蓬黄所大号 《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 14 MARKET SELECTION Objectives A.To help the students to gain insight into the importance and necessity of market selection B.To know better the different ways and procedures in carrying out the market selection C.To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction There is such a saying as "what a man should fear is to take a wrong trade,and what a woman should fear is to marry a wrong man".Then what should we be wary of most when we attempt to develop our overseas markets?And how should we try to avoid the unnecessary losses during our market selection? 俗话说:“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”。那么我们这些做国际贸易的要想开拓海外市场,最怕的应该是什么呢? 这个不用细说,恐怕大家也能猜个八九不离十:把钱投在了不应该投的地方,或者把货物运到根本没有市场没 有销路的国家或地区。本课要谈的就是如何尽量避免这种不必要的损失,以及怎样在市场选择中确保我们利益 的最大化。 Main points of the text A.1.We must be selective and concentrate our marketing efforts on the markets which will yield the best results B.1.We must try to identify,at minimum cost,the markets on which we should concentrate our research efforts C.1.Process of market selection:search for gold D.1.Process of market selection for export product E.1.The best initial indicator:product being presently imported or not 2.National data:governmental organizations 3.International data:UNCYAD and OECD F.1.Tips and precautions for market selection 2.To concentrate on one or two markets to start with 3.Try to break down difficulties into practical problems
《商务英语》 授课教案 1 Chapter 14 MARKET SELECTION Objectives A. To help the students to gain insight into the importance and necessity of market selection B. To know better the different ways and procedures in carrying out the market selection C. To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction There is such a saying as “what a man should fear is to take a wrong trade, and what a woman should fear is to marry a wrong man”. Then what should we be wary of most when we attempt to develop our overseas markets? And how should we try to avoid the unnecessary losses during our market selection? 俗话说:“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”。那么我们这些做国际贸易的要想开拓海外市场,最怕的应该是什么呢? 这个不用细说,恐怕大家也能猜个八九不离十:把钱投在了不应该投的地方,或者把货物运到根本没有市场没 有销路的国家或地区。本课要谈的就是如何尽量避免这种不必要的损失,以及怎样在市场选择中确保我们利益 的最大化。 Main points of the text A. 1. We must be selective and concentrate our marketing efforts on the markets which will yield the best results B. 1. We must try to identify, at minimum cost, the markets on which we should concentrate our research efforts C. 1. Process of market selection: search for gold D. 1. Process of market selection for export product E. 1. The best initial indicator: product being presently imported or not 2. National data: governmental organizations 3. International data: UNCYAD and OECD F. 1. Tips and precautions for market selection 2. To concentrate on one or two markets to start with 3. Try to break down difficulties into practical problems
