尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Chapter 25 Export Communications
Chapter 25 Chapter 25 Export Communications Export Communications
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Objectives
Objectives Objectives
Objectives 1.To realize the significance of contracts in export; 2. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; 3. To master the usage of key special terms,words and phrases in this chapter; 4. To conduct a series of listening, speaking,reading,writing and translating activities concerning the theme of the chapter. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives 1.To realize the significance of contracts To realize the significance of contracts in export; in export; 2.To grasp the main idea and the To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; structure of the text; 3.To master the usage of key special To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this terms, words and phrases in this chapter; chapter; 4.To conduct a series of listening, To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerning the translating activities concerning the theme of the chapter. theme of the chapter
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Introduction
Introduction Introduction
Introduction T he word "Xuanchuan"in Chinese might be translated,according to different contexts, into“publicity'”,or“communication'”,or “propaganda”.In order to understand the meaning of these words,we've got to understand the different cultures of the English-speaking countries.You will understand the real meaning and method of “Export Communications”after you have learnt this lesson. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction The word “Xuanchuan” in Chinese might be translated, according to different contexts, into “publicity”, or “communication”, or “propaganda”. In order to understand the meaning of these words, we’ve got to understand the different cultures of the English-speaking countries. You will understand the real meaning and method of “Export Communications” after you have learnt this lesson
参考译文 俗话说,酒香不怕巷子深。可是,在当 今所谓“信息爆炸”、“眼球经济”的时代,事 实恐怕并非如此。广告、沟通在现代商务中 的作用与日俱增。通过本课文的学习,你会 懂得“Export Communications”的意义和 方法。 制价爱行蜀易大考
参考译文 俗话说,酒香不怕巷子深。可是,在当 今所谓“信息爆炸”、“眼球经济”的时代,事 实恐怕并非如此。广告、沟通在现代商务中 的作用与日俱增。通过本课文的学习,你会 懂得“Export Communications”的意义和 方法
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Main points of the text
Main points of the text Main points of the text
Main points of the text 1.The meaning of export communications 2.Steps in export communications 3.Sales literature-one of the media 4.Newspapers-one of the media 5.Advertisements on TV 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1. The meaning of export communications 2. Steps in export communications 3. Sales literature-one of the media 4. Newspapers-one of the media 5. Advertisements on TV
尉所委所贺易大考 1 Background terminology
Background & Background & terminology terminology
Background and terminology 1.export communications Export communications means all the ways of sending sales-oriented messages to the people in the foreign market where we wish to influence the target audience. 出口宣传是指将以销售为导向的信息发送给 国外市场上的人们的所有方式,我们希望用 这些方式影响目标受众。 制尔香行質多大孝 15
Background and terminology Background and terminology 1. export communications Export communications means all the ways of sending sales-oriented messages to the people in the foreign market where we wish to influence the target audience. 出口宣传是指将以销售为导向的信息发送给 国外市场上的人们的所有方式,我们希望用 这些方式影响目标受众