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对外经济贸易大学:《商务英语》课程教学资源(授课教案)Chapter 29 Money


莲肉纤经黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 29 Money I.Objectives By the end of the chapter,students should have some ideas about ·the money the functions of money the development of money in history the different forms of money some new words and special terms related to money ·adverbial clause Approach 。 Warming up:discussion of new words and special terms about the money Paraphrasing:major words and sentences Questions and answers on the text 。 Class discussion:ideas about the money Translation:key sentences. Summarizing:the text II.Introduction 中国有这么一句俚语:“金钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是不行的”。我们所说的金钱,指的就 是货币。其实,货币是商品交换的媒介,但货币不是天生就有的。在货币产生之前曾有许多 商品充当过货币的角色。纸币的出现是贸易史上的一大革命,它使商品交换更加容易从而更 加频繁,这大大促进了贸易的发展。 Money is the medium of exchange,but it didn't exist at the very beginning of the exchange among people.Throughout history all kinds of commodities have been used as money.Today every government has its own currency and tries its best to guarantee the value of its currency. III.Main points of the text 1.As everybody knows,money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange. 2.Definition of money. 3.Explanations of coins,paper money and cheques 4.The role of the note-issuing country to keep its value IV.Background and terminology:

《商务英语》 授课教案 1 Chapter 29 Money I. Objectives By the end of the chapter, students should have some ideas about • the money • the functions of money • the development of money in history • the different forms of money • some new words and special terms related to money • adverbial clause Approach • Warming up: discussion of new words and special terms about the money • Paraphrasing: major words and sentences • Questions and answers on the text • Class discussion: ideas about the money • Translation: key sentences. • Summarizing: the text II. Introduction 中国有这么一句俚语:“金钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是不行的”。我们所说的金钱,指的就 是货币。其实,货币是商品交换的媒介,但货币不是天生就有的。在货币产生之前曾有许多 商品充当过货币的角色。纸币的出现是贸易史上的一大革命,它使商品交换更加容易从而更 加频繁,这大大促进了贸易的发展。 Money is the medium of exchange, but it didn’t exist at the very beginning of the exchange among people. Throughout history all kinds of commodities have been used as money. Today every government has its own currency and tries its best to guarantee the value of its currency. III. Main points of the text 1. As everybody knows, money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange. 2. Definition of money. 3. Explanations of coins, paper money and cheques 4. The role of the note-issuing country to keep its value IV. Background and terminology:

莲纤经行贺大号 《商务英语》 授课教案 1.Solomon Islands Malaita,Solomon Islands Malaita is part of the independent country of Solomon Islands,a monarchy which includes most of the Solomon Islands group in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.The entire Solomon Island chain extends about 1450 km (about 900 mi)and includes islands under the jurisdiction of Papua New Guinea.The islands are mountainous,with heavily forested volcanos rising steeply from the coastlines.The isolation of many of the villages on these islands has fostered the development of more than 80 distinct languages in the island chain. [Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005] 2.a measure of value 价值尺度 3.a medium of exchage 交换媒介 4.barter 易货贸易,物物交换 5. gold currency 金币 6 paper currency 纸币 7.faith money 信用货币 token coins 辅币 9. reserves 储备金 V.Language points medium n. An agency by which something is accomplished媒介,手段: The train was the usual medium of transportation in those days. 在当时,火车是普遍的运输工具 Commercial television is a medium for advertising 商业电视是一种广告媒介。 alternative n. 抉择;选择余地 I wanted to go out,but I had no money.I had no alternative to staying at home. 我想出去,可是没钱:只能待在家里。 We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。 cumbersome adi. 2

《商务英语》 授课教案 1. Solomon Islands Malaita, Solomon Islands 2 these islands has fostered the develop Malaita is part of the independent country of Solomon Islands, a monarchy which includes most of the Solomon Islands group in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The entire Solomon Island chain extends about 1450 km (about 900 mi) and includes islands under the jurisdiction of Papua New Guinea. The islands are mountainous, with heavily forested volcanos rising steeply from the coastlines. The isolation of many of the villages on ment of more than 80 distinct languages in the island chain. [Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2005] 2. a measure of value 价值尺度 3. a medium of exchage 交换媒介 4. barter 易货贸易,物物交换 5. gold currency 金币 6. paper currency 纸币 7. faith money 信用货币 8. token coins 辅币 9. reserves 储备金 V. Language points medium n. An agency by which something is accomplished 媒介,手段: The train was the usual medium of transportation in those days. 在当时,火车是普遍的运输工具 Commercial television is a medium for advertising. 商业电视是一种广告媒介。 alternative n. 抉择;选择余地 I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. 我想出去,可是没钱;只能待在家里。 We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。 cumbersome adj

