尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Chapter 36 The Story of Insurance
Chapter 36 Chapter 36 The Story of Insurance The Story of Insurance
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Objectives
Objectives Objectives
Objectives A.To gain an understanding of insurance B.To learn something about its history c.To explore its development D.To learn relevant words,expressions and structures 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives A.To gain an understanding of To gain an understanding of insurance insurance B.To learn something about its history To learn something about its history C.To explore its development To explore its development D.To learn relevant words, expressions To learn relevant words, expressions and structures and structures
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Introduction
Introduction Introduction
Introduction Exporters and importers face all the time uncertainties of loss of their goods. Insurance is used to protect their financial interests against such risks and actual losses.Without adequate protection guaranteed by insurance of those goods in transit,international trade will be negatively affected. 制价运行贸易大孝
Introduction Introduction Exporters and importers face all the xporters and importers face all the time uncertainties of loss of their goods. time uncertainties of loss of their goods. Insurance is used to protect their Insurance is used to protect their financial interests against such risks and financial interests against such risks and actual losses. Without adequate actual losses. Without adequate protection guaranteed by insurance of protection guaranteed by insurance of those goods in transit, international those goods in transit, international trade will be negatively affected. trade will be negatively affected
参考译文 有句人人都熟悉的话,叫做天有不测风 云,人有旦夕祸福”。在国际贸易上情形同样 如此。因此, 规避风险,转嫁或尽可能的弥补 损失,是进出口商们梦寐以求的事情,因此, 保险也就成了当然的选择。 e 制价爱行蜀易大考
参考译文 有句人人都熟悉的话,叫做 有句人人都熟悉的话,叫做“天有不测风 云,人有旦夕祸福 云,人有旦夕祸福”。在国际贸易上情形同样 。在国际贸易上情形同样 如此。因此,规避风险,转嫁或尽可能的弥补 如此。因此,规避风险,转嫁或尽可能的弥补 损失,是进出口商们梦寐以求的事情,因此, 损失,是进出口商们梦寐以求的事情,因此, 保险也就成了当然的选择。 保险也就成了当然的选择
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Main points of the text
Main points of the text Main points of the text
Main points of the text Insurance has a long history. B 1.Modern marine insurance originated in Britain,and London is still the centre of the insurance world. 2.Due to the high risks and huge compensation from piracy and natural disasters,syndicates of underwriters'are formed,i多送
Main points of the text Main points of the text A Insurance has a long history. Insurance has a long history. 1.Modern marine insurance Modern marine insurance originated in Britain, and London originated in Britain, and London is still the centre of the insurance is still the centre of the insurance world. 2.Due to the high risks and huge Due to the high risks and huge compensation from piracy and compensation from piracy and natural disasters, syndicates of natural disasters, syndicates of ‘underwriters underwriters’are formed. are formed. B
Main points of the text 1.Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance. 2.Poorly paid,badly treated,and constantly exposed to danger of being drowned,captured,or sold as slaves,seamen began to insure themselves either for a year or for the duration of a voyage 制价运行贺易大孝
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Marine insurance is the oldest Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance form of insurance. 2.Poorly paid, badly treated, and Poorly paid, badly treated, and constantly exposed to danger of constantly exposed to danger of being drowned, captured, or sold being drowned, captured, or sold as slaves, seamen began to insure as slaves, seamen began to insure themselves either for a year or for themselves either for a year or for the duration of a voyage the duration of a voyage C
Main points of the text 1.Lloyd's has always been outstanding in the insurance world. 2.In China People's Insurance Company of China is the most reputable and well-established insurance body. 制行运所贸易大孝 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Lloyd ’s has always been s has always been outstanding in the insurance outstanding in the insurance world. 2. In China People In China People ’s Insurance s Insurance Company of China is the most Company of China is the most reputable and well reputable and well-established established insurance body. insurance body. D