尉氏写蜀易孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 4.To keep within the capacity 5.To make certain at the start that you are going to be profitable Background and terminology market selection 市场选择 又可称为“市场区隔”、“市场分片”、“市场划分”等。是指按照一定原则和变数,把某一整体市 场细分为欲望和需求大体相同的消费群体,结合自身的资源条件,选择一个或几个消费群体作为 自己目标市场的一种方法。 principles for Market classification 市场细分原则(变数) 就消费群体市场而言,主要有4大类:1)地理,如区域、城乡、气候等:2)社会经济,如年龄、 性别、家庭人口、家庭生命周期、收入、职业、教育、民族、社会阶层等:3)心理,如生活方式、 个性等,4)购买行为,如购买动机、消费者所追求的利益、使用者情况、消费者对品牌的信赖程 度等。 target market 目标市场 是指在整体市场细分后,被选定为营销活动目标的“子市场”。目标市场应具备三个条件:1)拥 有相当大的购买力和有足够的销售量:2)有较理想的尚未满足的消费需要和有充分发展的潜在购 买力:3)竞争对手还未能控制整个市场。 UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development).联合国贸易与发展会议 第二次世界大战以后,众多发展中国家继政治上获得独立后努力发展民族经济,但由于旧的国际 经济秩序的严重阻碍,发展中国家经济遭受极大损害:初级产品出口停滞,贸易条件恶化,国际 收支逆差不断扩大。为此,广大发展中国家积极呼吁召开国际性会议,研究和解决它们的经济和 贸易发展问题。1962年月12月18日,联大批准召开贸易与发展问题大会。1964年3-6月首届联 合国贸易与发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)在日内瓦召开。 贸发会议的宗旨是促进国际贸易,特别是促进发展中国家间的贸易和不同经济体制与社会结构的 国家间的贸易:制定有关国际贸易和经济发展问题的原则和政策,并提出实施计划;审议、推进 和开展与联合国系统内有关机构在国际贸易和经济发展领域内和各项协作活动:协调各国政府和 区域性经济集团的有关贸易及发展政策。 2
《商务英语》 授课教案 2 4. To keep within the capacity 5. To make certain at the start that you are going to be profitable Background and terminology market selection 市场选择 又可称为“市场区隔”、“市场分片”、“市场划分”等。是指按照一定原则和变数,把某一整体市 场细分为欲望和需求大体相同的消费群体,结合自身的资源条件,选择一个或几个消费群体作为 自己目标市场的一种方法。 principles for Market classification 市场细分原则(变数) 就消费群体市场而言,主要有 4 大类:1)地理,如区域、城乡、气候等;2)社会经济,如年龄、 性别、家庭人口、家庭生命周期、收入、职业、教育、民族、社会阶层等;3)心理,如生活方式、 个性等,4)购买行为,如购买动机、消费者所追求的利益、使用者情况、消费者对品牌的信赖程 度等。 target market 目标市场 是指在整体市场细分后,被选定为营销活动目标的“子市场”。目标市场应具备三个条件:1)拥 有相当大的购买力和有足够的销售量;2)有较理想的尚未满足的消费需要和有充分发展的潜在购 买力;3)竞争对手还未能控制整个市场。 UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易与发展会议 第二次世界大战以后,众多发展中国家继政治上获得独立后努力发展民族经济,但由于旧的国际 经济秩序的严重阻碍,发展中国家经济遭受极大损害:初级产品出口停滞,贸易条件恶化,国际 收支逆差不断扩大。为此,广大发展中国家积极呼吁召开国际性会议,研究和解决它们的经济和 贸易发展问题。1962 年月 12 月 18 日,联大批准召开贸易与发展问题大会。1964 年 3-6 月首届联 合国贸易与发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)在日内瓦召开。 贸发会议的宗旨是促进国际贸易,特别是促进发展中国家间的贸易和不同经济体制与社会结构的 国家间的贸易;制定有关国际贸易和经济发展问题的原则和政策,并提出实施计划;审议、推进 和开展与联合国系统内有关机构在国际贸易和经济发展领域内和各项协作活动;协调各国政府和 区域性经济集团的有关贸易及发展政策
尉卧喻蜀专大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 贸发会议属联合国机构之一,其常设机构是贸易和发展理事会,秘书处设在日内瓦。贸发会议有 160多个成员国。从1964至今,共召开过十一届贸发会议。我国于1972年4月第一次参加贸发 会议。贸发会议的大部分成员同时是关贸总协定的缔约国家和地区,它在关贸总协定中为维护发 展中国家利益起着重要作用。 在历届会议上,广大发展中国家团结一致,采取统一行动,谴责不合理的旧的国际经济秩序, 揭露帝国主义和超级大国的掠夺、剥削和扩张,并为建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序提出了许多 积极建议和主张,其中有些建议和主张已被联合国采纳。 OECD(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)经济合作与发展组织 【成立日期】其前身是1948年4月由西欧十几个国家在巴黎成立的欧洲经济合作组织。1960年 12月14日,加拿大、美国及欧洲经济合作组织的成员国等共20个国家签署公约,决定成立经济 合作与发展组织。在公约获得规定数目的成员国议会的批准后,经济合作与发展组织于1961年9 月30日在法国巴黎正式宣告成立,简称经合组织或经合发组织。 【宗旨】促进成员国经济和社会的发展,推动世界经济增长:帮助各成员国制定和协调有关政策, 以提高各成员国的生活水平,保持财政的相对稳定;鼓励和协调成员国为援助发展中国家作出努 力,帮助发展中国家改善经济状况,促进非成员国的经济发展。 【成员】29个(1998年底)。1995年加入的成员为捷克(10月28日):1996年加入的成员有匈 牙利(3月29日)、波兰(7月11日)、韩国(10月11日)。 【主要负责人】秘书长Angel Gurria,(芬兰人),2006年上任。 【总部】设在巴黎。 Language points selection the act or an instance of selecting or the fact of having been selected选择,挑选 1.His selection as a presidential candidate was quite unexpected. 他被选为总统候选人颇出乎人们的意料。 selective of or characterized by selection;discriminating,careful in choosing选择的,有选择性的,精挑细选的 1.He's always very selective when he buys his suits. 他买西装时总是要很仔细地挑选。 3
