尉所委所贺易大考 1 Chapter 35 Air Transport
Chapter 35 Chapter 35 Air Transport Air Transport
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Objectives
Objectives Objectives
Objectives A.To gain an understanding of air transport B. To gain an understanding of its advantages and disadvantages c.To learn something about an air waybill D. To explore the difference between a marine bill of lading and an air waybill E.To learn relevant words,expressions and structures 制尔香行質易大孝
Objectives Objectives A.To gain an understanding of air transport To gain an understanding of air transport B.To gain an understanding of its To gain an understanding of its advantages and disadvantages advantages and disadvantages C.To learn something about an air waybill To learn something about an air waybill D.To explore the difference between a marine To explore the difference between a marine bill of lading and an air waybill bill of lading and an air waybill E.To learn relevant words, expressions and To learn relevant words, expressions and structures structures
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Introduction
Introduction Introduction
Introduction Air transport is a modern means of transport.Although it has the disadvantage of high freight,it does have many advantages of its own,a prominent advantage of which is its delivery speed. Recent years with the rapid development of international trade,air transport has become more and more popular. 制价爱行蜀多大考
Introduction Introduction Air transport is a modern means of ir transport is a modern means of transport. Although it has the transport. Although it has the disadvantage of high freight, it does have disadvantage of high freight, it does have many advantages of its own, a prominent many advantages of its own, a prominent advantage of which is its delivery speed. advantage of which is its delivery speed. Recent years with the rapid development Recent years with the rapid development of international trade, air transport has of international trade, air transport has become more and more popular. become more and more popular
参考译文 航空运输是一种现代化的运输方式,它 虽然运费昂贵但有许多其他运输方式不可比 拟的优点。随着世界贸易的发展航空运输日 趋普遍。 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
参考译文 航空运输是一种现代化的运输方式,它 航空运输是一种现代化的运输方式,它 虽然运费昂贵但有许多其他运输方式不可比 虽然运费昂贵但有许多其他运输方式不可比 拟的优点。随着世界贸易的发展航空运输日 拟的优点。随着世界贸易的发展航空运输日 趋普遍
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Main points of the text
Main points of the text Main points of the text
Main points of the text 1.Air transport is the most recent form of transportation for the exporter. 2.Air transport has two prominent advantages of speed,and freedom from topographical obstacles. 3.Other features of air transport include its security or smaller risks relatively simple packing. 刿价爱有質易大孝
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Air transport is the most recent Air transport is the most recent form of transportation for the form of transportation for the exporter. exporter. 2.Air transport has two prominent Air transport has two prominent advantages of speed, and freedom advantages of speed, and freedom from topographical obstacles. from topographical obstacles. 3.Other features of air transport Other features of air transport include its security or smaller include its security or smaller risks relatively simple packing. risks relatively simple packing. A
Main points of the text Outstanding disadvantages of air transport such as high cost of service,and limited carrying capacity. C The most important document in airtransport air waybill 贵价爱,所質易大孝
Main points of the text Main points of the text Outstanding disadvantages of air Outstanding disadvantages of air transport such as high cost of transport such as high cost of service, and limited carrying service, and limited carrying capacity. capacity. B The most important document in The most important document in airtransport airtransport –air waybill air waybill C
尉所委所贺易大考 1 Background terminology
Background & Background & terminology terminology