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对外经济贸易大学:《商务英语》课程教学资源(授课教案)Chapter 13 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH


蓬黄所大子 《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 13 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH Objectives A.To gain an understanding of the importance of international market research in international business B.To understand better the need for and how to make an international market research C.To explore the differences between“desk research”and“field research” D.To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction The most important single cause for failure in international business is insufficient preparation and information.Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more successfully.Such research also provides the information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are based. 大家都知道,商场如战场。在商场上打拼,就像在战场或棋场上一样,一着不慎,满盘皆输。在激烈竞争的环 境下,一些看似微小的失误,其后果往往是致命的。俗话说,凡事预则立,不打无准备之仗:孙子曰:知己知 彼,百战不殆。要想在国际贸易中立于不败之地,我们不仅需要了解一些有启示意义的前贤先哲们的经典教诲, 更要熟谙国际贸易方面的经商之道。进行国际市场调查就是体现上述思想的一个具体步骤。 Main points of the text A.1.International business is a high-risk activity 2.International market research is helpful to international business success 3.International market research becomes less complicated

《商务英语》 授课教案 1 Chapter 13 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH Objectives A. To gain an understanding of the importance of international market research in international business B. To understand better the need for and how to make an international market research C. To explore the differences between “desk research” and “field research” D. To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction The most important single cause for failure in international business is insufficient preparation and information. Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more successfully. Such research also provides the information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are based. 大家都知道,商场如战场。在商场上打拼,就像在战场或棋场上一样,一着不慎,满盘皆输。在激烈竞争的环 境下,一些看似微小的失误,其后果往往是致命的。俗话说,凡事预则立,不打无准备之仗;孙子曰:知己知 彼,百战不殆。要想在国际贸易中立于不败之地,我们不仅需要了解一些有启示意义的前贤先哲们的经典教诲, 更要熟谙国际贸易方面的经商之道。进行国际市场调查就是体现上述思想的一个具体步骤。 Main points of the text A. 1. International business is a high-risk activity 2. International market research is helpful to international business success 3. International market research becomes less complicated

尉纤所蜀号大孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 B..“desk research” 2.“field research'” C.1.A case study of notebooks for university 2.How to start a market research D.1.The process of decision making 2.The following activities. Background and terminology market research 市场调查 是指通过调查研究,系统地、客观地搜集、整理、分析、说明与国际市场有关的信息和资料,及 时发现机会和问题,经分析与研究后,从中得出结论,为决策提供依据。市场调查是制定战略计 划和策略、改善经营、提高经济效益、避免失误的前提,也可以使企业对国际市场大环境和目标 市场的状况及变动有较透彻的了解,从而灵活应变,立于不败之地。 desk research 从出版的书面材料中获得信息通常被称为“案头研究”。 desk research案头研究(市场研究术语),桌上研究调查,室内研究 field research field research:现场调查研究 Language points to differ (from,in)(with,about,over,on) to be dissimilar or unlike in nature,quality,amount,or form;to be different;disagree;(of people)to have an opposite opinion不同,相异,有区别,看法不同,与..意见相左, 1.Their house differs from mine in having no garage. 他们的房子和我的不同,区别在于他们的没有车库。 2.The two sides in the dispute still differ over the question of pay. 争执的双方在报酬问题上仍各持己见。 2

《商务英语》 授课教案 2 B. 1. “desk research” 2. “field research” C. 1. A case study of notebooks for university 2. How to start a market research D. 1. The process of decision making 2. The following activities. Background and terminology market research 市场调查 是指通过调查研究,系统地、客观地搜集、整理、分析、说明与国际市场有关的信息和资料,及 时发现机会和问题,经分析与研究后,从中得出结论,为决策提供依据。市场调查是制定战略计 划和策略、改善经营、提高经济效益、避免失误的前提,也可以使企业对国际市场大环境和目标 市场的状况及变动有较透彻的了解,从而灵活应变,立于不败之地。 desk research 从出版的书面材料中获得信息通常被称为“案头研究”。 desk research 案头研究(市场研究术语), 桌上研究调查, 室内研究 field research field research: 现场调查研究 Language points to differ (from, in) (with, about, over, on) to be dissimilar or unlike in nature, quality, amount, or form; to be different; disagree; (of people) to have an opposite opinion 不同,相异, 有区别,看法不同,与… 意见相左, 1. Their house differs from mine in having no garage. 他们的房子和我的不同,区别在于他们的没有车库。 2. The two sides in the dispute still differ over the question of pay. 争执的双方在报酬问题上仍各持已见