《商务英语》 授课教案 3 贸发会议属 联合国机构之一,其常设机构是贸易和发展理事会,秘书处设在日内瓦。贸发会议有 160 多个成员国。从 1964 至今,共召开过十一届贸发会议。我国于 1972 年 4 月第一次参加贸发 会议。贸发会议的大部分成员同时是关贸总协定的缔约国家和地区,它在关贸总协定中为维护发 展中国家利益起着重要作用。 在历届会议上,广大发展中国家团结一致,采取统一行动,谴责不合理的旧的国际经济秩序, 揭露帝国主义和超级大国的掠夺、剥削和扩张,并为建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序提出了许多 积极建议和主张,其中有些建议和主张已被联合国采纳。 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)经济合作与发展组织 【成立日期】其前身是 1948 年 4 月由西欧十几个国家在巴黎成立的欧洲经济合作组织。1960 年 12 月 14 日,加拿大、美国及欧洲经济合作组织的成员国等共 20 个国家签署公约,决定成立经济 合作与发展组织。在公约获得规定数目的成员国议会的批准后,经济合作与发展组织于 1961 年 9 月 30 日在法国巴黎正式宣告成立,简称经合组织或经合发组织。 【宗旨】促进成员国经济和社会的发展,推动世界经济增长;帮助各成员国制定和协调有关政策, 以提高各成员国的生活水平,保持财政的相对稳定;鼓励和协调成员国为援助发展中国家作出努 力,帮助发展中国家改善经济状况,促进非成员国的经济发展。 【成员】29 个(1998 年底)。1995 年加入的成员为捷克(10 月 28 日);1996 年加入的成员有匈 牙利(3 月 29 日)、波兰(7 月 11 日)、韩国(10 月 11 日)。 【主要负责人】秘书长 Angel Gurria, (芬兰人),2006 年上任。 【总部】设在巴黎。 Language points selection the act or an instance of selecting or the fact of having been selected 选择,挑选 1. His selection as a presidential candidate was quite unexpected. 他被选为总统候选人颇出乎人们的意料。 selective of or characterized by selection; discriminating; careful in choosing 选择的,有选择性的,精挑细选的 1. He’s always very selective when he buys his suits. 他买西装时总是要很仔细地挑选
莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 2.You need a selective weed killer that won't damage your garden flowers. 你需要一种仅对杂草有杀伤力而不会伤害花木的除草剂。 to concentrate (on,upon) to direct one's thoughts,efforts or attention towards a particular activity or purpose;to(cause to)come together in or around one place全神贯注,集中(思想,精力,注意力等),使集中于,使汇集 于 1.This year the company has concentrated on improving its efficiency. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面。 2.The terrorists concentrated their activities on the main supply routes. 恐怖分子把活动集中在主要供给路线上。 3.Industrial development is being concentrated in the Northwest of China. 工业发展目前正集中在中国的西北地区。 to yield to produce a return for effort or investment;to produce,bear or provide,especially as a result of work or effort生利,收益,产生,生产 1.bonds that yield well. 获利很多的债券 2.His business yields big profits 他的生意带来了巨大的利润。 3.That tree yields plenty of fruit. 那棵树结了很多果实。 data factual information,especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions 档案,资料,材料,数据 1.We can't tell you the results of the survey until we have looked at all the data 在没有看完所有的资料之前,我们不能够告诉你调查结果。 2.We use a keyboard to input the data 我们用键盘把数据输入电脑。 to pinpoint to locate or identify with precision;to find or describe exactly (the nature or causes of something) 地定位,找出或确认, 1.Can you pinpoint it on the map for me? 你能给我在地图上准确地指出它的位置吗? 2.Investigators are trying to pinpoint the causes of the air crash. 调查人员正在力图查出飞机失事的原因
《商务英语》 授课教案 4 2. You need a selective weed killer that won’t damage your garden flowers. 你需要一种仅对杂草有杀伤力而不会伤害花木的除草剂。 to concentrate (on, upon) to direct one's thoughts, efforts or attention towards a particular activity or purpose; to (cause to) come together in or around one place 全神贯注,集中(思想,精力,注意力等),使集中于 ,使汇集 于 1. This year the company has concentrated on improving its efficiency. 这家公司今年已经把力量集中在提高效率方面。 2. The terrorists concentrated their activities on the main supply routes. 恐怖分子把活动集中在主要供给路线上。 3. Industrial development is being concentrated in the Northwest of China. 工业发展目前正集中在中国的西北地区。 to yield to produce a return for effort or investment; to produce, bear or provide, especially as a result of work or effort 生利,收益,产生,生产 1. bonds that yield well. 获利很多的债券 2. His business yields big profits. 他的生意带来了巨大的利润。 3. That tree yields plenty of fruit. 那棵树结了很多果实。 data factual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions 档案,资料,材料,数据 1. We can’t tell you the results of the survey until we have looked at all the data. 在没有看完所有的资料之前,我们不能够告诉你调查结果。 2. We use a keyboard to input the data. 我们用键盘把数据输入电脑。 to pinpoint to locate or identify with precision; to find or describe exactly (the nature or causes of something) 精确 地定位,找出或确认, 1. Can you pinpoint it on the map for me? 你能给我在地图上准确地指出它的位置吗? 2. Investigators are trying to pinpoint the causes of the air crash. 调查人员正在力图查出飞机失事的原因