莲肉纤经黄大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 麻烦的,笨重的 I used to have one of those old sewing machines,but it was too cumbersome. 我以前有一个那样的老式缝纫机,但太笨重了。 Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome 医生抱怨这项制度有些繁琐。 note n. 纸币;钞票 a pound note 一镑的钞票 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank,because I needed some coins for the ticket machine. 我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 precious adj. 珍贵的, 宝贵的 precious words 珍贵的话 precious stones 宝石 We cannot afford to waste precious time. 我们浪费不起这宝贵的时间。 clip vt. To cut small amounts of something剪;修剪 He clipped his finger nails. 他剪了指甲。 Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets. 不久列车员走过来把我们的票剪了个口了。 supersede vt. To take the place of;replace取代;代替 Iron began to supersede bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. 叁千年以前,铜就取代铁用于工具的制造 The old computers have been superseded by more recent models. 更新型号的电脑己取代了老的电脑。 fluctuate vi. 波动;起伏 Fluctuating prices 波动的价格 The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season. 蔬菜和水果的价格随季节而波动。 变动 His feelings fluctuated between excitement and fear. 他的情绪在兴奋与恐惧之间变化不定。 3

《商务英语》 授课教案 3 麻烦的, 笨重的 I used to have one of those old sewing machines, but it was too cumbersome. 我以前有一个那样的老式缝纫机,但太笨重了。 Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome 医生抱怨这项制度有些繁琐。 note n. 纸币;钞票 a pound note 一镑的钞票 I changed a ten-yuan note at the bank, because I needed some coins for the ticket machine. 我在银行拿十块钱的纸币兑换了零钱,因为我需要一些硬币投入自动售票机。 precious adj. 珍贵的, 宝贵的 precious words 珍贵的话 precious stones 宝石 We cannot afford to waste precious time. 我们浪费不起这宝贵的时间。 clip vt. To cut small amounts of something 剪;修剪 He clipped his finger nails. 他剪了指甲。 Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets. 不久列车员走过来把我们的票剪了个口了。 supersede vt. To take the place of; replace 取代;代替 Iron began to supersede bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. 叁千年以前,铜就取代铁用于工具的制造 The old computers have been superseded by more recent models. 更新型号的电脑已取代了老的电脑。 fluctuate vi. 波动;起伏 Fluctuating prices 波动的价格 The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season. 蔬菜和水果的价格随季节而波动。 变动 His feelings fluctuated between excitement and fear. 他的情绪在兴奋与恐惧之间变化不定

生 尉卧爱喻蜀专大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 token adj. a substitute for currency: 代币, subway tokens..地铁代币 A token action that is small and not very important,最小的,只作为象征的: A token resistance 象征性的抵抗 He won the presidency,with only token opposition. 他绝对的优势当选总统。 circulate V. 使循环;环流 The blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环。 Rumors circulated rapidly 谣言迅速散布开来。 agree to do something 同意做… 1.We agreed to leave his office at once. 我们同意立即离开他的办公室。 2.[Biz]:The seller has agreed to make delivery in advance. 卖方己同意提前交货。 be made from be composed of由…制成,由…组成 1.[Biz]:Although their products were made from substitute materials,they sold well. 尽管他们的产品是由替代性材料制成的,但销路仍 很好。 2. Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄酿制的。 file something down make something smooth and smaller in size by using a file 将某物锉光滑、锉小 1.The coins were filed down,however their value didn't reduce. 虽然这些硬币被锉小了,他们的价值并没有减少。 2.He is trying to file down the rough spot. 他正试着把那个粗糙的斑点锉掉。 depend on something be decided by something取决于某物,视某物而定 1.How much is produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小在于我们努力的程度。 2.[Biz]:Whether a company can get a loan from the

《商务英语》 授课教案 4 token adj. a substitute for currency: 代币, subway tokens. 地铁代币 A token action that is small and not very important, 最小的, 只作为象征的: A token resistance. 象征性的抵抗 He won the presidency, with only token opposition. 他绝对的优势当选总统。 circulate v. 使循环;环流 The blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环。 Rumors circulated rapidly. 谣言迅速散布开来。 agree to do something 同意做…… 1. We agreed to leave his office at once. 我们同意立即离开他的办公室。 2. [Biz]: The seller has agreed to make delivery in advance. 卖方已同意提前交货。 be made from be composed of 由……制成,由……组成 1. [Biz]: Although their products were made from substitute materials, they sold well. 尽管他们的产品是由替代性材料制成的,但销路仍 很好。 2. Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄酿制的。 file something down make something smooth and smaller in size by using a file 将某物锉光滑、锉小 1. The coins were filed down, however their value didn’t reduce. 虽然这些硬币被锉小了,他们的价值并没有减少。 2. He is trying to file down the rough spot. 他正试着把那个粗糙的斑点锉掉。 depend on something be decided by something 取决于某物,视某物而定 1. How much is produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小在于我们努力的程度。 2. [Biz]: Whether a company can get a loan from the