匯尉叶所蜀号上学 《商务英语》 授课教案 to obtain to succeed in gaining possession of as the result of planning or endeavor;acquire;to become the owner of,especially by means of effort or planning经过计划或努力成功地获得,获得,买到,得到 1.I haven't been able to obtain the record anywhere 我到处都没有买到那张唱片。 2.He said the police had obtained this information by illegal means. 他说警方是靠非法手段获得这一资料的。 to undertake to set about;begin;to take up or accept (a duty or piece of work,especially one that is difficult or needs effort)从事,着手,进行,承担,接受(责任,艰苦的工作等) 1.She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承担了作出这些改变的责任。 2.The Channel Tunnel is one of biggest engineering projects ever undertaken. 海峡隧道是人们至今所承建的最大的工程之一。 to justify to demonstrate or prove to be just,right,or valid;to give a good reason for;explain satisfactorily i 明…正当、正确或有效,解释,为…辩护 1.You have to justify each budgetary expense as necessary. 你得证明每一项预算费用都是必要的 2.The government will find it difficult to justify this decision to the public. 政府会感到向公众解释这项决定的正确性是困难的。 to bind to enclose and fasten (a book or other printed material)between covers;to tie together,especially with rope;to tie up firmly;to cause to obey,especially by law or a promise;have a duty to装订,粘牢,包扎, 捆,绑,粘合,约束,承诺,使负有义务 1.It is the shared commercial interests that bind the two companies together. 把这两家公司的命运连接在一起的是共同的商业利益。 2.The soldier bound up a wound with bandages himself. 战士自己用绷带包扎了伤口。 3.This flour mixture isn't wet enough to bind properly. 这面粉糨糊水不够,所以不粘。 4.They bound him to remain silent. 他们要他答应一定保持沉默。 to prohibit (from) to forbid by authority;.to forbid by law or rule;to make impossible`止;阻止 3

《商务英语》 授课教案 3 to obtain to succeed in gaining possession of as the result of planning or endeavor; acquire; to become the owner of, especially by means of effort or planning 经过计划或努力成功地获得,获得,买到,得到 1. I haven’t been able to obtain the record anywhere. 我到处都没有买到那张唱片。 2. He said the police had obtained this information by illegal means. 他说警方是靠非法手段获得这一资料的。 to undertake to set about; begin; to take up or accept (a duty or piece of work, especially one that is difficult or needs effort) 从事, 着手,进行, 承担,接受(责任,艰苦的工作等) 1. She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承担了作出这些改变的责任。 2. The Channel Tunnel is one of biggest engineering projects ever undertaken. 海峡隧道是人们至今所承建的最大的工程之一。 to justify to demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid; to give a good reason for; explain satisfactorily 证 明…正当、正确或有效, 解释, 为… 辩护 1. You have to justify each budgetary expense as necessary. 你得证明每一项预算费用都是必要的 2. The government will find it difficult to justify this decision to the public. 政府会感到向公众解释这项决定的正确性是困难的。 to bind to enclose and fasten (a book or other printed material) between covers; to tie together, especially with rope; to tie up firmly; to cause to obey, especially by law or a promise; have a duty to 装订,粘牢,包扎, 捆,绑,粘合,约束,承诺,使负有义务 1. It is the shared commercial interests that bind the two companies together. 把这两家公司的命运连接在一起的是共同的商业利益。 2. The soldier bound up a wound with bandages himself. 战士自己用绷带包扎了伤口。 3. This flour mixture isn’t wet enough to bind properly. 这面粉糨糊水不够,所以不粘。 4. They bound him to remain silent. 他们要他答应一定保持沉默。 to prohibit (from) to forbid by authority; to forbid by law or rule; to make impossible 禁止;阻止