生 尉纤所蜀号大孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 to survey to examine or look at in a comprehensive way;to examine the condition of,especially professionally 览,从广泛的方面检查或察看,鉴定,检查 1.If you survey the current state of Chinese industry,it is pretty encouraging. 如果你审视中国工业的现状,情况是颇为令人振奋的。 2,Have the house surveyed before you buy it. 买房子之前,你要找人对它作一次鉴定。 to discard to throw away;reject;.to get rid of as useless;to give up丢弃,抛弃,垫牌 1.You can't discard that old coat.That was a gift from my parents 你不能丢弃那件旧外衣。那是我父母给我的礼物。 2.You have to discard before you can pick up another card. 你得先打出一张牌,然后才能再取一张。 to attain to gain as an objective,achieve;to gain or arrive at after long effort,reach(长期努力后)达到,获得, 取得 1.She attained rank of deputy director at the age of 32 她32岁时就晋升为副局长。 2.He attained his objectives in business at last after two years'study of MBA abroad. 经过两年国外工商管理的学习,他终于在商界实现了个人的目标。 to eliminate (from) to leave out or omit from consideration;to remove or get rid of completely;排除,不予考虑或忽略, 淘汰,剔除 1.Can we ever eliminate hunger from the world? 我们能把饥饿从地球上根除吗? 2.Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round. 我们队在竞赛的第一轮就被淘汰了。 to repay (to,by,for,with) to make a return or compensation for;to pay back;to return (what is owed)to(someone);to reward 报,补偿,偿还,报答,回报 1.The company repays hard work with bonuses. 公司对努力工作的员工给予奖励。 2.He repaid their hospitality by stealing their camera. 他偷了他们的相机来回报他们的好意。 in the interest(s)of/in one's interest(s)
《商务英语》 授课教案 5 to survey to examine or look at in a comprehensive way; to examine the condition of, especially professionally 综 览,从广泛的方面检查或察看,鉴定,检查 1. If you survey the current state of Chinese industry, it is pretty encouraging. 如果你审视中国工业的现状,情况是颇为令人振奋的。 2, Have the house surveyed before you buy it. 买房子之前,你要找人对它作一次鉴定。 to discard to throw away; reject; to get rid of as useless; to give up 丢弃,抛弃,垫牌 1. You can’t discard that old coat. That was a gift from my parents. 你不能丢弃那件旧外衣。那是我父母给我的礼物。 2. You have to discard before you can pick up another card. 你得先打出一张牌,然后才能再取一张。 to attain to gain as an objective; achieve; to gain or arrive at after long effort; reach (长期努力后)达到,获得, 取得 1. She attained rank of deputy director at the age of 32. 她 32 岁时就晋升为副局长。 2. He attained his objectives in business at last after two years’ study of MBA abroad. 经过两年国外工商管理的学习,他终于在商界实现了个人的目标。 to eliminate (from) to leave out or omit from consideration; to remove or get rid of completely; 排除,不予考虑或忽略, 淘汰,剔除 1. Can we ever eliminate hunger from the world? 我们能把饥饿从地球上根除吗? 2. Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round. 我们队在竞赛的第一轮就被淘汰了。 to repay (to, by, for, with) to make a return or compensation for; to pay back; to return (what is owed) to (someone); to reward 回 报,补偿,偿还,报答,回报 1. The company repays hard work with bonuses. 公司对努力工作的员工给予奖励。 2. He repaid their hospitality by stealing their camera. 他偷了他们的相机来回报他们的好意。 in the interest(s) of/ in one’s interest(s)
莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 为了,为了的利益 1.We should work in the interest(s)of humanity. 我们应该为人类谋福利。 2.Brown travels in Asia in the interests of a business firm. 布朗为一商行的利益而旅行于亚洲。 3.It is in the best interest of all parties concerned to discuss and decide on a practicable shipping schedule for this order. 为这笔订货商讨决定出一项切实可行的装船计划对各方来说都最为有利。 4.We hope that in your own interests you will make arrangements to clear your account without further delay. 我们希望,你方为自己利益着想要结清欠款,勿再延迟。 in terms of. 根据,按照 1.We should plan and program facilities in terms of their interrelationships. 我们应按照设施的内在关系来计划和设置它们。 在...方面,就.…而言,关于 1.We trust that our product is attractive enough to your endusers in terms of both quality and price. 我们相信,我方产品在品质和价格方面对贵方用户都有足够的吸引力。 用..言词 1.They referred to your service in terms of high praise. 他们对你方的服务大加赞扬。 用..方法,用..方式 1.The prices on our Invoice are quoted in terms of US dollars 我方发票中的价格是用美元开列的 to start by 先做某事 1.The company started by writing to the embassy for the relevant information. 公司先给大使馆写信获取相关信息。 Compared with“start with”以.开始,例如: 1.Knowledge starts with practice. 认识从实践开始。 2.The sports meeting started with an opening ceremony. 运动会以开幕式开始的。 by hand by a person rather than a machine用手,人工完成
《商务英语》 授课教案 6 为了, 为了...的利益 1. We should work in the interest(s) of humanity. 我们应该为人类谋福利。 2. Brown travels in Asia in the interests of a business firm. 布朗为一商行的利益而旅行于亚洲。 3. It is in the best interest of all parties concerned to discuss and decide on a practicable shipping schedule for this order. 为这笔订货商讨决定出一项切实可行的装船计划对各方来说都最为有利。 4. We hope that in your own interests you will make arrangements to clear your account without further delay. 我们希望,你方为自己利益着想要结清欠款,勿再延迟。 in terms of. 根据,按照 1. We should plan and program facilities in terms of their interrelationships. 我们应按照设施的内在关系来计划和设置它们。 在……方面,就……而言,关于 1. We trust that our product is attractive enough to your endusers in terms of both quality and price. 我们相信,我方产品在品质和价格方面对贵方用户都有足够的吸引力。 用……言词 1. They referred to your service in terms of high praise. 他们对你方的服务大加赞扬。 用……方法,用……方式 1. The prices on our Invoice are quoted in terms of US dollars. 我方发票中的价格是用美元开列的 to start by 先做某事 1. The company started by writing to the embassy for the relevant information. 公司先给大使馆写信获取相关信息。 Compared with “start with” 以...开始,例如: 1. Knowledge starts with practice. 认识从实践开始。 2. The sports meeting started with an opening ceremony. 运动会以开幕式开始的。 by hand by a person rather than a machine 用手,人工完成
莲肉纤黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 1.All the articles are made by hand 所有的物件都是手工制作的。 2.The fabric was painted by hand. 这件织品是手工染的。 a large amount of 大量 1.We have spent a large amount of money. 我们花去了一大笔款项。 2.The business involves large amounts of money. 这笔业务需要投入大量的金钱。 to narrow down. to reduce the number of possibilities or choices减少,限制,缩小范围 1.We should try to narrow down the argument in our business negotiation. 在我们的商务谈判中,我们应该尽量限制争论的范围。 2.We narrowed the possibilities for our market selection down to three. 我们把可能选择的市场减至三个。 2.缩小,变窄 1.The sea narrows down into a strait. 海变窄形成海峡。 to break down to stop working because of a fault;to fail;to lose control of;to become very bad;to divide into parts to be analysed瓦解,崩溃,失败,落空 1.His resistance will break down in time. 他的抵抗终久是会瓦解的。 2.Negotiations have broken down. 谈判已破裂。 (指机器等)出毛病,坏掉 The engine broke down. 发动机坏掉了。 3.身体或精神衰弱 His health broke down. 他的身体变衰弱了。 4.情绪失去控制(如突然大哭) She broke down when she heard the news. 她听到那消息就哭了起来。 >
