Objectives A.To understand the some important procedures related to export; B. To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; C. To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; D To conduct a series of listening,speaking, reading,writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. 制价爱行蜀易大孝
Objectives Objectives A.To understand the some important To understand the some important procedures related to export; procedures related to export; B.To grasp the main idea and the structure of To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; the text; C.To master the usage of key special terms, To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; words and phrases in this chapter; D.To conduct a series of listening, speaking, To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities reading, writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter. concerned with the theme of the chapter
Introduction hen you are planning on exporting your products or services,you may consider what export procedure you have to go through.This chapter will point out some key problems you should pay attention to in course of exporting. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction When you are planning on exporting hen you are planning on exporting your products or services, you may your products or services, you may consider what export procedure you consider what export procedure you have to go through. This chapter will have to go through. This chapter will point out some key problems you should point out some key problems you should pay attention to in course of exporting. pay attention to in course of exporting
参考译文 与内贸不同,外贸出口有一套严格而相对 固定的出口程序。当你计划着要出口你的产品 和服务时,你也许会考虑你必须经过那些出口 程序。本章将指出一些你在出口过程中应重视 的问题。 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
参考译文 与内贸不同,外贸出口有一套严格而相对 与内贸不同,外贸出口有一套严格而相对 固定的出口程序。当你计划着要出口你的产品 固定的出口程序。当你计划着要出口你的产品 和服务时,你也许会考虑你必须经过那些出口 和服务时,你也许会考虑你必须经过那些出口 程序。本章将指出一些你在出口过程中应重视 程序。本章将指出一些你在出口过程中应重视 的问题
Main points of the text 1.Exporting is difficult. 2.Making a right offer/quoting a right price. 3.Selecting the right mode of transport and choosing the terms of delivery. 贵价爱,所質易大孝
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Exporting is difficult. Exporting is difficult. 2.Making a right offer/quoting a right Making a right offer/quoting a right price. 3.Selecting the right mode of transport Selecting the right mode of transport and choosing the terms of delivery. and choosing the terms of delivery
Main points of the text Forming a contract,including the terms of delivery. 5.Packing and marking of goods and buying insurance. 6.Choosing the right terms of payment 7.Export financing 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 4.Forming a contract, including the Forming a contract, including the terms of delivery. terms of delivery. 5.Packing and marking of goods and Packing and marking of goods and buying insurance. buying insurance. 6.Choosing the right terms of payment Choosing the right terms of payment 7.Export financing Export financing