Objectives A.To define packaging and labeling for product,especially the export product. B.To illustrate the importance and functions of both in international business. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives A.To define packaging and labeling for To define packaging and labeling for product, especially the export product, especially the export product. product. B.To illustrate the importance and To illustrate the importance and functions of both in international functions of both in international business. business
Objectives c.To have a clear picture of the composition of product labeling. D. To learn relevant expressions and language structures. 制价爱行蜀易大考
Objectives Objectives C.To have a clear picture of the To have a clear picture of the composition of product labeling. composition of product labeling. D.To learn relevant expressions and To learn relevant expressions and language structures. language structures
Introduction In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller's last chance to influence buyers.It becomes a "five-second commercial".Labeling, which is closely related to packaging,is a kind of product feature that requires managerial attention,and is now considered by many traders as the silent salesmen. 刿价爱有質易大孝
Introduction Introduction In this highly competitive environment, In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller the package may be the seller ’s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a chance to influence buyers. It becomes a “five -second commercial second commercial ”. Labeling, . Labeling, which is closely related to packaging, is which is closely related to packaging, is a kind of product feature that requires a kind of product feature that requires managerial attention, and is now managerial attention, and is now considered by many traders as the silent considered by many traders as the silent salesmen. salesmen
参考译文 俗话说,人靠衣服马靠鞍,三分人 才七分打扮。那么对于摆在商场货架上 的商品来说,要想让顾客一见钟情,注 意力马上被吸引过去,并且立即产生购 买欲望、冲动,那么,它靠的是什么 呢? 制价爱行蜀易大考
参考译文 俗话说,人靠衣服马靠鞍,三分人 俗话说,人靠衣服马靠鞍,三分人 才七分打扮。那么对于摆在商场货架上 才七分打扮。那么对于摆在商场货架上 的商品来说,要想让顾客一见钟情,注 的商品来说,要想让顾客一见钟情,注 意力马上被吸引过去,并且立即产生购 意力马上被吸引过去,并且立即产生购 买欲望、冲动,那么,它靠的是什么 买欲望、冲动,那么,它靠的是什么 呢?
Main points of the text 1.The definition of packaging: primary,secondary and shipping packaging. 2.Labeling,as a part of packaging. 制价爱行蜀易大考 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.The definition of packaging: The definition of packaging: primary, secondary and shipping primary, secondary and shipping packaging. packaging. 2.Labeling, as a part of packaging. Labeling, as a part of packaging. A
Main points of the text 1. Primary function of packing:to contain and to protect the product 2. Increased competition adds to the function of packaging:attracting attention by describing the product in order to promote the sales of the product 3. "Five-second commercial 制尔香行質易大孝 15
Main points of the text Main points of the text 1.Primary function of packing: to contain and Primary function of packing: to contain and to protect the product to protect the product 2.Increased competition adds to the function of Increased competition adds to the function of packaging: attracting attention by describing packaging: attracting attention by describing the product in order to promote the sales of the product in order to promote the sales of the product the product 3. “Five -second commercial second commercial ” B