《商务英语》 授课教案 7 1. All the articles are made by hand. 所有的物件都是手工制作的。 2. The fabric was painted by hand. 这件织品是手工染的。 a large amount of 大量 1. We have spent a large amount of money. 我们花去了一大笔款项。 2. The business involves large amounts of money. 这笔业务需要投入大量的金钱。 to narrow down. to reduce the number of possibilities or choices 减少, 限制,缩小范围 1. We should try to narrow down the argument in our business negotiation. 在我们的商务谈判中,我们应该尽量限制争论的范围。 2. We narrowed the possibilities for our market selection down to three. 我们把可能选择的市场减至三个。 2.缩小, 变窄 1. The sea narrows down into a strait. 海变窄形成海峡。 to break down to stop working because of a fault; to fail; to lose control of; to become very bad; to divide into parts to be analysed 瓦解, 崩溃,失败, 落空 1. His resistance will break down in time. 他的抵抗终久是会瓦解的。 2. Negotiations have broken down. 谈判已破裂。 (指机器等)出毛病,坏掉 The engine broke down. 发动机坏掉了。 3.身体或精神衰弱 His health broke down. 他的身体变衰弱了。 4.情绪失去控制(如突然大哭) She broke down when she heard the news. 她听到那消息就哭了起来
岗纤衡蜀易上孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 vt. 5.将(门,墙等)捣毁 The policeman broke the door down with his body. 警察用身体撞倒了门。 6.武力推翻:镇压 The police broke down all resistance. 警察镇压一切抵抗。 7.分析,分类(统计资料) The salesman broke down expenditure. 营业员列出开支细目。 8.分解..之化学成分 Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖与淀粉在胃中被分解。 to deal with 与有生意往来,与.交易 1.Do you deal with Smith,the butcher? 你与肉商史密斯有生意来往吗? 2.We've dealt with the same firm for years. 我们同该公司已有多年的交易。 与交往,与相处 1.That man is easy to deal with. 那人容易相处。 对付,处理 1.How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的窃盗,你将如何对付? 2.It is not easy to deal with the Japanese customers. 日本客户不好对付。 关于,论述,涉及 1.This is a book dealing with West Africa. 这是本关于西非的书。 2.We shall deal with this subject in our next market report. 我们将在下次市场报告中谈论这个问题。 to go after to chase or follow,to try to get追求,设法得到 1.He's gone after a job in the City. 他去伦敦老城求职。 2.The factory goes after profits by all means. 工厂以一切手段谋取利润
《商务英语》 授课教案 8 vt. 5. 将(门,墙等)捣毁 The policeman broke the door down with his body. 警察用身体撞倒了门。 6.武力推翻;镇压 The police broke down all resistance. 警察镇压一切抵抗。 7.分析,分类(统计资料) The salesman broke down expenditure. 营业员列出开支细目。 8.分解……之化学成分 Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖与淀粉在胃中被分解。 to deal with 与...有生意往来,与…交易 1. Do you deal with Smith, the butcher? 你与肉商史密斯有生意来往吗? 2. We’ve dealt with the same firm for years. 我们同该公司已有多年的交易。 与...交往,与…相处 1. That man is easy to deal with. 那人容易相处。 对付,处理 1. How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的窃盗,你将如何对付? 2. It is not easy to deal with the Japanese customers. 日本客户不好对付。 关于,论述, 涉及 1. This is a book dealing with West Africa. 这是本关于西非的书。 2. We shall deal with this subject in our next market report. 我们将在下次市场报告中谈论这个问题。 to go after to chase or follow; to try to get 追求, 设法得到 1. He’s gone after a job in the City. 他去伦敦老城求职。 2. The factory goes after profits by all means. 工厂以一切手段谋取利润
尉氏写蜀号孝 《商务英语》 授课教案 to make certain (of something/of doing something,that) to find out whether something is definitely true;to do something in order to be sure that something will happen确定,弄明白,确保 1.Make certain the letter is post-marked by October 1 so that you may be sure that your order will arrive on time. 请一定在10月1日寄出来信、打上邮戳,这样你方就有把握使订单按时到达了。 2.You will have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time. 你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。 at the start (of) the point at which something begins开始,起初,开头,开端 1.At the start,the company was run at a loss. 开始时公司是亏损经营。 