Objectives A.To understand the importance for an exporter to know product life cycle B.To know the ways and purposes of product adaptation and presentation C. To define packaging and labeling as well as illustrate their functions in business D. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text 制尔香行質易大孝
Objectives Objectives A.To understand the importance for an To understand the importance for an exporter to know product life cycle exporter to know product life cycle B.To know the ways and purposes of To know the ways and purposes of product adaptation and presentation product adaptation and presentation C.To define packaging and labeling as To define packaging and labeling as well as illustrate their functions in well as illustrate their functions in business business D.To grasp the main idea and the To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text structure of the text
Objectives E.To master the usage of key special terms,words and phrases in this chapter F.To conduct a series of listening, speaking,reading,writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter 制行运行贸易大孝
Objectives Objectives E.To master the usage of key special To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this terms, words and phrases in this chapter chapter F.To conduct a series of listening, To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter the theme of the chapter
Introduction The product life cycle describes the stages a new product idea goes through from beginning to end and shows the sales of a product over time,which is useful to decide what marketing needs to be carried out for the product at different stages.Therefore,a thorough understanding of product life cycle is doubly important to an exporter. 制价运行贸易大孝
Introduction Introduction The product life cycle describes the The product life cycle describes the stages a new product idea goes through stages a new product idea goes through from beginning to end and shows the from beginning to end and shows the sales of a product over time, which is sales of a product over time, which is useful to decide what marketing needs to useful to decide what marketing needs to be carried out for the product at different be carried out for the product at different stages. Therefore, a thorough stages. Therefore, a thorough understanding of product life cycle is understanding of product life cycle is doubly important to an exporter. doubly important to an exporter
Introduction 像人类一样,任何产品都有自己的生命 周期。产品生命周期揭示了产晶销售历史中 的不同阶段。与各个阶段相对应的是与营销 策略和利润潜量有关的不同的机会和问题 公司可通过确定其产品所处的阶段或将要进 入的阶段制定更好的市场营销计划。因此, 正确认识产品的生命周期,可以用一种长远 的眼光进行决策,能达到较好的长远效果, 从而带来长期的收益 制尔香行質多大孝
Introduction Introduction 像人类一样,任何产品都有自己的生命 像人类一样,任何产品都有自己的生命 周期。产品生命周期揭示了产品销售历史中 周期。产品生命周期揭示了产品销售历史中 的不同阶段。与各个阶段相对应的是与营销 的不同阶段。与各个阶段相对应的是与营销 策略和利润潜量有关的不同的机会和问题。 策略和利润潜量有关的不同的机会和问题。 公司可通过确定其产品所处的阶段或将要进 公司可通过确定其产品所处的阶段或将要进 入的阶段制定更好的市场营销计划。因此, 入的阶段制定更好的市场营销计划。因此, 正确认识产品的生命周期,可以用一种长远 正确认识产品的生命周期,可以用一种长远 的眼光进行决策,能达到较好的长远效果, 的眼光进行决策,能达到较好的长远效果, 从而带来长期的收益。 从而带来长期的收益
Main points of the text 1.the importance of deciding on a product strategy 2.the distinction between products and product lines 3.four stages of all products in a given market 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.the importance of deciding on a the importance of deciding on a product strategy product strategy 2.the distinction between products and the distinction between products and product lines product lines 3.four stages of all products in a given four stages of all products in a given market