尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Objectives
Objectives Objectives
Objectives A.To understand the purpose and importance of export product adaptation and presentation B. To know different ways of product adaptation and presentation c.To learn relevant English expressions and language structures 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives A.To understand the purpose and To understand the purpose and importance of export product importance of export product adaptation and presentation adaptation and presentation B.To know different ways of product To know different ways of product adaptation and presentation adaptation and presentation C.To learn relevant English expressions To learn relevant English expressions and language structures and language structures
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Introduction
Introduction Introduction
Introduction H raclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher,once said:"You can't step twice into the same river."In this world, the only thing that is constant and doesn't change is change itself,which describes one of the important characteristics of our modern society. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction Heraclitus, an ancient Greek eraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, once said: philosopher, once said: “You can't step You can't step twice into the same river. twice into the same river.”In this world, In this world, the only thing that is constant and the only thing that is constant and doesn ’t change is change itself, which t change is change itself, which describes one of the important describes one of the important characteristics of our modern society. characteristics of our modern society
Introduction A successful enterprise must improve its products constantly for the sake of its product adaptation.Meanwhile,it should increase consumers'awareness of its products as well,and product presentation is one of the effective ways to achieve that. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Introduction Introduction A successful enterprise must improve its A successful enterprise must improve its products constantly for the sake of its products constantly for the sake of its product adaptation. Meanwhile, it should product adaptation. Meanwhile, it should increase consumers increase consumers’awareness of its awareness of its products as well, and product products as well, and product presentation is one of the effective ways presentation is one of the effective ways to achieve that. to achieve that
参考译文 古希腊哲学家赫拉克里特说过,人不能两 次踏进同一条河流。这个世界上难一不变的东 西是变化本身。现代社会尤其如此。一个企业 要想在瞬息万变的市场上立于不败之地,必须 不断地创新,不断地改进自己的产品,以提高 其适应市场的能力,从而更好地满足消费者的 需要。同时, 制造商们还应该在产品宣传上大 下功夫,以提高消费者对其产品的认知度。产 品展示就是提高产品认知度的有效途径之一。 制尔爱行質多大考
参考译文 古希腊哲学家赫拉克里特说过,人不能两 古希腊哲学家赫拉克里特说过,人不能两 次踏进同一条河流。这个世界上唯一不变的东 次踏进同一条河流。这个世界上唯一不变的东 西是变化本身。现代社会尤其如此。一个企业 西是变化本身。现代社会尤其如此。一个企业 要想在瞬息万变的市场上立于不败之地,必须 要想在瞬息万变的市场上立于不败之地,必须 不断地创新,不断地改进自己的产品,以提高 不断地创新,不断地改进自己的产品,以提高 其适应市场的能力,从而更好地满足消费者的 其适应市场的能力,从而更好地满足消费者的 需要。同时,制造商们还应该在产品宣传上大 需要。同时,制造商们还应该在产品宣传上大 下功夫,以提高消费者对其产品的认知度。产 下功夫,以提高消费者对其产品的认知度。产 品展示就是提高产品认知度的有效途径之一。 品展示就是提高产品认知度的有效途径之一
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Main points of the text
Main points of the text Main points of the text
Main points of the text 1.To satisfy customers'needs,wants and likes 2.Checklist for product adaptation 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.To satisfy customers To satisfy customers’needs, wants needs, wants and likes 2.Checklist for product adaptation Checklist for product adaptation A
Main points of the text B 1.The extra appeal of the products to the customers 2.The products should possess reliable performance 制价爱行蜀易大考
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.The extra appeal of the products The extra appeal of the products to the customers to the customers 2.The products should possess The products should possess reliable performance reliable performance B