莲肉纤经黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 1.We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 工作时间内我们不得喝酒。 prohibited articles[goods]违禁品 to prohibit somebody from doing something.(=prohibit somebody's doing something.)禁止某人做某 事 1.Family finances prohibited his going to college. 他的家庭经济情况不容许他上大学。 2.The price prohibited us from buying it 这东西价格太高,我们买不起。 to ban (from) a prohibition imposed by law or official decree;to forbid,especially by law; 禁令,禁止 1.After the accident,he was banned from driving 事故发生后,他被禁止开车。 2.The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations. 新的军人政府禁止罢工和示威活动。 to levy (on,upon) to impose or collect(atax,for example),to demand or collect officially征税,征收或收集(如税款) 1.The government has decided to levy a special tax on tobacco. 政府已决定对烟草征收特别税。 2.Personal income tax is levied for those whose annual income is more than 120.000 yuan in China. 在中国,个人收入调节税只对那些年收入在12万以上的人群征收。 to flourish to do or fare well;prosper;to be alive and well;to grow healthily;to be active and successful 展得好,昌盛,茂盛,繁荣,兴旺发达 1.No village on the railroad failed to flourish. 凡是沿铁路的村庄都很繁荣。 2.The company has really flourished since we moved our factory to China. 自从我们把工厂搬到中国以后,公司就真正兴旺发达起来了。 to persuade to induce to undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of argument,reasoning, or entreaty劝导,说服 1.To make children fit to live in a society by persuading them to learn and accept its codes. 通过劝说孩子们学习和接受社会规范使他们适应社会生活。 2.Despite all my efforts to persuade him,he wouldn't agree

《商务英语》 授课教案 4 1. We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 工作时间内我们不得喝酒。 prohibited articles [goods] 违禁品 to prohibit somebody from doing something. (=prohibit somebody's doing something.) 禁止某人做某 事 1. Family finances prohibited his going to college. 他的家庭经济情况不容许他上大学。 2. The price prohibited us from buying it 这东西价格太高, 我们买不起。 to ban (from) a prohibition imposed by law or official decree; to forbid, especially by law; 禁令,禁止 1. After the accident, he was banned from driving. 事故发生后,他被禁止开车。 2. The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations. 新的军人政府禁止罢工和示威活动。 to levy (on, upon) to impose or collect (a tax, for example); to demand or collect officially 征税,征收或收集(如税款) 1. The government has decided to levy a special tax on tobacco. 政府已决定对烟草征收特别税。 2. Personal income tax is levied for those whose annual income is more than 120.000 yuan in China. 在中国,个人收入调节税只对那些年收入在 12 万以上的人群征收。 to flourish to do or fare well; prosper; to be alive and well; to grow healthily; to be active and successful 实行或进 展得好,昌盛,茂盛,繁荣, 兴旺发达 1. No village on the railroad failed to flourish. 凡是沿铁路的村庄都很繁荣。 2. The company has really flourished since we moved our factory to China. 自从我们把工厂搬到中国以后,公司就真正兴旺发达起来了。 to persuade to induce to undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of argument, reasoning, or entreaty 劝导,说服 1. To make children fit to live in a society by persuading them to learn and accept its codes. 通过劝说孩子们学习和接受社会规范使他们适应社会生活。 2. Despite all my efforts to persuade him, he wouldn’t agree

裢岗号 《商务英语》 授课教案 尽管我竭尽全力劝他,他还是不同意。 prior to preceding,before先于,在…以前 1.Audience can relax in the lounge prior to entering the theater. 观众在进入影院之前可以先在休息室内放松一下。 2.The agreements should be completed prior to the departure of your company's negotiators. 我们应该在贵公司谈判代表离开之前完成该项协议。 to take something into account take account of something;to take into consideration;allow for.考虑,顾及 1.Whatever we do,we must take both our own interests and others'into account. 无论我们做什么,我们既要考虑自己的利益,也要考虑他人的利益。 2.These figures do not take changes in the inflation into account.[Biz] 这些数字没有顾及通货膨胀方面的变化。 so adj.adv.+that... 如此…,以至于… 1.He was so fat that he couldn't get through the door. 他这么胖以至于他不能通过这道门。 2.She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them. 她把那些事件描述得活灵活现,我几乎象是能够亲眼目睹了。 3.The price you quote is so high that I feel it very difficult for us to reach an agreement. 你方报价太高了,以至于我觉得我们很难达成协议 Compare:such n.that... 1.She is such a kind girl that everyone of us likes her. 2.She is so kind that everyone of us likes her. 1.The research conclusion was made afterwards,that one market was so far away that the transport costs were too heavy. 后来得出的调查结论是一个市场非常远,运输成本太高。 2.Another market levied such heavy duties that again the prices would have been too high. 另一市场征收的关税太高,这样价格又会太高。 to carry out To fulfill;.complete,perform,conduct实现,完成,进行,实行,执行 1.I have carried out my work. 我己经完成了我的工作。 2.We carried out experiments on medicine to cure SARS 我们对治愈“非典”的药品进行了试验