尉纤爱所蜀号大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 bank depends a lot on its financial stand 公司是否能得到银行的贷款,很大程度上取决于他 的财政状况。 fall back on to use when there is failure or lack of other means(退而求 其次地)使用,(转而)依靠 1.When I lost my job,I was glad I had my savings to fall back on. 当我失业时,庆幸的是我还可依靠储蓄过活。 2.At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails 停电时我们至少可以使用蜡烛。 1.....money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange,an alternative to a complicated and cumbersome system of barter. 这是一个表语较为复杂的简单句,其中a measure of vale and a medium of exchange是表语。an alternative to a complicated and cumbersome system of barter则是表语的同位语。介词短语toa complicated and cumbersome system of barter是an alternative的后置定语。 2.In China,even before the Qin Dynasty,clipping and filing down old coins were a profitable business,although punishable by death. 这是一个地点状语(n china)和时间状语(before the Qin Dynasty)前置,并带有由although引导的 让步状语从句的主从复合句。主句的主语是clipping and filing down old coins,从句主谓被省 略,其实从句应该是although they were punishable by death。 注意这一现象,在英语中时间状语要放在地点状语之后。 3.It will maintain its value in the financial world as.....of all imported goods. 这是一个带有用as long as引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,其从句是一个较为复杂的there be句型,“the faith and confidence'”是该从句的主语,of the outside world和in the ability.of all imported goods是faith and confidence的两个后置定语,说明“谁对什么有信心”。而ability 又有两个后置定语of the note issuing country和to produce and export sufficient goods to be..of all imported goods。在ability的第二个后置定语中,to be able to pay.goods又是produce和 export这两种行为的目的状语,所以整个从句可理解为:As long as the outside world has the faith and confidence that the note issuing country is able to produce and export enough goods so that it could pay for its imported goods,the paper money issued by that country will maintain its value in the financial world. VI.Summary of the Text As everybody knows,money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange.We use money to pay for what we want.For thousands of years,first coins and then paper currency are issued by governments and backed by their own guarantee.Cheques are sometimes used as money,but they do not circulate much.Money usually maintains its value in the financial world as long as there is the faith and confidence of the outside world in the ability of the note-issuing country to produce and export sufficient

《商务英语》 授课教案 5 bank depends a lot on its financial stand. 公司是否能得到银行的贷款,很大程度上取决于他 的财政状况。 fall back on to use when there is failure or lack of other means(退而求 其次地)使用,(转而)依靠 1. When I lost my job, I was glad I had my savings to fall back on. 当我失业时,庆幸的是我还可依靠储蓄过活。 2. At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails. 停电时我们至少可以使用蜡烛。 1. …., money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange, an alternative to a complicated and cumbersome system of barter. 这是一个表语较为复杂的简单句,其中 a measure of vale and a medium of exchange 是表语。an alternative to a complicated and cumbersome system of barter 则是表语的同位语。介词短语 to a complicated and cumbersome system of barter 是 an alternative 的后置定语。 2. In China, even before the Qin Dynasty, clipping and filing down old coins were a profitable business, although punishable by death. 这是一个地点状语(In china)和时间状语(before the Qin Dynasty)前置,并带有由 although 引导的 让步状语从句的主从复合句。主句的主语是 clipping and filing down old coins, 从句主谓被省 略,其实从句应该是 although they were punishable by death。 注意这一现象,在英语中时间状语要放在地点状语之后。 3. It will maintain its value in the financial world as….. of all imported goods. 这是一个带有用 as long as 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,其从句是一个较为复杂的 there be 句型, “the faith and confidence”是该从句的主语,of the outside world 和 in the ability … of all imported goods 是 faith and confidence 的两个后置定语,说明 “谁对什么有信心”。 而 ability 又有两个后置定语 of the note issuing country 和 to produce and export sufficient goods to be… of all imported goods。在 ability 的第二个后置定语中,to be able to pay … goods 又是 produce 和 export 这两种行为的目的状语,所以整个从句可理解为:As long as the outside world has the faith and confidence that the note issuing country is able to produce and export enough goods so that it could pay for its imported goods, the paper money issued by that country will maintain its value in the financial world. VI. Summary of the Text As everybody knows, money is a measure of value and a medium of exchange. We use money to pay for what we want. For thousands of years, first coins and then paper currency are issued by governments and backed by their own guarantee. Cheques are sometimes used as money, but they do not circulate much. Money usually maintains its value in the financial world as long as there is the faith and confidence of the outside world in the ability of the note-issuing country to produce and export sufficient

莲黄有简大号 《商务英语》 授课教案 goods to be able to pay for the value of all imported goods. VII.Comprehension questions: 1.How do you define money? 2.Why do governments issue currency notes and metallic takon coins? 3.Under what circumstances will paper money maintain its value? 4.In order to avoid temporary embarrassment,what will a country do? 6

《商务英语》 授课教案 6 goods to be able to pay for the value of all imported goods. VII. Comprehension questions: 1. How do you define money? 2. Why do governments issue currency notes and metallic takon coins? 3. Under what circumstances will paper money maintain its value? 4. In order to avoid temporary embarrassment, what will a country do?



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