2.Things don't look too hopeful at the start of the year. 在年初,情况显得并不十分美妙。 Compared with“at the beginning(of)”起初,开始 It is used for the time and place when something begins.指开始的时间和地点 1.We are going to Japan at the beginning of July. 我们七月初要去日本。 to stay away (from) To not go near a particular person or place外出,不接近 1.The boy often stayed away from school 这个男生经常旷课。 2.I want you to stay away from my daughter. 我要你离我女儿远远的。 3.While doing business,we should try to be cautious and stay away from the individuals or enterprises with a bad financial standing. 做生意时,我们要尽量小心,避开那些资信状况不好的个人或企业。 Our resources,and particularly our trained marketing personnel,are scarce;we must be selective and concentrate our marketing efforts on the markets which will yield the best result. 我们的资源,尤其是那些经过训练的销售人员,十分缺乏;我们必须要有选择地把销售精力集中 在将产生最好结果的市场上。 which will yield the best result是定语从句,修饰先行词markets.. We must therefore try to identify,at minimum cost,the markets on which we should concentrate our research effort. 因此,我们必须努力以最低的代价确定我们应该集中精力调查的市场。 at minimum cost以最低的代价或者以最低的成本。 在the markets on which we should concentrate our research effort中,on which.是定语从句,修饰
《商务英语》 授课教案 9 to make certain (of something/of doing something, that) to find out whether something is definitely true; to do something in order to be sure that something will happen 确定, 弄明白,确保 1. Make certain the letter is post-marked by October 1 so that you may be sure that your order will arrive on time. 请一定在 10 月 1 日寄出来信、打上邮戳,这样你方就有把握使订单按时到达了。 2. You will have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time. 你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。 at the start (of) the point at which something begins 开始, 起初,开头,开端 1. At the start, the company was run at a loss. 开始时公司是亏损经营。 2. Things don’t look too hopeful at the start of the year. 在年初,情况显得并不十分美妙。 Compared with “at the beginning (of)” 起初,开始 It is used for the time and place when something begins.指开始的时间和地点 1. We are going to Japan at the beginning of July. 我们七月初要去日本。 to stay away (from) To not go near a particular person or place 外出,不接近 1. The boy often stayed away from school. 这个男生经常旷课。 2. I want you to stay away from my daughter. 我要你离我女儿远远的。 3. While doing business, we should try to be cautious and stay away from the individuals or enterprises with a bad financial standing. 做生意时,我们要尽量小心,避开那些资信状况不好的个人或企业。 Our resources, and particularly our trained marketing personnel, are scarce; we must be selective and concentrate our marketing efforts on the markets which will yield the best result. 我们的资源,尤其是那些经过训练的销售人员,十分缺乏;我们必须要有选择地把销售精力集中 在将产生最好结果的市场上。 which will yield the best result 是定语从句,修饰先行词 markets。 We must therefore try to identify, at minimum cost, the markets on which we should concentrate our research effort. 因此,我们必须努力以最低的代价确定我们应该集中精力调查的市场。 at minimum cost 以最低的代价或者以最低的成本。 在 the markets on which we should concentrate our research effort 中,on which…是定语从句,修饰