《商务英语》 授课教案 5 尽管我竭尽全力劝他,他还是不同意。 prior to preceding, before 先于,在…以前 1. Audience can relax in the lounge prior to entering the theater. 观众在进入影院之前可以先在休息室内放松一下。 2. The agreements should be completed prior to the departure of your company’s negotiators. 我们应该在贵公司谈判代表离开之前完成该项协议。 to take something into account take account of something.; to take into consideration; allow for.考虑,顾及 1. Whatever we do, we must take both our own interests and others’ into account. 无论我们做什么,我们既要考虑自己的利益,也要考虑他人的利益。 2. These figures do not take changes in the inflation into account. [Biz] 这些数字没有顾及通货膨胀方面的变化。 so + adj. / adv. + that… 如此……,以至于…… 1. He was so fat that he couldn’t get through the door. 他这么胖以至于他不能通过这道门。 2. She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them. 她把那些事件描述得活灵活现,我几乎象是能够亲眼目睹了。 3. The price you quote is so high that I feel it very difficult for us to reach an agreement. 你方报价太高了,以至于我觉得我们很难达成协议 Compare: such + n. + that… 1. She is such a kind girl that everyone of us likes her. 2. She is so kind that everyone of us likes her. 1. The research conclusion was made afterwards, that one market was so far away that the transport costs were too heavy. 后来得出的调查结论是一个市场非常远,运输成本太高。 2. Another market levied such heavy duties that again the prices would have been too high. 另一市场征收的关税太高,这样价格又会太高。 to carry out To fulfill; complete; perform; conduct 实现,完成, 进行,实行,执行 1. I have carried out my work. 我已经完成了我的工作。 2. We carried out experiments on medicine to cure SARS. 我们对治愈“非典”的药品进行了试验

莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 3.It is our obligation to carry out the long-term agreement. 执行长期协议是我们的职责。 with the help of 1.在.的帮助下 We completed the project with the help of Professor Wang. 在王教授的帮助下我们完成了这项工程。 2.利用,借助于 We completed compiling the book with the help of written materials and books 我们借助于许多书面资料和书籍完成了本书的编撰。 With the help of the market research,our products have entered the market of this country successfully. 在这份市场调查的帮助下,我们的产品成功地进入了该国市场。 The failure of managers to understand cultural differences,the failure to remember that customers differ from country to country,and the lack of investigation into whether or not a market exists prior to market entry have made international business a high-risk activity. 经理们不理解文化差异,忘记不同国家之间顾客的差异,在进入之前对是否存在市场缺乏调 研。所有这些因素使国际贸易成为一项高风险的活动。划线部分是本句的主语。 Getting information from published sources is often called 'desk research'... 从出版的书面材料中获得信息通常被称为“案头研究”。 desk research案头研究(市场研究术语),桌上研究调查,室内研究 动名词短语“Getting information”在句中做主语。 In most cases,exporting goods to other countries requires paying duties. 大部分情况下,出口商品到其他国家需要交关税。 比较:field research现场调研 Field research is often taken to mean... 现场调查研究通常被认为意味着. field research:现场调查研究,与desk research相对. Be taken to.的意思为be considered to..;be assumed to..被认为,被当作 The matter is taken to have been settled. 这件事情被认为已决定下来。 .make this practicable.使之可以行得通。this做动词make的宾语,practicable做宾补。句式 make+宾语+宾补(n./adj./inf..) To make it clean; To make him dean of the institute;

