成功。这也归功于把商品博览会作为一种促销的手段来 使用。 attribute..to to relate to a particular cause or source;ascribe把.归因于 He attributes his failure in that course to his teacher's poor teaching. He attributes his failure to his bad luck.他把自己的失败归因于运气不好。 他把自己在那门课上的不及格归因于老师教得不好。 Bizl:David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work 大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。 10.Summary of the lesson of each paragraph: Para.1:Some functions of participation in trade fairs---communications (why); Para.2:what is a trade fair and some famous exhibition places (what); Para.3:difference between industrial trade fairs and the daily common trade fairs(who); Para.4:where the industrial fairs are held(where). Para.5:Some functions of trade fairs---sales promotion (why) VI.Summary of the lesson 6

《商务英语》 授课教案 6 易会不同的是,今天的商品交易会通常是在一座现代时髦的展览馆内进 articipate 从事, 参加,参与. 。 ith in the past and what 些国家做过生意,经营过哪些产品,好吗? . For the Chinese exporters, the trade fair is often the fastest and most effective way to introduce 来说,商品交易会经常是推销产品、正确发现用户怎样看待这个产品以及可能的 ,修饰 way。 . A lot of success of Chinese products exported to the foreign market in recent years is also 会作为一种促销的手段来 … to to relate to a particular cause or source; ascribe 把…归因于 不好。 of all the staff and their persevering hard 他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。 0. Summary of the lesson of each paragraph: fairs---communications (why); trade fairs (who); otion (why) I. Summary of the lesson exhibition building specially designed for the purpose and operated on a continuous basis by professional trade fair officials who themselves engage in the promotion of their services to would-be exhibitors. 与数世纪以前举行的交 行,这座建筑是专门为了展览目的而设计的,由专业的商品交易会人员持续运作。这些专业人 员自己参与向可能的参展厂商推销他们的服务。 engage in vt. to involve oneself or become occupied; p He wants to engage in business after graduation.毕业后他想从事于商业。 The shy person engaged in the conversation. 这个害羞的人加入了谈话 He wants to engage in business after graduation. 毕业后他想从事于商业 [Biz]: Would you please tell us what countries you have mainly done business w lines you have engaged in? 请您告诉我们贵公司曾与哪 8 a product and to find out exactly what buyers think of it and what modifications, if any, are necessary. 对中国出口商 话,怎样改进产品的最迅速、最有效的方式。 动词不定式 to introduce…及 to find out…做定语 if any 意思是如果有的话。 9 attributed to the use of trade shows as a means of sales promotion. 最近几年,中国产品出口取得了巨大的成功。这也归功于把商品博览 使用。 attribute He attributes his failure in that course to his teacher’s poor teaching. He attributes his failure to his bad luck.他把自己的失败归因于运气 他把自己在那门课上的不及格归因于老师教得不好。 [Biz]: David attributed his company's success to the unity work. 大卫说 1 Para. 1: Some functions of participation in trade Para. 2: what is a trade fair and some famous exhibition places (what); Para. 3: difference between industrial trade fairs and the daily common Para. 4: where the industrial fairs are held (where). Para. 5: Some functions of trade fairs ---sales prom V

莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 One excellent way in which a firm can demonstrate its products,contact potential customers,agents, and distributors,and generally get a "feel"of a foreign market is participation in organized trade fairs that are periodically held around the world.The trade fair is a gathering at which manufacturers and traders can demonstrate their wares,meet each other,and secure orders.An important point to make is that these trade fairs,although they occasionally permit entry to the general public,are basically industrial trade fairs. Unlike the fairs held many centuries ago,today's industrial fair is usually housed in a modern exhibition building specially designed for the purpose and operated on a continuous basis by professional trade fair officials who themselves engage in the promotion of their services to would-be exhibitors.For the Chinese exporters,the trade fair is often the fastest and most effective way to introduce a product and to find out exactly what buyers think of it and what modifications,if any,are necessary. VII.Comprehension questions 1.In which way can a firm demonstrate its products,contact potential customers,agents,and distributors, and generally get a"feel"of a foreign market? 2.What is a trade fair? 3.What goods were sold at the trade fair in the old days and nowadays respectively? 4.Please name some famous trade fairs in China. 5.Basically,who are allowed to enter these trade fairs? 7

《商务英语》 授课教案 7 One excellent way in which a firm can demonstrate its products, contact potential customers, agents, and roducts, contact potential customers, agents, and distributors, d at the trade fair in the old days and nowadays respectively? irs? distributors, and generally get a “feel” of a foreign market is participation in organized trade fairs that are periodically held around the world. The trade fair is a gathering at which manufacturers and traders can demonstrate their wares, meet each other, and secure orders. An important point to make is that these trade fairs, although they occasionally permit entry to the general public, are basically industrial trade fairs. Unlike the fairs held many centuries ago, today’s industrial fair is usually housed in a modern exhibition building specially designed for the purpose and operated on a continuous basis by professional trade fair officials who themselves engage in the promotion of their services to would-be exhibitors. For the Chinese exporters, the trade fair is often the fastest and most effective way to introduce a product and to find out exactly what buyers think of it and what modifications, if any, are necessary. VII. Comprehension questions 1.In which way can a firm demonstrate its p and generally get a “feel” of a foreign market? 2.What is a trade fair? 3.What goods were sol 4.Please name some famous trade fairs in China. 5. Basically, who are allowed to enter these trade fa



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