尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Chapter 30 The Story of Banking
Chapter 30 Chapter 30 The Story of Banking The Story of Banking
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Objectives
Objectives Objectives
Objectives A.the banking B.the importance of banking c.the history and development of banking D.the features of banking E. some new words and special terms related to banking F.participle phrase 制尔香行質易大孝
Objectives Objectives A.the banking the banking B.the importance of banking the importance of banking C.the history and development of the history and development of banking banking D.the features of banking the features of banking E.some new words and special terms some new words and special terms related to banking related to banking F.participle phrase participle phrase
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Approach
Approach Approach
Approach A.Warming up: new words and special terms about the banking B. Paraphrasing:major words and sentences c.Questions and answers D. Discussion:ideas about the banking E.Translation: key sentences F.Summarizing:the text 制价爱行蜀易大考
Approach Approach A. Warming up: new words and special terms about the banking B. Paraphrasing: major words and sentences C. Questions and answers D. Discussion: ideas about the banking E. Translation: key sentences F. Summarizing: the text
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Introduction
Introduction Introduction
Introduction While distrust does exist between exporters and importers as to whet-her the other party will carry out his obligations,the problem can never- theless be solved by the involvement of a third party that guarantee pay-ment to the exporter and goods to the importer. 制尔香行質易大孝
Introduction Introduction While distrust does exist between While distrust does exist between exporters and importers as to whet exporters and importers as to whet -her the other party will carry out his the other party will carry out his obligations, the problem can never obligations, the problem can nevertheless be solved by the involvement of theless be solved by the involvement of a third party that guarantee pay a third party that guarantee pay -ment to ment to the exporter and goods to the importer. the exporter and goods to the importer
Introduction Banks have been chosen as that party since banks are much better trusted in the business world.So it is necessary for us to have an idea of the bank. 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
Introduction Introduction Banks have been chosen as that party Banks have been chosen as that party since banks are much better trusted in since banks are much better trusted in the business world. So it is necessary the business world. So it is necessary for us to have an idea of the bank. for us to have an idea of the bank
参考译文 银行在国际贸易中发挥着不可替代的重要 作用。对于这点,在本书的不同章节中,我们 会有 所论及。现在,就让我们对银行发展和作 用先有个大致的了解。 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
参考译文 银行在国际贸易中发挥着不可替代的重要 作用。对于这点,在本书的不同章节中,我们 会有 所论及。现在,就让我们对银行发展和作 用先有个大致的了解
尉所委所贺易大孝 1 Main points of the text
Main points of the text Main points of the text