《商务英语》 授课教案 6 3. It is our obligation to carry out the long-term agreement. 执行长期协议是我们的职责。 with the help of 1. 在...的帮助下 We completed the project with the help of Professor Wang. 在王教授的帮助下我们完成了这项工程。 2. 利用,借助于 We completed compiling the book with the help of written materials and books. 我们借助于许多书面资料和书籍完成了本书的编撰。 With the help of the market research, our products have entered the market of this country successfully. 在这份市场调查的帮助下,我们的产品成功地进入了该国市场。 The failure of managers to understand cultural differences, the failure to remember that customers differ from country to country, and the lack of investigation into whether or not a market exists prior to market entry have made international business a high-risk activity. 经理们不理解文化差异,忘记不同国家之间顾客的差异,在进入之前对是否存在市场缺乏调 研。所有这些因素使国际贸易成为一项高风险的活动。划线部分是本句的主语。 Getting information from published sources is often called ‘desk research’ … 从出版的书面材料中获得信息通常被称为“案头研究”。 desk research 案头研究(市场研究术语), 桌上研究调查, 室内研究 动名词短语“Getting information”在句中做主语。 In most cases, exporting goods to other countries requires paying duties. 大部分情况下,出口商品到其他国家需要交关税。 比较: field research 现场调研 Field research is often taken to mean… 现场调查研究通常被认为意味着… field research: 现场调查研究,与 desk research 相对。 Be taken to…的意思为 be considered to…; be assumed to… 被认为,被当作 The matter is taken to have been settled. 这件事情被认为已决定下来。 …make this practicable …使之可以行得通。this 做动词 make 的宾语,practicable 做宾补。句式 make + 宾语 + 宾补 (n./ adj. / inf…) To make it clean; To make him dean of the institute;

裤尉6黄学 《商务英语》 授课教案 To make us laugh It was suggested to the company that it should do something about getting information.有人向该 公司建议公司应该做些什么以获得信息。 “It be suggested to sb..that.”的意思是“向某人建议.”,动词suggest作“建议”解时,后面 从句的谓语动词需采用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词形式为should+动词原形,should可以省略。 .nor was there any ban on imports也没有禁止进口。否定词“nor”引导的句子要倒装。 .the total number of books imported,..进口笔记本的总数。过去分词“imported”做后置定语, 修饰名词“books”。 Make a conclusion得出结论。 同义短语: to arrive at a conclusion to come to a conclusion to draw a conclusion to reach a conclusion The manager of the factory visited the country concerned.工厂经理访问了有关国家。句中 concerned[常用于名词之后]有关(方面)的,被牵连的 the authorities concerned 有关当局 the parties concerned 关系人,当事人 (the)quarters concerned 有关方面 1.Where work is concerned,I always try to do my best. 至于工作,我总是竭尽全力地干。 Summary Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more successfully.The lesson will illustrate that such research provides the information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are based

《商务英语》 授课教案 7 To make us laugh It was suggested to the company that it should do something about getting information. 有人向该 公司建议公司应该做些什么以获得信息。 “It be suggested to sb. that…”的意思是“向某人建议…” ,动词 suggest 作“建议”解时,后面 从句的谓语动词需采用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词形式为 should +动词原形,should 可以省略。 …nor was there any ban on imports 也没有禁止进口。否定词“nor”引导的句子要倒装。 …the total number of books imported,…进口笔记本的总数。过去分词“imported”做后置定语, 修饰名词“books”。 Make a conclusion 得出结论。 同义短语: to arrive at a conclusion to come to a conclusion to draw a conclusion to reach a conclusion The manager of the factory visited the country concerned. 工厂经理访问了有关国家。句中 concerned[常用于名词之后]有关(方面)的, 被牵连的 the authorities concerned 有关当局 the parties concerned 关系人, 当事人 (the)quarters concerned 有关方面 1. Where work is concerned,I always try to do my best. 至于工作, 我总是竭尽全力地干。 Summary Market research helps businesses identify consumer needs and wants so a company can develop and promote products more successfully. The lesson will illustrate that such research provides the information upon which important advertising and marketing decisions are based

莲纤经行贺大号 《商务英语》 授课教案 Comprehension questions 1.Why is international business a high-risk activity? 2.Why is international market research helpful to international business success? 3.What is a"desk research"?And why? 4.What does "field research"usually mean?And why? 5.What have you learnt from the case study?

《商务英语》 授课教案 8 Comprehension questions 1. Why is international business a high-risk activity? 2. Why is international market research helpful to international business success? 3. What is a “desk research”? And why? 4. What does “field research” usually mean? And why? 5. What have you learnt from the case study?



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