岗仟所蜀号大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 先行词markets,动词短语中的concentrate..on中的介词on提前,放在关系代词which前面。 He starts by studying general geological data,then he pinpoints particular areas and surveys them perhaps from the air,then he gets on the ground and finally,after more investigation,he searches the mineral-bearing ore by hand for the actual target. 他首先研究一般的地质数据,然后精确定位到特殊领域,可能先从空中测量,然后到地面上, 最后,在进行了更多的调查之后,人工在含有矿物的矿石中寻找实际的目标。 在本句中,注意几个表示先后发生的动作的词:start,study,.pinpoint,survey,.get on,investigation,. search,这些词由连接词then,then,finally连接。 ...until he is successful,he finds the countries or the groups within parts of countries,to whom he can profitably sell his products. 直到最后他成功地找到一些国家或这些国家一些地方上的集团。他能够通过向他们出售其产品而 获利。 until he is successful是时间状语从句,主句是其后的he finds..,另外,to whom he can profitably sell his products是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词countries or the groups。 At each stage the search costs,so that it is essential to eliminate as quickly as possible those markets which will not repay the research effort. 在每一个阶段,调查都要花费很多,因此,尽可能快地排除那些将不会产生回报的市场是必要的。 本句中,so that引导的是结果状语从句,其含义不是它引导目的状语从句时的“为了或者以便”, 而是相当于“so”,含有“因此;所以,结果是”的意思。eliminate和它的带which引导的定语从 句的宾语被as quickly as possible隔开。 句式It is essential to do.../that clause,有必要做某事。 The best initial indicator of whether a market will be able to buy a particular product is the fact that the same product is or is not presently being imported by that country. 一个市场是否能够购买某种特定的产品最好的最初指示符就是那个国家目前是否正在进口同样的 产品。 of whether a market will be able to buy a particular product中介词of后面跟上从句子,构成介宾结 构,做indicator的后置定语。 the fact that the same product is or is not presently being imported by that country是系动词be的表语。 其中的that从句是名词fact的同位语。 Summary How to select a targeted market for export is of great importance to every exporter.From this lesson,we will have brief idea about the importance,the aims,and the procedures of market selection. 10
《商务英语》 授课教案 10 先行词 markets,动词短语中的 concentrate… on 中的介词 on 提前,放在关系代词 which 前面。 He starts by studying general geological data, then he pinpoints particular areas and surveys them perhaps from the air, then he gets on the ground and finally, after more investigation, he searches the mineral-bearing ore by hand for the actual target. 他首先研究一般的地质数据,然后精确定位到特殊领域,可能先从空中测量,然后到地面上, 最后,在进行了更多的调查之后,人工在含有矿物的矿石中寻找实际的目标。 在本句中,注意几个表示先后发生的动作的词:start, study, pinpoint, survey, get on, investigation, search,这些词由连接词 then, then, finally 连接。 …; until he is successful, he finds the countries or the groups within parts of countries, to whom he can profitably sell his products. 直到最后他成功地找到一些国家或这些国家一些地方上的集团。他能够通过向他们出售其产品而 获利。 until he is successful 是时间状语从句,主句是其后的 he finds…,另外,to whom he can profitably sell his products 是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 countries or the groups。 At each stage the search costs, so that it is essential to eliminate as quickly as possible those markets which will not repay the research effort. 在每一个阶段,调查都要花费很多,因此,尽可能快地排除那些将不会产生回报的市场是必要的。 本句中,so that 引导的是结果状语从句,其含义不是它引导目的状语从句时的“为了或者以便”, 而是相当于“so”,含有“因此;所以,结果是”的意思。eliminate 和它的带 which 引导的定语从 句的宾语被 as quickly as possible 隔开。 句式 It is essential to do…/that clause, 有必要做某事。 The best initial indicator of whether a market will be able to buy a particular product is the fact that the same product is or is not presently being imported by that country. 一个市场是否能够购买某种特定的产品最好的最初指示符就是那个国家目前是否正在进口同样的 产品。 of whether a market will be able to buy a particular product 中介词 of 后面跟上从句子,构成介宾结 构,做 indicator 的后置定语。 the fact that the same product is or is not presently being imported by that country 是系动词 be 的表语。 其中的 that 从句是名词 fact 的同位语。 Summary How to select a targeted market for export is of great importance to every exporter. From this lesson, we will have brief idea about the importance, the aims, and the procedures of market selection